MB (Algebra)

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[June90/Q2/M2] 1. Solve the equation 2(3x—1): 2. Solve the equation 5(2x—3)+7=2(4x+7) [Jan94/Q2/M2} 3. Solve the equation 3(4x+3)=2r [May95/Q2/M2 4, Solve the equation 2(x-1)-3(2x-3)=19 (Jan96/Q9/M3] 5. Solve the equation $(7—2x)=3x-4 [Jan98/Q9/M2] 6. Solve the equation 2(5x+3)—3(x+7)=2x [May98/Q10/M3} 7. Solve the equation 3(r+1)=10 [Jan99/QU/M2] 8 Solve the equation 5(x-3)-3(x-9)=0 [May02/Q15/M3} 9. Solve the equation 4(x-3)=32 [Jan14/Q1/M2} 10. Solve the equation 2(3x—4)—4(1-3x) =3(x+4). Show clear algebraic working [May16/Q12/M3] 11, Solve (x— 1) (x- 4) [May17/Q12} 12, Solve z~4 (x—z)=x- 12 [18/Q10) [3] Show clear algebraic working 13. The integer N is greater than 120 When N is divided by 28 the remainder is 3 When N is divided by 120 the remainder is 3 Find the least value of N. ‘You must show your working. (3) [May21/Q10] 14, Without using a calculator and showing all your working, express s-viz ae In the form a — Vb where a and b are integers. [3] [May21/Q15] 1. Solve the equation ==4 = [Jan91/Q2/M2] 2. Solve the equation aoe = [Jan92/Q2/M2] 3. Solve the equation [June92/Q5/M2] 4. Solve the equation 2 =5 [June93/Q3/M2] 5. Solve the equation = 3 — [Jan94/Q17/M3] Page - 38) Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 6. Solve the equation 2=2 [Jan96/Q1/M2) x 7. _ Solve the equation =2 [May97/QU/M2] 8. Solve the equation > =20 [Jan00/Q4/M2] 9. Solve the equatior [May11/Q4/M12] 2x 10. Solve = [May14/Q5/M2} 1. Solve the equation 2243 _ ; [Jan91/Q7/M2] 2. — Solve the equation ie +2)- Fle 1)=2 {Jan92/Q14/M3] 3. Solve the equation 5-1-4 x-2)=1 [June92/Q19/M3) 4, — Solve the equation 30 -3)-i(0- p)=0 [Jan93/Q12/M3] 5. Solve the equation $ex-1)-te= 2 [June93/Q11/M13] 6. Solve the equation peed [May94/Q11/M3] 7. Solve the equation 5 +12=0 [Jan95/Q8/M2] 8. Solve the equation 6 +3)- F(x +5)=1 [Jan95/Q21/M3] 9. Solve the equation 2-41 7 [May96/Q23/M4] 10. Solve the equation. [May04/Q16/M3} 11, Solve the equation i z-3 [May05/Q18/M3] 12. Solve the equation a [May07/Q12/M3] 13. Solve the equation (Jan13/Q17/M3) t 1. Given that 23* = 64, find x. [Jan99/Q3/M2] 2. Solve the equation x = 5* + 6°, where x0. [Jan00/Q7/M2] 3. Given that 2* = 4", calculates x. [Jan01/Q4/M12] 4. Solve?" =4?, [Jan01/Q4/M2} 5. (a) Express 243 as a power of 3. [I] Page - 388 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 — Sa -- =243"[3] 6. (a) Write 729 as a product of prime factors. [1] (b) Solve 3?" = 729. [2] 7, Solve the equation S—Jx =V/x-7 2 = 9. 81=3°" Calculate the value of x 2 Given that a#Qand a1, find the value of m. 10. 32=4"9) Calculate the value of x. 11. (a) Given that y> 0, express as a single power of y. yxy y-2 (b) Given that 4°" = 2 x 8" (@) Find the value of k. 1. Solve the simultaneous equations 4x-3y 2. Solve the simultaneous equations 5x+2y =16,4x—3y=—1 3. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x+5y =15,5x-3y=8 4, Solve the simultaneous equations 5x-2y =17,4x+3y =9 5." Solve the simultaneous equations 4x+3y+4=0,3x—12y+22=0 6 7. 8 9 Solve the simultaneous equations 2x-+5y = 2,4x—3y =17 Solve the simultaneous equations x- y =5,2x—-3y=13 Solve the simultaneous equations 2x~3y = 1,3x—Sy =3 Solve the simultaneous equations 3x—4y =29,2x+5y =4 10. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x+2y 12 11. Solve the simultaneous equations 2a +3b =-5,3a-2b=12 25 13. Solve the simultaneous equations 4x+3y =13,3x—2y =14 ,2x-Sy 12. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x + 2y =4,5x—3, 14. Solve the simultaneous equations 4x + 9y =-6,5x-2y =19 15. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x+3y = 465,5x—Ty =75 16. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x — y =13,5x+3y =16 17. Solve forxandy 2x-3y=5,5x-2y=-4 18. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x + y = 2,2x-2y =3 19, Solve the simultaneous equations 3x +5y=13,x+2y =9 20. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x~ y=2,x+3y=15 21. Solve the simultaneous equations x+3y =10,3x-y=1 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471, [Jan03/Q24/M14} [May0s/Q16/M3} [May12/Q3/M2} [Jan14/Q8/M2] [May15/Q9/M3] {Jan'18/Q7) [3] RP] [May 18/Q27] [3] Q] [June90/Q13/M3] [June91/Q13/M3] [Jan92/Q21/M4] [June92/Q25/M4] [Jan93/Q21/M4] [May94/Q18/M4] [May95/Q12/M3] [May95/Q12/M3] [Jan96/Q16/M4] [Jan98/Q17/M4) [Jan99/Q20/M4] [Jan01/Q17/M4] [May01/Q14/M4] [May02/Q19/M4] [Jan04/Q17/M4] [Jan05/Q23/M4] [Jan07/Q15/M4] [Jan12/Q22/M4] [Jan13/Q20/M4] [May14/Q17/M4] [May15/Q19/M4] Page - 389 22.solve the simultaneous equation 2-3 =8 =x-3 vie Show clear algebraic working . 2. Solve the simultaneous equations. 3x-2y=-4 6x + 5y-37 23.a=2p+1 B=2p-1 ‘Show that — can be written as Show your working clearly, 24, Solve the simultaneous equations. X+2y=-4 Ix-y=11 Show clearly algebraic working. 25. Solve the simultaneous equations Sx+3y =2 [Jan21/Q18] 3x-8y=4 Show clear algebraic working. [4] [May 18/Q15] [an'19/Q14] (3) 4p+2p'+1 [an' 19/Q19} [4] 26. Solve simultaneous equations 4x + 4y = 18 4x + 6y = 35 Show clear algebraic working. [3] 26. given that 2* x 4” = 128 (a) show that x + 2y = 7, (3] Given that & = 32 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471, [May21/Q5] Page - 390 (b) show that 3x — 2y = 5. [2] (c) Hence, or otherwise, solve the simultaneous equations. [2] [May22/Q3] 2x4 = 128 = 32 ee e 1. Given that f(x)=ax-+bwhere f(3)=6and f(-1)=10, calculate the value of @ and the value 0 [May03/Q21/M5} 1. Solve the equation a? + Sa +2=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. _[Jan91/QU5/M3] 2. Solve the equation x? - 5x +3 = 0, giving your answers to I decimal place. _[June91/Q167M3] 3. Solve the equation 2x” +5x-4=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. —_[Jan92/Q12/M3] 4, _ Solve the equation 2x? -3x-6=0, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. [June93/Q16/M3} 5. ~ Solve the equation3x? —4x-1=0, giving your answers to two decimal places. [May94/Q13/M3] 6. Solve the equation Sx” -4x-4=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. [Jan96/Q14/M4] 7. Solve the equation 3x? -8x—2=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. — [May96/Q1S/M3] 8 Solve, giving your solutions to 2 decimal places, the equation3x*-18-5=0. [May00/Q22/M4] 9. Solve the equation 5x? ~9x-6=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. [May05/Q21/M4] 10. Solve the equation5x? -11x-2=0, giving your answers to 2 decimal places. [May07/Q18/M4] 11, Solvex=3+ Z giving your solutions correct to 2 decimal places. [May10/Q23/M6] 12. Solve the equation 4x? -3x-2=0, Give your solutions to 3 significant figures. [May14/Q20/M4] 13. AB and C are three numbers such that [an' 19/23] and A+B4C=20x+65 Given that B = 40, find the value of x. 14, Given that, for all values of x, 4x) — 8x? - 12+ 11 = (2x +k) Q(x) +11 Where Q(x) is