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project title: Solving system of first and second order ordinary differential
equation by differential transform method


Bedasa Adugna

Debeli Abera

Advisor name: Inst.Getasew Alene(MSC).

February 2023

Bonga, Ethiopia

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives of Study............................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 General Objective.......................................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.....................................................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of the Study....................................................................................................................4
1.5 Delimitation of the study...................................................................................................................4
1.6 Limitation of Study................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................6
2. PRELIMINARIES...................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Differential Equations and system of Ordinary Differential Equations..............................................6
2.2 Differential Transform Method..........................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................11
3. METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Study Area and Period.....................................................................................................................11
3.2 Study Design...................................................................................................................................11
3.3 Source of Information......................................................................................................................11
3.4 Method of data collection...............................................................................................................11
3.5 Method of Data Analysis..................................................................................................................11
3.6 Ethical Consideration.......................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................13
4. WORKPLAN AND BUDGET BREAK DOWN..........................................................................................13
4.1 Work plan breakdown.....................................................................................................................13
4.2 Budget Breakdown..........................................................................................................................14


First and for most, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to GOD who makes all things

possible and gives me desire, ability, opportunity and motivation to complete my activities on

time. Secondly, I would like to express deepest gratitude to my Advisor Mr. Getasew Alene

(MSC) for his assistance, guide and constructive comments beginning from proposal

development to the accomplishment of this thesis work. Thirdly, I would like to thank my

parents for their continuous support. Lastly, I would like to thank Bonga University for giving

me the chance of doing scientific research on my field of study.


In this study, the differential transform method was applied for solving system of linear ordinary

differential equations subject to initial conditions. The approximate solution of the system of

equations was computed in the series form. Some systems of order ordinary differential

equations with initial values were solved as numerical examples. Then, analysis and discussion

of the result obtained by the method was made. Moreover, conclusion of the result was written

and the study was presented.


1.1 Background of the Study

The subject of differential equations serving as mathematical models is an important part of

mathematics for understanding many processes and phenomena in physics, mechanics,
engineering, chemistry and other sciences. In Mathematics, a differential equation is an equation
that contains one or more functions with its derivatives. In applications, the functions generally
represent physical quantities, the derivatives represent their rates of change at a point, and the
differential equation defines a relationship between the two (Zill, 1997)[9]. It is mainly used in
fields such as physics, engineering, biology and so on. The primary purpose of the differential
equation is the study of solutions that satisfy the equations and the properties of the solutions.
There are two basic types of differential equations. Those are partial differential equations
(PDEs) and ordinary differential equations (ODEs).

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are a mathematical equation that involves two or more
independent variables, an unknown function (dependent on those variables), and certain partial
derivatives of the unknown function with respect to the independent variables. They describe all
types of physical phenomena in engineering and science, ranging from transient heat conduction
through vibrations of strings and plates to fluid flow and the behavior of electric and magnetic
fields. While ordinary differential equations are differential equations which involves a
derivative of a dependent variable with respect to a single independent variable. There are
several references related to the existence and uniqueness of solution of ordinary differential
equations (Kreysing, 1972)[3].

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise in many contexts of mathematics; social and natural
sciences. Mathematical descriptions of change use differentials and derivatives. Various
differentials, derivatives, and functions become related via equations, such that a differential
equation is a result that describes dynamically changing phenomena, evolution, and variation.
Often, quantities are defined as the rate of change of other quantities (for example, derivatives of
displacement with respect to time), or gradients of quantities, which is how they enter differential

Due to their wide applications in applied science and engineering applications systems of
ordinary differential equations has been considered by several researchers. They have put much
effort to solve these problems numerically and developed some efficient and accurate methods.

Usually a given differential equation has an infinite number of solutions, so it is natural to ask
which one we want to use. To choose one solution, more information is needed. Some specific
information that can be useful is an initial value, which is an ordered pair that is used to find a
particular solution. A differential equation together with one or more initial values is called an
initial-value problem. The general rule is that the number of initial values needed for an initial-
value problem is equal to the order of the differential equation.

