Including An Odor Impact Potential in Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Treatment Plants

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Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.

(2018) 15:2193–2202


Including an Odor Impact Potential in Life Cycle Assessment

of waste treatment plants
E. Cadena1 • F. Adani2 • X. Font1 • A. Artola1

Received: 18 January 2016 / Accepted: 16 October 2017 / Published online: 30 October 2017
Ó Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2017

Abstract Odors occupy a leading position among air use those values to calculate the odor-derived impact in
quality issues of growing concern. Odors can be emitted Life Cycle Assessment studies.
from different economic sectors, from industrial to agri-
cultural, including waste treatment activities. Although Keywords Anaerobic digestion  Environmental impact 
there are different techniques to determine odor emissions, Odor emissions  Olfactometry  Organic waste  Volatile
a standardized indicator has not still been defined to organic compounds
include odor impact into methodological tools such as Life
Cycle Assessment. In this sense, some proposals can be
found in current literature. Considering these approaches, Introduction
the present work proposes the Odor Impact Potential, an
indicator to be used in Life Cycle Assessment or in waste The European standard EN 13725 (CEN 2003) defines odor
treatment technologies benchmarking. A simple method is as an organoleptic attribute perceptible by the olfactory
reported to calculate the Odor Impact Potential value from organ on sniffing certain volatile substances. This percep-
different types of data: chemical analysis of odorants or tion depends on concentration and intensity, quality
olfactometric determinations. Data obtained in a previous (identity) and hedonic tone (pleasant/unpleasant) of the
work for an industrial scale anaerobic digestion plant have odor. Being considered as atmospheric pollutants, odors are
been used to present an example of application. Additional the major cause of citizens’ complaints to local authorities
Odor Impact Potential calculations from other published (Capelli et al. 2013).
data (thermal waste treatment plant and wastewater treat- Odors can be emitted from many activities comprising
ment plant) are also included. The aim of Odor Impact different economic sectors. In fact, odor sources include
Potential is not to replace parameters such as odor emission agricultural, municipal (i.e., water and solid waste treat-
rates, odor concentration, or odor emission factors but to ment or landfills), and industrial activities (e.g., chemical
industry, food industry, among others). Focusing on
municipal solid waste treatment installations, odor emis-
sions are the main contributor to their negative image and
Editorial responsibility: M. Abbaspour. reputation (Gostelow et al. 2001). Landfills, composting,
& A. Artola
and anaerobic digestion plants are good examples of this situation. Composting and anaerobic digestion have a sig-
nificant potential to biostabilize organic wastes decreasing
Composting Research Group, Department of Chemical, their odorous potential (Haug 1993). Anaerobic digestion
Biological and Environmental Engineering, Edifici Q,
can be considered as a renewal energy source by the use of
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193
Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain biogas produced during biological degradation of organic
2 materials in the absence of oxygen (Adani et al. 2001). In
Gruppo Ricicla, Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale,
Università Degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 2, 20133 addition to odor nuisance, composting and anaerobic
Milan, Italy digestion also present other environmental impacts that

