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aad (i-A) Factor/Remainder Theorem (Paper 1, sec A) 4. The remainder when x? + 3x? +, 2x — 1is divided by x —3. [Jan89/QU/M3] ee race aU coh Ge) ta a) 4. The remainder when (x? + 2x? +,ax + 17) is divided by (x + 2) is 1. Find the value ofa. [J2n91/Q1/M3] 2. f(x) = px? + 11x? + 2px—-5 The remainder when {{x) is divided by (x + 2) is 15 (a) Show that p=2. (b) Factorise f (x) completely. (c) Deduce the solutions of the equation f(x) = © +1)(x+5). [Jan92/Q8/M7] 3. Given that (x — 2) is a factor of f(x), where (x)= 2x? + px? — 3x + 2 and p is a constant, find p. Hence solve the equation f(x)=0. [Jan93/Q7/M6] 4, f(x) = 2x3 + px? + 2x + 3, where p is a constant. Given that (x—3) is a factor of f(x), (a) find p. (b) solve the equation f(e)=0. [June93/Q8/M7] 5. f(x) = (k + 1)x?3 + 8x? — 3kx + 4, where kis a constant. Given that the remainder when ffx) is divided by (x + 2) is 22, find &. [Jan95/Q1/M3] 6. f(x) = kx? + (3k.— 2)x? —A4, where kis a constant, Given that (x + 2) is a factor of f (x), (a) find the value of k , With the value of & found in (a), (b) find the remainder when f (x) is divided by (x — 1). [May96/Q6/M5} 7. £ (x) = 3x3 — 4x? = ax + 6, where ais a constant. Given that x = —2 is a root of the equation f (x) = 0, find . (a) find the value ofa [2] (b) the other two roots of the equation f (x) = 0. [Jan01/Q7/M7] 8. £ (x) = x3 2x — p. Given that x = 3 is a root of the equation fx)=0, (a) find the value of p. [2] (b) show that the equation f{x)=0 has only one real root. [4] [Jano4/Q5/M6] +9. f(x) = 2x3 + px? — 5x +6 * Given that (x — 3) is a factor of f(x), find the value ath t [May09/Q1/M3] 10. f(x) = 2x3 — 3px? +x + 4p where p is an integer. Given that (x — 4) is a factor of f(x) (a) Show that the value of p is 3 (2] Using this value of p, (b) find the remainder when f{x) is divided by (x +2) [2] (©) factorise f(c) completely [3] - (d) solve the equation 2x? — 3px? +x + 4p-=0 [2] [Jan 17/Q2/M9] Mohsin sir * BSc Hons.(Math)*M.Se(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356. of fx), (a) Find the values ofp and g. (b) Hence, or otherwise, obtain the third factor of f(x). [June91/Q6/M6] 2. Given that (x — 1) is.a factor of f(x), where f (x) = 2x3 + px? + qx —6. (a) Obtain an equation satisfied by the constants p and q. Given further that when f(x) is divided by (x + 3) the remainder is —12, (b) obtain a second equation satisfied by p and g. (c) Hence find the values of p and q. [Sune92/Q7/Mg 3. f(x) = 2x3+ px? — 12x + q, where p and q are constants. Given that (x — 2) is a factor of f(x) and that, when flx) is divided by (x + 1), the remainder is—3, (a) form a pair of simultaneous equations satisfied by p and g. (b) show that p = 7. [2] (©) find the value g. With p = 7, (d) show that f(x) has a stationary value when x = 2 [May97/Q8/M6, 4. f(x) = x3 + px? + qx — 36,p and q € Z*. The three roots of the equation f(x)=0 are a , a and 4 Where a € 2+ (a) Show that @= 3. [2] (b) Hence find the value of p and the value of g. [3] [Jan10/Q2/M5] 5. f(x) = ax3 + bx? + cx +d, where a, b,c and d are integers. Given that {(0)=6 (a) show that d = 6'[1] When f(x) is divided by (x1) UNIQUE COACHING the remainder is —6 edmenaeet When f(x) is divided by (+1) conaucted vy: Mohsin Sir the remainder is 12 joriata (b) Find the value of b. [4] = 38, New Estaton {Grund or) | 367/1,Jfabad (st oo) Given also that (x—3) is a factor of f(x), > Opposite of SPAHANI Gis’ |. >> Opposite of CITY HOSPITAL (6) find the value of a and the value of c,[6] | scoot scousce imocaazan | talmania (d) express f(x) as a product Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 of linear factors. [3] (May12/Q8/M14] ) Factor/Remainder Theorem (Paper 1, sec A) 4. Given that (x + b) is a factor of ax? + x + a, find an expression for a in terms of . [June89/Q2/M4] 2. Given that (x — 2b) is a factor of ax? — x — a, find an expression for a in terms of b. [Jan94/Q3/M4] .s =" (iA) Inequality (Paper 1, Sec A) 4. Find the set values of x for which 2x? +x 1<0, [Jan90/Q2/M4] 2. Find the set values of x for which (x — 1)(x — 2) < 6. [Jan92/Q1/M4] Mohsin sir * BSc Hons.