Application of Religion in Our Life

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The world is home to a wide variety of religions, but several major religions are followed

by significant portions of the global population. Here are some of the major religions in
the world:

1. Christianity: With over 2.3 billion followers, Christianity is the largest religion globally. It
includes various denominations, such as Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern
2. Islam: Islam, with over 1.9 billion adherents, is the second-largest religion. Its primary
branches include Sunni and Shia Islam, with various schools of thought within each.
3. Hinduism: Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world and has around 1.2
billion followers, mainly in India and Nepal.
4. Buddhism: Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), has over 520
million adherents and is prevalent in Asia, particularly in countries like China, Thailand,
and Sri Lanka.
5. Sikhism: Sikhism, with approximately 30 million adherents, originated in the Indian
subcontinent and is characterized by its teachings of equality and social justice.
6. Judaism: Judaism has around 14 million followers and is primarily found among Jewish
communities worldwide.
7. Bahá'í Faith: The Bahá'í Faith is a relatively newer religion with several million
adherents. It emphasizes the unity of all religions and humanity.
8. Secular/Atheist/Agnostic: While not a traditional religion, many people identify as
secular, atheist, or agnostic, indicating a lack of religious belief or affiliation.

In the Philippines, a predominantly Christian country, the most common religions are:

1. Roman Catholicism: The Philippines is known for its strong Catholic influence, with
approximately 80% of the population identifying as Roman Catholic. It is deeply
ingrained in Filipino culture and traditions.
2. Islam: Islam is the second-largest religion in the Philippines, particularly in the southern
regions, where there is a significant Muslim population. Various Islamic groups, such as
the Moro people, reside in these areas.
3. Iglesia ni Cristo: The Iglesia ni Cristo, or Church of Christ, is a Christian denomination
that originated in the Philippines. It has a substantial following within the country.
4. Protestantism: Various Protestant denominations have a presence in the Philippines,
with a growing number of adherents.
5. Other Indigenous Beliefs: Some Filipinos practice indigenous or folk religions, often
referred to as animism or spiritism. These beliefs are deeply rooted in local cultures and
vary by region.
It's important to note that religious diversity exists in the Philippines, with a range of
belief systems and practices, but the influence of Christianity, primarily Roman
Catholicism, is the most significant in the country.

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