a quadratic expression in x. B Find the positive value of k. (Jan’ 20/Q12} (3) 15, One solution of the equation 6x? + 17x? — 5x —6 = 0 is —2 Find the other 2 solution of the equation, Ellas Sir Mathomatics - 01673544471 Page - 391 Show clear algebraic working. [5] [May21/Q24] 1. Solve the equation 3x°-+5x=2 [June92/Q16/M3] 2. Solve the equation 2x? +x-1=0 [June97/Q13/M3] 1 [June91/Q11/M3] 2 [Jano1/Q24M5} 3. Solve 1+ x46 [Jan02/Q21/M5] 4... Solve the equation 16a -3)=a+l. [May03/QL6/M4] 5. Solve x= 3-2 : [3an05/Q17/M3] 6 Solve the equation 2+ S [May06/Q21/M5] 7, Find the values of x which satisfy the equation (Sx + 3)(c-1) = 4. [May07/Q26/M5] 8 Solve aes [Jan11/Q21/M4] [May12/Q28/M...] 9. Solve 10. By writing 8x? - 56x-+ 17 in the form p(x +4) +7 find the exact solutions of the equation 8x? — 56x +17=0 Give your answer in the form #2 where a, b and c are integers. Show your working clearly. [6] [Jan22/Q25] ) Word Probl 1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 61 cm. Given that one side of the rectangle is x cm in length and another side is 7 cm longer. (@) form an equation in x and solve it to find x. (b) state the lengths, in cm, of the sides of the rectangle. (©) find, in cm? to 1 decimal place, the area of the rectangle. [June91/Q24/M5} 2. Jenny is now ten times as old as Anne. In five years time Jenny will be only four times as old as Anne. (2) Complete the following statement by filling in the spaces. Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 392 years old, In five years time Anne will Anne is now x years old, so Jenny is now.. be......-years old and Jenny will be. .years old. (b) Form an equation for x and solve it, 3. In AABC, AB = 16 cm, BC= x cm and the perimeter of the triangle is 80 cm. (a) Write down an expression in terms of x for the length of the side AC. Given also, that AABC = 90° (b) Use Pythagoras’ theorem to form an equation in x. won (© Solve the equation obtained in part (b) to find the value of x. [May97/Q26/M5] B xem c 4. Two families went to the cinema, The first family consisted of 2 adults and 3 children. The total cost of their cinema tickets was £19.20. Let £x be the cost of an adult's ticket and £y be the cost of a child's ticket. (@) Write down an equation in x and y. The second family consisted of 3 adults and 4 children. The total cost of their cinema tickets was £27.00 (b) Write down a second equation in x and y. Hence find the cost of (©) a child’s ticket, (d) an adult ticket. [May99/Q24/M6] 5. Two workers on a production line, Althea and Bertram, produce a total of 1265 items per hour Bertram produces 20% more items per hour than Althea. Let x be the number of items produced by Althea in one hour and let y be the number of items produced by Bertram in one hour. (a) Write down two different equations in x and y. (b) Solve your two equations to find the number of items produced by Bertram. [May00/Q20/M4] 6. A square has sides of length x cm and a rectangle has sides of length (x - 3) om and (x + 28) cm. For each of the following, write down an equation in x and solve your equation. (a) The perimeter of the rectangle is five times the perimeter of the square. [Jan92/Q3/M6] (b) The area of the rectangle is twice the area of the square. [May00/Q29/7M7] 7... Ima certain school there is a total of 792 pupils. There are 58 more girls than boys. Calculate the number of boys at the school. [Mayo2/Q2/M2] 8. The mean of the three integers x, y and 17 is 16. (a) Write down an equation in x and y. [1] The difference between x and y is 21 and x>y. (b) Write down another equation in x and y. [1] (c) Solve your two equations to find the value of x and the value of y. [2] [Jan03/Q21/M4] 9. The three sides ofa right angled triangle have lengths 5x cm, (4x + 8)em and (3x — 14)em The side of length 5x cris the hypotenuse, (@) Use this information to form an equation in x. [1] (b) Hence calculate the length, in cm, of the perimeter of the triangle. [4] [Mayo4/Q24/Mi5] 10. Two fishermen, Ashraf and Khalid, went fishing. Ashraf caught x fish, Khalid caught y fish, and in total they caught 69 fish. (@) Write down an equation in x and y, [1] Ashraf caught 30% more fish than Khalid. () Write down another equation in x and y. [1] (c) Solve your equations to find the number of fish caught by Ashraf and the number of fish caught by Khalid. [3] [Jan06/Q25/M5] 11, The attendance at a cricket match was 7000, There were x adults and y children at the match. Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 393 (a) Express this information as an equation in x and y. [1] The price of an adult ticket for the match was £20 and the price of a child’s ticket was £8. The total income from selling tickets was £ 123200. (b) Express this information as another equation in x and y. [1] (©) Solve your two equations to find the number of adults and the number of children at the match, BI [May09/Q24/M15] 12. The mean of the eight numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, x, y is 11.7. (@ Show that x+y = 45.6. [2] Given also that y — x= 17.2. [May10/Q22/M5] (b) calculate the value of x and the value of y. [3] 13. In a right-angled triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is (5x + 16) em. The lengths of the other two sides are (3x — 6) cm and (4x + 20) cm. (@) Find the values of x [3] (b) Hence calculate the area .in em?, of the triangle. [2] [Jan11/Q23/M5} 14. Today, my house is 4 times as old as my neighbour's house. My neighbour's house is x years old today. (@) Find, in terms of x, an expression for the age of my house, in 18 years time. (2] In 18 years time, my house will then be twice as old as my neighbour's house will be then. (b) Use this information and answer to part (a) to write down an equation in x and hence find the age, x, of my neighbour's house today. [2] [Jan12/Q18/M4] 15. A fuel tank on a car contains 68 liters of fuel when full. At the start of a journey, the fuel tank is fall. When the car has travelled 612 km, the fuel tank is a quarter full. Find, the number of kilometers travelled per liter of fuel. {May12/Q13/M3] 16. A Plot of land for sale at £24 000. A group of x People decides to buy the land and each person in the group is to pay the same amount of money £4. (a) Write down a formula for A in terms of x. Given that each person pays £1500, (b) find the number of people in the group. [May12/Q15/M3] 17. Taking the earth to be a sphere of radius 6378 000 m, find the circumference of the equator of the Earth, Give your answer in km and in terms of n. [Jan13/Q12/M3} 18. A rectangular garden has length (2x—3)metres and width (3x + 7) metres (a) Explain why x > 15 The perimeter of the garden is P metres. (b) Write down and simplify an expression in x for P. [May13/Q15/M3] 19. Jenny has some microbeads. ‘The mass of each microbead is 6.4 x 10% grams. Find, to 