(Math)*M.Sc(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 Page: Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) 3. Find the set values of x for which (2x +1)? < 4(2x +1), [May96/Q5/M5] 4. Find the set values of x.for which 2x(x — 2) < (x + 1)(x - 2) [May97/Q12(i)/M 5. Find the set values of'x for which (2x ~ 1)(4x = 9) < 4x +3. [Jan97/QS/M5] G. Find the set values of x which satisfy the inequality x? — x — 12 > 0. [Jan99/Q2/M4] 7. Find the set Values of x which satisfy the inequality 2x? — 5x > 18, [Jan00/Q2/M4] 8. (a) Find the set values of x for which x? + 2x-3>3x+43. [3] (b) Find the integer values of y for which 2y? +9 < 11y—3 [3] [Jan06/Q2/M6] 9. Solve the inequality 6x? — 19x — 7 < 0. [Jan12/Q3/M4] 40. Find the set of values of x for which (2x + 1)(4 — x) > (x — 4)(2x — 3) [May12/Q1/M4] 41. Find the set of values of x for which 3(x + 1)? <9—x [May13/Q2/M4] 412. Find the set of values x for which (2x — 3)? > 7x -3 [Jan16/Q2/M5] 113. Use algebra to find the set of values of x for which (3x — 1)(x - 1) < 2(3x-1) [5] [Jan 17/Q3/M5] B) Inequality (Paper.1jsec A) 1. (a) By shading out the regions for which the following inequalities do not apply; Show in a single sketch, the region R in which the inequalities y > 0,y Sx + 1,y = 3x —3 are satisfied simultaneously. (b) Find the coordinates of the point in & which is furthest from the origin, _ [June87/Q6/M6] 2. (a) Ona sheet of graph paper, using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on each axis, draw, for values of x in the interval —2 < x < 3, the lines with equation y = x + 2 and y = 2x — 1. The region R is defined by y 0,x + y <6.y + 3x $ 12 x > 0 are saticfied simultaneously. (b) Find the coordinates ofthe point in the region R which give the maximum value of 20x + 10y. {June91/Q8/M7} 4. (a) Sketch, for —1 < x <5, the graph of the line with equation 3x + 4y = 12, showing the ~ coordinates of the points where the line cuts the axes. The region A consists of those points whose coordinates (x, y) satisfy the inequalities x2 Ly > 03x +4y < 12. (b) Shade in and label the region A on your sketch. [Jan95/Q5/M5] 5. (a) On a sheet of graph paper, using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on the y-axis, draw, for values of x in the interval —1 < x < 2, the lines with equations y = x + Land y = 3(x—1). The region R is defined by the inequalities y < x # 1,y > 3(x—1)and y 2 0. (b) On your graph shade and label clearly the region R. (©) Obtain the largest value of (x + y) for points whose coordinates satisfy the given inequalities, [Jan96/Q5/M5] 6. (a) On the same axes, sketch the lines with equations y = x +2 and y + 2x = 5. Mohsin sir * BSc Hons.