2194 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202

should be considered, such as energy and water con- calculations using estimate emissions from a landfill site
sumption or greenhouse gases emissions (Colón et al. (Sarkar et al. 2003).
2012). Gaseous emissions released as volatile organic Electronic noses (EN) and chemical analysis are also
compounds (VOC) have been associated with odor nui- used to quantify the odorants emitted (Hobbs et al. 1995).
sance, although other compounds, such as ammonia or An EN is an instrument that comprises an array of electronic
hydrogen sulfide, also contribute to odor level (Font et al. chemical sensors with partial specificity and an appropriate
2011; Komilis et al. 2004). pattern recognition system capable of recognizing simple or
The main sources of odors in waste treatment installations complex odors. The sensor array produces an olfactory
are the volatile substances produced by the uncontrolled fer- pattern that can be classified based on a reference database
mentation of organic wastes during storage and pre-treatment acquired by the instrument after a previous training phase
(Sironi et al. 2007). Several works reported that N-com- (Capelli et al. 2013). Electronic noses presented some
pounds, S-compounds, volatile fatty acids, ketones, esters, problems of application on odor impact assessment due to
terpenes, and hydrocarbons were the most common com- variable atmospheric conditions, sensor drift over time, and
pounds present in vegetables, fruit, and garden waste and high sensitivity requirements. However, the technology used
municipal solid waste, and are emitted in treatment plants in EN is in continuous improvement, and in recent years
causing odor nuisance (Alfonsı́n et al. 2013; Tsai et al. 2008; different studies have been published reporting interesting
Mao et al. 2006; Eitzer 1995). Particularly, Limonene, alpha- results. Sironi et al. (2007) found a good correspondence
Pinene, and dimethyl disulfide were found in concentrations between EN and odor level in waste treatment plants after a
over their odor threshold during raw and anaerobically previous training of this measuring equipment with real
digested sludge composting (Maulini-Duran et al. 2013). In samples of known odor concentration. Nicolas et al. (2012)
anaerobic digestion facilities, the establishment of the anaer- used an EN in the study of odor nuisance near a composting
obic metabolism produces a set of odorous compounds, facility, concluding that the instrument was efficient enough
including inorganic molecules (ammonia and hydrogen sul- to assess odor annoyance. Brattoli et al. (2011) report dif-
fide) and organic molecules such as volatile fatty acids, ter- ferent successful applications of EN in environmental
penes, alcohols, and sulfur compounds (Rosenfeld and Suffet analysis, mainly in situ measurements using portable de-
2004). Even though anaerobic digestion is performed in vices. These authors also point as a new trend the use of
enclosed reactors (digesters), the substances generated during nanotechnologies and nanomaterials to improve EN detec-
the anaerobic digestion process can be emitted from the post- tion capacity (nanoelectronic noses). When compared to
stabilization and maturation stages of the digested waste and olfactometric determinations, EN presents lower analysis
are also responsible for malodors (Tepe et al. 2008). Diffuse costs also allowing continuous monitoring in the field near
emissions of biogas that can occur in valves, pipes, and con- sources and receptors (Laor et al. 2014).
nectors should also not be disregarded as odor sources Finally, gas chromatography coupled with mass spec-
(European IPPC Bureau 2006). trometry (GC/MS) is frequently used to identify and
Given that odor is a perception, the best way to measure it quantify odorous compounds (Defoer et al. 2002). How-
should be employing humans (olfactometry). In fact, dynamic ever, GC/MS results cannot always be directly correlated to
olfactometry, using trained human panelists, is the interna- odor level. When a mixture of chemical compounds is
tionally accepted method for the determination of odor con- responsible for odor, it should be kept in mind that each
centration, which is expressed as OU m-3 (European odor compound has a different odor threshold value and that
units per cubic meter, CEN 2003). One of the main drawbacks compounds concentrations are not additive in terms of
of olfactometry is that it must be conducted in a controlled odor. Additionally, if synergic effects appear, odor esti-
laboratory set with enough panelists available to conduct the mation from chemical determinations is strongly imprecise.
analysis. Samples should be collected at the emission point, Notwithstanding the existence of different techniques to
stored and analyzed in a short period (CEN 2003). evaluate odor emissions and regulations in force in dif-
Odor dispersion models can be applied further to cal- ferent countries (Bokowa 2010), there is not a standardized
culate the odor concentration that will be perceived by indicator for odor impact, to be incorporated into
citizens based on olfactometric determinations (Capelli methodologies for assessing the potential environmental
et al. 2013). In addition, field olfactometric measurements impacts, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). LCA is a
have been performed involving scentometers (field olfac- methodological tool of wide application to study the
tometers) to be compared to values obtained from the environmental aspects and potential impacts through the
above-mentioned dispersion models (Bokowa 2012). entire life of a product or service, from the extraction of
Community modeling, i.e., the use of selected individuals raw materials to the final disposal of waste, including
(monitors) to detect and determine odors intensity has also production and use. That means: developing an inventory
been proposed, and results are compared to dispersion of relevant inputs and outputs of the studied system

