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7 — y= - a ty © Government College of Engineering, Amravati —~ % (Am Autonomous Insitute of Government of Maharashtra) =, 4 = Fe Fourth Semester B. Tech. (Instrumentation Engineering) ~ a Summer Term- 2023 ~ >: = P Course Code: INU424 Y, = Course Name: Signals and Systems Ye Time: Hrs. 30 Min. Instructions to Candidate 1) All questions are compulsory, 2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and clearly state the 3). Diaarams/sketches should be given wherever necessary. Use of logarithmic table, drawing instruments and non-programmable calculators is, permitted 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks, Max. Marks: 60 assumptions made Q Sub Question Marks No QNo i Solve any two Draw the waveform of the fo! (a)x,(t) (c)xa(t) lowing signals: _ (¢+ 2) (b)x2(t) = u(t) (-2t1) aaa — Determine whether the signal is periodic ot not, Ifa ot itt signal is periodic, specity its fundamental period, _ (@)x,(n) BEM (b)xa(n) = et Check the following system for (i) memory 6 J! . (ii) stable Git) casual (9) om) inna (I (G ; a y(n) = x(n?) woke \ wos ad - ea ' . \ x eS io “ y Solve any two + , A a If x(n) = L forn. Sal Yya (n) = An — 1) + On — 2) + a(n — 3) — Nyt Find convolution of x(n) with A(n). What is decimated signal Let x(n) = 0) a 5 ; Generate decimated signal x(2n)- Solve any two 4 Forthe continuous time periodic signal 6 z(t) =2+ cos (3) +4sin (%) 3 3 fe Determine the Fourier Series Coefficients. 6 Find the Fourier Transform of x(t) = sin(wo(¢))- 6 Vv : Prove Differentiation in Frequency Domain for CTFT. © att) ke vw x(t IG 4 State and explain following properties of Discrete 6 Time Fourier Series. 6 4 a) Time Shifting v b) Frequency Shifting K(w) <> FCW -cou') 5 a Find Z-Transform of following signal with its ROC by using scaling property of it x(n) = Qe") Considering differential equation of an IIR system, 6 give its Direct Form — I structure. v \ 1 Manat are dhe vif . g 1) Subject: Signels and sc: __/ Note: solve any Mid terra test sunmar 2024- (Subie a Define inllowing 1 (a) stetie Sa 5) Time i Denve equa wi BT gona 1s he use finer eorvoution? pusaidal signal in CT domain and How Tan ta a! CT dormain t3ere are N saigpe in tone periodic gerd ef sen” Find th. stent eg falls ra) ate) VRE) * pre, othane L ‘ae ei ik Q6 {a} Fine the output mony ase Vn} af tng seus! gy Yinpavinek AW (b)fing Ue vases Minh ayir- ts» hare at 1 00 x{n is inpe signal GF tind tae cools se oareur by Ward at 6i3,2.3,4) fired serapie oe Oyu pti SRL Distermine ie recmtEaRT A Course Code: Instructions to ¢ 1) Fourth Semeste All questions 2) Assume Government Colle (An Autonomous Tastituy ¢of Engine ring, Amravati He of Governmey Of Maharashtray B.Tech. nse mentation B; inceri Summer ~ 2929 NUA2 Course Nan Time: 2 Urs. 30 Min, ndidate are compulsory Suitable data wherever neces “ity and elearly state the assumptions made, 3) Diagrams’sketehes should be given wherever necessary, 4) Use of logarithmic able, drawing instrunients ond re programmable ca permitted, 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks, ic : at, Detine {otlowing term with respect system : 3 CY Linear oy < (2) Time tnvarienee O° 4 1: GB) Causal PE v 4 Peeve “Show that the compley expone H sequence yn] = gm is periodic onty Br itwanien ional number w ermine the result OF AO) sional See (it) T see NWS Lt stort ste 0 tant discrete time signal obtaine, given below with sant Alby uniform sampting rio ot WN 38 5 TEX: [a] and x2{n] are periodic signal with fundament aul Norespectively, thew mer what condition. be periodic signal and what will be time signal al period Ny to) + xstnp wit sultant discrete period such re At what condition linear convolution and circular What are thee es fa pa hea . Es he eA a ay sppledus ie Gao tine Lites barre eo ih Yr dpi othe te - He ke STH gg Now) are FT pair . (a) dycde> jwv Now) e periodic discrete signal MIO} wit oF ui pa drt wine spectrum gp ye evaluated DEL Made tsa Ofor br Ss * Signals and Systems Max, Marks: 60 y A a 1 yo “ksah Fin the Z anf of astte sient 17 158. {2.01.3} where -2 i8 the sample at zero on time axis r | | dy Find the 2 transform of following diserete signal x{n] and dl | Py hoe os ca (1) x[n}= 3 [n-na} t 4 1 (2) x{n} =a" ull] \ (3) x{n} =a ul-n] : \ erpence 6 laa /Sp\- Define Z transform and justify the importance of region of convergence in this definition 8 (Wy Find the invers () X@)= secpese ROCK \ @) Xey ROC 2] < 1/2 ) oath a : \ Deseribe direct and parallel form of realization of H(z) funetion 6 OR What do you mean by FIR and IIR system? State the standard function of H(z) for such funetion. OR S@),Stateand derive the sampling theorem criteria. b) Describe the allising error phenomenon x rans E Oy \ SnD 5 ; a pe a \ 42 oy A CC-2)2 we a Ve arty ec2re2 ~ tra) : Cnstrumentation Engineering) Summer Term~— 2022 Course Code: INU424 Course Name: Signals and Systems ‘Time: 2 Hrs, 30 Min. Max. Marks: 60 Instructions, to Candidate; 1) All questions are compulsory 2) Assume Suitable data wherever Necessary and Clearly state the assumptions made. 3) lagrams/sketches should be Slven wherever neces: 4) Use of logarithmic ‘able, drawing instruments and non-programmable calculators is Permitted. 