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PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p.




Nur Indah1, Samtidar2*, Andi Muliati3

Universitas Negeri Makassar


*corresponding author


The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies used by teachers in restricting English
vocabulary. In this study used a qualitative approach. The population used in this study were
English teachers at Madania Makassar schools. Selection of the population is done by
purposive sampling. Researchers conducted observations and interviews for data collection.
From the results of data analysis and processing, it is known that the strategies used by English
teachers at Madania Makassar schools to teach vocabulary are, Repeating the Words,
Coloring the Picture, Grouping Words, Finding the Picture, Connecting Words and Pictures,
and Name the Object Shown in the Picture. During the learning process, the teacher can
manage the class well so that students are actively involved in learning. The books used during
the learning process are books designed by the teacher, but still guided by the government's

Keywords— Vocabulary, Teaching Strategies, Picture.

Vocabulary is a very important aspect of language for English communication. If we
have less vocabulary, we will not understand what people say. Vocabulary is needed to improve
the four language skills which consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary
is the most important aspect of language (Rahmayanti, 2022).
Vocabulary is a basic skill that influences the four English skills of students.
Vocabulary is part of the basic knowledge for students, the more they have vocabulary, the
easier language teaching will be for them. Vocabulary mastery will make it easier for students
to understand assignments. By knowing the meaning of vocabulary or text, it will improve
students' abilities. Therefore, teaching vocabulary for elementary schools requires various
methods or media to increase student interest and participation (Octaberlina & Anggarini,
Teaching is no longer an attempt to convey knowledge, but rather an effort to create
an environmental system that teaches students so that teaching objectives can be achieved
optimally. Teaching requires an appropriate strategy for the goals to be achieved, for this it is
necessary to foster and develop teacher creativity in managing teaching programs with teaching
and learning strategies with various variations (Pentury, 2017). Teaching is the process of
making students aware of new information, so that they can practice it in their daily lives. For
example, today, they know about a new fruit vocabulary. They will practice the vocabulary in
everyday life, repeat and remember it until they master the vocabulary or understand a text
(Octaberlina & Anggarini, 2020).

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271


1. English Teaching Strategy

Strategy is a plan on how to utilize and use the existing potential and facilities to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of an activity target. In general, the strategy can
be in the form of an outline of the direction to act in an effort to achieve the goals that have
been determined. The teaching strategy is the teacher's action in implementing the teaching
plan, meaning that the teacher's effort uses several teaching variables such as: objectives,
materials, methods, tools, and evaluations in order to influence students to achieve the goals
that have been set. In connection with efforts to improve the quality of educational
outcomes, the quality of learning must be improved. For this reason, it is necessary to look
for effective learning strategies or approaches in the classroom that further empower the
potential of students (Hanum & Johar, 2016).
Aspect of Teaching Strategy
Djamarah and Aswan (2002) details Teaching and Learning Strategies into four basic
strategies which include:
1) Identify and determine specifications and qualifications for changes in behavior and
personality of students as expected. The intended target must be clear and directed, marked
by the formulated teaching objectives that must be clear and concrete.
2) Choose a teaching and learning approach system based on the aspirations and views
of the community. The way of looking at a problem, what concepts and theories are used
in solving a case must be in accordance with the norms adopted by the community in the
environment. One problem studied by two people with different approaches and using
different disciplines will lead to conclusions. which is not the same.
3) Selecting and establishing procedures, methods, and teaching and learning techniques
that are considered the most appropriate and effective so that they can be used as a guide
for teachers in carrying out their teaching activities. A method may only be used to achieve
a certain goal. With different targets, teachers should not use the same teaching technique.
If several goals are to be obtained, the teacher is required to have the ability to use various
methods or combine several relevant methods.
4) Establish norms and minimum success thresholds or criteria and standards of success
so that they can be used as guidelines by teachers in evaluating the results of teaching and
learning activities which will then be used as feedback for the improvement of the
instructional system concerned as a whole, a program must be able to know its success after
an evaluation.