(Math)*M.Sc(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 \ Page’ Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) (b) Show, by shading, the region R defined by the inequalities y S$ x + 2,y +2x S$ 5,x > Oang 20. > © Determiney by calculation, whether or not the point with coordinates (5 4) lies in R [May01/Q3/M5] 72 (a) On the same axes, sketch the lines with equations x = 4,y = 3x + 2 and y = 7 —x (b) Show, by shading, the region for which xS4yS3xt2y S7-xx20andy20 [Jan05/Q1/M4} 8. (a) On the same axes, sketch the lines with equations x = 6, y = 3x and y = 15 ~ 2x. [3] (b) Show, by shading, the region for which x < 6,y < 3x and y = 15 — 2x. [1] [Jan07/Q2/Ma] SHR Ceti al ane) 4, Sketch the graph of the curve with equation y = x(x — 2), showing the coordinates of the points where the curve intersects the axes. Deduce the set of values of x for which y = 0. [June94/Q1/M4] 2. (a) Sketch the curve with equation y = x? + x — 2, showing clearly the coordinates of the points where the curve crosses the x-axis. (b) Hence, or otherwise, determine the set of values of x for which x?+x-2<0. [May98/Q3/M4] *2=:(iii)' Simultaneous Equation (Paper 1, sec A) 4. Given that x + y = 4 and x? — y = 8, calculate the two possible values of x. [Jan89/Q3/M5| 2. Solve for x and y the simultaneous equations x — 2y = 5,3x+2y?=11. [Jan90/QS/MS] 3. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x + 2y = 25 and xy [June90/Q4/M5} 4. Solve the simultaneous equations y = x + 1 and 2x? + y? [Jan92/Q6/M3] 5. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x ~3y ='1,x? + y? = 1-4+2x, [June94/Q7/MG, 6. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x + y = 6,2 + = =4 [May95/Q8/M1] 7« Solve the simultaneous equations x? + xy=2 , xty=1. [Jan96/Q1/M3) B. Solve the simultaneous equations x + 3y = 4, x [Jan97/QU/M3] jp 9. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x + y = 5, 2x? — 3y? = 5. [Jan98/Q5/M5) 40. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x — y = 6, x? +xy—-y?=4 —[Jan99/Q11(ii)/M. 41. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x? + 3xy + y*=0,3x+y =2. [June99/Q4/M4) 42. Solve the simultaneous equations x? — 4x + y? = 21x -y [Jan00/Qi/t): 43. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x + y = 1,x? + 3xy +y? =5. [Jan04/QaMsl) 44. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x? + 9xy-+ 9y? =0,13x + 3y [May04/Q2/M4] 45: Solve the simultaneous equations y = x? 7xi4+ 10,2 = y+, [Jan05/Q3/M5* 4G. Soive the equations y — 2x = 5, 2x? + 2xy Hy? = 5. i! [May0s/Q2z/Mile 47. Solve the equations x? +4x —xy = 10, 2x—y = 3. {Mayo6/QuMs) 418. Solve the equations xy = 6, xy + x+y = 11. [Jan10/Q4/Moe 419. Solve the equations x— 2y =3,.2y?, + 2xy + em de [May 10/Q3/Moe 20! Solve thie equations y = x? -— 3x +2,y-x=7 [May11/QuMi Mohsin sir * BSc Hons. (Math) *M.Se(Math),J.U*Mobile:\01718 358760 # 01676 729356 Page: Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) 4. The functions f and g are defined forx € Rbyfixrox? +1, gx axt1 (a) Find the range of the function f. (b) Define the function fg in the from fg:x 4 [June87/Q2/M4] 2. The function f'and g defined for by f. x» 2x? — 1,gx x +3. (a) State the range of f. (b) Define the composite function fin the form fg: x + [Jan91/Q3/M4] 3. The function fis defined by fx =x ER,x #1, (a) Find an expression for f(x) (b) State the range of f" [Jan93/Q3/M4] 4, The function f is defined by fx 6 x E Rx #2. Obtain in a similar from the inverse function f", stating its domain. [Jan95/Q2/M4] S.fxv loge, ER x>0 gx (x-1)2.xERx>1 (a) Evaluate (i) fe(10) (ii) fe(2) Given that h = fg, (b) find h(x) and state the domain of h. UNIQUE COACHING (c) find h"'(x) and state the domain of h" * * [P2/Jan96/Q10(ii)/M....] conducted by: Mohsin Sir 6.f:x45*, xER extern ee france) (a) Write down an expression for f'(x). 13) ii rel i ert a al (b) State the domain of f1 Soioor avcource mocoazan | tAlNanA tech, : Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 wExH 4+ xERxe (a) Find reo, (b) State the domain of f!. {Jan98/Q3/M4] “9 Mem (a) Given that M =}, a=4 and g=10, find m. (b) Express Min terms of a, g and m. Oe Mio 41. Solve the equation =~ +, = 2. Give your answers correct to 3 significant figures [Jan12/Q2/M4] Algebra (Paper. 