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Caveolae and Caveolins in the Cardiovascular System

Jean-Philippe Gratton,* Pascal Bernatchez,* William C. Sessa

Abstract—Caveolae and the caveolae coat proteins, caveolins, are putatively implicated in many cellular processes,
including transcytosis of macromolecules, cholesterol transport, and signal transduction. Recent insights into the
physiological and pathophysiological roles of these organelles and the caveolins from genetically modified mice suggest
that they may be profoundly important for postnatal cardiovascular function, including endothelial barrier function,
regulation of nitric oxide synthesis, cholesterol metabolism, and cardiac function. (Circ Res. 2004;94:1408-1417.)
Key Words: caveolae 䡲 caveolins 䡲 signaling 䡲 phenotypes 䡲 nitric oxide

C aveolae (ie, “small caves”) are 50- to 100-nm (diameter)

vesicles found throughout the various cell types of the
body. These organelles, discovered ⬎50 years ago, have been
coated vesicles. The number of caveolae is high in continuous
endothelium and low in fenestrated or discontinuous endo-
thelium. Based on electron microscopy data, caveolae can
and continue to be fertile grounds for discoveries as well as exist luminally and abluminally, with the largest number in
interesting controversies. Many recent reviews have outlined perijunctional zones between endothelia.1 This close apposi-
the nature of caveolae structures, regulation of caveolae and tion of caveolae to intercellular junctions may give rise to the
less well-defined lipid rafts, generalized signaling mecha- conclusion that certain junctional molecules may colocalize
nisms in or out of caveolae, and their roles in physiology and with caveolin-1 by immunofluorescence microscopy. In ad-
pathophysiology.1–5 Therefore, the main focus of this review dition to caveolae, there are racemose caveolin-1–positive
is to outline the role of caveolae and the caveolins in structures in postcapillary venules termed vesiculo-vascuolar
cardiovascular cells and to highlight new insights into the vesicles (VVOs) that are most likely fused caveolae.6 These
functions of caveolae and caveolins. VVOs may participate in perijunctional transcytosis of mac-
romolecules; however, this is somewhat controversial. One
Endothelium: Paradigm Shift From issue often unappreciated is that caveolae number, quantified
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Cellophane Liners to Bags Full of Caveolae? by electron microscopy, decreases 10- to 1000-fold in ECs in
Paradigm shifts in vascular biology, spearheaded by electron culture (0.1 to 9 per ␮m2 of plasma membrane)7–10 compared
microscopy and culturing of vascular endothelial and smooth with the endothelium in vivo (78 to 89 per ␮m2 in continuous
muscle cells, led to the present explosion of information regard- endothelium with less caveolae in the blood– brain barri-
ing the dynamic nature of vascular cells. These discoveries er),1,11,12 although ample caveolin-1 protein expression is
combined with basic cellular biology identifying molecular zip detected in cultured cells. Despite these caveats, recent
codes for protein trafficking and scaffolding molecules that insights into the dynamics of caveolae trafficking in cultured
regionally regulate protein–protein interactions has influenced cells has led to the discovery of internalized caveolae or
many investigators to incorporate temporally and spatially re- “caveosomes” as unique entities distinct from lysosomes,13–15
stricted signaling events into vascular physiology. At the same
whereas others argue caveolae are static structures that do not
time, the identification of caveolins as the major coat proteins of
move.16,17 Finally, because caveolae are distinct on electron
caveolae has sparked research into the roles and function of
microscopy but lipid rafts are not, the existence of cholester-
caveolae and have stimulated the fertile ground of understanding
ol-rich raft domains that organize signaling systems in living
signal transduction in cholesterol-rich microdomain platforms
cells has recently been challenged.2
such as caveolae. Although there are ample data and reviews
supporting this view, “not all that gleams is gold” because there
are many unanswered questions regarding the nature and func- Caveolae and Signal Transduction
tion of caveolae. General Considerations
It is clear that the major plasmalemma vesicle structure in There is emerging evidence supporting compartmentalization
endothelial cells (ECs) are caveolae as opposed to clathrin- of signaling systems. As previously stated, “molecular zip

Original received December 12, 2003; revision received April 8, 2004; accepted April 12, 2004.
From the Laboratory of Endothelial Cell Biology (J.-P.G.), Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal (IRCM), Canada, and the Department of
Pharmacology and Program in Vascular Cell Signaling and Therapeutics (P.B., W.C.S.), Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.
*Both authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to Dr. William C. Sessa, Yale University School of Medicine, Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine, 295 Congress Avenue, New
Haven CT 06536-0812. E-mail
© 2004 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/01.RES.0000129178.56294.17