A linear differential equation is a differential equation that is defined by a linear polynomial in

the unknown function and its derivatives. Among ordinary differential equations, linear
differential equations play a prominent role for several reasons. Most elementary and special
functions that are encountered in physics and applied mathematics are solutions of linear
differential equations (see Holonomic function). When physical phenomena are modeled with
non-linear equations, they are generally approximated by linear differential equations for an
easier solution. The few non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that can be solved
explicitly are generally solved by transforming the equation into an equivalent linear ordinary
differential equation (see, for example Riccati equation) (Ervin, K. 1972)[3].

[6] According to Inç, M., & Evans, D. J. (2004) a great deal of interest has been concentrated on
the applications of differential transformation method (DTM) to solve various scientific models.

The concept of the differential transform method is first proposed by Zhou [1986],who solved
linear and non-linear initial value problems in electric circuit analysis[8]. The differential
transform method (DTM) is a semi analytical numerical method that uses Taylor series for the
solution of differential equation. It is an iterative procedure for obtaining the Taylor series
solution of the given differential equation and is promising for various other types of differential
equation. By application of the method, it is possible to obtain highly accurate results or exact
solutions for differential equation.
A differential equation (DE) is an equation containing the derivatives of one or more dependent
variables, with respect to one of more independent variables (Zill, 1997).Equations in which the

unknown function or the vector function appears under the sign of the derivative or the
differentials are called differential equations (Elsgolts, 1970)[2].A differential equation is an
equation that relates in a nontrivial way an unknown function & one or more of the derivatives or
differentials of an unknown function with respect to one or more independent variables (Ross,

The differential transform method (DTM) solves ordinary differential equation, partial
differential equation and integral equations. The differential transform method is developed
based on the Taylor series expansion.

Later, many researchers used the differential transform method(DTM) to solve various types of
linear and nonlinear problems. [7]Naharil and Avinash [2014] applied differential transform
method (DTM) to system of linear differential equations. [5]Hassan. H A [2008] compared series
solution obtained by differential transform method (DTM) with decomposition method for linear
and nonlinear initial value problems and proves that differential transform method (DTM) is a
reliable tool to find the numerical solutions. The transform method can be used to evaluate the
approximating solution by the finite Taylor series and by an iteration procedure described by the
transformed equations obtained from the original equation using the operations of differential
transform. The main advantage of this method is that it can be applied directly to nonlinear
ordinary differential equations without requiring linearization, discretization, or perturbation.

Another important advantage is that this method is capable of greatly reducing the size of
computational work while still accurately providing the series solution with fast convergence
rate. A specific advantage of this method over any purely numerical method is that it offers
smooth, functional form of the solution over a time step.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

System of ordinary differential equations of both first and second order has various applications
in various science and engineering fields. Due to this reason, we will be interested to employ
differential transform method for solving system of ordinary differential equations. Hence, this
study will answer the following questions:

 How can we express system of ordinary differential equations?
 What are the basic definitions of differential transform?
 What are the fundamental principles of differential transform?
 How can solve system of ordinary differential equation using the differential transform

1.3 Objectives of Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project is to solve system of first and second order linear ordinary
differential equations using the differential transform method.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this project are:

 To define system of linear ordinary differential equation.

 To provide basic definitions of differential transform method.
 To describe some fundamental principles of differential transform method.
 To solve system of ordinary differential equation using differential transform method

1.4 Significance of the Study

 It may help students as a base to conduct more research on similar topics.

 It will help the researcher to develop scientific research conducting skill.
 It may be help students as recommends differential transform method(DTM) for future
and as an alternative to exact method of solution.

1.5 Delimitation of the study

Due to the scarcity of time this project work was delimited to only solving system of linear first
and second order ordinary differential equations by the differential transform method.

1.6 Limitation of Study
This project work was limited to only solving system of linear first and second order ordinary
differential equation by differential transform method.

The following are some of the limitations that face to us in conducting this study:

 Lack of sufficient reference books.

 Lack of computer lab.



2.1 Differential Equations

Calculus is the mathematics of change, and rates of change are expressed by derivatives. Thus,
one of the most common ways to use calculus is to set up an equation containing an unknown

function y  f ( x) and its derivative, known as a differential equation. Solving such equations
often provides information about how quantities change and frequently provides insight into how
and why the changes occur. Techniques for solving differential equations can take many
different forms, including direct solution, use of graphs, or computer calculations.

