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Writing a thesis on the existence of God is undoubtedly a daunting task.

The topic itself is highly

controversial and has been debated for centuries by philosophers, theologians, and scientists. It
requires extensive research, critical thinking, and strong arguments to support your stance on the

One of the main challenges of writing a thesis on the existence of God is the lack of concrete
evidence. The concept of God is based on faith and belief, making it difficult to provide scientific
evidence to support or refute the existence of a higher being. This means that you will have to rely on
philosophical arguments and theories to make your case.

Another challenge is the vast amount of literature and theories available on the subject. With so
many different perspectives and opinions, it can be overwhelming to navigate through the sea of
information and choose the most relevant and credible sources for your thesis.

Moreover, writing a thesis on the existence of God requires a deep understanding of various
disciplines such as philosophy, theology, and even science. This can be a daunting task for students
who are not well-versed in these subjects.

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He is also the creator, He made the world the way it is and man in His image. This paper focuses on
drawing necessary ideas from literature in order to support the notion that indeed God does exist. The
mere fact that I want something to be true (or the conviction that it SHOULD be true) does not make
it true, no matter how easily or thoroughly I fool myself. He is also the creator, He made the world
the way it is and man in His image. For example driving a vehicle requires energy in form of fuel. I
believe that both arguments prove that God exist because they are logical and sensible arguments and
that only people who already believe that God does not exist would use the two contradictory
arguments which are that the chain reactions of causes stretch endlessly backwards and that the
universe was created by a product of chance, to support their belief in there being no God without
considering the logic behind them. However, the ontological argument does have its weaknesses. See
other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. This part of the story is really Kinkaid telling the audience or the reader how he felt
about his own mother abandoned him. Philosophers, scientists, and theologians have struggled for
many years in the pursuit to establish whether God exist. But faith is not all you actually need; you
need to be able to practice your religion if you have one, and make sure that you are always aware
that God is on your side. To conclude, the existence of god essay at all three arguments there is one
argument that has little to no fault which is the teleological argument. As of yet, I do not have any
evidence at all even suggesting there is a God. If He appeared before me, I would certainly believe in
Him. Either way, morality is not a prescription for how we ought to behave, but rather a description
of how we do behave. Atheists argue that there was no beginning of life, an assertion supported by
the science proclamation that matter cannot be created or destroyed and therefore is eternal
(Andrews, 1978, p57). In the end the theory above was suggesting God Exists. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The argument also
makes a lot of sense and there is reason to believe in his argument because there is nothing in the
argument that does not make sense. There are a lot of people who aren't aware of the existence of a
loving God. In addition, existence of God offers a vast majority of the possible universes, which
offer existence of life, thereby making people fortunate in their lives. God is the creator and ruler of
the universe, in Christian, Muslim and Jewish teachings. The Old Testament must be interpreted in
the context of the times when it was written, the Bible is the work of fallible men trying to
comprehend the infallible word of God, etc. In this case, authority goes beyond human authority,
thereby giving rise for a need of a commander, who has authority that transcends human authority.
The teleological argument starts by imagining you are walking across a field and you discover a
watch. Instead, it could have had various laws of physics that would lead to different arrangement of
planets and stars. And actually am amaze in what have he do ne, after all those sufferings he still
entrusted God about everything because. The identical words or actions on the part of a beloved
friend would carry far different meanings. So in the end the Atom explodes and makes the world,
But in order to that to happen you need to 1.) have the right amount of Force for the explosion. 2.)
The right amount of gravity and distance from the Sun for us to survive on earth. A lot of religious
people say that you do not need any form of evidence to say that there is, or is not a God; you
basically need faith.