2. Strategy in Teaching English Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language and one of first things
applied linguistic turned their attention to (Richard, 2001). Vocabulary is total number of
words which (with rules for combining them) make up a language (Hornby,1974).
Vocabulary is “A list of group of words and phrases, usually in alphabetical order.”. From
the definitions above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is a stock list of words that is
used individually or in a group arranged in alphabetical order and has meanings.
Teaching vocabulary is a challenging task for teachers. In teaching vocabulary, teachers
must use various suitable strategies to expand students' vocabulary. In addition, teachers
should be able to choose appropriate strategies to ensure that they are used to new words
effectively (Cameron, 2001). Therefore, there are several ways that teachers can use in
teaching vocabulary, as follows: using first language translation, use known second
language synonyms or simple second language definitions, displays an object or image,
give a quick demonstration, draw a simple picture or diagram, explain the underlying

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

meaning of words and other references, give a few sentences as examples with the word in
context to show its meaning, and explain the underlying meaning of words and other

3. Pictures
An image is anything that is manifested visually in a two-dimensional form as an
outpouring of feelings or thoughts (Hamalik, 1994). The message to be conveyed is poured
into visual communication symbols. These symbols need to be understood correctly so
that the message delivery process can be successful and efficient. In addition to these
general functions, images also function specifically to attract attention, clarify presentation
of ideas, illustrate or decorate facts that might quickly be forgotten or ignored without
being depicted. Images are relatively easy media in terms of cost. Media in the learning
process has an important role in supporting students' perceptions and understanding in
learning. Good student perception and understanding will support student learning success,
which means student learning achievement will increase. In addition to conveying
messages or learning materials, the media also functions to increase student learning
attractiveness and motivation. Thus student participation in participating in learning will
also increase (Achmad, 2018).

4. Strategy in Teaching Vocabulary Using Picture

There are several strategies used by teacher in teaching vocabulary using picture,
namely: Grouping words, Show one by one, Repeating words (Shafira & Rangkuti, 2022),
Memory games, Finding picture (Aba, 2019), Connecting words and pictures, Name the
object shown in the picture (Hidayati, 2017)


A. Research Design
This research used descriptive qualitative research. In descriptive qualitative research,
the researcher reported the findings during the study for the purpose of describing the
phenomenon or behavior that occurs at the research location. Research data are based on real
conditions that occur of course and are described qualitatively. Therefore, in this qualitative
descriptive study, the researcher found the strategies used by teachers in teaching English
vocabulary by using picture to elementary school students.

B. Research Place
The Place where the research has been conducted in Madania School Makassar.

C. Population & Sample

The researcher used the English teacher of Madania School Makassar as the population
a research sample. The sample of this research was English teacher of the first grade students
of Madania School Makassar. Meanwhile, the object of this research was found the strategies
of teaching vocabulary using picture for elementary school students. Purposive sampling was
the selection technique used in this research.

D. Instruments of the Research

This study used observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection
instrument which provided answers to the research questions listed in the problem statement.
Observation aims determined the phenomena that occur at the research site. The type of

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

observation was a checklist observation based on the findings of the theory of vocabulary
teaching strategies using picture. While the interview aims confirmed the results of
observations. In this case, the questions in the instrument were semi-structured which the
researcher chose to cover topics related to the research. Researcher used interview guidelines
to help researcher conduct interviews.

E.Procedure of Collecting Data

This research used observation as the data collection method. Meanwhile, interviews
confirmed the result of observation. In this observation, the researcher focused on observing
the strategies used by English teacher in teaching vocabulary using picture to first grade
students. Furthermore, researchers analyzed and presented the results of the observations
qualitatively. Interview aims confirmed the results of observations. In this case, the questions
in the instrument were semi-structured which the researcher chose to cover topics related to the
research. Researcher used interview guidelines to help researcher conduct interviews

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Analysis is the systematic process of searching for and organizing field notes, interview
transcripts and other accumulated material found to gain understanding and to enable
presenting them as the final results (Bogdan & Biklen 1998). Triangulation requires the use of
several independent methods of collecting data in one investigation to obtain the same research
findings. The value of triangulation is to minimize observer bias, increase and confirm the
validity and reliability (accuracy) of information (Mackey & Gass, 2005). In short, method
triangulation as a technique of examining data by combining several methods in gathering some
evidence to assist researchers in obtaining credible research results. Therefore, in this research
the researcher used triangulation as a technique in checking the validity of the data.
In gaining the trust of the research, the researcher collected information from different
methods which were interviews, observation, anf documentation. Then, the data obtained from
the method is triangular in order to obtain the exact findings from the research problem.
Furthermore, all the data collected above were examined and compared clearly by the
researcher for the purpose of reducing any possible bias in each finding


