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Helical coil heat exchanger design calculations xls

Helical coil heat exchanger design calculations. Heat balance equation for heat exchanger. Spiral heat exchanger design calculations. Heating coil length calculation.

The heat exchanger design equation, Q = U A ΔTlm, can be used to determine the required heat transfer area, A, for a heat exchanger. The heat transfer area can be calculated after values have been determined or estimated for the required heat transfer rate, Q; the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, and the log mean temperature difference for the
heat exchanger, ΔTlm, based on the values of several input parameters. Excel spreadsheet templates for calculating the heat transfer area needed for a heat exchanger are presented and discussed in the next section.For more details about preliminary heat exchanger design, the parameters involved, and example heat exchanger calculations, see the
articles: “Preliminary Heat Exchanger Design Example” and “Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Theory and Design.”Excel Template - Page 1: Calculation of Heat Transfer AreaThe Excel spreadsheet template shown at the left will calculate the heat transfer area required for a heat exchanger after values for several parameters have been input. The
parameters that need input values are the mass flow rate, specific heat, inlet temperature and outlet temperature of one of the fluids; the heat capacity, inlet temperature and outlet temperature of the second fluid; and an estimated value for the overall heat transfer coefficient. After values are entered for those parameters the Excel formulas in the
spreadsheet will calculate the heat transfer rate, the log mean temperature difference, the required heat transfer area, and the needed mass flow rate for the second fluid.Column C has cells for entry of several parameter values.
Column I contains the Excel formulas to calculate the parameters noted above. This example spreadsheet shows calculations in U.S. units, however an S.I. version and a U.S. version are available for download just below.Click here to download this Excel spreadsheet template (in U.S. units).Click here to download this Excel spreadsheet template (in
S.I. units).Excel Template - Page 2: Number of Tubes for a Shell and Tube Heat ExchangerThe Excel spreadsheet template at the right is for shell and tube heat exchanger design.
This spreadsheetcalculates the number of tubes needed for a specified tube length and diameter. In the spreadsheet templates that can be downloaded below, this page 2 and page 1 from the previous section are both included as part of the same Excel template. Thus the heat exchange area calculated on page 1 can be used for the page 2
calculations.This example spreadsheet shows calculations in U.S. units, however an S.I. version and a U.S. version are both available for download just below.Click here to download this Excel spreadsheet template (pages 1 and 2, in U.S. units).Click here to download this Excel spreadsheet template (pages 1 and 2, in S.I. units).For more background
information about the different types of shell and tube heat exchangers, see the article: “Types of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers.”Excel Template- Alternate Page 2 Length of Pipe for a Double Pipe Heat ExchangerThe Excel spreadsheet template at the left is for double pipe heat exchanger design. This spreadsheetcalculates the length of pipe
needed for a double pipe heat exchanger of specified inner pipe diameter and known heat transfer area.
The page 1 spreadsheet from the second section in this article is included with this page 2 in the spreadsheet templates that can be downloaded below.
The required heat transfer area can thus be taken from the page 1 calculations.This example spreadsheet shows calculations in U.S. units, however an S.I. version and a U.S. version are both available for download just below.Click here to download this Excel spreadsheet template (pages 1 and 2, in U.S. units).Click here to download this Excel
spreadsheet template (pages 1 and 2, in S.I. units).For more background information about double pipe heat exchangers, see the article: “Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design.”References for Further Information:1. Bengtson, H., Fundamentals of Heat Exchangers, an online, continuing education course for PDH credit.2. Kuppan, T., Heat Exchanger
Design Handbook, CRC Press, 2000.3. Kakac, S. and Liu, H., Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design, CRC Press, 2002.Image Credits:1. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger - Grand Kartech heat exchangers2. Double Pipe Heat Exchanger - China Commodity NetThis post is part of the series: Heat Exchanger DesignHeat exchanger design
includes estimation of the heat transfer area needed for known or estimated heat transfer rate, overall heat transfer coefficient and log mean temperature difference. The tube or pipe diameters and length also need to be determined, as well as the pressure drop. Helical coil heat exchanger design (HCHex) software is made to demonstrate the
thermal design calculations for helical coil heat exchanges. The software will do all the sizing and thermal calculations involved in the design and will generate a summary of all results. Below are some features for this software along with any limitations.+ Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement.+ Units converter includes 23
measurements units with 200-unit conversion+ Add your own Nusselt correlation+ Save/Load results+ Ability to calculate unknown Cold or Hot side temperatures.

Unknown exit temperatures on both sides or any two temperatures on both sides+ Unknown Flow rate on either hot or cold side, calculate both flow rates also if heat duty and temperatures are specified.+ Pressure Drops for both shell and tube sides (frictional, inlet, outlet and total)+ Overall heat transfer coefficients, heat transfer coefficients for
shell and tube sides. + Nusselt number estimationHelical coil heat exchanger design software includes Nusselt number correlations and will also allow you to use your own correlations in three formats, The software will also allow you to enter your own Nusselt number or enter a heat transfer coefficient if needed. + Area and heat load (heat duty)
calculations+ Vessel dimensions and length+ Number of spiral turns for the helical tube and its length.The software will also accepts heat duty or heat load as input and calculate other needed variables+ Estimate the Physical properties of pure components for more than 1450 fluids; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity,
Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points and come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software. + Estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY) + User database functions to allow user to add/delete fluids,
Tube geometric sizes and heat transfer coefficients and load to hot/cold side (Empty database!). + Fouling factors+ Add your own Nusselt number correlations, three formats are available.Plot temperature profile for counter current flow and co-current flow. detect temperature cross.+ Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel Engineering
Datasheet format.

Save/Load results. Generate/Print a summary of results+ Display multiple cases in results grid+ Export Results summary to .rtf file format that can be opened in Microsoft Word+ Single tube units, multi tubes are not supported.Click here to download the demo version of the product. Please also note that the demo version of this software will only
operate with set examples which are restricted in our demo version and doesn’t necessary have all the updates added to the full version. To compare the demo version with the full version simply check the update history of the full version against the version of the demo. The full version of this product does not have any restrictions.We don’t offer a
fully working demo version.Video Demonstration links:Click here to watch the videos from this websiteTo watch the videos on YouTube:Features and interface video – Click hereDemonstration Example – Click hereDemonestration Example 2 – Click hereBelow is a screen shot of the main software screen, for more screen shots please visit our screen
shots pageHelical Coil Heat Exchanger Software Main screen shotHelical coil heat exchanger software needs the following to operate:1. Microsoft Windows operating system2. 64 MB RAM3. 30 MB free disk space4. Microsoft Dot Net 4.6 FrameworkWindows platform:Windows 10, Windows 1132 bit & 64 bit operating systems.

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