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Jana Bhawana Campus

First Terminal Examination

Bachelor in Computer Application Full marks: 60

Database Administration Pass marks: 24
Semester: 7th Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures
in the margin indicate full marks.

Group B

Attempt ANY SIX questions.

1. What is DML? Explain all the DML command with suitable example.
2. Explain about Automatic Dynamic Performance (ADR) Views.
3. Describe about multiplexing online redo logs with commands.
4. Explain the term DBA (Database Administrator) and explain the different role of DBA.
5. What is CDB and PDB in oracle multitenant architecture? Explain how they are related.
6. How do you manage user privileges and roles? Explain using suitable examples. Describe about
managing privileges.
7. What is job scheduling in oracle database? Explain the differences between time based and
event based schedule.

Group C

Attempt ALL questions.

1. What do you mean by database management system? Mention the clear architecture of oracle
database management system including different files, process and memory structure.
2. Describe about networking the Net Configuration Assistant and use TNSPING to test Oracle Net
3. write SQL commands for following:
i. Create the table named emp having fields(emp-id, name, address, DOB, salary)
ii. Add primary key in above table.
iii. Add check constraints in the salary fields, value of salary>10000
iv. Rename the table emp to employee
v. Insert some rows and delete one of the record from the table employee
vi. Give select, update privilege to another user user1.
vii. Add department_id fields as foreign key referencing the table department.

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