2 significant figure, the number of mucrobeads needed to have a total mass of $ kilograms 20. (a) Write 3560000000 in standard from (Jan’19/Q8] [2] (b) The mass of Mercury is 3.302 x 10**kg. ‘The mass of Saturn is 5.685 X W”' kg. Given that the mass of Saturn - k x the mass of Mercury, 01673844471 Page - 394 Calculate, to 3 significant figures the value of k. Bian’ 19/99} (3) 21. Q=10-At Work out the value of @ when A = -2 and¢ = 3 [2] [Jan21/Q4] 22, Michael's age is n years. Navtej’s age is three times Michael’s age. Indre is 8 years yournger than Navtej and 2 years older than Miachael. Find the value of n. Show clear algebraic working. [3] [May21/Q7] Given that x is an integer such that 8x-+3<47—x, find the largest possible value of x [Jane91/Q1/M2} 2. Find the largest integer which satisfies the inequality 5x-12<36—-2x. [Jan95/Q10/M3} 3. Given that x is an integer and17-+2x-<0, find the largest possible value ofx. _ [May96/Q8/M2] 4. Find the largest integer n, which satisfies the inequality 6n-5<3(n+7). [May97/Q8/M3] 5. Given that =I > 2x44, (a) solve the inequality. Given also that A is an integer, (b) write down the largest value of x. [May99/Qis/M3] 6. Find the largest positive integer x for which Sx+6<32—x. [Jan10/Q15/M3] 7. Find the largest integer n which satisfies the inequality 5n+1<3(n—8) [Jan11/Q10M3} 8. Find the largest integer which satisfies 5x—2<3(5-x) [May12/Q17/M3] 9. Find the greatest integer n such that 9n + 50 < 27 [May15/Q7/M2] 10, Find the largest integer, x, such that 2 (2x + 1) > 3x —S [May16/Q16™M3] 11.(@) Solve the inequality *= [an'17/Q17] 3] (b) Represent, on the number line below, your solution of the inequality in part (a). oe ei al eg ea a Vesa aah aataielat -10 ss ° s 12. (a) Given that w is an integer, express 2'! + 2! in the form m x 21° (Jan’17/Q22] [1] (b) Without using a calculator, express 2!°! + 2'°} in the form n x 4*8 where n is an integer. Show all your working. 4] 13. £(—)= 14x29? - 69x+10 [Jan’ 17/Q27] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 395 (a) Use the factor theorem to show that (x + 2) is a factor of (x). 2) f(x) = (x +2) (ax? + bx +c) where a, b and c are integers. (b)Find the value of a, the value of b and the value ofc. 14. Find the integer values of x such that [May'17/Q20] [4] 6-x<4—2x<28 42x 15, Find the integer values of x such that- 6 < 2x~3 <3 (an'18/Q9] 3] 16. A part P is moving along a straight line. At time t seconds, the displacement, s metres, of P froma fixed point O on the line is given by s=s-2 osess At time T seconds, where T > 0, P comes to instantaneous rest. (@) Find the exact value of 7. [4] [ Jan21/Q26] (b) Find the total distance travelled by the particle between ¢ = 0 and t = 5 [3] 1. _ Find the smallest integer which satisfies the inequality 5x—43>2x+7. {Jan92/Q8/M2) Find the smallest integer which satisfies the inequality 4x +3 > 5(8—x). [June92/Q7/M2] 3. Given that A is an integer and that 6—4x <9—2x,, find the smallest possible value of x. [Jan97/Q5/M2} 4, Find the least integer value of x such that 27—18x<49. [Jan04/Q12/M3] 5. Find the smallest integer n which satisfies the inequality 3n+20<5(2+5). _ [May0S/Q11/M3} 6. _ Find the smallest integer which satisfies 19 < 3(x-8). [May07/Q7/M2] 7. Find the smallest integer value of x such that 6~2* <5. [May11/Q11/M3} 8. xis an integer and3x+13 >—12. Find the smallest value of x. [May13/Q7/M2] 9. Find the smallest integer n such that n—1<8+3n [Jan16/Q12/M3] (v-A3) Inequality, (Paper 1) [One Equation, prime number| 1. Given that 2**° <6 and x is a positive prime number, list all possible values of x. [Jan94/Q9/M2} (v-A4) Inequality (Paper 1) |One Equation, solve only|} lL Sove7+3 <-5 [Jan02/Q6/M2} 2. Solve the inequality 4—2x 3, [Jan06/Q7/M2] 4. Solve the inequality 4x—1>5+10. [Jan09/Q3/M2] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 396 1. Given that x is an integer such that 3x—5<11and2x—7>1, find the value of x: [ June90/Q4/M2} 2. — Given that x is an integer such that 5x—12>15andx? < 45, find the value of x. [Jan91/Q5/M2) 3. — Given that x is an iriteger such that 5x-2>8 and7—x 2/, find the possible values of x, [June93/Q9/M2} 4, Given that x is an Integer such that 3x+11>6'and 2x+111, find the possible values of x. [Jan96/Q13/M3] 6. Solve the inequality (@) 5x-8>16, [1] (&) 7x-225x-8[2] x is an integer which satisfy both the inequalities in part (a) and part (b). (©) Write down all the possible values of x. (2) [May06/Q23/M25] 1. List the integer values of x for which9 < 3x <105. [Jan93/Q3/M2] 2. Find the initeger value of y such that3x—4<16<6x-11. [Jan98/Q13/M3] 3. Give that0<4(x—2)<11 and x is an integer, find the possible values of x. [May98/Q17/M3] 4, Find that set of integers that satisfies the inequalities 7— x < 2x+1< he +10. [Jan99/Q22/M5] 5. Given that6+x<2x+4<34—3x and that x is an integer, find all possible values of x. [May01/Q19/M4] 6. . Find all the integers that satisfy the inequalities 2x—3<7-x< 6x. [May03/Q17/M4] 7. Solve the inequalities Sx-2< ie +2)<3x+7. [May04/Q22/M4] 8 Solve the inequalities3—x <2x+7<10—x. (Jan07/Q17/M4] 9. Solve the inequalities—4<3x+2<11. [Jan08/Q13/M3] 10. Find all the integer values of x which satisfy 2x—5<3+4x<12+x. [May09/Q12/M3] 11. Find the integer values of x for which x—7 54x <5+2x. [Jan13/Q24/M4] 1. Solve the inequalities 4—x when @ 1 <7 and that y = 5—2x, show that y > -8. [May08/Q11/M3] 2. pie 6 L 4 2 Ss ED y=2 o 2 4 6 8 10% ‘The diagram above shows the line L, the line equation y = 2 and the line with equation y = x drawn ona grid. (a) Find an equation of the line L. [2 (b) Write down the three inequalities that define the region shaded in the diagram.[3] _ [May22/Q22] 1. Given that y is proportional to the cube of x and that y = 100 when x = 5, find the value of y when x=2, [dune93/Q20/M4] 2. Given that y varies as the cube of x and y = 40 when x= 2, find the value of y when x= 3. [Jan96/Q19/M4] 3. Given that y varies as the cube of x and that y = 27 when x = 6, find the value of y when x = 3. [May96/Q17/M4] 4. pis proportional to the cube of g. Given that p = 108 when q = 6, calculate the exact value of (@) p when q = 2.1 (b) g when p = 32 [May99/Q20/M4} 5. y varies as the cube of x. When x= 2, y= 12. Calculate the value of y when x [May02/Q17/M4] 6. — Given that y is proportional to x° and that y = 48 when x = 2, find the value of y when.x =3. [Jan04/Q1/M13] Page - 398 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471, Given that y is proportional to the cube of x, and that y = 48 when x = 2, calculate the value of x when y= 6. [Jan06/Q21/M4) Given that y varies as the cube of x, and that y = 48 when x = 6, find the value of y when x = 9, [May06/Q17/M4) y varies directly as the cube of x, y = 9 when x = 2, Find the value of x when y = 72. [Mayl4/Q16/M2) The volume of a sphere varies directly as the cube of