4. The polynomial f(x), where f(x) = 2x3 + Ax? + Bx — 3 is exactly divisible by (x ~ 1) and has remainder +9 when divided by (x + 2). Find the values of the constants A and B. Mofisin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math) *M.Sc(Math),J. U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 Page: Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) Hence solve the equation fx) = 0. [June87/Q9(i)/M...] 2.) fx) = pre tqx? trxts The curve with equation y = f(x) has gradient 4 at the point with coordinates (0, —5). (a) Find the values of r and s. The remainder when f(t) is divided by (x ~ 1) is 12 and the remainder when f (x) is divided by (x +2) is 15 (b) Calculate the values of p and q. (ii) g(x) = 2x3 - x? - 23x - 20 (a) Show that (x + 1) is a factor of g(x). (b) Factorise g(x) completely. (©) Solve the equation g(x) = 0. [June90/QLO/MIS] 3. f(c) = x4 + px? — Bx? + qx +16, where p and ¢ are constants. f(x) is exactly divisible by (x ~ 4) and (x + 2). (a) find and simplify two simultaneous equations satisfied by p and g (b) Solve your equation to find p and q. (© With these values of p and g, determine the remainder when f (x) is divided by (x~3) [Jan99/Q11(ii)/M.. 4. f(x) = 2x3 + ax? + bx + 15 where @ and b are constaints The remainder when f(x) is divided by (x ~ 1) is -12 The remainder when f(x) is divided by (x + 1) is 48 (q) Find the value of a and of the b. [6] (b) Show that (2) = 0 [1] (0) Express f(x) a8 a product of liner factors. (4] (6) Solve the equation f(x) = 0 [1] [Jan 15/Q9/M12] 5. fx) =x? — 7x +6 (a) Show that (x ~ 2) is a factor of fx). [2] (b) Hence, or otherwise, factorise f(x) completely. [3] [June16/Q1/M5} (ii). Algebra(Paper 1,sec B) [inequality] 4. The determinant of the matrix A=(4 iM is iven by ad - be. For the matrix 23 2xten 3x al Bai Bx 7), where x € R, | (a) find the complete set of values of x for which the determinant of B is positive (b) find the minimum value that the determinant can take and the corresponding value of x. 2 The matrix (3 $)and the matix D= ("24 312) (©) Given that C? + B = D, express x in terms of } and find the value of y. [June87/Q14/M15] 2. A company supplies components from 2 factories A and B , to 3 customers C, D and E. Factory A supplies 50 components each week and factory B supplies 30 components each week. | Customers C, D and E require 25 components, 35 components and 20 components respectively each week. The total supplied and received are shown in Table. Mohsin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math) *M.Se(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 © Page! Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) Castomer | — = cl} op E | Total supplied 4 x [yy 30 B . 30 Total received | 25 | 35 [20 80 Table also shows that factory A supplies x components to customer C and y component to customer D. (a) Copy and complete the table by inserting expressions in terms of x,’ or x and y for the numbers of components supplied by each factory to each customers. Each factory must supply a number of components that is greater than or equal to zero, to each customer. (b) Write down 6 inequalities that must be satisfied by x, y or x and y. (c) Using 2cm to represent 5 components on each axis plot a graph to show these inequalities in the rangeO. -x-1, y>3x-9 cranes) pre ore ani 19, New Ekanearnd fon) | 367/1 Jfabad st oor) See Sere th See tecticoauacins || 2 Opposite of CTY HOSPITAL For all points in R, SCHOOL BCOLLEGE MOGBAZAR | LALMATIA with coordinates (x,y), P=y—2x | Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 conducteaty: Mohsin Sir (Gt. wilto Level) (©) find (j) the greatest value of P, Gi) the least value of P. [4] [San 15/05/M9] K “Mohsin sir * BSc Hons.