1. Observation Result
Observations were made to first grade teacher at the Madania Scool Makassa.
Observations were made during English lessons. The purpose of the observation is to find out
the strategies used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using pictures. The strategies used
by teachers are quite varied and involve many students. Teacher applied several strategies in
teaching vocabulary using pictures

a. Repeating Words
The teacher distributed English textbooks and then displayed pictures on the television
screen with the material 'Reading Comprehension'. The teacher read the text which is followed
by the students afterwards. Which, the text was also accompanied by pictures to make it easier
for students to understand the lesson.
Teacher: “I went to the farm”
Students: I went to the farm.
Teacher: I saw a dog and a pig
Students: I saw a dog and a pig.

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

b. Coloring the Picture

After learning "Reading Comprehension", then proceed with "Coloring". Students are
directed to take colored pencils and then color the pictures in their books. The pictures that
students color are in the form of writing instruments, such as rulers, pencils, scissors, books,
etc. with descriptions of the names of the pictures in English.

c. Grouping words
Grouping words are carried out by the teacher by asking students to dialogue with
classmates and ask about their favorite vegetables. Then after the dialogue, students write the
names of their friends and their favorite vegetables in the column provided in the book.

d. Finding Picture
“Find the picture” is done by the teacher by displaying an image on a television screen
and then asking students to circle the image mentioned

e. Connecting words and pictures

Connecting words and pictures is done using a computer. The teacher directs students
to enter the school's computer lab, then students are asked to type the link
"" on their respective computers. Students are then asked to enter
the "animal" category and choose the worksheet that the teacher ordered. The worksheet
contains pictures of animals and animal names in English. The student's task is to put the
name of the animal correctly in the box provided.

f. Name the object shown in the picture

The teacher applies the "Name the Object Shown in the Picture" strategy in class. The
teacher asks students to open a book with "Five Sense" material. Then, students were asked
to write the five senses in the blank column correctly by paying attention to the pictures
available in the book

2. Interview Result
a. What are the strategy in teaching English vocabulary?
Extract 1 (23/01/2023) interview
“..Most of the books are pictures. This is because there are still some students who are not
very fluent in reading, especially English. So, for example, "reading comprehension" is
still read and then assisted with pictures so that students can more easily understand the
vocabulary and material being taught. So must be lots of pictures for kids. For example,
learning about animals, you can go through "" which can be accessed
in the school's computer lab. Most grade 1 students come from kindergarten schools that
don't speak English, so they are accustomed to hearing and seeing from the pictures in the
books and the pictures in the classroom. The teacher makes the book according to the
subject. We continue to use an independent curriculum from the government, but readjust
it to the needs of Madania school students, such as learning objectives. For example, in
the curriculum there is the keyword "have has", so from that keyword the teachers will
develop it again so that it is much more interesting..”). (“..Kebanyakan dalam bukunya itu
gambar-gambar. Hal tersebut dikarenakan masih ada beberapa siswa yang belum terlalu
lancar membaca, terutama bahasa inggris. Jadi, misalnya seperti “reading
comprehension” masih dibacakan lalu dibantu dengan gambar-gambar sehingga siswa

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

lebih mudah memahami kosakata serta materi yang diajarkan . Jadi harus banyak gambar
untuk anak-anak. Contohnya belajar tentang hewan, bisa melalui “”
yang bisa diakses di lab computer sekolah. Siswa kelas 1 kan kebanyakan dari sekolah TK
yang tidak berbahasa inggris, makanya dibiasakan untuk mendengar dan melihat dari
gambar-gambar yang ada di buku dan gambar yang ada diruang kelas. Guru yang bikin
bukunya sesuai mata pelajarannya. Kami tetap menggunakan kurikulum merdeka dari
pemerintah, namun disesuaikan kembali dengan kebutuhan siswa sekolah Madania,
seperti tujuan pembelajarannya. Misalnya di kurikulum itu ada keyword “have has” jadi
dari keyword itu guru-guru kembangkan lagi sehingga jauh lebih menarik..”).
-Ifah, Base Teacher of Class 1’.

b. What media is used in teaching English vocabulary?