its radius. The volume of a sphere of radius » is V, Find the radius R, in terms of r, of a sphere with volume 64. [Jan08/Q20/M4) The volume of a solid varies as the cube of the length of its longest side. When the length of the longest side is d cm. the volume is V.cm?. When the length of the longest side is D cm, the volume is 3 Vem’. Find an expression for D in terms of d. [Jan10/Q20/M14) 3. The y coordinate of any point on the curve C varies directly as the cube of the x coordinate of htat point The point A(2,216) lies onC. _[Jan16/Q24/M5] (a) Find an equation for C. The y coordinate of the point B on the curve Cis -343 (b) Calculate the x coordinate of the point B. di = Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 (vi-A2) Direct V Given that v is proportional to x’, and that y = 12 when x = 2, find the value of y when x = 5. [June92/Q11/M3] The distance s metres travelled by a car varies as the square of the time f seconds that it has been in motion. Given that = S when s = 120, calculate the value of s when t= 3. [May08/Q19/M4] Given that y varies as the positive square root of x and y = 3 when x = 25, find the value of y when x=169. [Jan93/Q19/M3] The cost, in pence, of producing a circular metal disc is proportional to the square of the radius, in cm. of the disc. When the radius is 3 cm the cost is 2.25 p. Find the cost of producing a disc of radius 8 cm. [Jan91/Q21/M4] A stone is dropped from rest at the top of a tower. The distance, d metres, it has fallen after a time, 1 seconds, is given by d= k?, where k is a constant. Given also that d= 20 when #=2, find (a) the value of k. (b) the value of ¢ when d= 45. [Jan92/Q29/M4] The mass of a length of a particular type of rope is directly proportional to the square of its radius. Two equal lengths of this type of rope are compared. The first rope has a radius of 6 cm and a mass of 28.8 kg. The second rope has a radius of 10 cm. Calculate the mass, in kg, of the second rope. [Jan99/Q18/M4] A particle is dropped from rest and falls a distance s metres in time ¢ seconds, where s varies directly as the square of ¢. In the first 2 seconds the particle falls 19.6 metres. Calculate the distance, in metres, the particle falls in the fifth second after it is dropped. [May07/Q23/MS5] Page - 39 1, Given that 7 is inversely proportional to the square of r and that T= 9 when r = 4, find the value of T when r= 8. [June90/Q23/M4] 2. — Given that p is inversely proportional to q* and that p = 12 when q = 2, find the exact value of p when g =2v3 [June91/Q20/M4] 3. Given that p is inversely proportional to the square of q and that p =2.5 when g = 1.6, calculate (a) the value of p when q =~ 4 (b) the value of q when p = 10 [Jan97/Q26/M5] 4. Given that y varies inversely as the square of x and that y = 24 when x =°5, find the value of y when x =8 [May98/Q23/M4) 5. Given that s varies inversely as the square of ¢ and that 5 = 8 when f= 2, find the value of s when t =4. [Mayo1/Q22/M4) 6. Given that y varies inversely as the square of x and that y = 12 when x = 2, find v when x = 5. [Jan03/Q20/M4) 7. Given that P varies inversely as the square of A, and that P = 100 when A = 25, find the value of P when 4 =125. [Jan05/Q20/M4) 8. Given that w varies inversely as the square of f find the value of w which is missing in the table. f 20 50 w 15 [May05/Q20/M4] 9. Given that y varies inversely as the square of x and that y = 375 when x = 2, calculate the value of y when x = 5. [Jan09/Q19/M4] 10. varies inversely as the square of ¢. Given that s = 20 when t= 4, calculate, to 3 significant figures, the value of ¢ when s = 40, : [Jan11/Q17/™M4] 11. Given the y varies inversely as the square of x and that y “4 when x = 60, find the value of y when x= 10, [May12/Q22/M4) 12, F varies inversely as the square of r: When r = 2, F = 20. Given that r > 0, [Jan14/Q20/M4) Find the value of r when F=5 13, y varies inversely as the square of x . When x = 3, Calculate the values of x when y = 63 [Jan15/Q20/M4] 14, F is inversely proportional to F= 100 when r=7 [Jan'17/Q15]. [4] Find the positive value of r when F — 4. 14) 15. Bis inversely proportional toh (Uan'19/Q18) [4] B=24whenh=4 Find the value of h when B = 3. Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 400 5. The numbers p and g are positive such that p is inversely proportional to 1 Given that y is inversely proportional to x and y= 5 when x =2, find the value of y whenx =. [May94/Q21M4) Given that s is inversely proportional to ¢, and that s = 6 when ¢ = 0.1, find the value of s when t= 0.4. [May03/Q10/M3) y varies inversely as the cube of x. When x = 2, y = 10. Find the value of x when y = 1.25 F varies inversely as the square of r. When r= 2, F'=20 Given that r > 0, find the value of r when F’= 5 V@ p=420wheng=9 Calculate the value of g when p = 28. [4] [Jan22/Q20] Given that = 1? + 2as. (@) make s the subject of this formula. (b) find the value of s when v= 9, u=Tanda=3. Given that y=u +2 (@ make x the subject of this formula. (®) find the positive value of x when y = 225, w= 45 and v=. Make m the subject of the formula y=mx+-c. 1 Make p the subject of the formula y Given that s wurshar (@) find the value of a when s = 80, v= 6 and 1= 4, (b) make u the subject of the formula, Make x the subject of the equation y 2 +3. ¥ Ma3+Z e000 (@) Make e the subject of the formula. [3] (b) Find the value of when f= 75 and M = 510. [2] Make x the subject of the formula y = 1 , l+wx Make x the subject ofy=2+%' 41 simplify your Simplify answer. a Make a the subject of (x—a\x+b)=3bx. Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 [Janl2/Q14/M4) [Jan14/Q20/M4) [Jan91/Q24/M4] [June91/Q19/MI4] [Jan92/Q4/M2} [Jan96/Q21/M5] [Jan00/Q11/M3} [Jan0s/Q25/M5] [May06/Q18/M4] [Jan09/Q21/M4] Page - 401 Write your answer as a single algebraic fraction [May14/Q11/M3} 11. Given that x is positive, make x the subject ofy=—b [May15/Q12/M3] 12. The period, T seconds, ofa simple pendulum of length L metres is given by the formula. (4) iL T= oasfE [May' 19/Q19] [4] L= 1.32 to 3 significant figures. g=-9.8 to 2 significant figures. Calculate the upper bound, to 3 significant figures, of T. 13. Make the subject of X—5_%+2¥_ [May’ 19/Q21] [4] 3 aw-ly Give your answer as a single fraction. 