Gratton et al Caveolins and Cardiovascular Function 1409

Regulation of signaling via caveolae

microdomains. G-protein– coupled recep-
tors (GPCR), G-proteins (␣ and ␤␥), and
receptor tyrosine kinases can reside in or
translocate in and out of caveolae.
Caveolin-1, the primary coat protein of
caveolae (typically oligomeric in cells, but
shown graphically as half hairpin) may
directly regulate protein function or indi-
rectly regulate Ras-Stat, extracellular
signal-regulated kinases (Erk), and Janus
kinases (Jak)-Stat signaling pathways.
Lipid-modified proteins such as endothe-
lial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and the
Src family of kinases can target to
caveolae and interact with caveolin-1.

codes” can determine the targeting of specific proteins to the with an operational definition of a caveolin-enriched mem-
nucleus, Golgi complex, mitochondria, and plasma mem- brane or a raft is exemplified by recent use of proteomics to
brane. Specific targeting coupled with the growing numbers identify “lipid raft” proteins using the criterion of Triton
of stimulus-dependent protein–protein interactions composed X-100 –resistant membranes in T cells or HeLa cells.18,25 In
of receptors, kinases/phosphatases, scaffolding proteins, and the latter cell type, the additional criterion of ␤-methyl
molecular chaperones are logical mechanisms to ensure cyclodextrin sensitivity was used to distinguish detergent-re-
specificity of signaling, at the same time permitting similar sistant proteins from cholesterol-sensitive proteins. In both
pathways to exist in different parts of the same cell (Figure). circumstances, many predicted proteins were found, includ-
Caveolae and lipid rafts are an attractive way to segregate or ing flotillin and G proteins; however, many cytoskeletal
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integrate certain pathways in microdomains of the plasma proteins, heat-shock proteins, resident proteins of the endo-
membrane. However, it is our opinion that it is erroneous to plasmic reticulum, nucleus, or mitochondria were found in
conclude that all signaling takes place in these organelles detergent- or sodium carbonate-treated membranes. In HeLa
despite biochemical evidence in isolated caveolae/rafts, be- cells, it was estimated that one-third of the detergent-resistant
cause all enrichment/purification schemes for caveolae/rafts proteins and two-thirds of the sodium carbonate-resistant
have significant methodological concerns.2,18 More impor- proteins were “nonraft proteins,” thus implying that many of
tantly, caveolin-1, -2, and -3 knockout mice are viable the proteins “in or out” of rafts are most likely artifactually
arguing against an essential role for the organelles19 and generated by these procedures. An alternative, less likely
explanation is that rafts are everywhere in the cell and all
cholesterol-disrupting drugs, a standard approach to rule in or
these proteins are embedded in cholesterol-rich domains;
out caveolae or lipid rafts in given pathways, likely do more
however, this view is not compatible with the known facts
than just extract caveolae/raft domain cholesterol and change
about cholesterol synthesis and trafficking in cells. Neither
plasma membrane fluidity and permeability.2
study attempted to dissect proteins in caveolae versus rafts;
However, to err on the side of caution, many of the
however, with the availability of cell lines and mice deficient
observations of signaling pathways discovered in caveolin-1
in caveolins/ caveolae, and the technical breakthrough of
enriched domains or rafts, may be caused by the diverse quantitative proteomics, work in the next several years will
operational definitions of caveolae-dependent signaling. Sev- clearly delineate which proteins and signaling pathways are
eral or all criteria for signaling in caveolae used by most “in or out” of caveolae in a more definitive manner.
investigators include: colocalization of a given protein with With these caveats in mind, a growing body of evidence
caveolin-1, electron microscopic colabeling with caveolin-1, suggests that caveolae may act as transducers or membrane-
cholesterol-sensitive signaling (ie, increase or decrease in delimited sites of signal transduction. Isolation and purifica-
effect when cells are exposed to cholesterol depleting agents, tion of caveolin-enriched microdomains from tissues and
␤-methyl cyclodextrin or oxidizing agents, cholesterol oxi- cultured cells reveal that they contain surprisingly high levels
dase), hydrodynamic cosedimentation of proteins with of several intracellular signaling proteins and tyrosine phos-
caveolin-1 in sucrose gradients using detergent-free systems, phorylated proteins.26 It is thereby plausible that targeted
detergent-insoluble membranes, sodium carbonate-resistant concentrations of preassembled signaling complexes exist or
membranes, or isolated plasmalemma caveolae by colloidal can be assembled via receptor-dependent signaling events.
silica.20 –24 The strengths and caveats of all of these methods
are hopefully obvious and may have been responsible for the Role for Caveolae in EC Signaling
explosion of molecules found in caveolin-enriched microdo- Because of their high abundance in ECs, caveolae have been
mains or rafts. One salient illustration supporting the problem implicated in the regulation of many functions including
1410 Circulation Research June 11, 2004

