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Pra aecen) 1, Given that f:x x? +3, find £(4). [Jan’92/Q10(a)/M...] 2. fix—x?—5x, write down the value of f(-2). [Jan’94/Q18(a)/M...] 3. f:x->1-3x, fin the value of #(@). [May’95/Q11(a)/M...] 4. Given that f :x—3x-1, evaluate A- 3) [Jan’99/Q6(@)/M...] 5. fixo3+ 2 0, Find the value of 43): [Jan’05/Q15(a)/M1] 1. fix—yx?—Sx, find the range of f when the domain is {-1,0,]}.. [Jan’94/Q18(¢)/M...] 2 Yew Ue ee £22. Given that the domain of f is the set S'={-1,0,l}, find the range of Sunder f. [Jan’95/Q26(c)/M...] 3. Write down the range of the function f :x—>x? —Lwith domain {0,1,2,3}. [Jan’10/Q2/M2} 4. Given that fxs x? -12,x20 find the range of f {Jan’13/Q10/M2] 1. f'+9.x?—Sxwrite down the value of ff(2). [Jan’94/Q18(b)/M...] 2 fix oe #-2.Find f(/(4)). [Jan’95/Q26(b)/M...] * 3. fix l-3x,g:xh 2 40, find the value of of(l). [May’95/Q11(b)/M...] x 4. The function fis defined by fir 223). Calculate the value of ff(0). [Jan’98/Q24(b)/M...] 5. Given that f(x)=sin x° and g(x)=2x+1, find gf (30). [Jan’04/Q15(b)/M2] 6 frxte3+2,x40, gixbe 4x—10. Find the value of fe(3). [Jan’05/Q15(b)/M2] x 1. Given that f:x+9x7+3, complete and simplify the statement f:x1> [Jan’92/Q10(b)/M...] -2x 2. Given that f(x) = Find ff(x) in terms of x, simplify your answer [May16/Q6/M2] Eas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 26 3. fand g are two functions such that f:xt+—2xt+3 1 : ‘ gixolts x#0 [an’ 17/928) (a) Express the composite function gf in the form gg : x... 0] (b) (i) Express the inverse function (gf)"' in the form (gf)! : x + >.. [5] (ii) State the value of x which must be excluded from any domain of (gf) 1. Given that f :x+s 3x-1, find f(x). [Jan’99/Q6(byM..} 2. gixbe 3x-4, complete the following statement s“' sx ....... [Jan’00/Q29(a)()/M...] 3. Given that g(x)=2x+1, find g(x). [Jan’04/Q15(a)/M1] 4, Find the inverse function fof f:xto 4x +1. [Jan’07/Q9/M2} . 1 & faboy (a) Write down the value of x which must be excluded from the domain of f [1] (b) Complete and simplify f-! :x1> Q) [May’08/Q15/M3} 6 f:xH> 1... Coinplete and simplify f [Jan’11/Q3/M2| 3x41 Lo fixe ue 2. Given that, f(x)=3, find x. [Jan?95/Q26(a)/M...] x ze 2. The fnction fis defined by fix —2=,(x#3) Given that (x)= 2, find the value of x [Jan’98/Q24(a)/M...] 3. fixtex?—4,g:xb 3x—2. Solve the equation fg(x)=0. {May’10/Q21/M4] 4, fixtex?—6x44, find the values of x which satisfy f(x)=11 [May’13/Q24/M5] 5. The function fis defined as feo (@) find F3). (2) () state the value of x that must be excluded from any domain of the function f. [1] (©) Find the inverse of the function f. [4] ‘ Give your answer in its simplest from. The function g is such that fo@) == (d) Find the value of a such that gf (a) = f g(a) . [7] [May22/Q11] Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page?! 1 fixRxe-Lgixhe 3x4 (@) Complete the following statement, simplifying your answer /g:x+ (© find the values of x which satisfy the equation fe(x)=9-3x _ [Jan’00/Q29a)(li)(by/M..] 2. Find'functions f and g are defined by f :x+s 6x" +x? -8x+1, gixhe (4x1) Simplify and factorise completely f(x)— g(x). [Jan’01/Q18/M4] 3. fixPext-1x20 (a) Find f~ in the form f~ : 2) e (b) Write down the domain of f~ [1] (c) Calculate the exact value of f” (2): tty [May’05/Q19/M4} fix 