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202 2195

(inventory analysis), assessing their potential impacts calculate and applicable to different types of activities or
(impacts assessment), and interpreting the results in rela- processes and odor emissions data. Data from a full-scale
tion to the proposed targets (interpretation) (International anaerobic digestion plant previously published in Orzi et al.
Organisation for Standardisation 2006). LCA methodology (2010) have been used to present an example of applica-
relates system outputs to global impacts such as Global tion. Other sets of data from different published works have
Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, and Human also been used for better discussion. The aim of this indi-
Toxicity Potential, among others (Pennington et al. 2004). cator is not to replace parameters such as odor emission
However, there is a growing interest to incorporate social rates, odor concentration, or odor emission factors, but to
and local impacts to LCA, giving the opportunity for odors use their values, calculated from different data sets, to
to be represented in this widespread methodological tool include odor-derived impact in LCA studies, as well as in
(Dreyer et al. 2006). treatment technologies and plant management
In this regard, Heijungs et al. (1992) classified emissions benchmarking.
of odorous substances by means of an indicator called
‘‘malodorous air.’’ This indicator, following an approach
similar to critical volumes, is based on odor threshold Materials and methods
values (OTVs) and is defined as the sum of the amount of
each malodorous compound emitted (mi,air, in kg) divided In brief, the proposed indicator, named Odor Impact
by its respective OTV (OTVi,air, in kg m-3), as reflected in Potential (OIP), will express the amount of clean air nec-
Eq. 1. essary to dilute the odorous emission to a concentration
X mi;air non-detectable by the human nose. This definition also
Malodorous air = ð1Þ
OTVi;air corresponds to that for odor concentration (in olfactometric
measurements). However, in LCA studies, the amount of
The OTV is the concentration of a given substance, clean air should be referred to a functional unit previously
under defined standard conditions, at which 50% of a selected.
representative sample of the population can just detect the As stated before, odors can be directly (by olfactometry)
difference between a sample of air mixed with that or indirectly (by GC/MS) measured. In the following, the
substance and a sample of clean air. Thus, the two approximations are discussed. In both cases, the
malodorous air suggested by Heijungs et al. (1992) is amount of clean air to obtain an odor concentration not
expressed in m3 and represents the quantity of air detectable by the human nose is used.
contaminated to the OTV. Similarly, the same author
proposed the malodorous water parameter. OIP determination from individual odorants
Marchand et al. (2013) also proposed an approach for an concentration data
odor indicator that fits into LCA methodology. In their
study, the concentration of individual chemical compounds In this approach, the chemical concentration (ppmv, ppbv,
that can be responsible for odors is determined and com- ppm, or ppb) of individual odor-causing compounds in
pared to different reference compounds depending on odor gaseous emissions should have been determined by GC/
character and considering their OTV. This approach gen- MS. Then, odorants concentration values should be com-
erates a list of equivalent concentration values for different pared to OTV determining clean air needs (m3) to dilute the
reference compounds. Recently, Peters et al. (2014) defined emission and reach OTV by calculating the ratio between
an ‘‘odor footprint’’ to be included in LCA for odor compound concentration and compound OTV. High com-
assessment. In this case, the persistence of the odorants is pounds concentration and/or the low OTV will derive in
considered as their consequences and relationships with high clean air needs. However, the volume of clean air
other environmental indicators. Persistence is determined obtained following these calculations will correspond to
by means of the diffusion rate and degradation kinetics of the dilution of 1 m3 of gaseous emission. To reach a rep-
odor-responsible compounds in the atmosphere. resentative value of plant operation, the concentration of
In this context, and based on Heijungs et al. (1992) the different compounds emitted should be converted to
‘‘malodorous air’’ proposal, the present is an attempt to volumetric (m3 compound s-1) or mass flow (kg com-
include odors in LCA studies of waste treatment installa- pound s-1) of each compound by means of the total vol-
tions, considering the possibility of using olfactometry as umetric flow of the emission (m3 s-1). In fact, to reach the
well as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry as analyt- desired value, the equation proposed by Heijungs et al.
ical methods to determine inventory emissions, always (1992) can be applied for a single compound (not calcu-
combined with the odor threshold values. The main pur- lating the sum), substituting the compound total mass
pose of this work is to present an impact potential easy to emitted by the compound mass flow.