macromolecular transport in the microcirculation. Recent sis. eNOS is a peripheral membrane protein by virtue of its
reviews have addressed the cell biological considerations of molecular targeting (via cotranslational N-myristoylation and
caveolae-type organelles in transport27,28 and perhaps drug posttranslational cysteine palmitoylation45– 47) to the cytoplas-
delivery;29 therefore, we focus on the evidence supporting the mic aspect of the Golgi complex and to caveolae/lipid rafts.48
role of caveolae in signaling. An important conceptual hurdle eNOS can target to the Golgi and plasma membrane and
in discussing the role of caveolae in signaling is to separate isolated lipid rafts in a cyclodextrin-sensitive manner in
signaling regulated by the putative movement of proteins in model cell systems lacking caveolins/caveolae and is func-
or out of caveolae from processes regulated by caveolae- tionally active to produce basal and ionophore stimulated
mediated endocytosis (typically interpreted through fraction- NO.49 The lack of importance of caveolin-1 and caveolae for
ation experiments and cholesterol disrupting agents), with the trafficking of eNOS is further illustrated in mice deficient
pathways that may be regulated by direct or indirect interac- in caveolin-1 where Ach-stimulated relaxations, cGMP accu-
tions with caveolin-1 (typically determined by coprecipitation mulation, and NO-dependent microvascular leakage are
and in vitro binding experiments). largely enhanced, not reduced,50,51 clearly showing that
caveolae are not essential for eNOS localization and activa-
Caveolin-1 tion using these specific mechanisms of activation. However,
Caveolin-1, the major coat protein responsible for caveolae expression of caveolin-1 to induce caveolae, reminiscent of
assembly, itself may positively or negatively regulate signal- the situation in intact ECs, does not influence eNOS traffick-
ing via direct or indirect protein–protein interactions with ing in live cells or enrichment of eNOS in cholesterol-rich,
resident caveolar proteins. Alternatively, because caveolin-1 caveolin-1– containing domains, but negatively regulates NO
is essential for formation of the caveolae, stimuli that increase synthesis.49 Collectively, these data in mice or cells lacking
or decrease caveolin levels may regulate the number of caveolae suggest that eNOS targeting to the Golgi and plasma
caveolae and thus signaling. As reviewed previously,26,30 membrane occurs in the absence of caveolins and caveolae,
caveolin-1 interacts with itself to oligomerize in cells and can and caveolin-1 in caveolae is a negative regulator of eNOS
bind to additional proteins via its caveolin scaffolding domain function. However, because eNOS can be activated by
(CSD) (residues 82 to 101 in caveolin-1) or carboxy tail. diverse classes of stimuli (ie, shear stress, bioactive lipids,
Recent experiments suggest that caveolin proteins in ECs bradykinin, and VEGF), further experimentation is required
are themselves regulated by intracellular signaling events. to dissect the role of caveolae or caveolins, per se, in signal
Caveolin-1 can be phosphorylated on tyrosine 14 in response transmission. Previous studies demonstrated that localization
to oxidative31,32 and shear stress,33 likely by src family of eNOS to caveolae was essential for eNOS activa-
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kinases.34 Interestingly, this phosphorylation site is thought to tion.41,44,47,52 These studies were largely based on NOS
serve as a phosphotyrosine binding site for the recruitment of activity or NO release that was enriched in “isolated caveo-
SH2 domain-containing molecules. Caveolin-2, an additional lae,” sensitive to cholesterol-disrupting drugs that cannot
isoform found in ECs, is not essential for caveolae formation distinguish “rafts” from caveolae or using mutants of eNOS
but regulates the number of caveolae in many cell systems. that do not reach the Golgi or plasma membrane. However, at
Recent evidence suggests that caveolin-2 can also be phos- that time, it was virtually impossible to discern cholesterol-
phorylated on tyrosine 19 by c-src35 and serine phosphory- rich rafts from caveolae proper, a distinction easily found in
lated on serines 23 and 36,36 likely through the action of cells or mice lacking caveolins. With respect to the inhibitory
casein kinase 2. However, there are no data supporting that function of caveolin-1, the putative CSD (amino acids 82 to
caveolin-2, per se, can modulate signaling in a manner similar 101) in caveolin-1, which potentially interacts with many
to caveolin-1. proteins,53 inhibits eNOS activity54 –56 by reducing NADPH-
Caveolin-1 may also modulate signal transduction through dependent electron flux from the reductase to the oxygenase
the regulation of cholesterol efflux. Caveolin-1 can bind domain of eNOS, thereby reducing NO release from cells.57
cholesterol37 and caveolin-1/caveolae may regulate the in- Interestingly, delivery of CSD to permeabilized cells52 or
flux38,39 or efflux of cholesterol onto cholesterol acceptors cell-permeable versions of CSD can block NO release and
such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL)40,41 and high-density inhibit endothelium-dependent responses of isolated blood
lipoprotein.42 Plasmalemmal cholesterol, a key component of vessels, inflammation, vascular permeability, angiogenesis,
caveolae and lipid rafts, in turn, can regulate membrane and tumor growth in vivo.58 – 60 Although genetic data in mice
fluidity and the rate of diffusion of many signaling molecules. deficient in caveolin-1 (see later) strongly validate the nega-
tive regulatory influence of caveolin-1 on eNOS function, a
Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase more mechanistic understanding is necessary to fully appre-
The contemporaneous identification of endothelial nitric ox- ciate how caveolin-1 influences eNOS given the complex
ide synthase (eNOS) in plasmalemmal caveolae of ECs by 2 regulation of eNOS activity by protein phosphorylation,
laboratories43,44 has opened up insights into the capacity of additional protein–protein interactions, and its cellular traf-
caveolae-enriched molecules to participate in signal transduc- ficking and activation in the Golgi complex of cells.61,62
tion. eNOS is the NOS isoform in EC that produces low
levels of NO in response to mechanical forces and agonists Mechanotransduction
such as acetylcholine, estrogen, bradykinin, or vascular en- Shear stress, the mechanical force sensed by the endothelium
dothelial growth factor (VEGF), and is the isoform that initiated by the laminar flow of blood, regulates EC survival
uniquely regulates many aspects of cardiovascular homeosta- versus death decisions, chemokinesis, gene expression, and
Gratton et al Caveolins and Cardiovascular Function 1411