God is beyond space, he is possibly a form of light, or could perhaps be a spirit that is supreme. See
other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. On the one hand, every person has his own understanding of god interpreting
things in a peculiar way. These are words which can only be used to describe God’s attributes. The
arguments face objections due to the arguments developed through scientific theories regarding the
creation of the universe. No one is omnipotent because there are many things that even the most
powerful person on Earth cannot control many things such as the weather, people’s thoughts, their
beliefs and the list goes on. Now the teleological argument, even though the universe we live in
could have emerged out of nowhere, but a universe with such detail and complexity that has the
right balance to support life is improbable. It is governed by a number of physical constants and laws
(e.g. gravity, relativity) which are set at exactly the right place to support life on earth. In fact, this
offered a relevant explanation regarding existence of God, whereby he is regarded as the creator of
all living things. However, I suspect people will always believe in some sort of deity because science
is never likely to answer questions like “How did the universe begin?” or even “Where do we come
from?” in a way that will be commonly understood. There is indeed a hole in our hearts that can only
be filled by God. 3. There are a lot of people who aren't aware of the existence of a loving God.
Furthermore, if the thought that God does not have a cause for his existence then that also constructs
another barrier for the cosmological argument, the existence of god essay. But he fi nally lifted the
burdened that is hunting him for such a long time by confessing his crime. (According to Shamanic
Healer Karen Lang, September, 2013) Sitting in a calm, quiet place, visualize the person you feel
guilty about and ask them for forgiveness. Taking into consideration that there are numerous stars,
the amount of hydrogen used by these cosmic bodies is astronomical and by now, it could have
become exhausted. The point that I am trying to make is that everything was created, and everything
was created for a purpose. In addition, he contends that God’s existence is not a predicate, a
possession that one can acquire or lack. If God is not in your “pool of live options”, then you will not
be persuaded no matter what evidence and arguments are presented in God’s favor. Notable
philosophers such as Rene Descartes, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and William Paley have all conceived
arguments to prove the existence of God, the existence of god essay. One question, is that if God is
truly benevolent, then wouldn’t he be heart broken as to see his creations suffer. Criticisms and
occasionally counter-criticism of the topics. Fanatics do all kinds of crazy things; just ask the guy
who sweeps out the basement at the world trade center. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. If you know what the Theory is getting
across then you can Judge but because I don’t I can’t. The existence of God has been a big subject in
philosophy and efforts to prove or disprove his existence have been taking place since the dawn of
time. But you cannot see these things either.” True, I cannot see the air, but I can measure the pressure
it exerts, I can watch how it reacts with other substances, and if I am an astronaut, I can travel into
space and see what it’s like without air. Man cannot bear to think about a deed not being rewarded
or punished. Regretfully, I cannot site from memory the author of this argument: God is a being
greater than which cannot be imagined. We invest in developing more free and paid resources for
students. Atheists do not show the cause to the creation, suggesting that the matter happened out of
undefined or unexplainable process.
We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Perhaps God is cruel and sadistic, creating
humans just to watch them suffer. From a religious perspective, a certain force, meaning that it did
not occur spontaneously, caused the creation. Thus a dream of the dreamer's death may signify an
unconscious suicidal tendency awaiting expression. Those who do believe in God and those who
don’t or are just not sure, who are called atheists and agnostics. An example other people have come
up with is an iPod. Nothingness. Extinction. Humanity without God is not a pretty picture. Scientists
have proof of the beginning, what happened from the Big Bang and onwards. Moreover, if there
were no God, the universe would not have been different in the way it is now. How can we believe
that there is a God, if he has never let us experience him, only by the religious books, but were those
books really made up by God. A good God would not like to see his creations suffer, and declare
war on each other. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Some of the arguments that have been raised include the creation theory through
an evaluation of the Big Bang and the creation theory. Basically speaking, he had already move on in
the past. I do not argue with those having such emotional reasons to believe in a higher power; that
would be disrespectful and selfish. You will still remember what happened, but you will no longer be
bound by it. In the Bible it says that we are made in the image of God so therefore does that not
mean in appearance we can compare ourselves to God if we look like what He looks like. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. I hope this
essay has helped you in re focusing your views on God. Materialism in Different Cultures and How
They Define The existence of god essay, Currencies, and Gifts Essay. In fact, this moral argument
focuses on proving the existence of God based on the moral laws, which are in form of commands.
