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Sta. Ines, Rhea P.


Assignment: Sample No. 9


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.815731466
R Square 0.665417824
Adjusted R Square 0.615850095
Standard Error 11.40680896
Observations 32

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 6986.887155 1746.722 13.42442 3.80238E-06
Residual 27 3513.112845 130.1153
Total 31 10500

Coefficients Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%
Intercept 56.2774911 7.429507822 7.574861 3.79E-08 41.0334004
FAMILY INCOME 6.519523425 1.467082974 4.443868 0.000136 3.509317843
EDUCL ATTAINMENT OF FATHER 10.0266018 4.567490047 2.19521 0.036925 0.654886446
EDUCL ATTAINMENT OF MOTHER 6.360079267 4.554164005 -1.39654 0.173927 -15.70445184
NO. OF CHILDREN 4.447605532 1.522933935 -2.92042 0.006977 -7.572407819

Table 9
Influence of Socioeconomic factors to Students’ Science Performance

Family Income +6.520 ** .0001

Educ’l Attainment of Father +10.027 * .0369

Educ’l Attainment of Mother +6.360 * .0173

No. of Children in the Family +4.447 ** .0069

Multiple Coefficient of Determination (R2) = 66.54%

Legend: highly significant(**) significant(*) not significant (ns)

Continue with the interpretation for the Educational Attainment of Mother and
Number of Children in the Family and the Multiple Coefficient of Determination

Educational Attainment of Mother

The educational attainment of student’s mother has significant influence to
his or her Science performance. The positive sign of the coefficient of regression
means that student is expected to perform well in Science if his or her mother is
with higher educational attainment.

Educ’l Attainment of Mother. If the sign of coef. of regression is negative: (-6.360)
The educational attainment of student’s mother has significant influence to
his or her Science performance since the probability is less than .05. The negative
sign of the coefficient of regression goes to show that student whose mother has
low educational attainment tends to perform well in Science than the student
whose mother’s educational attainment is high.

Educ’l Attainment of Mother. If the probability is greater than .05:

The level of educational attainment of the student’s mother has no
significant influence to his or her Science performance since the probability is
greater than .05. This result indicates that whether the educational attainment of
student’s mother high or low his or her Science performance will just be the same
or the level of mother’s educational attainment of the student has nothing to do
with his or her Science performance.

Number of Children in the Family

The number of children in the family has high significant influence to the
student’s Science performance. The positive sign of the coefficient of regression
means that student is expected to perform well in Science if she or he has lesser
number of children in the family.

Number of Children in the Family. If the sign of coef. of regression is negative: (-
The number of children in the family has high significant influence to the
student’s Science performance since the probability is less than .01. The negative
sign of the coefficient of regression tells that student who has greater number of
children in the family performs better in Science than the student who has lesser
number of children in the family.

Number of Children in the Family. If the probability is greater than .05:

The level of educational attainment of the student’s mother has no
significant influence to his or her Science performance since the probability is
greater than .05. This result implies that the number of children in the family has
nothing to do with the students’ performance in Science.

Multiple Coefficient of Determination

The multiple coefficient of determination of 66.54% means that about
33.46% variables are unaccounted for in this study. This implies that there are
other variables not included in this study that are strong predictors of Science
performance of students. This also means that 66.54% variance or change in the
Science performance of students can be attributed to the change in their personal

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