14, The density, d grams /cm?, of an object of mass m grams and volume V cm is given by the formula m v ‘m = 2800 to the nearest 10 V = 1600 to 3 significant figures. [Jan21/Q12] Calculate the lower bound, to 3 significant figures, of d. Show your working clearly. [3] 15. Make w the subject of ssutttat?, (2) [an22/Q4] 1, Given that re2eft (a) make / the subject of this formula, (b) calculate, to I decimal place, the value of / when g= 10, x =3.14 and 7=5. [June90/Q25/M4] 2. Make b the subject of the formula a = Vb+e [June92/Q8/M2] 3. Ts oft (a) Make / the subject of this formula g (b) Find the value of / when 7=10 and g = 9. [May94/Q23/M4] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 402 4 Ts anf make / the subject of the formula, [May05/Q12/M3] 5. Make x the subject of y = [2 [Jan11/Q207M4) x 6. Make x the subject of y = tx + 4y? [May21/Q3] 1. Given that y= = express tin terms of y. [Jan93/Q24/M14) | 2. Given that =n? + 2as and. u>0 (@) express w in terms of v, a and s. (©) calculate the value of u when v= 10, a=8 ands = 4. [June93/Q22/M4l]j 3. Given thata = 25—*,, express x in terms of a and b, [Jan93/Q21/M4] 4. Given thaty = 5-12. (a) express w in terms of v w (b) calculate w whenv=-17. [May95/Q20/M5] 5. Given that + g=A, express fin terms of e, g and h [Jan97/Q23/M4] 6. Given that v= u-+ at, express a in terms of, f, w and v. [May97/Q2/M2] 7. Given y= m'z +2, x> 0, find x in terms of n, y and z. [Jan98/Q14/M3] 8. Given that(a—b)? =27, find an expression, in its simplest form, for b in terms of @. [Jan02/Q7/M2] 9. Given that 225 =2x+7, express x in terms of y, giving your answer in its simplest form. [May02/Q10/M3}] 10. Given that 7 =z, express x in terms of y and z. [May04/Q14/M13] 7 , 2x-3y ‘ ; 11, Given thatw= 27, express xin terms of w andy [May07/Q19/M4] 2. f = 1-1: Find u in terms off and v. [May10/Q18M4] uy 13, Make u the subject of = [Jant3/Q11/M3} Lael 4, 24422 Sf eth Find h in terms off and g. Simplify your answer. [May13/Q18/M3] i paksie, Pace Find c in terms of @ and b. Simplify your answer [Jan14/Q16/M3}] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page -4 Given that 7 = 27 fE » express L in terms of 7, n and g. [May99/Q14/M3] g Given that c= Va? +6? and a > 0, express a in terms of b and c. [Jan06/QU1/M3} 3. Given that a= pte , express c in terms of @ and b. [May99/Q14/M3} =e 4. t ( a Express g in terms of s and t. [May09/Q14/M3} 5. Given that /(@? + 9) = x + y. Find in terms of y [May15/Q17/M4] 6. Given that P = “45 Show that = ® 3 2 p-1 Show your working clearly.[3] [May22/018) i Per ayawnn 10. MERSKS nee) With good visibility the viewing distance, d kilometres, that can be observed from the top of a Cliff'h metres above sea level is given by d = sf, Given that d= 29, calculate the value of h to 3 significant figures. [May96/Q20/M4] AVE der Theorem (Paper 1) [one constant] Given that (x-+2) is a factor of ° + 5x* + ax +2, find the value of a. [June90/Q6/M2]- Given that (x +2) is a factor of ax? - 9x + 6, find the value of a. [June92/Q10/M2] Given that (x—3) is a factor of 4x° -7x* + ax—21, find the value of a. [Jan93/Q8/M2] Given that (x +2) is a factor of 3x? +x? +ax—10, find the value of a. [May95/Q5/M2] Given that (x —3)is a factor of x’ + ax” -5x+8, calculate the value of a. [Jan96/Q4/M2] Given that (x +2) is a factor of 6x° — x? + ax—10, find the value of a. [Jan98/Q7/M2] Given that (x —4) is a factor of 4x° + ax? -19x +12, find the value of a. [Jan00/Q2/M2] Given that (x + 5) is a factor of x’ + x? + ax—35, find the value of a. [Jan03/Q6/M2} Given that (x + 3) is a factor of 2x’ +x? -7x—21, 21, find the value of the constant k. [an05/Q4/M2} (x +3) is a factor of2x° +x? + kx+6, Find the value of k. [May13/Q8/M2] 11. Given that (x — 2) is a factor of 3x3 + x? + ax +4. where a is a constant, find the value of a. [Jan16/Q8/M2] ‘The expression (x? + x? + kx—9)is divisible by (x - 3). (a) Find the value of k. (b) Factorise the expression completely. [June91/Q21/M4] (+3) is a factor of 2x? -3x? + px +30. (a) Determine the value of p. Using your value of p, () factorise completely 2x” —3x? + px +30. [May02/Q23/M5] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471, Page - 404 3. Given that (x -2) is a factor of 2x? +-3x? +kx+2, (@) find the value of k. [2] (b) For your value of &, factorise completely 2x? ~3x* + kx+2. [4] [May06/Q26/M6] 4. (x +4) isa factor of3x’ + 8x” + pxr—60. (@) Find the value of p. [2] (b) Using your value of p, factorise completely 3x° + 8x” + px—60. [4] [May06/Q26/M6] 5.» (@) Given that (x 3) is a factor of 3x° +8x? + kx— 60, find the value of the constant &. [2] (b) Hence, or otherwise, factorise completely 3x’ + 8x? + kx—60. [4] [May09/Q26/M6] 6. (x +3) is a factor of 6x3 + 11x? + kx + 6 where k is a constant. (@) Work out the value of k. [2] (b) Using this value of k, fully factories 6x? + 11x? + kx +6. [Jan15/Q23/M6] 7. Factories 167 - 9° [Jan'17/Q2] [2] 8. (a) Write 8693 to 2 significant figures. [May'19/Q1] [1] (©) Write 0.0374 to 2 significant figures. : : m 9. (@) Find the value of 3c? when c= -8 [May’19/Q13} [1] (&) Factorise completely 3c? + 6c 2 10. The functions f and g are defined as fixbx—3 gxbx?—-2 (@) Find f(g) [2] The function h is defined as AG) = of @) (b) Show that h(x) = x? — 6x +7 [2] The domain of h is {x: 2 n} The inverse ofh ish" — [Jan21/Q24] (©) State the least value of n for which h* is a function [1] @ For this value of n, find h"'(x). [3] 11. f(x) = x? + ax — 3 where a is an integer. (x — 3) isa factor of f(x) Elias Sir Mathematics -01673544471 Page - 405 (@) Use the factor theorem to show that a = —8. [2] Given that f(x) = (x — 3) Q(x) where Q(x) is a quadratic expression in x [Jan21/Q19] (b) find Q(x) [2] 12, Factorise fully 6p°q*r~ 15 pq. [2] (Jan22/Q2| (Paper 1) [Two constant] ‘viii-B) Factor/Remainder Theore 1, Given that (x + 1) and (x —3) are factors of 2x’ ~ ax? + bx +3, find the values of a and b. [Jan91/Q19/M14] 2. Given that (x + 1) and (x -3) are factors of x? + ax’ + 4x6, find the values of a and b, [June93/Q24/M5] 3. (x +3) is a factor of 2x? + 7x? + kx— 30 [May’ 17/Q7] 13] Find the value of the constant k, -2 \(viii-C) Factor/Remaind ‘heorem (Paper 1) [others] 1, Given that f(x)=x° +27 +kx+3 and f(-3)=0, find the value of k. [Jan91/Q3/M2] 2. Given that f(x)=x* +.x* -5x+3, (a) calculate the value of f(-3). (b) Hence factorise f(x)completely. [May97/Q25/M5] 3. f(x)=x +5x? -2x-24 Given that f (2) = 0, factorise f(x) completely. [May03/Q14/M4] 4, Show that x—3 is a factor of 2x’ -11x? +16x-3 [Jan14/Q7/M2] 5. (a) Show that (x + 3) is a factor of 2x’ +13x? +27x+18 [2] (b) Hence factorise completely 2x? +13x? +27x +18 [4] [May14/Q26/M6] 6. Given that for all values of x, 6x4 — 19x? — 26 = (6x? + kx — 6)(x — 4) where k is a constant , (a) Show that k=5 [2] (b) Hence factorise completely 6x? - 19x? — 26x +24 » [3] [May16/Q24/M5] RE ON ELE Ly) 1. _ Find the lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 18,24 and 30, [June92/Q2/M2] 2. Find the least common multiple (LCM) of 12,18 and 20, expressing your answer as a single number. [May96/Q5/M2] 3. ” Find the lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 24, 36 and 42, [May97/Q6/M12] 4, _ Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 15, 18 and 30. [May98/Q3/M2] 5. Calculate the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 12, 18 and 20, [Jan01/Q16(b)/M...] 6. _ Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 90 and 130. [Jan05/Q22(a)/M2} 7. — Calculate the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 15,20 and 27. [Jan06/Q5/M2} 8. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 168,252 and 336. [May06/Q5/M2] 9. Calculate the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 27,186 and 558. [Jan08/Q2/M2} 10. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 48, 54 and 60. [May09/Q2/M2| 11, Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 6, 12 and 20. You must show all working. [Jan11/Q5/M2} Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 406 Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 6,15 and 27 show your working clearly. 12. [Jan13/Q3/M2] 13, Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 28, 30 and 45 [Jan15/Q3/M2] 14, Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 60, 84 and 120. (Jan’17/Q3] [2] 15. Find the lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 84 and 40 (Jan’ 18/Q2] Show your working clearly. 2 16. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 18, 30 and 48. [May'19/Q2] How your working clearly. 2 17. Find the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of 180 and 198Show your working clearly. [2] [jan22/Q1] 18. The number A, B and C are given as products of their prime factors. A=35x7* x 1039 B=3%x 79x 11* C= 3° x7* x 269? (a) Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of A,B and C. [2] Exactly one of the three numbers is the square of an integer N (b) Calculate the value of N. [2] [May22/Q15] q (a) Express each of 252 and 280 as the product of prime factors, (b) A floor of a room measuring 252 cm by 280 cm is to be completely covered with identical square tiles so that only whole tiles are used. Determine the length, in cm, of the largest tile that can be used. [Jan93/Q26/M5] 2. (a) Express both 168 and 300 as the product of prime factors. (b) Write down the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 168 and 300. [Jan94/Q20/M4] 3. (@) Write as a product of prime factors ({) 360 (ii) 630 (b) Hence or otherwise, find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 360 and 630. [Jan97/Q1S/M4] 4, Calculate the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 100, 150 and 200. [Jan01/Q16/M...] 5. Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 90 and 315, [Jan05/Q22(b)/M2] 6. Find the height common factor (HCF) of 135, 180 and 225. [Mayos/Q7M2] 7. Calculate the highest common factor (HCF) of 78, 195 and 273. [Jan06/Q20(b)/M2} 8. Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 147, 42 and 252. [May11/Q5/M2] 9. Showing your working clearly, find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 72,162,270 [May12/Q7/M2] 10. Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 30, 36 and 138. Show your working clearly. [May14/Q10/M2} 11. Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 42, 84 and 154 [May15/Q8/M2] Page - 407 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 1. (@) Express as a product of prime factors (i) 31 5 (ii) 84 (b) Hence or otherwise, find (i) the HCF of 315 and 84. (ii) the LCM of 3 3 5 and 84. [May94/Q16/M4} 2. (a) Express each of 720 and 756 as the product of prime factors. (b) Find the HCF of 720 and 756. (©) Find the LCM of 720 and 756. 3. (a) Express 504 as a product of its prime factors. [2] [Jan96/Q17/M4] (&) Write down the smallest positive integer by which 504 must be multiplied to give a perfect square. (1] Factorise completely 6 pq’ —3p*q. Factorise completely 24p°q —15 pq". Factorise completely 12xy* —16x"y Factorise completely 27x? -12y. . Factorise completely 3x? — 12y”. ye eee 6. (a)Factorise completely 10a 25ab (b)Factorise x— 3x10 ()Factorise completely 50x? — 7xy? 7a) Factorise x? — 1 [1] p and q are integers greater than 260 000 and p Factorise 61? -1-12. [May06/QU/M2| 5. Factorise 3x? - 5x+2 [Jan07/QU/M2} 6. (a) Factorise3x? +16x-+21. [2] (b) Put x =20 in this expression and then write down the prime factors of 154. [2] [May08/Q17/M4] 1. Factorise completely 3x + 2x” — x. [Jan09/Q15/M3] 8. Factorise 3x? +29x—-44. [Jan12/Q4/M2] 1.” Factorise completely Sa—20. [June92/Q3/M3] 2. Factorise 9p—4q* [June93/Q4/M2] 3. Factorise a? -25b* [May94/Q4/M2} 4, Factorise completely 2x? ~8y* [Jan95/Q5/M12] 5. Factorise completely p* -9q? [Jan95/Q5/M2] 6. Factorise completely 2R? — ar? [May95/Q3/M2} 7. Factorise completely 4x” -100 [Jan05/Q6/M2] 8. Factorise completely 3x" -12y?, [May10/Q4/M2] 9. Factorise completely 18x? — 2y? . [May16/Q2/M2] 1, f(x)=3x? +2x-5-2x?-x-7 (@) Simplify f(x)(b) Factorise f(x) [May99/Q13/M31] 2. Given that f(x)=3x? -56x+221, (a) evaluate f (13) (b) hence factorise f(x) [May01/Q15/M4] 1. Simplify 2(3-a)-3(a-4). [June92/Q1/M2} 2. — Simplify3a(3—46)+6b(2a+5). {June93/Q1/M2] 3. Expand and simplify 3x—y)(2y—x). [Jan94/Q6/M2] 4, Expand and simplify (2 + b)(a—3b). [May94/Q1/M2] 5. Simplify 2x(5+3y)+3y(3—4z). [May96/Q1/M2] 6. Show that(2x—5)' — 26 simplifies to 4x” - 20x-1 [Jan99/Q10/M2] 7. Expand Sm?n(3n+2m?n) [May99/QU/M2] 8. Expand and simplify (3x—4)(2x +5) [May00/Q1/M2] 9. Simplify 4(3— p)-2(p-7). [Mayo3/Q1/M2} 10. Expand and simplify (2x+3y)(3x-2y) [Jan04/Q2/M2] 11, Expand and simplify (2x -5)(4—3x) [May04/Q1/M2] 12. Expand fully x{1-x(x+3)}. [Jan07/Q4/M2] 13. Expand and simply 52 (204 i ). [Jan08/Q11/M2] a 14, Expand and simplify Gx -7)- 3 (x-2), [May09/Q9/M13] Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01679544471 Page - 409 15, Simplify completely (x— y)(y+z)—(x+y)(y-z) 16, Expand and simplify (2x—3)(3x-2) 17. Expand and simplify (5x—2y)(4x-3y) 18, Expand and simplify 3x ~ x[2 — x(1-x)] 19. Expand and simplify (5 — 7x)(3 + 2x) 20.p? =3x—-4 Simplify 2p? — 6x +7. 82x’ a 21. Simplify fully 22. Given that d> 0 and the b > ac’, make d the subject of a=b Simplify your answer. wy —3x? —6wx +xy 23. Simplify fully fe ~ Oxy 1 (2) Express > (Has a decimal to 2 significant figures (ii) as a decimal to 2 decimal places. -98 or 10” () Calculate 2 Show your working clearly. 25. Simplify fully Pa : 26. Expand and simplify (4x — 5) (2x + 3) 3x? -8x-3 27. Simplify 53 Simptity SO Ellas Sir Mathomatics - 01673544471 [May10/Q17/M13] [May12/Q6/M21 [Jan14/Q9/M2] [Jan15/Q16/M13] [Jan16/QU/M2} [May16/Q10/M2] [an’ 17/Q12] [3] [Jan"17/Q20] (4) 2] [an' 19/Q11] [3] [May' 19/Q7] [2] [May'19/Q14] [3] [an’ 20/Q13] [3] Page - 410 29. Without using a calculator and showing all your working, work out [Jan21/QU] S38 5 Give your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form. [2] 30. (a) Simplify 4x — 3y +x + 5y [2] (®) Simplify 2a? x 4a? [2] [Jan21/Q15} 31. (a) Simplify fully (5a?b*)?. [2] (oxty)? (b) Simplify fully S2>°%. 