2196 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202

When different gaseous samples and/or different com- Consequently, although OIP can be obtained from different
pounds concentration from a single treatment plant are data, if this impact potential should be included in LCA
available, the clean air needs will be determined by the studies, the olfactometric methodology is recommended
highest value obtained from calculations regarding all when available. In general, the OIP will be expressed as
sampling days or locations within the plant and/or all the OU Functional Unit-1.
studied compounds. Dilution of gaseous emissions needed
according to this highest value will also avoid odor dis-
turbances that can originate the rest of pollutants detected. Results and discussion
In addition, and as stated above, in a LCA context, the
needs for clean air should be compared with a functional As an example of application to numerically operate the
unit. This ratio will also allow comparison within treatment proposed indicator (OIP), data presented in Orzi et al.
plants. A functional unit commonly used in waste treatment (2010) have been used. These data reflect VOC and
plant studies corresponds to the treatment of 1 Mg of ammonia emissions from a full-scale anaerobic digestion
feedstock. Other possibilities are a fixed amount of com- waste treatment plant treating 30,000 Mg of feedstock mix
post, digestate, or biogas produced (depending on the type per year consisting in organic fraction of municipal solid
of treatment plant and the final product obtained). waste (OFMSW) coming from a source-selection collec-
Thus, the differences among OIP (expressed as m3 of tion system and farm wastes. The surface of the post-di-
clean air Mg-1 feedstock) and Heijungs et al. (1992) gester tank (storage tank), completely open to the
‘‘malodorous air’’ proposal (expressed in m3 of clean air) atmosphere, was identified as the main gaseous emissions
rely firstly on the calculation in OIP case of clean air needs source (3000 m2). Field data were collected during three
based on a single compound emission (the one requiring sampling campaigns. Also, olfactometric measurements are
the highest amount), instead of the sum of clean air needs provided.
for each of the contaminants analyzed; and secondly on the Table 1 presents emissions of total VOC and ammonia
use of a functional unit to which diluting air needs are measured in three different days (named A, B, and C).
referred. Total VOC concentration was determined by gas chro-
matography, and ammonia concentration was measured
OIP determination from olfactometric data using a specific sensor. Odor measures (obtained by
olfactometry) are also reported in Table 1, both as odor
The data on odorous emissions from a treatment plant can concentration (OU m-3) and odor units emitted per unit
also be available in the form of odor concentration deter- area and time (OU m-2 s-1) (Orzi et al. 2010). Variability
mined by olfactometry (OU m-3). In this case, odor units of emissions comparing different days can be observed for
or odor concentration itself express the number of sample all parameters presented. No relationship was observed
dilutions with clean air to obtain an odor concentration not within the concentration of total VOC or ammonia, and the
detectable by human nose, and thus, the volume of clean air variation in odor emissions detected. However, it is diffi-
necessary to dilute the sample bellow its odor threshold. cult to observe a direct relationship between these two
Again, in the LCA context, results should be referred to a parameters, as the odor level will be caused by the indi-
functional unit. vidual VOC present in the samples and their odor thresh-
old. As stated in the introduction, the relationship between
Some aspects of concern on OIP chemical (GC–MS measurements) and odor concentration
(olfactometry) is specific for each type of odorant and
OIP does not consider the dispersion of odors in the cannot be generalized.
atmosphere. Depending on the factors affecting dispersion Main VOC present in gaseous samples that can be
(atmospheric and climatic conditions, distance from responsible for odors was also identified in Orzi et al.
inhabited areas, existence of other odor focus, character- (2010) by GC/MS. Their concentration has been summa-
istics of the receptors, etc.), the same facility located in rized in columns 1, 2, and 3 of Table 2, corresponding to
different areas could emit the same odor but cause different the three different sampling days, while column 4 presents
nuisance. However, to define a general and easy to use mean values and standard deviation. The predominance of
indicator, even though odor is a local impact, OIP should p-Cymene and 2-Butanone is clear in A and B samples,
only include the odor emission and not its dispersion. In while in C sample, D-Lymonene presents a concentration
this sense, OIP will be also valuable to compare tech- higher than 2-Butanone. These predominant compounds
nologies, regardless of their location. show concentrations one order of magnitude higher than
OIP obtained from olfactometric data will be directly the rest of compounds identified.
related to the nuisance that can be caused to the neighbors.

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202 2197

Table 1 Odor, VOC, and ammonia concentration and emission measured during three sampling campaigns (A, B, and C) (Orzi et al. 2010)
Sample Specific odor Odor VOC (ppbv) NH3 Odor VOC NH3
emission rate (OU m-3) (ppmv) (OU Mg-1 feedstock) (mg Mg-1 feedstock) (mg Mg-1 feedstock)
(OU m-2 s-1)

A 3.7 7455.8 1303 30 11,747,647 1025.4 33,445.9

B 11.2 22,519.3 1180 45 35,482,059 928.6 50,168.9
C 6.4 12,928.7 2784 57 20,370,882 2190.9 63,547.2
Mean 6.4 12,948 1756 ± 892.7 44 ± 13.5 20,401,237 1381.6 49,054