2.1 System of Ordinary Differential Equations

A system of ordinary differential equation is two or more equations involving the derivatives of
two or more unknown functions of a single independent variable. Systems of ordinary
differential equation are a combination of two or more ordinary differential equations subject to
one or more initial conditions. Thus, a number of coupled differential equations form a system of

Definition1. If an equation contains only ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent

variables with respect to a single independent variable it is said to be an ordinary differential
equation (ODE).

An nt h order ordinary differential equation is said to be linear if F is linear in y, y',....,y(n)

A linear nt h order ordinary differential equation expressed in the form of:[4]

n n−1
d y d y dy
a n (x) +a n−1 ( x) a ( x) +a0(x)y=g(x)......(1)
n−1 +.....+ 1
dx dx

The properties a linear ordinary differential equation is as follows:

the dependent variable y and all its derivatives y (1),y(2),.....,y(n)are the first degree that is the power
of each term involving y is 1.The coefficients a 0,a1,...,an of y, y(1),....,y(n) depend at most on the
independent variable x.

2.1.1 First order ordinary differential equation

Definition1: [7]n× n system of first order linear ordinary differential equation(ODEs) is a set of n
differential equations involving n unknown function x1,....,xm of the form:

 a11 (t ) x1 (t )  a12 (t ) x2  ...  a1n (t ) xn (t )  g1 (t )
 a21 (t ) x1 (t )  a22 (t ) x2  ...  a2 n (t ) xn (t )  g2 (t )
 an1 (t ) x1 (t )  an 2 (t ) x2  ...  ann (t ) xn (t )  gn (t )


This is called the standard form of system first order ordinary differential equations. System is
homogeneous if each of the function g1(t),…,gn(t) is zero.

2.2 Differential Transform Method

Definition: Taylor series or Taylor expansion of a function is an infinite sum of terms that are
expressed in terms of the function's derivatives at a single point.

The Taylor series formula is:

n −1 n
f (c )
f ( x ) =∑ (x−a)n
k=0 n!

Example of Taylor series are, e x ,sin( x¿)¿ etc.

The differential transform method (DTM) is an iterative procedure to obtain the analytical Taylor
series solutions of differential equations and it gives exact values of the k-th derivative of an
analytical function at a point based on known and unknown initial boundary conditions in series

Differential transform method is very useful to solve equation in ordinary differential equation. It
is also applied to solve boundary value problems.

The differential transform of the function u(x) for the k th of a function with one variable is as

1  d k u ( x) 
U (k )   
k !  dx k  x  x0

Where u(x) is the original function and U (K) is the transformed function and the differential
inverse transformation U (K) defined by[4]

k 
u ( x)   U (k )  x  x0 

k 0


Where x 0=0 the function u ( x )= ∑ U (k )¿ ¿ implies that the concept of the one dimensional

differential transform method is almost as the same as the one dimensional Taylors series

Fundamental Operation of Differential Transform Method (DTM)

Some of the basic operational properties of the Differential Transform method (DTM) are listed
in table1 below. When the differential transform of u(x), g(x)and h(x) be U(k), G(k) and
H(k),respectively with β, α, ω are any constant number and δ (k) is the transformed function

Table: 1[4]

NO. Original function Transformed function(T-function)

1 u ( x )  g ( x )  h( x ) U (k )  G (k )  H (k )

2 u ( x)   g ( x) U (k )   G (k )

3 dg ( x) U (k )  (k  1)G (k  1)
u ( x) 

4 d 2 g ( x) U (k )  (k  1)(k  2)G (k  2)
u ( x) 
dx 2

5 d m g ( x) U (k )  (k  1)(k  2)...(k  m)G (k  m)

u ( x) 
dx m

6 u ( x)  1 U (k )   (k )

7 u ( x)  x U (k )   (k  1)

8 u ( x)  x m U (k )   (k  m)  1,0, kk  mm 

9 u ( x )  g ( x ) h( x ) k
U (k )   H (m)G (k  m)
m 0

10 u ( x)  e x k
U (k ) 

11 u ( x)  (1  x) m m(m  1)...(m  k  1)
U (k ) 