cytoskeletal remodeling in cultured EC. Because all these caveolae and may transactivate the epidermal growth factor
cellular responses are secondary to mechanotransduction, receptor to promote tyrosine kinase signaling leading to
ECs are therefore capable of converting physical forces into cellular proliferation.71 Recent data suggest that caveolin-3
intracellular signaling events.63 may act as a chaperone for the AT1R, allowing the latter to
The initial work by Schnitzer suggested that caveolae may traffic through the exocytic pathway and to localize at the cell
act as mechanosensors or transducers.24 This compelling membrane.72 This interaction appears to be mediated by the
hypothesis is based on evidence that flow-mediated tyrosyl CSD and is required to prevent the mislocalization of ATIR
phosphorylation of proteins is markedly enriched in proteins to lipid bodies or Golgi, which results in aberrant maturation
in isolated caveolae versus bulk plasma membrane. Indeed, and surface expression of AT1R, effects that are not reversed
eNOS activation is enhanced in caveolae isolated from lungs by supplementing cells with cholesterol.
exposed to flow, supporting the concept that mechanosignal-
ing can occur via proteins found in caveolae.64 In cultured G-Protein–Coupled Receptors and G-Proteins
EC, shear stress increases net tyrosine phosphorylation and Several studies revealed that certain G-protein– coupled re-
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, effects ceptors (GPCRs) can be found in enriched caveolin-
reduced by cholesterol-disrupting drugs.65 Caveolae numbers containing membranes assumed to be caveolae, such as
are drastically reduced in cultured EC as compared with in endothelin and bradykinin receptors (bradykinin R2).73,74 In
vivo conditions, but most importantly, caveolae density can addition, the endocytosis of liganded GPCR may occur via
be at least partly restored by conditioning cells under laminar caveolae and initiate or terminate signaling.75–78 An example
flow.9,33 Thus, mechanotransduction may occur in caveolae of agonist-stimulated regulation of receptor-effector com-
and, in turn, continual shear stress may upregulate de novo plexes in caveolin-1– enriched membranes can be illustrated
formation of the organelle. Extrapolation of these findings to by the bradykinin R2 pathway. In ECs under basal conditions,
the in vivo setting suggests that chronic shear stress in Tyk2, STAT3, and the bradykinin R2 are localized either
conduit vessels may regulate caveolae turnover and adjust the partially or entirely in caveolin-1– enriched fractions using
number of caveolae in the plasmalemma according to the sucrose gradient fractionation. After bradykinin stimulation,
caliber of the vessel, flow rate, and perceived mean shear the bradykinin R2 and STAT3 are translocated out of caveo-
stress. Furthermore, wall stress and strain, especially in the lin-1– enriched membranes, resulting in STAT3 phosphory-
vessels exhibiting myogenic tone in the microvasculature, lation, nuclear translocation, and gene expression.79 Similar
may also initiate signaling via caveolae and regulate arteriolar results have been shown with other GPCR agonists; however,
remodeling. Definitive molecular approaches to dissect this the molecular mechanisms of ligand-induced movement out
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concept will no doubt be forthcoming. of caveolae, receptor-caveolae endocytosis, or the importance