OIP determination 8.47 9 108 m3 Mg-1 feedstock (Table 2, column 9, value

in bold and underlined), the maximum clean air needs
Table 2 summarizes the values obtained for OIP from value.
individual odorants concentration data. OTVs are also To calculate OIP based on olfactometric data, the values
presented for the different compounds found in gaseous of OU m-3 and OU Mg-1 feedstock reported in Table 1
samples (column 5). OIP calculated from VOC concen- have been directly used. In this case, OIP value is
tration depends on the OTV used. Table 3 summarizes 3.54 9 107 OU Mg-1 feedstock (equivalent to m3 clean air
OTV for VOC considered in Orzi et al. (2010) reported by per Mg feedstock), the maximum odor emission factor
different authors. As can be seen in Table 3, there are obtained corresponding to sampling day B (in bold and
differences of several orders of magnitude among OTV underlined in Table 1).
reported for the same compound in most cases depending
on the laboratories and methods used (Capelli et al. 2013). Comparison of OIP values
Thus, simulating the worst-case scenario, OIP has been
calculated using the lowest OTV for each compound OIP obtained from compounds concentration data is
(column 5 in Table 2). These values have been marked in 24-fold the OIP value calculated from olfactometric data.
bold in Table 3. The lowest OTV corresponds to p-Cym- Also, OIP olfactometry is fixed by sampling day B data,
ene, the VOC with the highest concentration in all the while OIP from compounds concentration corresponds to
samples analyzed. Clearly, the OTV is exceeded by all the sampling day C corroborating the fact mentioned above
compounds in all the samples analyzed. that there is not always a direct relationship between odor
Concentration values for different compounds were concentration and chemical concentration of odorants. OIP
obtained by Orzi et al. (2010) from post-digestion tank obtained from compounds concentration data is strongly
material samples emissions using an air sampling chamber dependent on the OTV used for the calculation, considering
(sample-air contact area: 0.196 m2; applied airflow: in the present example the worst-case scenario. On the
0.35 m3 h-1). Thus, to calculate OIP, firstly, concentration other hand, olfactometric measurements are performed
values in columns 1, 2, and 3 in Table 2 have been mul- following a standard methodology also covering interac-
tiplied by the airflow applied to the gaseous sampling tions among odorants or other compounds present in gas-
chamber (0.35 m3 h-1) and by the relationship between eous samples, being difficult to overestimate odor level
real emitting area at the treatment plant (3000 m2, post- during these measurements. Thus, OIP calculation from
digestion tank) and sample-air contact area in the sampling olfactometric data is recommended. In case of comparison
chamber (0.196 m2). Secondly, values obtained have been between waste treatment installations, this recommenda-
divided by the OTVs in column 5 to obtain columns 6, 7, tion can be overcome fixing a common set of OTVs.
and 8. In this case, the functional unit chosen was the The variability detected in gaseous emissions (Tables 1,
treatment of 1 Mg of feedstock. Values of clean air needs 2) should be considered when studying odors associated
per Mg of feedstock are presented in Table 2 (column 9), with a waste treatment plant. Thus, different sampling
calculated considering maximum clean air needs for each campaigns are recommended to adequately reflect this
compound among the three sampling days. The values used variability. The number of campaigns will depend on the
are presented in bold in columns 6, 7, and 8. In the present type of plant and its operational characteristics. This rec-
case study, the maximum value of clean air needs per Mg ommendation affects both the odor determination
of feedstock treated corresponds to p-Cymene. Thus, the methodologies, the analysis of the chemical compounds
result for OIP in the studied plant is and the olfactometric determinations. This statement will

2198 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202

m3 clean air Mg-1 feedstock

Table 2 Main compounds identified in gaseous emissions from post-digestion tank: concentration (Orzi et al. 2010), OTV, clean air needs for emission dilution to OTV, and clean air needs
affect the economic cost of the studies and may be a barrier
to reach reliable data. The determination of a gaseous
emissions inventory was not the scope of the present paper
but to present OIP and an example of OIP calculation of
from real data.


OIP calculation from other published data

It is not straightforward to find sets of data in published works
(odorous compounds emissions expressed as individual
m3 clean air h-1 for total plant emission to OTV

odorants concentration and mass flow and olfactometric




data) like those provided by Orzi et al. (2010) and used as

example for OIP calculation. However, to extend the prac-

tical application of OIP, data presented in Schauberger et al.
(2011) on odor and odorous compounds emission from a

waste thermal treatment plant have been used.