In this case, the perception towards the world has no way of giving an explanation to the good
fortunes; thus, the atheists are expected to put the notion down to chance. If God is not in your “pool
of live options”, then you will not be persuaded no matter what evidence and arguments are
presented in God’s favor. The feeling of annoyance of being falsely convicted is too much of a
burdened. In this case, the proof boils down to: An umlaut is the tallest being. These questions strike
at the very heart of human existence, and cry out for our personal attention and deliberation. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. He could not
have plainly “just been there”, where is he, and how can he. If you have faith in God, then you know
for sure that there is one, and he is on your side, at all times. This theory says that an explosion
caused the universe to happen.
Adding on, Immanuel Kant has an objection against the ontological argument as well. Although this
is enough to convince some people that God does not exist, for others, it brings up the question of
what caused the explosion to happen and how the world could be created in one bang. However, I
do not actively disbelieve in the tenth planet either. Sometimes, they tell me about their cousin
Nathan who died in a car accident four years ago, who HAS gone on to a better place. We will
occasionally send you account related emails. We do this by elevating the quality of our members’
branding to match the excellence of the content being delivered. There has to be a creator, since we
humans are not “just here” there must be a reason for our presence in this Universe. Asking if I
believe in the atom makes about as much sense as asking if I believe in algebra. If He does send
people to hell for an offence then surely He isn't all loving, as agape (the love God shows) is
unconditional no matter what someone has done. There must have a beginning, a force that brought
everything to existence, and this could be God, just as the Bible states (Douglas, 1993, p37) In this
respect, there was a beginning to the universe, and the question arises on how both the living and
non-living creations came into existence. If the two arguments have the same form, then they either
succeed or fail together. In this brief essay, I will share three persuasive clues (traditionally called
arguments or proofs) that point to the existence of God. Now, see them forgiving you, see yourself
and the other person covered in light, and see yourself no longer burdened by your guilt. We take a
piece of evidence, see which way suits us and look at the world with that perspective. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Full explanations of the philosophical topics listed in
the specification. Aksionov realize in the end that G od already sees the truth, but waits. Moreover, if
there were no God, the universe would not have been different in the way it is now. Thus a dream of
the dreamer's death may signify an unconscious suicidal tendency awaiting expression. Therefore,
God must exist in reality, because if he existed only in the mind, we could imagine something greater.
For example, if a religious person wakes up in the middle in the night, and they stop a robbery, they
would take that as a great sign that God does exist, whereas an atheist or agnostic would just say it
was a coincidence or that it was just their instinct. However poor or rich you are, you should never
fail to remember that God put you in that position to see if you would be content with what you have
been given, or basically just want more. There is no evidence that says God does exist and that God
does not exist but us humans. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. This comment I think is true but other people may say different. If god exists,
man is a special creation who has been designed for a divine purpose, towards which he has a moral
duty. So in the end the Atom explodes and makes the world, But in order to that to happen you need
to 1.) have the right amount of Force for the explosion. 2.) The right amount of gravity and distance
from the Sun for us to survive on earth. After all, if there is no God, then Jesus certainly isn’t God in
the flesh. This theory says that an explosion caused the universe to happen.
Additionally, when Kinkaid prayed for the fighting to stop between Laura and papa, I could not
help but wonder if God could even hear that young boy's pathetic voice Not surprisingly, Duncan felt
that the voice of Kinkaid (who is really Duncan) was ignored. Moreover, he asserts that ontological
argument of God’s existence is confusing through the assertion that God exist and He is greater than
a God, who does not exist. See other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. This part of the story is really Kinkaid telling the
audience or the reader how he felt about his own mother abandoned him. Reviews Select overall
rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. To quote Masaaki Hatsumi,
“When I say we desire that something be a certain way, I do not necessarily mean that we want it to
be that way. The same line of reasoning can be repeated with any (and every) attribute one can name.