(Math) *M.Se(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 #.01676 72938 ne Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) PAC TEM ET hee te tt} j 4. The function fis defined by f. x 4 2x? + 4x +5, xER. Given that f(x) = A(x +B)? +C, UNIQUE COACHING Where A, B and C are constants, (su vitentow) (a) find A, B and C.- 'b) Hence find the ff. 2, 4, ies ee conducted by: Mohsin Sir Address The function g is defined by g: x x+4, xER. ciwanhy Given that fg(x) = Dx? + Ex + F, | 19:New tskaton Ground floor) > Oppositeof SPAHANI GIRLS’ | > Opposite of CITY HOSPITAL, SCHOOL a COLEGE,moceazan | LAUMATIA where D, E and F are constants, Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 (© Find D, E and F. (@) solve the equation fg(x)=gftx). (©) Find the set of values of x for which f(x) < g(x). [June93/Q10/M15] 2. The fulnction f and g are defined by fxex3-7x+6,xER gixx-1,xER (a) Show that f(x) = x9 — 3x? + 4x +112. (b) Write down an expression for gf (x). (©) Solve the equation fg(x) — gftx)=7. (a) Show that (x — 2) is a factor of f(x). (e) Using the result of (d), solve fa(x) = 0. (f) Sketch the graph of the curve with equation y=fg(x), showing the coordinates ‘of the points where the curve cuts the axes. (g) Using your sketch in (f) or otherwise, solve the inequality f(x) < 0. [Jan95/Q11/M15} Bix 74+12x-4x?, (xER gx x-2,x€R (a) Find an expression for fg(x), simplifying the coefficients as far as possible: (b) Find the set of values of x for. which fg(x) Opposite of SPAHANI GIRLS’ >> Opposite of CITY HOSPITAL, ‘SCHOOL & COLLEGE,MocBazan | LALMATIA Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 ‘Mohisin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math)*M.Sc(Math),J. U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676729356 Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) Weir ceutical Ge ae ied 4. Given that (x + 2).is a factor of x? + ax + a, find the value of the constant a. [Jan87/Q1/M4] 2. f(x)=6x3 — 11x? - 5x +6 (a) Show that (x — 2) is a factor of f(x). a. ®) Hence find all the solutions of the equation f(x)=0, giving your answers to 3 significant figures where appropriate. [May01/Q4/M6} 3. f(x) = x3 +x? + px +.q, where p and q are constants. f(x) has a factor (x — 4). When f(x) is divided by (x- 2) the remainder is -16. (a) Form a pair of simultaneous equations in p and q. (3] (b) Find the value of p and the value of g. [3] [Jan06/Q5/M6} =x3 42x? -Sx-6 (a) Factorise x? — x — 2. [1] %v) Hence, or otherwise, show that! (x? — x —2) is a factor of f(x). [3] [May10/Q2/M4] 5. f(x) = x3 +ax*+bxt+6, bez (x= 2) is a factor of f{x).-When f(x) is divided by (x +3) the remainder is —15, Find the value of a and the value of 8. [Jan11/Q2/M4} 6. A curve has equation y = x3 + 2x? — 11x — m, where m isa positive integer. The curve crosses the x-axis at the point with coordinates (4,0). (a) Show that m = 12. [2] (b) Factorise x3 + 2x? — 11x — 12 completely. [3] The curve also crosses the x-axis at two other points. (c) Write down the x-coordinate of each of these points. [1] [May11/Q4/M16] 7. p (x) = 2x3 +13x? —17x-70 (a) Show that p(-2)=0 [2] we (b) Solve the equation p(x)=0 [4] [May 13/Q6/M6] 8. f(x) = 2x3 — px? — 13x =q When f(t) is divided by (x— 2) the remainder is —20,Given that (x — 3) is a factor of f(x) (a) find the value