3x-1, gixte3—Sx (a) Write down the simplified form of fe(x). [1] | (b) Find (fg). Give your answer in the form (fg)":x++ [2] (©) Solve the equation fe(x)=3. [1] [Jan’12/Q19/M4] 5. The function g is such that | gix— 12-x‘where x>=4 [May’ 17/Q3)] Write down ; (@ the maximum yalue of g(x) nT (0) the range of g . a) 6. g and h are three functions such that fix) =2+x a(x) 3+vx=4 hay 5 {Han’ 18/Q27] Given that the domain of g(x) is {x 7x 2 5) (b) Write down the value of x that must be excluded from any domain of h | © Find n"5) io) | (@ Find the simplify and expression in terms of x for ff (x) m | The function fis defined for all values of x by f: x > x? -2, 7. (a) Write down the range of f. [May’ 19/Q] [1] ie 12 The function g is given by g:x >> 2 8. The function f and are defined for all value of x by. [an’ 20/Q 21] (@) Write down the range g ri) (©) Solve the equation f (x) = gf (2) (4) {Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 28 1. Write down the range of each of the following functions. @) fixie 32x83 (0) \g2219 sin 205 x< 90 [3an’99/Q16) 2. (i) Given that f:x 6-37, » | (a)jstate the maximum value of f(x). (b) Write down the range of f ' i) Given that gx 4 , sate the value ofwhich must Ue ext ded fb the domain of iian'99/Q97 “9 (@yThé'function fis defined for all values of x by f2xt-> it [Jani5/Q7A, a State the value of x that must be excluded from any domain of re) ft 1. The fnetions f andg are defied by fe 4eHrand ge and jeInet T 2 3 State the values of (i) /(2), i) g(-4). [Jan’88/Q4(a)/v 2. Givethat /(x)=3x—2and g(x)=.', find f(I)and g(-3) [June’88/Q8(a)/N G.c) ‘Therfunctions f and g are defined by f:xtex-2, gixh> bx, 1 Calculate (@) f(-3) Gi) 3) [June’89/Q8(b)/N. 4, Given that f :x +> 5+2x, find the value of (3). [June’89/Q2(ay/N. 3, The fumotions fg and hare defined by f':xt9 41—5,g:x ts 2x?,hixts 44 iy ode sntfont Find the value of (i) f(4), (ii) g(-3), (iii) 3) [Sune’90/Q8(a)/M 6. fis defined by f :x++ 4x-1, find the value of f(2). [Jan’91/Q5(a)/M 7. g:xte 4x43, find g(2) ** [une’93/Q8(a)/M p 8, ‘The functions fg and hare defined by f:xt> 3x42,g:xbox'—4,hix = 4 mt Find the value of (i) f(2) Gi) g(=3) ani) ti oo bin Milevafune?93/Q8(a)/M ‘The functions f and g are defined by f 2x13 244g 745 248°"! oitonuit [OC lBind tie values of () £3) Gi) g(-2) set 9ifMaay’94/Q9(a)/M 10. The functions g and hare defined by g:x133x",h:xto Find the value of (i) g(—4) (ii) (3) loo f bonilst [Jan’95/Q7(a)/M M. fzabex?+3x-4, find (2). “" TMay’95/07(@)(D/M 12. f:xtex?—3x—5, find the value of f(2). « EMEA 96/Q7(a) DM 13, The function is defined by f:x++2x—3, find the value of (3). [Jan’97/QUO(a)(i)/M Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 nD 14\THe BURUBn Is defined by f:x ts 3x—2, find the! Value’ of'f(2)! l) “pMay’97/Q12(ay(iy/M:.] 15! xPYSHF3/balculate £3). -()\v to ouley ot boll Os ay c4s0% [Jan?99/Q7(@)@/ME.] jj 16. ‘The functions f and, eo THBP ARAB 1 1 Fetitorhedl ) Gi) g(v2) ae _IMay9/Q86)0 (vd P15 3x2, find the value of (6). an (may04/QHe) 1 OBO pretA] zeal, athe value off [pamonatiejotny Lix+5, calculate f(-3), * [May.02/Q3(yM.. od 20. f: eo BP 5a 12, find f(-2). fs i Ban03/Q7tay(i/M2} 2 fix 3x+4, find the value of £(2). eNO SiN tayO87Q8@)OIM3] 22 lbs he functions f and g are defined by f : xbox? $3x-8, gs x1 2x53, (i) bai Find the value of (i) e(-2). (ii) 13). (rar StqioeyOo OI he eeanry Stacey tt (The function fis defined by fs x14 2x3, find the value of 1(3): [¥an796/Q9(a)/M14] M24. {Ss} yt lay 961084990), mN2] ™ 95 [Jan’07/Q7(@a/M1} M (26. gixn 2x-3hizp plas din } Find the value of () g(-3) cin 2) ee 68182“ PMtay?07/Q8(@)() (i)/M..