of caveolin-1 in these processes are not well-understood.
Tyrosine Kinases and Signaling Effectors Evidence also exists for ␤-adrenergic receptor 2 (␤2-AR)
Tyrosine kinases are thought to be regulated by localization signaling within caveolae. The ␤2-AR can target into caveo-
in caveolae or by interactions with caveolin-1 in ECs. For lae, colocalize, coprecipitate, and coenrich with caveolin-3 in
instance, in silica-purified caveolae from lung or cultured EC, caveolin-3– enriched membrane fractions. Furthermore, dis-
the nonreceptor tyrosine kinases (lck, fyn, lyn, yes, and src), sociation of ␤2-AR from caveolin-3 increases downstream
PI-3 kinase, and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor, G-protein activation by 2-fold.80 Interestingly, caveolin-3
some of its downstream effectors, and total tyrosyl phosphor- cofractionates with several G-protein subunits such as G␤␥,
ylated proteins66 were enriched in caveolae compared with Gi, G2␣, and it is believed that such sequestration of
bulk plasma membrane. The binding of albumin to one of its G-proteins in caveolae promotes their desensitization by
cognate binding partners, Gp60, triggers an increase tyrosine preventing further binding to activated receptors.81,82
phosphorylation and protein–protein interactions between Two final examples illustrating agonist-mediated,
caveolin-1, c-src, and fyn in EC, events that presumably take caveolae-dependent signaling are noteworthy. Carbachol
place in caveolae and relate to the transcytosis of albumin.67 binds to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAchRs)
More recently, the vascular endothelial growth factor and stimulates receptor clustering into isolated caveolae.77,83
receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), a key player in the induction of Stimulation of myocytes with carbachol induced sequestra-
physiological and pathological angiogenesis, was shown to be tion of mAchRs through caveolae fission. The fission of
localized in isolated caveolin-enriched membranes and inter- caveolae was increased by GTP and the protein dynamin and
act with caveolin-1.34,68 Mitogen-activated proteins kinases, decreased by a nonhydrolyzable GTP and dominant-negative
Erk 1 and 2, also are found in caveolin-enriched domains or dynamin consistent with previous data showing that dynamin
caveolae when cholesterol levels are depleted in fibroblasts69 is critical for caveolae internalization.13 Functionally,
and may interact with caveolin-1.70 This interaction also carbachol-mediated mAchR sequestration and the interaction
appears to attenuate Erk signaling and seems to be bidirec- of caveolin with eNOS was stabilized by dynamin, but not
tional, because increased Erk activity downregulates dominant-negative dynamin, suggesting that caveolae fission
caveolin-1 mRNA and protein levels. Such a response may be may contribute to GPCR desensitization. However, a recent
stimulus-dependent, because shear stress can induce Erk report has shown that a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog or
activation and caveolae formation. expression of dominant-negative dynamin impairs
In the context of vascular smooth muscle (VSM), angio- bradykinin-stimulated NO release by preventing the internal-
tensin II signals via the angiotensin II receptor I (AT1R) in ization of eNOS-containing vesicles. These 2 studies show
1412 Circulation Research June 11, 2004