Schauberger et al. (2011) calculated plant VOC emissions
(mass flow, mg s-1) and odor emissions (ou s-1) using an

inverse dispersion technique. OTV for the different VOC

evaluated is also listed in their paper. These authors also



pointed out the diversity in OTV available in the literature.

They summarize OTV considering the minimum and mean
VOC odor threshold concentration. Waste treatment capac-

ity of the plant is 90,000 Mg/y. Calculations of OIP have

Odor threshold value, OTV (ppbv)

been done based on maximum values reported for VOC mass

flow and odor emissions. In the case of OIP from odorants
concentration data, minimum (worst-case scenario, as done
above using Orzi et al. (2010) data) and mean OTV have been
considered. Results are summarized in Table 4. The pollu-
tant that will determine OIP value in this case will be butyl
acetate (OIP value in bold in Table 4). As can be observed,
comparing Tables 2 and 4, none of the pollutants considered

by Orzi et al. (2010) were considered by Schauberger et al.


(2011) since both processes are completely different. OIP

44,000 ± 13,528

values (from odorants and odor concentration) are clearly

271.3 ± 438.9
645.3 ± 386.3

494.7 ± 137.4

higher in the case of the anaerobic digestion plant (Tables 1,

31.0 ± 23.3

35.3 ± 5.7

16.0 ± 4.0
30.3 ± 5.7

2). However, the ratio between OIP calculated using indi-

vidual odorants data (67,755.7 m3 clean air Mg-1 feedstock)

and OIP from olfactometric data (2608.7 OU Mg-1 feed-


stock) for the waste thermal treatment plant is 26 (worst-case





related to functional unit (1 Mg of feedstock)

scenario). This value is close to that obtained in the case of

Concentration (ppbv)

the anaerobic digestion plant (equal to 24). The dependence

of OIP from individual odorants on OTV is also reflected in




these results. Using mean OTVs (column 3 in Table 4) in


OIP calculation, the value of this impact potential will be






reduced to 4106 m3 clean air Mg-1 feedstock, and the rela-

tionship between OIP concentration and odor will be lower

than 2. The above recommendation of OIP calculation from

2 and 3-pentanone

olfactometric measurements is thus reinforced.

Column number

In another published work, Lehtinen and Veijanen


2 Butanone


(2011) presented VOC concentrations (lg m-3) measured



at different points in a wastewater treatment plant, as well

as odor concentration in OU m-3. Sludge thickening,

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202 2199

Table 3 Odor threshold values (OTV) for the compounds studied in Orzi et al. (2010) reported by different authors
References OTV (ppbv)
2-Butanol D-Limonene P-Cymene Camphor 2 Butanone 2 and 3-pentanone 2-Heptanone Ammonia

Nagata (2003) 220 38.0 1500

Séverine et al. (2005) 450.0 5400 10,000
Rappert and Müller (2005) 9.487
Scaglia et al. (2011) 2.4 0.033 0.247 0.005 0.425
Wu et al. (2015) 0.042 0.167
3M (2010) 302 71.8 7.504 83.87 82.2 27.7 7577
Woodfield and Hall (1994) 1000 270.0 121.0
Feilberg et al. (2015) 136.7 1977
Devos (1990) 0.334 1398
Van Gemert (2003) 4675
Tsai et al. (2008) 71.8 0.357 7582
Curren (2012) 400.0 5800
Mao et al. (2006) 0.404 0.002 7.3
Clayton and Clayton (1981) 3.924
Fazzalari (1978) 1.644 15,532 27.5

Table 4 Maximum VOC emissions and maximum odor concentration reported by Schauberger et al. (2011), mean and minimum OTV, clean air
needs for emission dilution to OTV min and mean (maximum value in bold), and clean air needs related to functional unit (1 Mg feedstock)
Compound Mass flow (mg s-1) OTV (min) (lg m-3) OTV (mean) (lg m-3) m3 clean air h-1 for m3 clean air Mg-1 feedstock
total plant emission to
OTV min OTV mean

