Bio Lab 2

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The Level of Quantitative Carbonation Based on Temperature

When carbonated water is opened, the pressure is released, resulting in the carbon
dioxide coming out of the solution in the form of bubbles. This is why carbonated water
bubbles and fizzes when opened. The solubility of gasses in water generally decreases
as the temperature increases. This is why carbonated drinks are often best enjoyed
when chilled, as colder temperatures promote the retention of carbon dioxide in the
liquid. Warmer temperatures can cause the carbon dioxide to escape more rapidly,
resulting in a loss of fizziness. Additionally, the amount of gas that can dissolve in water
is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas above the water. Higher pressures
increase the solubility of the gas, allowing more to dissolve in the water. This is why
carbonated beverages are typically stored in sealed containers under high pressure, so
that more carbon dioxide can be dissolved in the water.

Materials and Methods

 Two 1000 ml Pyrex beakers and three 250 ml Pyrex beakers, along with two
identical thermometers, were obtained from lab cart number 3.
 Beaker A was filled to 400 ml with warm tap water and then heated to 40 degrees
Celsius on a warmer.
 Beaker B received 400 ml of cold tap water and 4 ice cubes to measure a water
temperature of 4 degrees Celsius.
 Two cans of Bubly brand soda were obtained, one at room temperature and the
other from a refrigerator.
 To beakers #1 and #2, 100 ml of room-temperature soda was added. To beaker
#3, refrigerated soda was added to the 100 ml line.
 Beaker #1 was then placed inside beaker A. A 5-minute timer was started, and
the bubbling frequency was observed visually.
 Beaker #2 was placed on a table in a room with a temperature of 21 degrees
Celsius. A timer was set for 5 minutes while observing the frequency of bubbling.
 Beaker #3 was placed inside beaker B. A timer was set for 5 minutes, and then a
visual observation of the bubbling frequency was started.
 After 5 minutes, the water temperature in beakers 1,2 and 3 was measured.
 Below are the results from the above experiment.

Figure 1 shows the activity that was kept at 40 C for 5 minutes.
Figure 2 shows the activity that was kept at 4 C for 5 minutes.
Figure 3 shows the activity that had refrigerated soda for 5 minutes.

In this lab, we investigated the solubility of gasses in water, focusing on oxygen
and carbon dioxide. We found that the amount of a particular gas that dissolves in water
is influenced by two main factors: temperature and pressure. As we increased the
temperature of the water, we observed that the solubility of both oxygen and carbon
dioxide decreased. This is because the higher the temperatures provide more energy to
the water molecules, making them move faster reducing their ability to hold onto gas
molecules. WE conducted an experiment using carbonated water, which is infused with
carbon dioxide. We noticed that the higher the pressure inside the bottle caused more
carbon dioxide to dissolve in the water compared to typical atmospheric pressures at
ground level. This is why carbonated water has those delightful bubbles that we enjoy!
By understanding the relationship between pressure and solubility, we can explain why
carbonated beverages retain their fizz when sealed under high pressure. The moment
we release the pressure by opening the bottle, the dissolved carbon dioxide comes out
of solution resulting in the characteristic effervescence.

Ming, G. E. N. G., & Zhenhao, D. U. A. N. (2010). Prediction of oxygen solubility in pure water and brines up to
high temperatures and pressures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(19), 5631-5640.
Tromans, D. (1998). Temperature and pressure dependent solubility of oxygen in water: a thermodynamic
analysis. Hydrometallurgy, 48(3), 327-342.

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