-] ™M Ul rodawer qaenibo an en *OL 10.2 evi Ce) ws 77 gina e2es3hixty Sx20 Mi Find. @), g(42), wi(2). said’) to abiteluny {[May’09/Q8(a)(i) (ii)/M....) ay Jin Ms 1 1. [poxiSexti3x-5, gixt 2x41, find the value of, fe - 4). [May’96/Q7(a)(ii/M...] woe I aD 1 19q vlqayq to 1 wo 310M (9) Wi 2. ‘The functions f and gare defined by {2x19 24-3, gist 1,320 Find the value of gf(2). : a [gan’97/Q10(a)(ii)/IM] 3. oS _[Mtay'97/Q12(a)(tiV/M.. ] » be \znoitonia oT [Jan’99/Q7(a)(ii)/M...] oqmoa od) 2zenqxd sha E sis, caleulate 4) ‘gnighilonia Blam oi SN INEPRZENONO - esto Page BOeia 5. gixte x3, find the value of ge(-3). [Jan’02/QU1(a)¢ 6. -frxte3xe4, gixte Vx x>0, find the value of gf(4). May’03/Q8(2) iy 2. The functions fand hare defined by f2xt9 x? 432-8 hist ra { Find the value of (2) [Jan"04/Q10(a) (ti) 8 of:xne5—4x-27, sibs peel Find ‘fe2). [May’06/Q8(a)(tipyy 9 fixtex?-4, g:xt92x-3 Find the value of gf(6) [May’07/Q8(a)(ii ny 10. Pieie-Negrlxe0hxt x : L Find ov(3), a0 ae(2). [an°09/Q6(3)4 ML forte das2, pints 42043 Find fe(-6). [May’09/Q8(a)M. . fixpettigaxn—ysel 1. fixrext2g Sia wen ther Find gf(2) [Jan’10/Q7(ayM 13, The table gives the area, in km’, and the population of each of three countries in 2017 Country Area (km?) Population Greenland 2.166 x 10° 5.617 x 10% Sri Lanka 6.561 * 104 2.144 x 107 China 9.597 x 108 1.368 x 10” (a) Write 5.617 x 10*as an ordinary number. io] (®) Calculate by how many people the population of China in 2017 was greater than thepopulatioo of Sri Lanka in 2017 Give your answer in standard form. Ql [June21/Q1] (©) Work out the number of people per km? for Greenland in 2017Give your answer, to 3 significant figures, in standard form[2] 1. The finetionsfand g are defined by f:xh> 4x—Land g:xt9 4+ Express the composite function fg in the form fg:x+......, simplifying your answer. Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page Given that f(x)=3x-2, express f(x) in terms of x. [Jun88/Q8()M.....] 3, The functions fand gare defined by fs x-2,g:xb9 Lx, Using the same notation, copy and complete the following, fg:xt>...... [Jan89/Q8(@)(H)/M...] 4, Given that f:x+5+2x, copy and complete the following ff :x+.. [dune89/Q2(¢)()/M 5, The functions f, g and h are defined by f:xt+ 4x—5, gx 2x%,hixrs S44 x Express the composite functions (I) gf, (li) fh in the form of ixh. .Mixee you need not simplify your answers. [June90/Q8(c)/M...] 6... The functions fand g are defined by f:x 2x? +1, g:xt97x-S. Copy and complete the following fg:x+.. [June91/Q5(b)(i)/M...] 7. fixbe3xtt1, girs 2x1 Copy, complete and simplify the following (8) Bg 2X ne OES IK... [Sune92/Q4(a,byM] 8 fixAeSxt4, gixnedrs3 (a) Copy and complete the following, simplifying as appropriate ff :x1+... (b) Show that f(e(x))= 2(/(x)). [3an93/Q8(C)(i),(@/M] 9. The functions f and g are defined by fi+3x+2, g:xb>x?-4. Express the composite function gf in the form gf :x F........ simplifying your answer. [June93/Q8(c)/M] 10. The functions fand h are defined by f:xr>2x+1, hixt Express hf (x) in terms of x, simplifying your answer. [Jan95/Q7(¢)/M] I. fixe 2x?