Extract 2 (20/01/2023) interview
“..The media used in Madania schools are books compiled by the teacher himself.
Teachers are required to make books, because Madania has always had indicators of
children's achievement. The teacher makes a book according to the ability level of a child.
The mistake of other schools is that they often only use LKS. In Madania itself, from grades
1 to 3 you can say there is no homework. Because books must be made by the teacher, so
the teacher must know the level of student ability. Madania School uses the existing
curriculum, but the way or strategy is different to achieve it. This is because the level of
ability of a child is different, so they use books that are full color and full of pictures. Each
class has a TV and internet, during recess the children can watch educational English
cartoons which are included in the habit. However, there are still norms that apply about
what they can and cannot watch..”). (“ yang digunakan pada sekolah Madania,
yaitu buku yang disusun sendiri oleh guru. Guru wajib membuat buku, karena Madania
sejak dulu sudah memiliki indicator ketercapaian anak. Guru membuat buku
menyesuaikan kadar kemampuan seorang anak. Kesalahan sekolah-sekolah lain, yaitu
mereka sering kali hanya menggunakan LKS. Kalau di Madania sendiri, dari kelas 1
sampai 3 bisa dibilang tidak ada PR. Karena buku wajib dibuat oleh guru, sehingga guru
harus tahu kadar kemampuan siswa. Sekolah Madania menggunakan kurikulum yang ada,
tetapi cara atau strateginya berbeda untuk mencapainya. Hal ini dikarenakan kadar
kemampuan seorang anak yang berbeda, sehingga menggunakan buku – buku yang full
colour dan full gambar. Setiap kelas mempunyai TV dan internet, ketika jam istirahat
anak-anak bisa menonton kartun berbahasa inggris yang mendidik itu yang masuk di
pembiasaan. Tetapi, tetap ada norma yang diterapkan tentang yang boleh dan tidak boleh
mereka tonton..”).
-Sufi, Academic Coordinator of Madania School Makassar’.

This research was done by the researcher at Madania School Makassar. It required for the
observation and interview. The data obtained were then analyzed and described based on the
research objectives.

1. Based on the observation results of the research as follows:

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

a). The teacher's strategy in teaching vocabulary mostly used pictures.

In this research the researcher found that the teacher's strategy in teaching vocabulary
mostly used pictures. The use of pictures in learning is considered to be able to help students
understand vocabulary learning. This is based on the statement of the class teacher during the
interview. In this regard, it is in line with the opinion put forward by (Sudjana, 1995) which
states that teaching strategy is the teacher's actions in carrying out teaching plans, meaning that
the teacher's efforts use several teaching variables such as: objectives, materials, methods, tools,
and evaluation to influence students to achieve the goals set.
Researchers found that Madania Makassar schools often use pictures as learning aids. One
of them is when the teacher applies the coloring the picture strategy, the teacher directs students
to color pictures in the form of stationery, such as rulers, pencils, scissors, and books. The
colored pictures are objects that are often used in class, so that students' interest in the learning
process appears. Image is a form of visual media, it is the media that is not only used most
often, but also the easiest to implement. Visual media can facilitate understanding (eg through
elaboration of structure and organization) and strengthen memory. Visual media can also foster
student interest and can provide a relationship between the content of subject matter and the
real world (Sadiman, 2008).

b). The teaching and learning strategies applied at Madania School Makassar.
Old style oriented learning from the teacher must shift to students, with the term teacher
oriented to become student oriented (Hikmawati, 2020). For this reason, it is necessary to
seriously think about what teaching and learning strategies should be applied and what are the
teaching and learning strategies. Researchers found that the Madania school had implemented
a student-oriented strategy in which students could be actively involved in the learning process.
This is based on the results of observations that have been made, researchers found that students
seemed enthusiastic during the learning process.
The expected learning from educational goals is active learning (active learning) which is
intended to keep students' attention so that they remain focused on the learning process as a
whole. We can design active learning with the use of various interesting learning media, models
and methods, so that students don't get bored quickly, are always focused, and have fun without
losing the essence of ongoing learning. convey and present a message or information (Santoso,
Muniroh, Akmaliah, 2019). This is in accordance with the learning process that takes place at
Madania Makassar School.