of p and the value of [7] (b) Hence use algebra to ‘solve the equation f(x) = 0 [5] + [Jan16/QL0/M12] Warts ceca CPt Ce eel ear ie wh Cru) 1. f(x) = x3 + 5x? + px-q p.qeZ Given that (x+2) and (x — 1) are factors of f(x), (a) form a pair of simultaneous equations in p and g, [2] (b) show that p=2 and find the value of g, (3] (c) factorise f(x) completely. [1] (@) Sketch the curve with equation y = f(x) showing the coordinates of the points where the curve crosses the x-axis. [2] Mofisin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math) *M.Se(Math),J. U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 Page: Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) The curve with equation y = x° + 2x? + 4x meets the curve with equation y = f(x) at two points A and B. The x-coordinate of A is at and the x-coordinate of B is 2 (c) Use algebraic integration to find, to 3 significant figures, the area of the finite region bounded by the two curves. [5] [May14/Q9/M113] 4. Find the set of values of x for which 2x3 + 5x > 7. [Jan95/Q1/M4] 2. (a) Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the curve with equation y =x? 5x +9 and the line with equation y = x + 1. (b) Hence, or otherwise, find the set of values of x for which x ++ 1 > x7 -5x +9. X [Jan01/Q6/M6} 3. (a) Find the coordinates of the points where the curve with equation y = x? — 3x + 6 meets theline with equation y = 4x — 4. (b) Find the set of values of x for which x? — 3x +6 2 4x—4. [May02/Q3/M7] 4. (a) Find the coordinates of the points where the line with equation y = 3x + 3 intersecets the curve with equation y = x? + x — 12. [5] (b) Find the set of values of x for which x? +x ~ 12 > 3x +3. [2] [Mayo7/Q4/M7] 5. Find the coordinates of the points where the line with equation y = 2x — 5 meets the curve with equation xy = 12. [May09/Q2/Ms5] emer Ctrin tetas) 4. (a) On the same axes, sketch the lines with equations x = 5,y = 2x and y = 16 — 2x. (b) Show, by shading, the region for which y 2 0,x <5,y < 2x and y < 16 ~ 2x. [Jan02/Q1/M4) 2. (a) ori the saifie’axes, sketch and label the graphs of lines with equations 2 i) 4y = 12 3x, (il) 3y = 12-4, 2-x([3} (b) Stiow clearly the region for which f By + 4x S124y+3xS 12, ytx22x20y20' 2)" i [May03/Q2/M5] 3. (a) Ona graph paper using a scale of 2'cm to represent 1 unit'on both axes and taking 0 2x-5,y >—x-+4andy 16 —4x,x <3 andy <3x+8. [1] O [May09/Q3/M5] Bl x A yo i6-4x ‘Mofisin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math)*M.Se(Math),J. U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 © Pages: Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) 5. (a) On the axes below sketch the lines with equations y = 2x + Land y + 3x =9. [21 (b) Show, by shading, the region R defined by the inequalities Ja ySaxtLy +3x $9,x 2 0andy 2 0.11) UNIQUE COACHING {std vite ALevel) Conducted by : Mohsin Sir Address Braneno4) rancho2) 19,, New Eskaton (Ground floor) 4367/1, Jafrabad (1st oor) cities baal x | > Opposite of SPAHANI GIRLS’ >> Opposite of CITY HOSPITAL, si ScHool & cOLUEGE,Moceazan | LALMATIA Mobile : 01718 358760 # 01676 729356 [May10/Q1/M3} G. (a) On the axes below, sketch the lines with equations x = 3, = x-+ Land 2y +x =5 On your sketch, y mark the coordinates of any points where the lines cross the axes. [3] (b) Show, by shading on yout sketch, the region K defined by the inequalities [1] xS3,y 0. (©) Find an equation of the normal to the curve with equation y = f(x) at the point x = -1. [Jan01/Q11/M15] Mohsin sir * B.Sc Hons.(Math)*M.Sc(Math),J.U*Mobile: 01718 358760 # 01676 729356

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