-3, gixbe3x+5 ‘ Copy, complete and simplify (a) gg :x1>. 12 fixtex?-3x-5, giz 2x41 Express the composite function fg in the form fg :x+>.. (Jan96/Q4(a,b)/M...] (b) fgixt> ... simplifying your answer. [May96/Q7(cV/Mw] 13,” The functions fand g are defined by f:x++3x-2 g:xhy—5,x#2 Express the composite function fg, in the form fg: xt [May97/Q12(b)(ii)/M....] 14, The functions fand g are defined by f:x-91-x, gixhe2x?+3 Express the composite function gf in the form gf : x +>...... simplifying your answer, [May99/Q8(c)/M] 1S. frxbe3x-2; gixhe6-x Express the composite function fg in the form fg :x++ ...... simplifying your answer. [May01/Q8(b)M....] Matremates - 01673544471 Page - 32 Wize bare fu i fond ge ined by: zie #5 mad 6 giee ate é r xt2 =(4)\ gerd A\\\ cee T simplifying your answer. (a) Copy ak is the following gf :x13 .....5 (b) State the value of x which: thust be excluded from thé domain Of the” function gf, ml qos sioits'on Wan01/Q7em, BE 2: it x-l Clearly stating any values that-must be baclided in from the domain, express:the composite function gf in the form OF PINED versense en ee i Wand2/Qui(ay oitonil atia 3. fixes pedi hx > Siteeo ior [-.PDOQ)ROMOC suas be ‘(a) * for ‘the ‘Ul aposite function Hf copy, complete and simplify Wf33 xb ., (b) State th we of x which must be excluded ony th fl DMEM DEOU The functi id defined b; 4x-5 iva ge aaRtions f= gare defined by f:xto 4x— Find the inverses of f and g stating them in the from f~ : x ‘ fJan88/Q4(byn | 2:\(n) Given that:f( fGys)s <2) eee 3. Given that f :x +» 5+2x, copy.and complete the phere: Silsxe we TKD WBorrdl of n'y moilonut stizoc nf91Q20M, Expregs the inverses si “aig /O8(a)/N Tonia) fapiaefined by f: xh 4x-1, y express the inverse of the function fin the from f™ : Be {.6.\The fintction: gis defined by-g:x#¥7x~S').- Copy and complete the following, inverse of g:xt> \ aoiqad ‘[Jan91/Q5(by/M.. Gime? ¥qOT = [Juine91/Q5(b)(ii)/M.. Ts 109 [Fune92/Q4(c)/N [.gb4\P 591885244 , copy and complete the following, f-':xt> [Jan93/Q8(c)(i)/M. 9. The function fis defined by fixt> 2x ¢l.- xf <4: \ yd boniteb o1s » bas [May94/Q9(o)/M. ee ecn sR RNAP ne ine fer Fi 11. UE é IMay961Q70)0 12. The function f is defined by f': x 2x-3. eoaeie a ee Pela (Jan97/Q10(b)@/™M.-- Copy, icomplete:aid simplifyif— Desc iil silt ni Xr AMAONLO ts 3" The* Ran is defined by g: x a 4 x#2 -2 Express the inverse furiction g: [May97/Q12(b)(i)/M-- Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Tppazevaro - codes £XSI0 14. The function fis defined by f:xtyl-—x : : Express the inverse function f~in the from t xpd [May99/Q8(b)/M...] [May03/Q8(b)()M2] 15. f:xt23x+4, copy, complete and simplify, f7 113-4: 16. F223, ora, A iotiico Side al bynes mod b I ad dewet Find the inverse function f~'. Give your a answer in the form ft + [Jan09/Q6(b)/M2] y) of noulyw ¥ Sai bri J 17. _ [Janl0/Q7/M2] 1.,.Vi\ [1 FARIS 3KE2, x >4 {S1AG(a)! Express thé inverse function fin the form f"':xb..... ' (b) Write down the domain of the inverse function f'. [May01/Q8(c,d)/M....] ig any values ‘whicti must tbe excluded from the d st exes the eee gs function fri in the form f7 AKL y ES 2 yd baniteb ots , [Jan02/Q11(b)/M....] 35 jcaihe function h is