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C1 Phrasal Verbs

70 phrasal verbs for C1


Be about sth To explain , describe or give What is the story about?


Be about to do To be ready to start to do I thought my boyfriend was about

sth sth to propose marriage but he broke-up with
me instead.

Be against s/e To disagree or not support His parents were completely against the
or sth s/e idea.

Be up for be eager I might be up for going out later if you

fancy it.

Be into sth Enjoy / like He is into football.

Be dying for to want sth very much I’m dying to hear your news.

Be over To have finished When will the rain be over?

Be up ti To be doing sth wrong or What are the children up to at the

bad momento? I can’t hear them.

Block off Obstract I’ll knock his block off if he tries anything
with me!

Call on To visit s/e as a routine , ask I had intended to callo n Jack. I’ll call on
s/e to do sth him tomorrow.

Call after Be named after somebody He is called after his gandfather.

Clear away To leave a plalce, remove or They had a long talk and were able to
tidy clear away all their misunderstandings.

Come across as To seem to be a particular

s/e kind of person

Come down To become ill with a I have come down with a bad viral fever.

C1 Phrasal Verbs

with sth particular infection

Come through To survive a difficult event We were worried she wouldn’t be able to
sth or period. handle it, but she came through in the

Come up To have to deal with If you come up against difficulties, let me

against sth difficulty know and I’ll help out

Cut down on To use much les of sth I’m trying to cut down on the amount of
sugar I eat.

Cut through To be able to deal with a We need to cut through the political
problem or bureaucracy rhetoric and see what really lies behind
the policy.

Fall for s/e To feel strong romantic I think Charlie has fallen for Jenny. He is
feelings always trying to find reasons to be with

Fall out ( with ) To have quarrel and end a She’d fallen out with her boyfriend over
( over) relationship, go crazy his ex-girlfriend

Freak out Go crazy I think our music freaks people out


Get (sth) across To be successful explaining We tried to get our point across, but he
( to) your idea, plan, etc just wouldn’t listen.

Get round to To do sth you have planned I meant to do the ironing but I didn’t get
doing sth or wanted to do round to it.

Get away with To not be punished for If I thought I could get away with it, I
sth doing sth bad or wrong wouldn’t pay my taxes at all.

Get your own To take a revenge I’ll get my own back on her one day
back on s/e

Get s/e into a To do sth that makes Even an experienced climber can get into
trouble (with) yourself deserve trouble.

Go down with To start suffering from an Half of Valeria’s class has gone down with
sth infectious disease flu.

C1 Phrasal Verbs

Go off sth or To stop liking or being I went off beefburgers after I got food
s/e interested in sth or s/e. poisoning from a takeaway

Go through To do sth unpleasant or He was always threatening to quit his job,

with sth difficult but I never thought he’d actually go
through with it

Hold back Prevent from progressing or He didn’t hold back about how he felt
moving forward about police harassment and fame.

Hold off Prevent s/e from attacking She decided to hold off on her vacation
or beating you for a while longer

Hold onto Keep longer than Hold on and don’t let go until I say so

Hold up Delay, especially when She got held up at work


Hold out for To wait for sth better The workers are holding out for higher
sth pay.

Jump on Attack verbally, to criticise The teacher jumped on us for being late.

Keep at To continue with sth The project was difficult, but we kept at it
difficult and eventually it was done.

Keep away To deny Access to You should keep away from fried foods

Keep to To be introverted One of my neighbors keeps to himself but

oneself everyone else on our street is really

Kick off Be overcome with anger When she called him a drunk, it was the
last straw. He just kicked off

Knuckle down concentrate on sth If I were you , I’d knuckle down and get
some studying done before the end of the

Lay off Fire and sack In the case of a layoff, the loss of
employment is usually through no fault of

C1 Phrasal Verbs

the employee

Live down Get used to sth shameful It will be difficult to live down this

Live through Survive a difficult period or She can’t live through her daughter.

Let down Disappoint s/e «You are coming to the party – you won’t
let me down, will you?

Look around Inspect an area I’m interested in buying that house. Can
we wlook aroung

Look ahead Consider the future We are trying to look ahead and see what
our options are.

Look down on Regard s/e with a feeling of The other children looked down on her
superiority because her parents were poor

Make away Steal he smashed a glass case and made away

with with a number of items of jewellery

Pass away Die His mother passed away last year

Pick up after Tidy a mess s/e else has His mother still picks up after him

Pick up To begin to understand She managed to pick up with the content.

Put aside Ignore or intentionally They decided to put aside their

disregard differences

Put forward Propose a consideration I wasn’t convinced by any of the

arguments that he put forward.

Put up with Tolerate I’m not going to put up with their smoking
any longer.

Run s/e down Criticize s/e He last night denounced the British
‘genius for running ourselves down

Send away Dismiss from one’s We send the children away to camp every

C1 Phrasal Verbs

presence summer

Set off Beging a journey or trip What time will we have to set off for
Grandma’s house tomorrow?

Set up Establish a business He invested money in a business set up to

help young musicians.

Stand up for: Speak or act in support or «you need to have hard evidence that will
defense stand up in court

Spring up Appear suddenly She feels as if each time she solves one
problem, two more spring up to take its

Take off Become more successful Her singing career had just begun to take
off. More examples.

Take pity Feel sorry He took pity on the street dog

Throw up Vomit I spent all night throwing up as he had

eateaten too much the previous nitht

Think ahead Plan for a future situatio I wish I had thought ahead and packed
some food to bring with us.

Think through Consider all the possible We have thought through the matter and
possibilities have come to a decision.

Walk away Abandon She was strong and stubborn enough to

from walk away from him

Work Understand her behaviour We have our disagreements, but we

somebody out always work them out.

Watch over Regard and protect I’ll watch over your brother tonight

Wear out exhaust I wore out the dog when I went for a run.

Wind up Annoy Instead of winding up your mother like

that, perhaps you should help her.

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