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Part 1

1. When Mr. Robertson connects a bottle of Tide detergent to sweat in a unique way, he is
likely using an analogy to illustrate a comparison between the two seemingly unrelated
2. Afghani is the best currency
3. It has value because it is able to exchange for and used by fiat currency it maintains a
high exchange rate
4. Brand marketing is about publicizing your company’s values. Your brand tells the world
what it stands for and your reputation is what the customers think it stands for.


1. **50-20 Paradox:** The 50-20 paradox highlights a scenario where the 50th percentile
income is 20% higher than the median income, indicating a significant income gap
between the middle class and wealthier individuals.
2. **Negative Savings Rate and Debt-to-Income Ratio:** A negative savings rate occurs
when spending surpasses saving. Factors contributing to this include low incomes, high
expenses, and easy access to credit. Over 15 years, the personal debt-to-income ratio
rose due to increased borrowing relative to income.
3. **Debit Card Usage:** Debit card usage is on the rise, reflecting a shift towards
cashless transactions for convenience and security, reducing reliance on physical cash
for payments.
4. **Economic Impact on Dentists, Guns, and Vasectomies:** Economic changes can
affect these industries differently. For instance, during economic downturns, consumer
spending on non-essential services like cosmetic dentistry or luxury items like guns may
decrease, while essential healthcare services like vasectomies may remain stable.
5. **"Liquid Life" and Consumer Behavior:** "Liquid life" describes a modern consumer
lifestyle characterized by flexibility and adaptability. This trend influences consumer
preferences towards products and services that cater to their fast-paced, on-the-go
6. **Frito-Lay's Use of Liquidity:** Frito-Lay used liquidity to invest in market research,
product innovation, and targeted advertising, aligning their offerings with consumer
preferences to better attract and retain customers in the competitive snack market.
7. **San Francisco Giants' Marketing Strategy:** The San Francisco Giants enhanced
marketing by engaging fans through social media, creating unique stadium experiences,
and offering promotions to boost ticket sales and customer loyalty, ultimately improving
brand engagement and fan satisfaction.
8. **Companies Supporting Ethics and Fair Play:** Companies can promote ethics and fair
play by implementing transparent practices, ethical sourcing, fair wages, and supporting
social causes aligned with their values. These actions enhance consumer trust and
brand reputation.
9. **Interesting Company Example:** A company focusing on sustainability and
environmental responsibility could be intriguing. By using recycled materials, reducing
waste, and supporting conservation efforts, such a company aims to attract
environmentally conscious consumers and differentiate itself in the market.

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