Summary of Cardiovascular Phenotypes Observed in Caveolin-1 and -3

Knockout Mice
Caveolin-1⫺/⫺ Caveolin-3⫺/⫺
Endothelial cells (EC) 1 Vasorelaxation 50,51,72 —
1 NO production50,51,72
1 Vascular permeability93,76
2 Postnatal angiogenesis97,80
Smooth muscle cells (SMC) 2 Myogenic tone50,71 —
Myocardium Hypertrophy118,119 Hypertrophy117,98
1 MAPK signaling119 (in 1 MAPK signaling
cardiac EC and/or fibroblasts) (myocytes)117,98

the importance of signaling complex recruitment into caveo- careful analysis of their phenotypes has generated interesting
lae and the roles of dynamin-mediated endocytosis in atten- information on the importance of these proteins in the
uating or enhancing signaling. cardiovascular system.
The increased concentration of GPCR in caveolae may be
ligand-binding– dependent or ligand-binding–independent, Caveolins and EC Functions
and is thought to be an important initial step in the induction The first in vivo evidence of a role of caveolin-1 as a negative
of the intracellular signaling events because several down- regulator of signaling molecules through protein–protein
stream transducers are also found in caveolin-1– enriched interactions was demonstrated based on its interaction with
membranes/caveolae. Interestingly, affinity purification ex- eNOS. As mentioned previously, in vitro experiments
periments reveal that certain G-proteins (Gq, but not Gi and showed that caveolin-1 inhibits eNOS activity and NO
Gs) are also considerably enriched in isolated ECs caveolae.84 production via a direct interaction between the CSD and
However, the mechanism of how or if caveolins/caveolae eNOS. The functional evidence of this interaction in vivo was
regulate G-protein signaling is not well-understood.85,86 initially revealed by the use of a cell permeable peptide linked
to the CSD.58 This peptide was able to internalize into the
Physiological and Pathological Roles of Caveolins endothelium, abrogate NO release, and endothelium-
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in the Vascular System dependent vasodilation of isolated blood vessels analogous to

As illustrated, the roles of caveolae and caveolins in the a report in permeabilized cultured cardiac myocytes.52 Fur-
regulation of many cellular processes in cultured cells are thermore, administration of the cell-permeable CSD peptide
vast; thus, they may be considered by many investigators as inhibited NO-dependent vascular permeability, edema, and
essential signaling platforms or, conversely, as unsophisti- inflammation in mice.
cated cellular glue studied with methodological naiveté. Interestingly, the initial publications of caveolin-1 null
However, in the past few years, development of animal mice also reported that the caveolin-1/eNOS interaction has
models and the usage of genetically altered mice have been functional significance.50,51 Isolated aortae from caveolin-
instrumental in deciphering their physiological functions in 1⫺/⫺ mice exhibited blunted responses to vasoconstrictor
vivo. Transgenic overexpression of caveolin-1 or caveolin-3 agents and also marked increases in vasodilatory responses to
in mice87,88 or the targeted disruption of each of the caveolin the endothelium-dependent vasodilator, acetylcholine, and
gene locus in mice (Cav1, Cav2, and Cav3 genes) has both these effects were reverted by treatment of the vessels
provided significant insights to the roles of the caveolins and with L-NAME, a NOS inhibitor. These results suggest that the
caveolae (Table). The initial surprise revealed from the absence of caveolin-1 and caveolae in ECs leads to increased
caveolin-1 knockout mice is that they do not exhibit any eNOS activity and thus NO release resulting in reduced
obvious developmental abnormalities or embryonic lethali- vascular tone.
ty;50,51 however, as the get older, they tend to have shorter The enhanced eNOS activity observed in caveolin-1⫺/⫺
lifespans.89 Caveolin-1⫺/⫺ mice show complete ablation of the mice resulted in increased albumin extravasation, which is
presence of the caveolae cellular organelle in the endothelia returned to normal after treatment of mice with the nonspe-
and fat. Similarly, caveolin-3⫺/⫺ mice lack caveolae in cells cific NOS inhibitor, L-nitro arginine methyl ester.93 The
that normally express this protein such as skeletal muscle, endothelium of caveolin-1⫺/⫺ mice lacked transcytotic vesi-
heart, and the diaphragm.90,91 This demonstrated that cles typically important for macromolecule exchange and
caveolins-1 and -3 are necessary for the formation of the exhibited defects in tight junction density, both attributes that
caveolae; however, it also indicates that this major cellular may explain the increased basal permeability. Interestingly,
organelle is not essential for life. In contrast to caveolin-1 and eNOS-derived NO also governs a significant component of
-3, the loss of caveolin-2 does not prevent the formation of the paracellular transport of plasma macromolecules across
the caveolae, suggesting that this protein is dispensable for the endothelium of adult mice because eNOS⫺/⫺ mice show
the formation of the membrane organelle, although these blunted increases in vascular permeability in response to
mice exhibit pulmonary fibrosis.92 Despite the fact that mice VEGF.94 In addition, inhibition of eNOS activity using a
deficient in caveolins do not display severe abnormalities, the cell-permeable CSD peptide reduces vascular permeability
Gratton et al Caveolins and Cardiovascular Function 1413