Butyl acetate 5.801 30 495 6.96E105 4.22E104 67755.7

Benzene 4.491 507 13,406 3.19E?04 1.21E?03 3103.8
Ethyl acetate 4.833 21 8191 8.29E?05 2.12E?03 80642.1
Toluene 5.121 80 5684 2.30E?05 3.24E?03 22430.0
m/p-xylene 5.417 216 3497 9.03E?04 5.58E?03 8787.6
o-xylene 4.362 216 3929 7.27E?04 4.00E?03 7076.1
a-pinene 4.732 100 3000 1.70E?05 5.68E?03 16580.9
-1 -1
Odor Maximum odor emission (OU s ) Mean odor emission (OU s ) OU Mg-1 feedstock

7.45 6.15 2608.7

sludge dewatering, and biofilter outlet are the emission in the three emission points. Highest clean air requirement
sources in this installation. Also, an OTV list of some of corresponds to sludge thickening (1620 m3 of clean air per
the VOC emitted is provided. In this case, the treatment m3 of gaseous emission due to DMDS concentration). In
capacity of the plant is given, but not the total emission the case of odor concentration (in OU m-3, also listed in
flow. In this sense, a proper OIP value cannot be deter- Table 5), biofilter outflow will require the maximum clean
mined based on the data presented. However, a similar air amount. If the concentration values obtained are com-
value expressed as m3 of clean air per m3 of gaseous pared to the respective odor concentration, in this case
emission can be calculated based on VOC concentration clean air needs are higher based on olfactometric values,
reported and compared with odor emission in OU m-3. with ratios ranging from 5 (in the case of sludge thicken-
The values obtained, considering VOC maximum con- ing) to 22 (in the case of sludge dewatering).
centration values listed in Lehtinen and Veijanen (2011), Dincer and Muezzinoglu (2006) presented similar data
are presented in Table 5. As can be seen in Table 5, Sulfur than Lehtinen and Veijanen (2011), but in this case cor-
compounds (DMS and DMDS) are the VOC determining responding to a rendering plant, a sanitary landfill and large
the maximum clean air needed to dilute emissions to OTV petroleum and petrochemical industries. Although in this

2200 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2018) 15:2193–2202

Table 5 Maximum VOC emissions and maximum odor concentration reported by Lehtinen and Veijanen (2011), mean and minimum OTV, and
calculated clean air needs (m3 clean air m3 gaseous emission) to OTV (maximum value in bold)
Compound Concentration (lg m-3) OTV m3 clean air m-3 gaseous emission
(lg m-3)
Sludge Sludge Biofilter Sludge Sludge Biofilter
thickening dewatering outflow thickening dewatering outflow

DMS 69 103.8 27.4 0.3 230.0 346.0 91.3

DMDS 162 32.5 67.2 0.1 1620.0 325.0 672.0
Acetone 73.6 nd 940 0.1
2-butanone nd 44.1 nd 740 0.1
Pentanal nd nd 2.5
Hexanal 8.6 4.4 11.1 28 0.3 0.2 0.4
Benzene nd 6.7 1500 0.0
Toluene 450.6 219.4 303.2 80 5.6 2.7 3.8
Ethylbenzene nd nd 6.1 13 0.5
p-xylene 26.2 12.5 8.7 350 0.1 0.0
o-xylene nd nd 18 350 0.1
alpha-Pinene 109.3 13.7 38.7 16 6.8 0.9 2.4
Limonene 95.5 128.5 149.3 10 9.6 12.9 14.9
2-propanol nd nd 2500
Diethyl ether 536.6 19.4 268.2 900 0.6 0.0 0.3
Column number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Odor concentration 7100 7600 8000
(OU m-3)
nd not detected

case OTVs are not reported, calculations made in the case necessary to dilute the sample under its odor threshold
of the wastewater treatment plant (Lehtinen and Veijanen value related to the functional unit is selected.
2011) could be reproduced based on OTV provided by However, when a waste treatment plant is analyzed,
other authors, thus extending OIP (or derived/similar enough sampling and measuring must be performed to
indicators) to different industrial installations. overcome variability in gaseous emissions and reduce
uncertainly in OIP results. This recommendation can be
extended to other types of odor sources.
Acknowledgements The authors want to thank Universidad Autón-
oma de Tamaulipas for the award of a pre-doctoral fellowship and
The Odor Impact Potential (OIP) is proposed to include Estella Pagans for her helpful comments and advisement on odor
odor impact in LCA studies or in waste treatment tech- measurement and calculations.
nologies and in plant management benchmarking.
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potential impact of an installation by odorous emissions, References
an area not widely explored in LCA studies. This impact
potential can be calculated from chemical analysis of 3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division (2010)
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