Виконав Борисенко Олексій 10

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1. .

As a travel blogger, Maya aimed to cover a lot of ground during

her road trip, exploring multiple cities and capturing the diverse
2. Despite being a bookworm, Sarah managed to cover a lot of
ground in various subjects and became known as the most well-
rounded student in her class.
3. As the teacher's pet, Alex always volunteered to help with tasks,
making sure to cover a lot of ground in assisting the teacher and
earning extra credit.
4. Mark decided to drop out of college and pursue his passion for
entrepreneurship, believing that real-world experience could
cover a lot of ground that formal education might not provide.
5. Having faced challenges early in life, Jenny attended the school
of hard knocks, where resilience and perseverance helped her
cover a lot of ground on her path to success.
6. Despite being labeled a boffinlegghead by his classmates, Tom
used his intellectual curiosity to cover a lot of ground in
scientific research, ultimately earning the respect of his peers.
7. During the meeting, the facilitator asked for a show of hands to
determine how many employees were interested in participating
in the upcoming team-building event.
8. As the exams approached, Sarah decided it was time to hit the
books and focus on her studies to ensure she would pass with
flying colors.
9. Learning to ride a bike is as easy as ABC for some, but for
others, it requires practice and perseverance.
10. Known as an eager beaver, Tim always volunteered for extra
projects at work, demonstrating his enthusiasm and commitment
to his job.
11. Before the brainstorming session, the team leader encouraged
everyone to get their thinking caps on and come up with creative
ideas for the upcoming project.
12. Despite the challenging course, Emily was determined to
pass with flying colors, so she dedicated extra time to studying
and sought help from her professors

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