2] May16/Q21] 32. Write as a single fraction in its simplest form x-6 8x-2 3 Show clear algebraic working. [3] [May21/Q12] 33. Simplify 22" [3] [Jan22/Q9) 34, Express 2 — + (2-4) asa single fraction in its simplest from. Gxte7e—10” \Semt x42, Show clear algebraic working. [4] [Jan22/Q22} 35. Given that x # —4 simplify 2 . [3] {May22/013) 1. Express 3 + she a single fraction, simplifying your answer. [Jan92/Q26/M4] rer 2. Express eS ays a single fraction in its simplest from. [June92/Q13/M3} y-2 2 3. Express1- 4 as.a single fraction, simplifying your answer. [May94/Q9/M12} x eth 1 1 4. simptity +. [May95/Q6/M2] 5. Express a a single fraction in ts simplest form — 3 : [May97/Q4/M2] 6. [May98/Q16/™M3] 7, Express s asa single fraction inits simplest from. [May03/Q11/M3} ¥ a 4 1. Ca ee 8. Express + Jas a single faction nits simples form. (Jan05/Q8/M2} 9. Express as a single fraction in its simplest form 42. [May05/Q3/M2] 3-6" x4 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 411 10. WL 12. 13. 14. 4. 5. Express = -_* i xpress > — 5 asa single fraction. [May08/Q1/M2} ‘Simplify fully: a ae sg . [Jan10/Q18/M3] Express as a single fraction. oe my IMay10/Q13/M3} & Express — a as single fraction. Simplify your answer. [May11/Q8/M2] Express a as a single fraction. Give your answer in its simplest form. [May13/Q10/M3] [May16/Q9/M2| [Jan92/Q9/M2} [June93/Q7/M2] [Jan96/Q5/M2] [dan04/Q5/M2} 3a! 9x Simpity fully 2 —2 [Jani2/Q10/M3] impli ity 4x+ 2 [Mayl4/Q1/M2] Express as a single fraction in its lowest tems oy [Jan98/QU1/M3} A 20x! x9x* Express i ts simplest form=7*~O* [Jan00/Q101M13] x 14 aor : Express“ “in its simplest from. [Jan02/Q14/M3] (62a)s 2 a) ‘Simplify (¢) ’ ‘i [Mayl4/Q8/M2] Showing all your working, (a) express (64x®)3 in the from (mx)" [2] (6) express (64x6)"¢ in the form [2] [Jan16/Q19/M4] 6. Simplify 2° [May16/Q4/M2] 1 Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 ab? 4x10° andz=5»10". [June90/Q9/M3} Page - 412 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. Find the value of 35? x16, giving your answer in standard form. (June? 1/Qo/Mi2) Simplify. sex , giving your answer in standard form, to 2 significant figures. [Jan92/Q1/M2} Simplify esx, writing your answer in the formax10", wherel 9. A coach was hired for a student trip to Paris from London. The hire cost was £1008 and this cost was to be divided equally between all the students travelling on the trip. Let x be the number of students who originally planned to go on the trip. (@) Write down, in terms of x, an expression for the original cost, in £, per student. [1] Six students were unable to go on the trip. The total hire cost had then to be divided equally between the remaining students. (b) Write down, in terms of x. an expression for the new cost, in £, per student. [1] ‘As a consequence of the six students being unable to go on the trip, the cost per student increased by £4.00. (© Write down an equation in terms of x, and show that it simplifies to the quadratic equation x? -6x-1512=0. [4] (@ Solve the quadratic equation in part (c) to find the number of students who originally planned to go onthe trip. [2] [Jan04/Q7/M8} Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 423 10, On Monday, 12 fishermen went fishing and caught total of x fish. (a) Write down an expression in terms of x for the mean number of fish caught by the fishermen on Monday. [1] On Tuesday, 15 fishermen went fishing and caught a total of (x + 81) fish. (b) Write down an expression in terms of x for the mean number of fish caught by the fishermen on Tuesday. {1] The mean number of fish caught by the fishermen on Tuesday is 2 more than the mean number of fish caught by the fishermen on Monday. (©) Write down an equation in x. [1] (@) By solving your equation, find the mean number of fish caught by the fishermen on Monday. B) [May09/Q5/M6} 11, Two queues A and B from at passport control in a large international airport. The Passport of each person in queue A is processed manually and C passports are 3 processed each hour. (a) Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the mean time, in minutes, to process one passport in queue A. [1] The passport of each person in quwue B is processed electronically and (& + 120) passports are processed each hour. (b) Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the mean time in minutes, to process one passport in queue B. (1] ‘The difference in the mean time to process a passport in queue 4 and the mean time to process a passport in queue B is 27 seconds. (©) Express 27 seconds as a fraction od a minute, giving your fraction in its simplest from. [1] (@) Using your answers to parts (a), (b) and (c), form an equation in x. (2) (©) Show that your answer to part (4) simplifies to x? + 120x -16000 = 0. [3] ( Solve this equation to find the value of x. (3] (g Hence, find the mean time, in seconds, for a passport to be processed in queue B. [2] —b+Vb* -4ac 2a [m solution of ax? +bx +c =Oarex= [May10/Q8/M13} 12, A number of shepherds Walked their sheep to the local market for sale. In total there were 104 heads. Letting x be the number of shepherds and y be the number of sheep, (a) Write down an equitation in x and y. In total there were 404 legs. You may assume that each sheep has four legs and each shepherd has two legs. (b) Write down a second equation in x and y. (©) Solve your two equations to find the number of shepherds and the number of sheep walking to the market. [May12/Q2/M5] 13. A tank is filled with 300 liters of water: At time ¢ = 0, a tap at the bottom of the tank is opened and water flows out of the tank through the tap. The volume, V, in liters, of water in the tank at time t minutes is given by the formula V =300-1 - 24,20. Calculate, (a) the volume, in liters, of water flowing out of the tank in the first 12 minutes, [2] (b) the volume, in liters, of water which flows out of the tank during the 15th minute, [2] (©) the rate of change of the volume of water when t= 5 [4] (@ Calculate, in minutes to 3 significant figures, how long it takes for all of the water to flow out of the tank. (3] [m= sohtion of ax? +br+e=Oarex=—2£02 —Aae eae] (JanB/Q7/M11) 14. A total of 50 teachers and pupils from a school had planned to go on a school trip. There where expected to be ¢ teachers and p pupils on the trip. (a) Write down an equation in ¢ and p to represent this information; [1] ‘The number of pupils on the trip was expected to be four times the number of teachers on the trip. (b) Write down another equation in ¢ and p to represent this information, [I] (©) Hence find the value of ¢ and the value of p. (3] On the day of the trip, 1 teacher and 5 pupils were absent and did not go on the trip. (@ Calculate how much, in total, the schoo! had to pay. [3] [May14/Q4/M8] 15. There are x large houses and y small houses in a street. (Jan' 17/Q1] Each large house has 3 cars parked outside of it and each small house has 2 cars parked outside of it. The total number of cars parked outside all of the houses in the street is 80. (@) Write down an equation inland y for this information. wy Each large house has 8 windows and each small house has 5 windows. The houses in the street have a total of 204 windows. (b) Write down another equation in x and y for this information. tu (©) Hence find the number of large houses in the street and the number of small houses in the street. Sx+3_ x-2 [Jan'17/Q2]_ [7] 16. Solve the equation Give your solutions to 3 significant figures. Show your working clearly. 