defined by. hixh: Clearly stating any values ‘that ‘must be. excluded from the domain ‘of A » express the i inverse in the formh™ : xb... | Saree = yawn 0 =o td © [Jan04/Q10(b)/M3] : d 5 1 The function g is defined by g :x> x41 oo arte Show that g™ meas. and write down the domainiofgiliiss 21 4 bon ¢ \ -fJan06/Q9(b)/M4] a x G2edi XH —, x41 x-1 f: f : \. vd banilsb 91 bat _(@) Copy, complete and simplify g™ t /\\(b)) Write’down} re value of x which needs to be excluded to: be excluded foi any! domain of, 2! ety Se 6. hanes pie? x= 2 for ison (a) Find the inverse e function Av'in the form h” [2] a Os site down the value of x which must be excluded from the domain ofA A" A, {[May06/Q8(b,c)/M23] 7. The two functions, fand g, are definedas _ : [Jan’ 17/Q6] Eix+— 2x-3 i \ “yd Boaitsb 6A endisaut gee sdede Where x #0 (ii . ; vd f f p@) Express tl the composite function 1 fg i in the form f, 8: hr ., Simplifying your, answer, Sir Mathematics - 01673544474 ‘ 2 Page -,34.., The function h is defined as h : x 25 a . 1 . Where x #— -2x 2 (b) (i) Express the iverse function h" in the form htixou. : (ii) Write down the value of x that must be excluded from any domain of h™.: (c) Find the value of x for which fg (x) = 2h" (x). (iii - B) Function (Paper 2) [inverse function] it aco inde"(3) [May95/Q7(2)/M., 2. g:xts 2x5, find g"(3) [May00/Q5(a)M... gixts 42x, findg7(3) i :[Jan?03/Q7(a)(ii)/M2} (iy) Function (Paper Py [solving equation] 1. Given that f (x) = 3x - 2, solve for x, the equation f (x) = 10. [June88/Q8(c)/M] 25 The functions f; g and h are defined by fixtex-2gixbegahixes x Show that hf (x) - 2g(x) = 0 can be written in the form3x’ -14x+12=0. Solve this equation, giving your answers correct to two decimal places. [Jan89/Q8(d)/M....] - 4 es The solutions of ax? rieten aes = Petite) a 3. Given that f:xt-»5+2x, solve, for x, the equation f (x) = -3. [June 89/Q2(b)/M....] 4. The functions f, g and h are defined by fixbd4x=5)g i219 2x2 hits O44 x Solve the equations (i) f (%) = 3 (Hi) g(x) = 32 (iil) h (&) = 7 [June90/Q8(b)/M...] 5. The functions fand g are defined by. f :x++ 2x? +1, g:xh 7x-5 ; (a) Find the value of x for which f(2) = g (x), (b) Find the values of x for which f(x) = g (x) [June91/Q5(a,c)/M... 6. f:xre5xt4, g:xh 4x43 / (a) Solve, for x, the equation f(x) = g(2) (b) Solve the equation g(x)= 2 , giving your answers to 2 decimal places. x — \ 2 The solutions of ax? + bx + c= 0 arex = “= [Jan93/Q8(b,c)/M..1] 7. The functions f and h are defined by f':xtb 3x+2,h:xbH 244 x Solve the equation (i) f(x) = 12 (ii) f) =h &) [Jun93/Q8(b)/M...] 8. The functions fand g are defined by f:xt0 2x, gixtox? +8 Solve the equations (i) g (x) = 12 (ii) g(x)=4/(x) [May94/Q9(b)/M...] 9, The functions f, g and h are defined by f:xb> 2x+1, g:xho 3x’, Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - hixh se #1 Solve the equations (i) g(x) =75 (ii) A (x) = 4 (iii) f@)=g() + [Jan95/Q7(b)/M...] 10. fixtex? +3x-4, gixtextl (a), Solve the equation gf(x) = 0. (b) Solve the equation fg (x) = gf (x). [May95/Q7(b,c)/M...] lL. f"xe x? -3x-5,g:xb 2x41 3 Find the values of x for which f(x)=g(x) , [May96/Q7(d)/M...] 12. The functions fand g are defined by f: x1 3x-2, gixb Partead 2 : R= Solve the equation S@) =g() i [May97/Q12(c)/M...] 7 ' 13. fixe 5x43, gixK i 15, solve (i) f(x)=1 (ii) f(x)= g(x) ‘ [Jan99/Q7(b)/M...] 14. The functions fand g are defined by f: xo 1-x, gixhe 2x? +3 Solve the equation (i) g (x) = 53 (ii) ff &) =f) [May99/Q8(d)/M... 15. The functions fand g are defined by fixeloxgix x02 x+2 : (a) Find the value of x for which f(2) = g (x). ; (b) Show that the equation: f(x) =g(x) can be arranged into the form x’ —2x-2=0 (c) Hence calculate the solutions, to 2 decimal places, of the equation /| (x)= 2x) —b+ Vb? —4ac The solutions of ax? + bx +c= 0 arex = 7 : ‘a [Jan’01/Q7(a,b,c)/M... 16. f:xt93x-2, (g):xts6—x. Find the value of x for which f(x)=7g(x). : [May’01/Q8(e)/M...] 17. f::xto 2x? —5x-12, find the values of x for which f)-0 3 2 [Jan’03/Q7(b)/M3] 18. . The function h is defined by h:x13 xe x Solve the equation h(x) = [Jan’04/Q10(d)()/M2] col 19. The functions f and g are defined by f:xt> 2x—3, gb sixel x- (a) Solve fo()-O13] (b) Solve fix) = g &) [5] [Jan°06/Q9(6,d)(iy/M8] 20, frxeeS-dx—x, gists wel % Solve the equation gf(x)=1. [May’06/Q8(a)/M6] 2. fixe x? -4gixb 2x-3 Solve the equation fg(x) = 0 [May’07/Q8(d)/M5] 22. fixtRex-2gixrex-4. : (a) Express the function fg in the form fg:xb........., simplifying your answer. [2] (b) Solve fg (x) =f&). [2] [Jan’08/Q1/M4] Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544474 Page - 36 eeeeaer Ig: mena hex hx? =Ay (c) Solve the equation hfg(x) = 36 . 24. fines tx42, gixeex? +2x+3hix9 £200 0 ¢ 7 7 1 * t (a) solve h(x) = 63 i---1#\((b) Find the two values of x which satisfy f() =g() U5 [5]. imaFemesvon6 25. fixrext+2,g:xb- 1 xk [5] S18 is yd bonitob om y bas’ anoiiontit oT C1 2x: 2 evloe » Dune’ 18/98) (Solve' the equation fe(x) = 3. : (ye 26 cRhs functions f and garedefinedas,. .. , os MMC) CIEL] (93 =GLGD T=( f(x) = 2x — 5 for all value of x 2 fo) ll value of x OY [3] [2] [3] 0 y mot off oint yo (ii) State any values 9 of nr for ‘which the, equation f= Fe 9 24 (a) Write down the value of x that must bel excluded from any domain of function f (>). °— 12 [A]: \, lo) Fi The eos ‘Getined as x43 i Orr oaitob et \oianut eT 8 i | gix > 2x24 4x 01 wherex = —1 : c Sreapenes eal (Anos (c) find the value of x ; : a The function h is defined as'h': x +X +2 for all valiies of x $13 yd boritteb o16 9 bas\ 2qottonit oT Qt [E]0=Wg, svlod (8) TaD\ orl02 () Given that the function m is such that m(x) = gh(x) + 3 \(@@ express in(x) Gi the form a(x + b)? where a and b are integers. le] s (©) Find the domain of m=* fe Ren Be [2]: -[June21/Q1] 0° [OPAL BO WO rel] ‘ L=(x)\y coieups oft svlo2 FARMUBROWH yell (v) Function (Paper 2) [mi noi sont 1. Given that f(x) =3x —2and g(x) =x a F ‘ (a) Express gf(x)in terms OFX : Simplifying YOUr ANSWER 5) oi) si 9 sala enstaati 07 para Solve, for x, the equation gf (x) — g(x) = 25, giving your answer 10 2 decimal places... i Ellas Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 , Page; 37 - ‘ 2 a The solutions are ' °pJune’88/Q8(d,c)/M..] is] 2a alqmos qo") (6 oa ‘ "The fine ns fand g are defined by f RexX- 2 g: wi 95. (a) Using the same notation, copy and ona the following, @ fo: crc) Solve @ win)=1G) g1(x)=0.3 reas TPL NEMpiE. J 3. The fiinctions f and g are defined by f:xh4x-5, g: xed Show that the equation g(x)= SUf(e)]+7 a can ne written 7 the form ax? +bx+0= 0 and state the values of a, b and c. \ HES O28 (0) {eae Vand 'g HS 2x73) oon Jeli sto i (iq) Express fe in the form fg:x b> .. Ie] 2.8 =(x)a\ moileups ort ovio (b) Solve the equation fg(x)= f(e)24 cist Stncinia tbs [Jan91/Q5(¢d)/M.] 5. The functions f and g are * defined by . Si ot 2x- 1, g& cai ae a) = é) § Show that the equation falx)= of aes be expressed i in the form x tore = where b and c are integers, and state the values of b and: Go ALY °-[May94/Q9(¢,d)/M..2.] 