and edema stimulated by pro-inflammatory agents and caveolin may be regulated by the phenotypic state of
VEGF58,59 as well as platelet-activating factor-mediated in- VSM.100 –103 However, little is known about the physiological
creases in hydraulic conductivity in isolated postcapillary involvement of caveolins in VSMC function. Evidence for a
venules.60 Thus, the genetic loss of caveolin-1 increases basal role of caveolin-1 in VSMC-mediated contraction of arteries
NO release, which may promote albumin leakage, and block- comes from caveolin-1⫺/⫺ mice that display reduced myo-
ade of eNOS reduces vascular leakage. genic tone.50 Myogenic tone, a critical autoregulatory re-
ECs are intimately involved in the regulation of the sponse found in the microcirculation, is regulated by a
angiogenic process. The formation of new blood vessels feedback mechanism tightly linking spontaneous transient
derived from previously established vasculature involves the outward currents to local Ca2⫹ increases in the adjacent
proliferation, migration, and recruitment of ECs and endothe- sarcoplasmic reticulum. These 2 events have been suggested
lial progenitors and a role for caveolin-1 in this process have to be dependent on the presence of caveolae.104 Caveolin⫺/⫺
been implicated. Initial experiments examining the effects of mice showed reduced spontaneous transient outward currents,
caveolin-1 overexpression on endothelial proliferation and a determinant of myogenic tone, indicating that caveolae
differentiation suggested that caveolin-1 is a negative regu- integrity is necessary for efficient Ca2⫹ signaling in VSMC,
lator of EC proliferation but promotes cellular differentiation. an effect that may be modulated by the hyperactivation of the
Adenoviral-mediated overexpression of caveolin-1 signifi- eNOS pathway, which may increase calcium clearing mech-
cantly enhanced ECs differentiation into tube-like structures anisms. Recently, chemical loading of contractile VSM tissue
and, conversely, downregulation of caveolin-1 protein levels with a synthetic caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide inhib-
using antisense oligonucleotides reduced the ability of the EC ited protein kinase C– dependent increases in contractility
to form an organized network.95 However, angiogenic factors induced by a phorbol ester or an ␣ agonist.105 These results
such as VEGF have been shown to induce downregulation of are consistent with a role for caveolin-1 in the coordination of
caveolin-1, which was suggested to be important for the signaling leading to the regulation of contractility of smooth
mitogenic effects of growth factors in ECs.96 A more defin- muscle. However, to date, there is no evidence for altered
itive role for caveolin-1 in blood vessel formation came from hemodynamics in caveolin-1⫺/⫺ mice to support these in vitro
caveolin-1⫺/⫺ animals. Firstly, caveolin-1 does not seem to be findings.
a prerequisite for embryonic vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, or
remodeling because these knockout animals develop a normal Caveolin-1 and Atherosclerosis
vasculature. However, postnatal angiogenesis seem to be Caveolin-1 and caveolae have the propensity to influence
reduced in caveolin-1 null mice using a growth factor- atherogenesis in many ways. Caveolin-1 is a cholesterol-
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embedded matrigel assay. Similarly, tumor angiogenesis was binding protein that can transport cholesterol from the endo-
also reduced in caveolin⫺/⫺ mice implanted with B16 mela- plasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane,37 and major
noma cells.97 These latter results suggest that EC caveolin-1/ receptors for high-density lipoprotein, SR-B1, and a scaven-
caveolae is important for the organization of a new capillary ger receptor for modified forms of LDL, CD36, can reside in
network. One must, however, bear in mind that caveolin-1 is and signal in caveolae-type microdomains.106 In addition,
an important regulator of eNOS signaling in ECs and that NO oxidized LDL can extract caveolae cholesterol, mislocalize
is also a major component postnatal angiogenesis. As men- eNOS, and impair NO release.41 Conversely, blockade of
tioned previously, NO is essential for VEGF-driven angio- HMG CoA reductase with statin-based drugs reduces caveo-
genesis, vascular permeability, and tumor growth.94,98 We lin levels and promote eNOS activation.107,108 This concept
recently showed that inhibition of eNOS activity in tumors has been validated in apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE⫺/⫺)
using the cell-permeable CSD peptide resulted in reduce mice when statin treatment decreases caveolin-1 expression
intratumor vascular leakage and tumor growth, suggesting and promotes NOS function in vivo.109 However, to date,
that caveolin-1–mediated eNOS inhibition is a potential there are no data showing changes in caveolin-1 levels in
target for antitumor therapy. Moreover, tumors implanted on atherosclerotic lesions from humans.
eNOS⫺/⫺ mice grew slower and exhibited reduced angiogen- To directly test if caveolin-1 influenced lesion progression
esis.59 Overall, one clear phenotype that has emerged from in mice, the Lisanti group110 bred mice deficient in caveolin-
the caveolin-1⫺/⫺ mice is the importance of caveolin-1 in 1⫺/⫺ mice to ApoE⫺/⫺ mice that develop atheromas. Interest-
regulating eNOS function, thus validating the initial work ingly, the loss of caveolin-1 in the ApoE⫺/⫺ background
describing this protein–protein interaction. However, the loss resulted in a proatherogenic lipid profile, similar to that seen
of evoked angiogenesis in caveolin-1⫺/⫺ is more complex and in CD36⫺/⫺ mice bred to an ApoE background.111,112 Surpris-
cannot be rationalized via increased eNOS activation unless ingly, despite a pro-atherogenic lipid profile, the loss of
the loss of caveolae markedly diminishes coupling to eNOS caveolin-1 reduced lesion burden by 80%, suggesting
activation. caveolin-1 regulated LDL-mediated vascular dysfunction,
inflammation, and lesion progression. The authors suggested
Caveolins and VSM Function this may be caused by a decrease in stability of the scavenger
As mentioned in the previous section, caveolin-1 and receptor for oxidized or modified LDL, CD36 in macro-
caveolin-3 are present in vascular smooth muscle cells phages, and an increase in endothelium-derived NO produc-
(VSMC),81 with caveolin-1 expressed in arteries and veins tion, which would reduce vascular inflammation. These
and caveolin-3 expressed in arterial but not venous vascula- remarkable findings unequivocally support the importance of
ture.99 In addition, caveolae number, per se, and levels of caveolin-1/caveolae in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in
1414 Circulation Research June 11, 2004