5) Figures to the ight indicate full marks, Q@ sub 0 QNo X(O= Lath for-t st caj ‘show that the complex exponential Sequence x{n] =" jg 3 Periodic only if w/2n is rational number 1x (n] and xa{n] are periodic signal with fundamental Petiod Ni and No respectively, then under what oo ‘what will be period such resultant discrete time signal Prove that the convolution sum Bives the response to the ‘nput signal x(n] applied to the Scene Ty having impulse h{n}, rem and othe eco under State the sampling theo anal te ec tofu arlington sora te > mvergence in this definition we the foliowing prepenties of Z transtonm 4 SE . ce) a bace) A 1¢ Z transform of discrete signal x{n]=!5y ro on time axis Find th ‘is the sample at ze" where Find the inverse z transform of folOWRE x@ function () X@)= eae ROC (2| 72 @xergtaa Rocks 12 Find the z transform of following discrete signa! x{0] and determine ROC 2 xine [n-no] rt ufntl] A xt0] eV xtn] = 8" ul) and state frequency shift and time shift Define DFT properties of DFT ing periodic discrete signal Evaluate DFT of follows xin} with the P 10 sample and plot the jod of t magnitude spec tw ‘aun of this evaluated DFT =) forosn st xin} = 0 for for $= 59 zation of H(2) @) peseribe direct and parallel form of reali function or FIR and IR system. Sta. the yean bY (2) for such function What do you ™ n of Hi standard functior woing properties J and XW) are FT pair 6 Verify the foll 3 of Fourier transform(FT) : ap dxiuyiat= J» (b) for Real x0 ign om) XUW) Government College of Engineering, Amravati (An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashiray Fourth Semester B, Tech. (nstrumentation Engineering) Summer ~ 2923 Course Code: INU 424 Marks, Ker Silve the following @®F Verify the equations MLD = Shalt) xp 3) a : Fo = Fhe) —x(-0) Cogan, = os YO) = u(t) ~ 2u¢e — YD +u(e—2) FT Determine whether x(n) = [ 0:3)" u(n) is energy signal o® 2 Solve any two questions H* State whether the following System is Tinear.caussl time invariam 96 and stable y@) + y(n ~ 1) = x(n) +x(n—-2) @® Findthe convolution of the signals x(n) = 3 forn=~204 > e 2 3 forn— : ect ®D 0 elsewhere y (+ (\,-2,%, Now = 8(n) ~ 28(n — 1) + 38(n— 2) — 6(n— 3) HED ~ J] Find the circular conv eee x(n) where © 44) =11.6, 14,12, 1.0,0.8, 0.6, 94,02; 4 soln) = (15,13.11,09,07.05,03 93} on 3 Solve the following questions 04 Prove that the differentietion in the time domain is the domain muliplication of X22) by / in frequency Fi 7 dic pulse asin figure 04 MOD -ya transform 0} the non periodic pulse 2 ig 7 Ot WEDD egy yt, INF neh» * 04 Aijnd the frequency response of an LTI system if.x(t) = HE CMI A ~ “tu(t) and y(t) = 4 4 SaNegny two of the following questions ey 5 2D Define2DF of sequence x(n). State and Prove the properties of 06) DFT on Ae) ll oS en } Zz Ak 1 1b tLetken 3 the sequence where x(n) = 5(n) + 25(n - 2) + 6(n- 3) 1 Find the four point DFT of x(n) 2If y(n)is the four point ci cular convolution of x(n)with itself find y(n)and the four point DFT y(I6) TA . m © Use Z transform to perform the convolution of the following two 06 ry some, yg Sequences é . NIL x(n) = 6(n) — 56( 1) and h(n) = 6(n) + 45(n ~ 1) 5 _ 7 Solve any #0 questions gf” Compare between FIR and HIR system 0® — 7A Realize the filter transfer function given by the expression below 06 \ using the Direet form q wqawud< H(z) = (1 22)(1 + 2274 = 327) ra What is recursive and non recursive systems give an example 6@ 1 acrpa ner’) Government College of Engineering, Am (An Autonomous Institll€ Of Government of Maharashtra) vai IV Semester B. Tech (Instrumentation Engincering) Winter 2023 Course Code: INUI24 Course ) Time: 2 Hrs. 30 Min. Max. Marks: 60 me: Signals and Systems Instructions to Candidate 1). All questions are compulsory. 2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and clearly state the assumptions made. 3) Diagrams/sketches should be given wherever necessary. 4) Use of drawing instruments and non-programmable calculators is permitted, 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks, Q. Sub Question Marks No Q.No 1 Attempt the following. (Any Two) a Express the following signal as a combination of an even signal 6 and an odd signal x(tyat forO

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