17. A farmer has ¢ cows and h hens. [June’17/Q5) ‘The number of cows is 3 times the number of hens. (@) Write down an equation in c and h to represent this information. O) Each cow has 4 legs and each hen has 2 legs. ‘The cows and trie hens have a total number of 700 legs. (b) Write down another equation in c and h to represent this information. 1) (©) Hence find the value ofc and the value of h. Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 425 The farmer sells Sofhis cows and all of his hens, The sells each cow for £400 and each hen for £8 (@) Calculate how much money the farmer received by selling these cows and liens. 18. Figures Figure 3 shows the plan for a lawn that is in the shape of a trapezium ABCD in which AB=4x metres RC=(5x+3) metres CD=5x metres DA = (2x +3) metres ‘The perimeter of the lawn is P meters. (a) Find and simplify an expression for F in terms of x. 2) ‘The area of the lawn is Am? (b) Show that A = 14x? + 12x 2) ‘The owner of the lawn wants the perimeter of the lawn to be greater than 52m He also wants the area of the lawn to be at mist 162m? (©) Find the range of possible value of x 1. e={e:1Sx<8and 8and xis an integer } Write down all possible values of x which satisfy 3x5 >(7—x). [4an04/Q2/M3} 2. (a) ( Solve the inequality 3x+2 7x — 9. [2] (i) Represent your solution on the number line on the next page. [1] (6) (i Solve the inequality x? + 5x — 6 2 0. [3] (ii) Represent your solution on the number line on the next page...[1] (©) Write down the set of values for which . [2] both 3x+5>7x—9 andx?+5x-620 @@ ee ee ee 2) ®) Gi) 1. _ Plastic cubes can be bought in different sizes. A plastic cube of side 2 em costs 5 pence. George says that the cost of plastic cube is proportional to its volume, (a) Calculate the cost of a plastic cube of side 8 cm, according to George. The cost of a plastic cube is actually proportional to its surface area. (b) Calculate the actual cost of the plastic cube of side 8 cm. (©) Express the difference between George's cost and the actual cost of a plastic cube of side 8 cm as a percentage of the actual cost. [Jan01/Q4M6} 1, (i Given thats =ut+ jar, calculate the value of s when t= 2, u= 10 and Gi) Make 5 the subject of the formula v? =u? + 2as, [Jan89/Q2/M4] 2, .. Given that y=, express in terms of y. [May98/Q2/M4] x 3. The following formula can be used to change a temperature f degrees Fahrenheit to a temperature ¢ degrees Celsius = 3 =32) (a) Make f the subject of e = 52 [3] Sean and Kate measure the temperature of a heated iron bar. Sean measure the temperature of the iron bar as x degrees Fahrenheit. [Jan21/QI] Kate measure the temperature of the iron bar as y degrees Celsius. (b) find the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit 1. Given that (x -2) is a factor of the expression x’ + px? +qx+10, (a) Use the factor theorem to obtain an equation involving the constants p and g and show that this equation simplifies to obtain an equation involving the constants p and q and show this equation simplifies to 2p + g +9 = 0. Given that (x + 1) is also a factor of the expression x° + px’ + gx + 10, (&) obtain another equation involving p and g. (c) Solve the two equations found in (a) and (b) to obtain values of p and g. (d) Hence, or otherwise, factorise the expression completely. (©) Using your values of p and q, solve the equation x’ + px? +10=0. [Jan88/Q11/M12] 2, The function f(x) where f(x)= ax’ +bx? -3x+2is divisible by (x -2) and leaves a remainder of 20 when divided by (x - 3). (a) Find the values of a and b. () For your values of a and b, solve the equation ax’ +x? -3x+2=0. {May94/Q5/M7] 3. (x+5)isa factor of x? +2x? + px+10, where p is a constant. (@) Find the value of p. (b) Factorise completely the cubic expression for your value of p. [May00/Q3/M6] 4, f(x)=x? tax? -2x-24 (a) Given that (2)=0, calculate the value of a. (2] (b) Using your value of a, factorise f(x) completely. (4) [Jan07/Q4/M6} 5. (a) Show that (x -1) is a factor of x? -2x? -11x+12. (b) Hence, or otherwise, factorise completely x’ -2x? -11x+12. [3] [Jan08/Q2/M5] 6. (a Given that (+2) is factor of 5x? + 6x? +kx—2, find the value of k. [2] (&) Using your value of k, factorise completely 5x? + 6x? +kx-2. [4] {May08/Q3/M6] 7. f(x) =x? —x? + kx - 24 where k is a constant, (2) Give that (x + 1) is a factor of f(x) [Jan'18/Q2] (a) find the value oft. [2] (b) Using the value of k found in part (a), completely factorise f(x) 4 1. (@) Find the lowest common multiple (L.C.M) of 24. 56 and 120, (b) Find the highest common factor (H.C.F.) of 144, 240 and 384. [May02/QUM] 2. Show clear algebraic w A=Bx3xX5x7 B=2x34x Sx 11 (@) Find the highest common factor (HCF) of A and B. (b) Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of A and B. (©) Find the lest number that A must be multiplied by to give a square number o) CHB x 105 x 5 x 105 (@) Work out the value of C, giving your answer as a number is standard form. a) Factorise completely 50a -86*. [May97/QU/M3) Factorise completely 6x +9x-60. [May94/Q1/M3} (a) Completely factorise x* —5x* + 6x. [3] wag x) 5x7 +6x b) Hence, completely simplify “—>* *°* [3 [May11/Q2, (b) completely simplify aoe 8) [May11/Q2/M6] Expand and simplify: (a) (2p—q)(p-+3q)(b) (x+2)° [June92/Q1/M4] Express > aan asa single fraction, simplifying your answer. [Jan96/Q2/Ma4] Express ea asa single fraction in its simplest from. [Jan99/Q1/M3} Express 5 2 x 3 88 single fraction in its simplest form. [Jan00/Q3/M4} (@) Expand and simplify (x—1)(x—2)(x+3). [3] Given that (x—1)(x-2x+3)=349-7x. (®) calculate the value of x [2] [May07/Q3/M5] (xii) Evaluation (Paper 2)} Given thatr =1.210" and s=8x10", calculate, giving your answer in standard form, the value of (a) rs [2] (b) s* [2] (©) r-s [2] : [Jan05/Q2/M6] The nth term of a sequence is 2n -1. (a) Write down the 25" term of the sequence. [1] (b) Find which term of the sequence has the value 33. (1] (c) Find which term of the sequence is the first to have a value greater than 100. [2] (@ Calculate the difference between the 20 and 30" terms. [2] ‘ (©) Show that the product of the nth term and the (n + 1)"* terms is 4n?-1. [2] [May/03/Q6/M8] It is expected the over the next 10 years, the speed of personal computers will double every 18 month. Calculate how much faster the speed of personal computers will be in 6 years time compared to now. [Jan06/Q3/M4]

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