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Antipodean English AsEnglisah ish

-large scale migrations of mother tongue English speakers from England ,

Scotland, Ireland

10 North America ,
Ans , New Zealands

The varieties
of English spoken in modern North America & Ans are not identical with the English
oftheir early colonisers.

Altered is response to the changing sociolinguistic

ban dia Mi ngbandia Va nybanaia New

Expansion of vocab through contact in the indigenous Tndian , Aboriginal , or Maori -

populations : Amerindian
- -

the 1st permament British

During the 17th century , English spreadto southern parts of America & the Caribbean

. The two
I dispersals of English :


First :

Initially involving the large scale migration of spealeers from England , Scotland , &
Ireland predominantly to North America , Australia , & New Zealand
2 .
Second diaspora :

Involving the colonisation of Asia & .

I. The 1st diaspora :
English is transported to the new world.
In 1607 the 1st permanent colonists arrived a settled in Jamestown ,

, Virginia , to be
followedin 1620 by a
group of Puritans a
others on the Mayflower.

The latter

landed north further
, settling
at what is now Plymouth
Massachusetts in New England

Different backgrounds => differences in the accents of the 2 groups of settlers .

Nest England (Virginia) rhotic(r/a voiced/s/ sounds

- of :

& East
of England (New England) : these features were not a part of the local accent.

During the 17th century , English spread to southern parts of America & the Carribbean
result the slave trade
as a
of .

& their captors were initially contact


Englishes among the slaves and between them
pidgin languages .

In the next
generation , they developed into creoles .
18th century , there was large-scale immigration Northern Ireland

In the
(Philadelphia , but quickly moving south a west). After the Declaration of American
Independence in 1776 many Loyalists (the British settlers who had supported the

British government) for Canada.

Australia -
1770 : Tames Cook discovered Australia , landing in modern-day Queensland

The First Fleet landed in New South Wales in 1788


1788-1852 : around 160, 000 convicts were transported to Australia from Britain &

1820s :
large numbers of free settlers also began to arrive.

The largest proportion of from London o the south-east England

settlers came

others originated regions widely dispered

in as
for example south-west England,
as ,
Lancashire Scotland &
Ireland , = dialect
mixing which

further influenced was

by indigenous aboriginal languages .

New Zealand 1790s New Zealand


first settled by European traders though there
, was no

official colony until after the British-Maori Treaty of Waitany; in 1840.

from Anfrom Britaidn
1840s & 105Os
Immigrants arrived in 3 stages 1860s


1070-1885 from the UK (a considerable :

proportion of Scots (
=> Mixture of dialects , this time subject to
strong Maori influence esp terms
a in

of .
Africa -
1650s South
Africa was colonised by the Dutch fromthe 1650s
1820 The British
begin to settle.

From 1822, when English was declared the official language , it was also learnt as a
second language by blacks & Afrikaans speakers
. The
II second disperal :
English is transported to Asia & Africa .

2nd diaspora took place at various points during
The the 18th & 19th centuries in very

different results from those of the Is+ diaspora .

English in West Africa

is linked to the slave trade o the development
of pidgin a creole
From thelate 15th century British traders travelled at different times to
from the

, primarily
various coastal territories t
of Wes Africa
Gambia , Sierra Leone , Ghana, Nigeria,
& Cameroon .
major British settlement in the area & , instead , English was employed
was no

as a
lingua franca both among the indigenous population , & between these people & the
British traders. English has subsequently gained
official states.

Ridgins & creoles developed from

English contact , such as Krio & Cameroom
Ridgin English
East Africa -

Africa's .
relationship with English followed different path a

The countries
of Kenya, Uganda Tanzania , Malawi , Zambia Zimbabwe
& were

extensively settled British colonists

by the 1850sfrom .

English playing an important role in their major institutions such as government,


education , & the law .

remainsthe officiallanguagesinUganda,Zambias although Swahili

Zimbabwe, Malayit

to be used
more likely English lingua franca Uganda it
as a Kenya in
a is in a

Tanzania .

Even Hindi is the

official of
language India, English is an "associate language" official
used alongside Hindi as a neutral
lingua ,
a has
franca a
process undergone of
Indianisation in which it has developed a distinctive national character comparable to
that of American & Aus English
Southest Asia, -

1884-1920, a British protectorate ,

a provides one
of the world's best examples
East Asia, of English-based pidgin , Tok Risin
an .

South Pacific

Philippines gaining independence in 1946 , has retained a strong American-English


influence .

Singapore> -
The use
of English has increased in Singapore aa local variety has begun to
Malaysia emerge

The use of English has declined Malaysia in as a result of the adoption of

the local language MalaysianBahasa the national
w as
language a medium of
education when Malaysia gained independence in 1957.

Nowadays English is also learnt in other countries in neighbouring areas , most

notably China , Taiwan, Japan, & Korea , the latter three having even considered
the possibility making English their
of [
official 2nd language.
Between 1750 & 1900 the settlements the 1st & 2nd

diasporas all underwent three similar major changes.
"English speakers Britain who happened to be living overseas"
Ag rowing sense separate identity , which soon extended to the flavour of
the lish they used
+ More non-native
English speakers in these areas learn to use English for survival
& employmentopportunities .

Since 1945 , most of the remaining colonies have become independent states,
with English retained functions
in order to provide various internal
often being
and/ortoServeas alinguafre .

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