Let’s take a look at some of this interaction, starting with Genesis 2. If you know what the Theory is
getting across then you can Judge but because I don’t I can’t. He considered this concept when he
realized that everything that happened was made to happen by another thing. There is always one
question which arises, which does Does God exist. AN ARGUMENT FOR THE EXISTENCE OF
GOD 3 AN ARGUMENT FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Thesis: God can be defined as a being
conceived as the perfect ruler of the universe and the principal object of faith. This theory is very
unlikely but as they say nothing is impossible. Sometimes people site historical references
collaborating the events depicted in the Bible, but strangely enough I rarely if ever hear which
specific events or exactly what the collaborative document says, but this may just be my ignorance.
Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. Atheists argue that there was no beginning of life, an assertion supported by the
science proclamation that matter cannot be created or destroyed and therefore is eternal (Andrews,
1978, p57). My job is also to give a logical, practical and pragmatic proof of the existence of God.
The mere fact that I want something to be true (or the conviction that it SHOULD be true) does not
make it true, no matter how easily or thoroughly I fool myself. At present, an umlaut is a
hypothetical object, as we have yet to determine whether or not there is a being greater than which
cannot be imagined. Instead, it could have had various laws of physics that would lead to different
arrangement of planets and stars. However, I also realize that these events, tragic, wonderful, or
miraculous as they may be, do not prove that God exists; they merely prove that unlikely events do
occasionally happen. Some religious people believe that God started the Big Bang and everything
else afterwards is the cause of God. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in
touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 11 December 2020 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
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2.33 5 reviews Not the right resource. Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that the arguments are
not conclusive proofs. The simple fact we do not currently know how the universe began does not
mean God must have started it. In the end, we are not going to be able to decide on an answer as an
entire human race, but it is a decision we are able to make for ourselves. Notable philosophers such
as Rene Descartes, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and William Paley have all conceived arguments to prove
the existence of God, the existence of god essay. We are a not-for profit Community interest social
enterprise made up of Teachers. Sometimes, they tell me about their cousin Nathan who died in a car
accident four years ago, who HAS gone on to a better place. These questions strike at the very heart
of human existence, and cry out for our personal attention and deliberation.
The point is the mere existence of the universe does not imply a conscious, super-human entity,
especially not one with the specific characteristics imbued in Him by various religions. There are
many people that do not believe in any religion, for that reason, they have no cause for believing in a
God and they decide to be part of creeds or beliefs where they make God a mocker. Guilt is often a
self-created reminder of all the things we wish we had done differently for ourselves. The cause also
has to be personal (a “timeless rock” couldn’t cause anything). How can we believe that there is a
God, if he has never let us experience him, only by the religious books, but were those books really
made up by God. Also if He is all-powerful can God create a stone big enough so He can't lift it.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The action you just
performed triggered the security solution. The argument also makes a lot of sense and there is reason
to believe in his argument because there is nothing in the argument that does not make sense. Man
cannot bear to think about a deed not being rewarded or punished. We will occasionally send you
account related emails. You see, dreams are like prophecy, just like the old times. Therefore, the
notion of Gods existence is real, and there are numerous factors support His existence. Forgiving the
other person is a wonderful way to honor yourself. Regardless, I do not see how anyone can be that
sure about something which supposedly happened that far in the past, from a book that has been
copied and recopied, translated and retranslated, and interpreted and reinterpreted for thousands of
years. Brian holds a Masters degree in Christian Apologetics and has interviewed over 150 Christian
apologists. If God is omniscient (all-knowing), God must have known about all the bad happenings
in the world e.g. The Holocaust. If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), God must have been able to
prevent or get rid of suffering yet evil still does exist in the world and some of the evils are not
stopped. Now the teleological argument, even though the universe we live in could have emerged out
of nowhere, but a universe with such detail and complexity that has the right balance to support life
is improbable. If God undoubtedly created all life, then wasn’t he created. You will still remember
what happened, but you will no longer be bound by it. In the planet, the sun is sole source of energy
and besides it; there are numerous stars in the atmosphere. In the end the theory above was
suggesting God Exists. Here are some of our other best selling History resources: The Black Death
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Escape Room. Or they mention their grandmother who nearly died from lung cancer, but came back
from the brink and now lives a healthy, productive life. They think that there is no evidence that
proves the existence of God or that there is no real reliable evidence. The major question asked by
humanity is intertwined with the existence of god. So the umlaut remains a hypothetical object, a
Platonic ideal akin to infinity, the highest imaginable number. If God undoubtedly created all life,
then wasn’t he created. There are a lot of people who aren't aware of the existence of a loving God.
