Proof of Bonus

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Certificate of No Claims Discount

The information reflects all information known to us at the date of issue as shown below

Policy Number Renewal Date Date of Issue

2/57/182739287 10/02/2024 11/01/2024

Policy Holder Details Broker Details

Walter Hegarty arachas tiipperary

No Claims Discount Scale applicable to your policy:

For Transfer cases:

Point 0 1 2 3 4
Percentage 0% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Premium Discounts in respect of claims free driving on vehicle: 09G3018

Percentage NCD that has been allowed as at 10/02/2024: 50%
Point on our NCD Scale, including amounts for named driving experience,
acceleration or stepback is - 4
The actual number of years claims free on this policy is – 1**
The number of incidents reported on this policy is – 0
Monetary amount of NCD (the premium for fire and theft cover does not have a discount) €413.81

** Please note that the number of years claim free indicated above may not match the Point on our No Claims
Discount Scale. This may occur where there is a No Claim Discount earned from any previous policy, where an
introductory discount has been granted for driving experience, where your policy has a step-back or protected
bonus or where a claim has occurred that does not effect your No Claims Bonus e.g. Windscreen claim.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss your no claims discount please contact your broker.

AXA Insurance dac, Registered in Ireland number 136155. Registered Office Wolfe Tone House, Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1 (D01 HP90). VAT Reg. No. 4873544A.
AXA Insurance dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

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