1) bail (s) 6. The functions f and g are defined by fixtedx-3, gixb tied xf fax ¢ (a) Copy, complete and si (b) Solve the equation ‘fol vebitieea- -4,g:xtex tl Copy, “complete and ‘simplify (a) fg:x na (©) Find the two vahies of x for Which falx=afl (2) tet clo 1) SURVEay?98/Q5/M8] 8. fixtex?-3x-54, gixt2x-5 to-oulav oni bait () (a) Express the composite function fg in the form fg: ..5, Simplifying your answer.) (b) Find the values of x for which falx)= of | (x) WEL CG [Mayl0/Os(h eM. J (4) Xp ded 9% Pix 22584 gixhyx-3 x-1 fh] eto miamob yne mo’ bobul i y, stating any values that must be, excladed fi 2 (b) s the composite 1 bard (2) 19, ; 0-70 e 1 (b) Find the values of x, to 2 decimal places, for which Jeo) = oy : : (1 -)'I9 le suls The solutions of ax? + bx + c= 0 arex =[cbt vb" =Aac- abs vO atee = Holioaul Sol 2Mfay98/Q5/M8] a ‘ yell doitiv tot x To su > FE (9) 1) oft = ( 10, firxhe2x?-1lx+5 gixtex-2 . etl lou , Simplifying your expression’as far as possible. 02 ‘[May02/Q(b,c)/M..] Lal io agae1 of) awob NT (a) Copy and complete the statement fg: x0 (b) Find the two values of x for which Ja(x)= 0 MW. fixre 2x? =5x=12 gixte 4-2x [ene (a) Express the function fg in the form fg:xb....... simplifying your answer. [3] . Hi (b) Solve fa(x)=4f(e)- 131. ee spat -f¥AM08/Q7(6 M6} Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 mn Page; 38 12, fixte3x+4, gixbs Vvxx>0 (a) Copy, complete and simplify fg:xH. [2] : (b) Solve the equation fe(x)=5g(x). [2] [May03/Q8(b)(ii),(c)/M4] 13. The functions f and g are defined by f:xto x7 +3x-8, g:xto2x—-3 (a) Simplifying your answer, express fg in the form fg: X10 «s+... [2] (6) Solve the equation fe(x)=4 f(x) [3] [Jan04/Q10(c),(d)(ii)/M5] 14. fixre5x-2, gixeyset eed : 2x. (a) Copy, complete and simplify Jgixh 2] (b) State the value of x that needs to be excluded from any domain of fg. [1] (©) Solve the‘equation fg(x)= 2x. [4] : : [Jan07/Q7(b-d)/M7] 1 1 , 15: fixe woo Ex x42, hixh ol (a) Copy, complete and simplify (i) fe:xt> (ii). At :xbK [4] (b) Solve fe(x)= A(x). [5] : [May’11/Q7/M9] 16; fixe x2 -3x-6 gixr2+4 x @ Find () f-4)(i) (5) (b) State the value of x which must be excluded from any domain of g. (c) Find the values of x for which gf(x)=0 (d) Find g™'. Give answer in the form g": xt [Mayl2/Q9/M13] ee x 17: fand g are the two functions such that f(x) =—2 jx 1, g(x)=x?-3 xo (a) Find the value of gf(3)[1] (b) Find f7'(x)in terms of x. [2] ied (©) Show that gf "(x)= 4*4*=2" jy) x (d) State the value of x which must be excluded from any domain of gf ME gh (©) Find the values of x for which gf "(x)= 1[5] [Mayl4/Q10/M12] 18. f:xhe5x-6 ; ix 2(2+x) (a) Find the value of gf(— 1). [2] (b) Express the inverse function fU': x19 ..[2] (c) Find the value of x for which fg(x) = 3g(x). [3] 19. fand g are two function such that Sf :xt92-4x where x>1 gixhe7—-x> where x<0 (a) Write down the range of [Jan16/Q5/M9] @f Gi) g (b) Express the inverse function f~' inthe f-':xh......