So on a grand scale, the universe did not always exist, it must have been created by a powerful being
which is God.
This paper’s purpose is to prove the existence of God, knowing that He is the creator and savior of
our world. How can we believe that there is a God, if he has never let us experience him, only by the
religious books, but were those books really made up by God. Perhaps God is cruel and sadistic,
creating humans just to watch them suffer. God is the creator and ruler of the universe, in Christian,
Muslim and Jewish teachings. Scientists have proof of the beginning, what happened from the Big
Bang and onwards. He is loving, the love God has for people is Agape this is unconditional love,
(loving people no matter who they are or what the have done.). For example driving a vehicle
requires energy in form of fuel. If so, what we call “wrong” today may be “right” tomorrow. Errors
in memory of correct chronology often account for veridical dreams, or the phenomenon of deja vu
may give a dream of new coloring; or the symbolic significance of the dream may permit its
attachment to a subsequent event which is unrelated but possessed of a similar deep symbolic
significance. Philosophers, scientists, and theologians have struggled for many years in the pursuit to
establish whether God exist. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Atheists and agnostics often ask the question of Who created God. From a religious
perspective, a certain force, meaning that it did not occur spontaneously, caused the creation.
However religious people believe that there is a God and that all religions have a truth and that all the
religions are just different pathways towards the same God. Usually we would choose a side we like
and look at it that way. In fact, this moral argument focuses on proving the existence of God based
on the moral laws, which are in form of commands. Later in the story, Elder Joon, who was one of
the groups of advocates seeking to release Irwin out of the mental hospital questioned whether god
really answers prayers. As the universe shows so much complexity and precision it must have had a
designer and this designer is God according to William Paley. The feeling of annoyance of being
falsely convicted is too much of a burdened. Although the evidence does not come from my eyes, I
can still observe. If God is not in your “pool of live options”, then you will not be persuaded no
matter what evidence and arguments are presented in God’s favor. But he fi nally lifted the burdened
that is hunting him for such a long time by confessing his crime. (According to Shamanic Healer
Karen Lang, September, 2013) Sitting in a calm, quiet place, visualize the person you feel guilty
about and ask them for forgiveness. Therefore, without faith, there is no way one can please and they
would not believe that He exists. However today we have evidence that the universe was caused by
a big bang, but St Thomas Aquinas was not alive at the time of this discovery however he would
have said that it cannot be an answer because then you would have to ask the question, what created
the big bang. Aksionov himself is a victim of man-made something justice, and has come to
understand, during his long stay in the camp, he concluded that only the. However, the atheist
assertion is wrong because cosmic observations and processes around the world indicate a gradual
consumption of energy that affirms that if there was no beginning, our world could have become
extinct long time ago (Andrews, 1978, p19). Basically speaking, he had already move on in the past.
These are words which can only be used to describe God’s attributes. This yearning for eternity
suggests that we exist for more than just this lifetime. When I ask other people why they believe in
God, they almost always tell me one of four things, a compelling personal experience, the evidence
of the Bible, some type of logical argument, or personal contact.

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