12 u ( x)  sin( x   ) k  k 
U (k )  sin   
k!  2 

13 u ( x)  cos( x   ) k  k 
U (k )  cos   
k!  2 

14 u ( x)  exp( x) k
U (k ) 

15 u ( x)  e x 1
U (k ) 


3. Solving system of first and second order ordinary differential equation by differential
transform method

The differential transform of the function u(x) for the kth of a function with one variable is as

1  d k u ( x) 
U (k )   
k !  dx k  x  x0
at (1)

Where u(x) is the original function and U (K) is the transformed function and the differential
inverse transformation U (K) defined by[4]

k 
u ( x)   U (k )  x  x0 

k 0 (2)

Where x 0=0 the function u ( x )= ∑ U (k )¿ ¿ implies that the concept of the one dimensional

differential transform method is almost as the same as the one dimensional Taylors series

Theorem 1: If u ( x )=g( x ) ± h ( x ), then U( k )=G( k ) ± H ( k )

Proof: By using the definition of differential transform

1 d
G( k )= g ( x ) |x=0
(k ) ! d x k

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) G( k )

1 d
H( k )= h ( x )|x=0
(k ) ! d x k


h( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) H( k )

k k
1 d 1 d
Now, G( k ) ± H ( k ) = g ( x) ± h (x )
(k ) ! d x k
(k )! d x k

1 d
= [ g ( x ) ± h ( x )]
(k ) ! d x k

But from the hypothesis

u ( x )=g( x ) ± h ( x )

1 d
G( k ) ± H ( k ) = [u ( x )]
(k ) ! d x k

G( k ) ± H ( k ) = U( k )

Theorem 2 :If u ( x )=cg( x ),then U( k )=cG( k ), where c, it is a constant

Proof : By using the definition of differential transform

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) G( k )

( ) 1 d
U k =c [ g ( x )]
( k ) ! d xk

= cG( k )

Theorem 3 : If u ( x )= g( x ), then U( k )=(k+1)G( k +1 )

Proof : By using the definition of differential transform method

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) G( k )

=G( 0 )+x G( 1 )+ x 2 G ( 2 )+ x 3 G ( 3 ) +….

Differentiate both sides with respect to x.

g( x )= G( 1 )+2x G( 2 ) +3 x 2 G ( 3 )+ x 3 G ( 3 ) +….

=∑ ¿ ¿)(k+1) G( k +1 )

u ( x )= g( x )

=∑ ¿ ¿)(k+1) G( k +1 )

Consequently we obtain U( k )=(k+1)G( k +1 )

d ( K +n) !
Theorem 4 : If u ( x )= n g ( x ), then U( k )= G( k + n )
dx k!

Proof : By using definition of differential transform

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) G( k )

=G( 0 )+x G( 1 )+ x 2 G ( 2 )+ x 3 G ( 3 ) +….

Differentiate both sides with respect to x

g( x )= G( 1 )+2x G( 2 ) +3 x 2 G ( 3 )+ x 3 G ( 3 ) +….

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) (k+1) G( k +1 )
dx k=0

g ( x )=2G( 2 ) +6 x G ( 3 )+…

2 ∞
g ( x )=∑ ¿ ¿)(k+1)(k+2) G( k + 2 )
dx k=0

u ( x )= n

=∑ ¿ ¿) (k+1) (k+2)… (k+n) G( k + n )

We have
U( k )=¿(k+1)(k+2)…(k+n) G( k + n )

( K +n) !
U( k )= G( k + n )

Theorem 5: If u( x )=e λx, then U( k )=

Proof : By using the definition of differential transform

u( x )=∑ x U( k )


We use Taylor series expansion of e λx

2 3
λ 2 λ 3
1+ λ x + x + x +…= U( 0 )+xU( 1 )+ x 2 U ( 2 ) + x 3 U ( 3 )+….
2! 3!

U( 0 )=1

U( 1 )= λ

U ( 2 )=

U ( 3 )=
… U( k )=
ω πk
Theorem 6:u ( x )=sin(ωx ), then U( k )= sin( )
k! 2

Proof : By using the definition of differential transform

g( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) G( k )

3 5 7
(ωx ) (ωx ) (ωx )
we have, ωx − + - +…= G( 0 )+x G( 1 )+ x 2 G ( 2 )+ x 3 G ( 3 ) +….
3! 5! 7!

