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Subject: Operating System

Module-II Repeated questions

1. Discuss various scheduling Criteria.
2. Describe the differences among short term, medium Term and long term scheduling
3. Discuss how the following pairs of scheduling criteria conflict in certain settings. a) CPU
utilization and response time b) Average Turnaround time and maximum waiting time.
4. Short note on process state transition.
5. Draw process state diagram and explain the following states:
1. New
2. Ready
3. Running
4. Wait
5. Suspended ready
6. Suspended wait

6. Discuss the importance of “Multithreading”. Differentiate between kernel thread and user

7. Calculate AWT, ATAT, response time and through put for the following process using
SJF ( Non-Preemptive).

Process AT BT
P1 1 7
P2 2 5
P3 3 1
P4 4 2
P5 5 8


1. Draw Gantt chart for FCFS, SJF(Preemptive) and Round Robin (Quantum=2).
2. Also calculate average waiting time and turnaround time for above scheduling algorithms.

9. Explain the role of PCB.

10. Explain different types of thread in Operating System.


12. Explain in brief the types of CPU schedulers with a diagram.

13. Define Thread. Mention benefits of Multithreading.

14. Explain Round Robin Algorithm with a suitable example

15. Explain the Five-State Process State Transition Diagram


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