c). Utilizing computer technology, as a learning medium it can convey learning material
textually, audio and images.
Teaching English vocabulary by "connecting words and pictures" and "repeat the words"
to Madania school students is not only done through pictures in books, but also through
computers and television screens provided by the school. In line with the research conducted
by Ariyati & Misriati who argued that one of the learning methods that can currently be
developed is by utilizing computer technology, as a learning medium it can convey learning
material textually, audio and images (Ariyati & Misriati, 2016).

d). The implementation of learning English requires learning methods that are fun for students
and can also build self-confidence, motivation, and student creativity.
The biggest challenge found in the field is not only that children do not like learning English
but also that the learning methods are not up to date and tend to be boring Cameron (2001).
However, when making observations, the researchers found different facts at the Makassar
Madania School. Students are given habituation to use English. They look relaxed, enthusiastic
and enthusiastic when learning English. Because the teacher is able to manage the class well

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

and use various interesting strategies during learning, such as "coloring the picture". Students
seemed excited to color the pictures with the colored pencils available in class. This is also
because the Madania Makassar school has provided various adequate facilities and
infrastructure, such as television, learning books, stationery and others needed in the teaching
and learning process. In accordance with the statement (Santoso, Muniroh, & Akmaliah, 2019)
to improve the quality of national education. Various efforts have been made, for example
updating the curriculum, improving the quality of teachers, providing libraries, providing
laboratories, structuring education management, and implementing technology products.
Based on the results of the observations that have been made, the researchers found that the
learning process carried out by the teacher in the classroom was very enjoyable. The teacher
applies various methods, such as "Sharing My Story and Coloring the Picture" so that students'
self-confidence and creativity can increase. This is in line with (Uzer, 2019) which states that
the implementation of learning English requires learning methods that are fun for students and
can also build self-confidence, motivation, and student creativity.

2. Based on the interview results of the research as follows:

a. The reasons why the teachers apply picture in teaching English Vocabulary
The researcher found that the strategy used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using
pictures was by Repeating the Words, Coloring the Picture, Find the Picture, Connecting
Words and Pictures, Name the Object Shown in the Picture. Based on the results of interviews
with English teachers, the purpose of teaching strategies using pictures is to make learning
more interesting and fun. This is in line with the statement (Achmad, 2018) which suggests
that visual media or pictures are often used to enhance a more interesting learning atmosphere.

b. Educational reform must continue to be carried out in order to improve the quality of
Based on the results of interviews with the academic coordinator of the Madania Makassar
school, researchers found that the implementation of teaching strategies carried out by teachers
cannot be separated from planning, development and evaluation which are carried out
continuously to achieve the learning objectives expected by the school. This is in line with the
statement (Santoso, Muniroh, Akmaliah, 2019) which argues that the role of education is very
important to create an intelligent, dynamic and democratic life. Therefore, educational reform
must continue to be carried out in order to improve the quality of education.

c. The school's efforts to improve teacher quality

Various teaching strategies applied by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using pictures to
first grade students at Madania Makassar Elementary School make the learning process
interactive, where students are actively involved during the learning process. The use of
appropriate media and good classroom management make students enthusiastic. This cannot
be separated from the school's efforts to improve teacher quality through continuous training
and evaluation. The researcher found that Madania schools required teachers to make books so
that they could match the level of a student's ability. In line with research conducted by
(Wahyudin, Daud, Simamora, Pratiwi, & Rina, 2020) stated that it is very important for English
teachers to make some sort of breakthrough in teaching.

PERFORMANCE: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol. 2, No. 2, (May, 2023), p. 262-271

Based on the results of observations and interviews with teachers conducted at Madania
Makassar School, it was found that the strategies for teaching vocabulary using pictures are
varied. The teaching strategies used are, Repeat the Words, Coloring the Picture, Grouping
Words, Find the Picture, Connecting Words and Pictures, and Name the Object Shown in the
Picture. During the learning process, the teacher can manage the class well so that students are
actively involved in learning. The books used during the learning process are books designed
by the teacher, but still guided by the government's curriculum.
Books made by teachers are designed based on students' ability levels. The books made
are dominated by pictures and teaching instructions, making it easier for teachers to teach.
Through the book, the teacher applies various strategies for teaching vocabulary using pictures.
Images are considered to be able to help students' understanding of vocabulary. In addition to
the use of books, other media used are in the form of television and computer screens which
also display images.


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