G( 0 )=G (2 )=G ( 4 )=G ( 6 ) =…G( 2 k ) =0

k ω (2 k +1)
3 5
−ω ω
G( 1 )=ω, G( 3 ) = , G( 5 ) = ,…G( 2 k +1 ) =(−1 ¿ ¿
3! 5! (2 k +1)!

ω πk
Thus we get, U( k )= sin( )
k! 2

Theorem 7 : If u ( x )=h ( x ) g ( x ) , then U( k )=¿ ∑ H ( m ) G( k −m )

Proof : By using the definition of differential transform

∞ ∞
u ( x )=∑ ¿ ¿) H( m ) ∑ ¿ ¿) G( j )
k=0 j=0

∞ k
u ( x )=∑ x k ∑ H ( m )G( k −m )
k=0 m=0


U( k )=¿ ∑ H ( m ) G( k −m )

3.1 Solving system of first order ordinary differential equation by differential transform

Definition1: [7]n× n system of first order linear ordinary differential equation(ODEs) is a set of n
differential equations involving n unknown function x1,....,xm of the form:

 a11 (t ) x1 (t )  a12 (t ) x2  ...  a1n (t ) xn (t )  g1 (t )
 a21 (t ) x1 (t )  a22 (t ) x2  ...  a2 n (t ) xn (t )  g2 (t )
 an1 (t ) x1 (t )  an 2 (t ) x2  ...  ann (t ) xn (t )  gn (t )

This is called the standard form of system first order ordinary differential equations. System is
homogeneous if each of the function g1(t),…,gn(t) is zero.

Examples1: Consider the following system of simultaneous linear first order ordinary
differential equations

y1(1) ( x)  y3 ( x)  cos( x)
y2 (1) ( x)  y3 ( x)  e x ,
y3(1) ( x)  y1 ( x)  y2 ( x)

With the conditions

y1 (0)  1
y2 (0)  0
y3 (0)  2


Solution: The exact solution of this problem is: (F.Mirzaee)
y ( x)  ( y1 ( x), y2 ( x), y3 ( x))  (e x ,sin( x), e x  cos( x))
By using above theorems or differential transform properties the equations are transformed as
1  k 
(k  1)Y1 (k  1)  Y3 (k )  cos  
k!  2 
(k  1)Y2 (k  1)  Y3 (k ) 
(k  1)Y3 (k  1)  Y1 (k )  Y2 (k )  0 (8)

With the transformed boundary conditions

Y1 (0)  1, Y2 (0)  0, Y3 (0)  2 (9)

Consequently, using k  0,1, 2,3, 4,5 respectively in Eq. (8) and using Eq. (9) we obtain the

For k = 0, Eq. (8) becomes

1   1
Y1 (1)  Y3 (0)  cos  0  Y1 (1)  Y3 (0)  0! cos  0   2  1  1
 
1   1
Y2 (1)  Y3 (0)   Y2 (1)  Y3 (0)   2 1  1
0!   0!
Y3 (1)  Y1 (0)  Y2 (0)  0  Y3 (1)  Y1 (0)  Y2 (0)  0  1  0  0  1
 
 

For k=1,Eq.(8) becomes

For k=2,Eq.(8) becomes

1     1   1
(2)Y1 (2)  Y3 (1)  cos    (2)Y1 (2)  Y3 (1)  cos    2Y1 (2)  1  0  Y1 (2) 
1!  2   1! 2 2!
1   1
(2)Y2 (2)  Y3 (1)    (2)Y2 (2)  Y3 (1)   Y2 (2)  0
1!   1!
(2)Y3 (2)  Y1 (1)  Y2 (1)  0  (2)Y3 (2)  Y1 (1)  Y2 (1)  Y3 (2)  0
 
 

1  2   1 1
3Y1 (3)  Y3 (2)  2! cos    Y1 (3)  3!
3Y1 (3)  Y3 (0)  cos  
2!  2 

1   1 1
3Y2 (3)  Y3 (2)   3Y2 (3)  Y3 (2)   Y2 (3) 
2!   2! 3!
3Y3 (3)  Y1 (2)  Y2 (2)  0   1
 3Y3 (3)  Y1 (2)  Y2 (2)  0  Y3 (3)  3
 