[2] as Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 39 (c) Find the value of x for which 3f{x) =.4g(x). | Give your answer to 3 significant figures [5] 20. fand g are to function such that ; [Jan’ 20/Q6] f2 x9 x4 x6 where x>-> 2x -24 ix> Be 3x-2x (a) State the value of x that must be excluded form any domain of g (b) Find the value of a and the value of b such that f (x) = (x + a)? +b. (c) Hence write down the range of f (d) Find the value of c for which g™ (0) = (ec) Show that 2x? — x?-13x-c=0 Show clear algebraic working (f) Use the factor theorem to show that (2x + 1) is a factor of 2x? — x — 13x -6 _The curve with equation y = f{x) intersects the curve with equation y = g (x) at the point A . 1 with coordinates (p, q) where p> 2 (g) Find thecoordinates of A. (Total for Question 6 is 15 marks) Information about the function fis shown in figure 1. 21. . Given that f is the mapping f : x + px— q, where p and q are constants e (a) Use the information in Figure 1 to write down two equation in p and q. (b). Solve your two equation to find the value of p and the value of q. Bi (c) Solve your values of p and q, find the composite function ff. [2] Given your answer in the form ff: x —> cx + d. where c and d are integers. (d) Hence find value of x for which f(x) = ff (x). [ Jan 19/Q4] (vi) Function (Paper 2) [diagram] 1. A quadratic function, f :x+» ax? +b, is represented by the mapping diagram shown. (a) Use the diagram to write down two equations in a and b . [2] (b) Find the value of (i) a (ii) 6 [3] (c) Calculate the value of c. [Mayl3/Q4/M7] Elias Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 Page - 40 2. Information about the furiction f and g is shown n in Figure’ doidvr tot x10 oulay okt bard (9) oe (2) Find, [3] @] zowpiinngitingje € of 1ypege oY 9viD HOVOL OG ¥65), GH) sw), ii) fa). his the function such that : eee, x#2 = xt+2 (b) Find the inverse function A”. Give ‘your answer in the form h”' (c) Hence, or otherwisé, solve (x) Q) sy off) bere eto oulsv oft bard (d) = (x) 1 ise) doue dt 440 suns oft swob stim eaiee (9) 9 = (0) by doisdw at 916 sulsvodt bait (b) : . Os9~xel—‘x- “x6 tedt wod2 (9) word show siatd o- xl « —*xf 40 rolosi sat (1 + x&) ist world of motes toso8t orl oe" a) sini (xl = y soitsups diiw sve odT I A tniog ont je (x) 2 leupo live ovine oft elo £ x q Sted (p .q) zoienibroos-tiw Cedi 2) ai & notizeuG 101 LsioT) : ‘Ato zotenibioo9 ‘sii bait (3) : ok i of awore eit moiopuit ort Juods nottemdinl Is zinst foo 916 p brs q orailw..p xq <— x27 gaiqqsmt of ei tert deviD * p bus q ai rioiteups ows nwvob atin or Is ni noidecrrwini orit ea (8) {€] Z _ -p'to gulev sd bas q'to oulsy oft bait ot noiaups ows woy svloz {d) {£] ; ft noitonuit ssizoqmoo ot) bnit .p bar qo éoule v woy svlo2 (2) 219 sotni 916 b bus 2 ot9dw,.b + xo <— x Tt mmo} off ci towers oy meviD [PO\EL nal | Cx) R= (x)t isidv 10 x40 sulsv bait sonsH (by yd bommeorqerat A+ “wn 'eru: \ noitonit oilstbeLip A I snore meigsib gaiqqacn ol |S). Abas » ai enoiaups ow! awob siitw of meigstb od) s2U (8) [€] 4 Gi) » (i)%o eulsy ods bait (d) <9 To guley ods stsluale (2) [FIMABQ\EL RIA] ting’ Sir Mathematics - 01673544471 ; HYDARSETATO - cols Pageg sid

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