mice and stimulate many questions regarding the roles of signaling, NO, and the MAPK cascade), or the result of
caveolin-1 in lipid homeostasis. intrinsic defects within cardiac myocytes caused by structural
derangements of the cardiac T-tubule system or impaired
Caveolins and Myocardial Function calcium homeostasis.121–123
Caveolin-3 expression, in contrast to caveolin-1 and -2, is
mostly confined to striated (cardiac and skeletal) and smooth Conclusions
muscle. Caveolin-3 has been shown in muscle cells to be Caveolae and caveolins are undoubtedly influencing various
responsible for organelle biogenesis in these tissues and aspects of the cardiovascular system. Clearly, the loss of
caveolin-3⫺/⫺ mice lack the presence of caveolae only in these caveolin-1 is having a profound effect on the eNOS pathway,
tissues.90,91 Caveolin-3 is expressed during muscle differen- indicating the prominence of this important interaction,
tiation and is localized to the sarcolemma, where it indirectly whereas the loss of caveolin-3 impacts NOS as well as
interacts with dystrophin and dystrophin-associated proteins. MAPK activation. Considering the caveats associated with
An alteration in the assembly of the caveolin-3/dystrophin caveolae isolation and their biochemistry, and the growing
complex either by reduced or increased caveolin-3 expression number of potential of targets that may exist in isolated
results in dystrophic condition of the skeletal muscle.87 Also, caveolae, much more work is required in vivo to dissect
caveolin-3 is endogenously expressed in cardiac myocytes, which signaling pathways are “in or out” of caveolae in a
where it was suggested to negatively regulated NOS activi- more meaningful way.
ty.52,113,114 Transgenic overexpression of caveolin-3 results in
cardiomyopathy characterized by myocyte degeneration and Acknowledgments
disorganization. These animals exhibit increased cellular This work is supported by grants from the National Institutes of
infiltrates, inflammation, and cardiac fibrosis. Cardiac func- Health (RO1 HL57665, HL61371, HL64793 to W.C.S.). P.B. is a
recipient of a fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health
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