For k=3,Eq.(8) becomes

For k=4,Eq.(8) becomes

1  4   1 1
5Y1 (5)  Y3 (4)  4! cos  2   Y1 (5)  5!
5Y1 (5)  Y3 (4)  cos  
4!  2 

1   1 1
5Y2 (5)  Y3 (4)   5Y2 (5)  Y3 (4)   Y2 (5) 
4!   4! 5!
5Y3 (5)  Y1 (4)  Y2 (4)  0   1
 5Y3 (5)  Y1 (4)  Y2 (4)  0  5
 

By the same procedure we get the following values

Y1 (2)  , Y2 (2)  0, Y3 (2)  0
1 1 1
Y1 (3)  , Y2 (3)  , Y3 (3) 
3! 3! 3!
1 2
Y1 (4)  , Y2 (4)  0, Y3 (4) 
4! 4!
1 1 1
Y1 (5)  , Y2 (5)  , Y3 (5) 
5! 5! 5! (6)

Therefore, the solution of equation is given by:

1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
y1 ( x)  1  x  x  x  x  x  ...  e x ,
2! 3! 4! 5!
1 1
y2 ( x)  x  x 3  x 5  ...  sin( x),
3! 5!
1 1 1 1
y3 ( x)  (1  x  x 2  x 3  ...)  (1  x 2  x 4  ...)  e x  cos( x)
2! 3! 2! 4!


3.2 Solving system of second order ordinary differential equation by differential transform

Examples 2: Consider the following system of linear second order ordinary differential

'' ''
y 1 ( x ) + y 1 ( x )− y 2 ( x ) −4 y 2 ( x )=0

' '
y 1 ( x ) + y 2 ( x )=cos ( x ) +2 cos ⁡(2 x) (14)

With the conditions

y1 (0)  0, y1 '(0)  1
y2 (0)  0, y2 '(0)  2 (15)

Solution: The exact solution of this problem is ( F.Mirzaee )

y ( x )=( y 1 ( x ) , y 2 ( x ) ) =(sin ( x ) , sin ( 2 x ) )

By using above theorems and choosing x o=0 ,equations are transformed as follows:
( k + 2 )( k + 1 ) Y 1 ( k +2 ) +Y 1 ( k ) −( k +2 ) ( k +1 ) Y 2 ( k +2 )−4 Y 2 ( k )=0

( )
k+ 1
( k +1 ) Y 1 ( k +1 ) + ( k + 1 ) Y 2 ( k +1 ) = 1 cos kπ + 2 cos ⁡( kπ ) (16)
k! 2 k! 2
With transformed BCs:
Y 1 ( 0 )=0 ,Y 1 ( 1 )=1

Y 2 ( 0 )=0 ,Y 2 ( 1 )=2 (17)

Consequently, we have Y 1 ( 2 )=0 , Y 2 (2 )=0

−1 −8
Y 1 ( 3 )= , Y (3 )=
3! 2 3!

Y 1 ( 4 )=0 , Y 2 ( 4 )=0

1 32
Y 1 ( 5 )= , Y 2 ( 5 )=
5! 5!

Therefore, the solution of system of linear ordinary differential equation is given by

1 3 1 5
y 1 ( x ) =x− x + x +…=sin ( x ) ,
3! 5!
8 3 32 5
y 2 ( x ) =2 x− x + x +…=sin ( 2 x ) . (18)
3! 5!

Chapter Four

4. Conclusion

Generally we have studied differential transform method for solving system of linear first and

second order ordinary differential equations. The differential transform method is one of the

numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. The differential transform method is very

effective and powerful for solving various kinds of differential equations. Basically, the

differential transform method is a numerical method based on the Taylor series expansion. Some

linear ordinary differential equations are solved as numerical examples. The numerical results

obtained by differential transform method are compared with the exact solutions and it is closer

to each other. The differential transform method is an approximation to exacts solutions which

are differential and it has high accuracy. It may be conclude that differential transform method is

very powerful and efficient in finding analytical as well as numerical solutions for wide classes

of linear ordinary differential equations.

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