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Lexical Categories (Parts of Speech)

Lexical categories are major grammatical classes into which words (not morphemes)
can be divided.
The parts of speech are a system of grammatical categories for classifying words
according to their usage or function.
The major classes of grammatical categories into which words (not morphemes) can
be divided are what most linguists call lexical categories. Many grammar teachers call
these lexical categories the parts of speech. There are several different systems for
classifying words.
There are several ways to classify words. Traditionally, English teachers divide words
into eight parts of speech or lexical categories. However, the eight parts of speech are
arbitrary categories that are not relevant to many languages or do not adequately
represent the lexical differences of morphological units found in many languages.
How many ways to forming new words from a root?
compounding, acronym formation, foreign word borrowing, clipping, blending,
derivation, back-formation, using people’s names, and trademarks used generally.
Compounding is creating a word with more than one root. (Compounding is a word-
formation process based on the combination of lexical elements.)
EX: note + book = notebook blue + berry = blueberry
Acronyms are words that are formed from the first letter or letters of more than one
word. (A word-formation process in which the first letters, sometimes the first few
letters of the words in a phrase are extracted and put together to form a word,
pronounced as a word by the usual rules of English spelling, with the same meaning as
the original phrase.)
EX: AKA = Also Known As LOL = Laughing Out Loud
Foreign word borrowing A cosmopolitan culture like ours is always coming into
contact with other cultures. Through trade, travel, and conflict, words from one
language enter other languages. (are words adopted by the speakers of one language
from a different language)
Clipping is deleting a section of a word to create a shortened form. (clipping is the
process of forming a new word by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic
EX: Grandma for grandmother gas – gasoline
Blending is the process of taking two or more words (compounding), clipping parts
off one or more of the words, and then combining them. (Blending is a type of word
formation which is joining the beginning of one word and the end of another to make a
new word with a new meaning.)

The derivation is the process of forming a new word by adding a derivational affix
to a word. (Derivation is the process of forming a new word from an existing word,
often by adding a prefix or suffix, such as un- or -ness)
EX: un + kind = unkind exact + ly = exactly
Back-formation is used to form a new word through the process of analogy by
removing an affix or what appears to be an affix from that word. (back-formation is
a word created by removing a part of another word or the process of how this new
word is made.)
EX: babysitter -> babysit destruction -> destroy
Eponyms Proper names are used to label animals and plants, inventions, places,
activities, and other people. (Eponym is defined as the person for whom a discovery
or other thing is defined as named.)
EX: Phùng Thanh Độ -> Độ Mixi Alois Alzheimer - Alzheimer’s disease
Trade marks use generally Sometimes the word is formed based on processes we
have already discussed. (A trade name is used in the course of business that doesn't
include the full legal name of the business.)
EX: Google, Coca-Cola, Adidas

What is the role of parts of speech?

The purpose of a part of speech is to denote the functions of a word in a sentence
regarding its meaning and grammar. It should be noted that, depending on how a word
is used, it can fall into more than one part of speech.

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