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Writing task 2


 Introduce the topic paraphrase the question

 Answer both question – tell the examiner what’s coming

Main Body 1:

 First answer
 Explanation
 Example

Main Body 2:

 Second answer
 Explanation
 Example


Summary of Answer to both questions

Ielts 4:

Test 1 writing task 2

Communication medium plays a vital role in disseminating information in today’s world. There are
various communication platform or media such as television, radio, books, comics, theatres, and films.
However, most effective communication media out of all of these is television, radio or books.

Nowadays, television is widely available in almost every households and people tend to watch television
to pass their leisure. Communication through television advertisement or news can be used to reach
mass number of people easily. Furthermore, news on the television enables us to watch and learn about
the current events happening around the globe. Children can learn from various educational programs,
cartoons and movies keeping them entertained at the same time.

Radio, on the other hand, is another great medium of communication which is largely available and
affordable for every class of people. Radio is less expensive and people living the rural areas have easy
access to radio. However, people can listen to the programs or news only but they have no access to
visual features like television.

Furthermore, books can be an interesting source of communication. People can read stories and create
their own imaginations with the characters of the story and enter in a world of their own.

In conclusion, books, television and radio could be a powerful medium of communication as a whole.
Ielts 16

Writing task 1

The column chart portrayed the pattern of buying coffee or tea by the people living in five Australian

Overall, the people living in Melbourne of Australia visiting café for coffee or tea in the last 4 weeks is
higher compared to all other cities. It can be seen that the buying habit of instant coffee is higher than
people living in 5 different cities of Australia buying fresh coffee in the last 4 weeks.

In Melbourne, close to 65% people visited café to buy either coffee or tea in the past 4 weeks. However,
people staying in Sydney and Hobart also seems to visit café as much as the people of Melbourne. The
percentage of city residents of Sydney and Hobart who visited café in the last 4 weeks is more than 60%.

On the other hand, the purchasing pattern of instant coffee in comparison to fresh coffee is higher than
in almost all the cities of Australia. It is seen that approximately 54% of the residents of Brisbane prefers
more Instant coffee than fresh coffee. The choice of having fresh coffee always maintained a steady
level of no more than 43% across all the cities of Australia.

Writing Task 2:

Renting a house instead of buying a house is crucial for many people in few countries. The reasons may
vary from person to person. However, one of the important reason for renting a house rather than
buying a house is the cost of purchasing a house. Moreover, renting a house also allows people to
change their home whenever they want according to their needs and desires.

Nowadays, buying a house is a huge expenditure in many countries. The average income of the people
living in developing countries does not make it affordable for them to buy a house. The overall expense
of buying a property and converting a house to a home requires a huge amount of investment which
does not make it feasible for people with lower income or mdi level income. For example, the price of
raw materials for construction has increased specially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Hence,
people tend to rent a house rather than to buying a home based on their affordability.

Furthermore, renting a house gives an opportunity to people to change the house whenever it is
required or does not feel good to stay in a particular house for a long time. Many people does not like to
live a home for a long time. They like to shift to a different place to enjoy the essence of a new place or
home. Moreover, various problems that cannot be identified unless a person starts to live in a house. If
those problems are detected after buying a home with a huge amount of money, it could be disastrous.
Hence, renting a house provides with an advantage of changing the house whenever is required. In
addition, renting a house is easier for people with a job that requires him/her to move from one city to
another or one country to another.
There could be various advantages and disadvantages in owning a home rather than buying a house. In
my opinion renting a house gives you with a flexible opportunity when required.

IELTS 15 test 3

Writing task 2

The line chart displayed the quantity of people going to Caribbean Island during the period 2010 and

Overall, the total number of people visiting Caribbean island increased. On the other hand, the amount
of people living on cruise ships exceeded the number of visitors staying on islands over the period.

The graph depicts that the total number of tourists visiting the Caribbean island from 2010 to 2015
increased in a steady level. The number of visitors was more than 2.5 million in the year 2015 and no
change occurred until 2016. Within the span of 1 year, it increased to 3.5 million.

Moreover, we can see that during the time people visited the island, approximately 0.8 million people
chose to live on island whereas nearly 0.3 million visitors chose to live on cruise ships. From 2011, the
count of visitors staying on island increased but the number of people chose to stay on cruise ships
surpassed the number of visitors staying on island during the mid-year of 2015. In 2017, 2 million people
preferred to live on cruise ships than on island.

Writing task 2:

Going forward, humans will not buy printed books or newspapers due to the availability of online
reading materials for free. This essay agree with this view. This may be due to the fact the people tend
to choose things that are free of cost and it is more convenient for people to read online.

Humans tend to incline towards the products or services that are either cheap or cost free. Spending on
newspaper or books is seen by most people as an additional cost to their daily or monthly expenses.
Hence, reading online for free of cost gives the readers an advantage of saving money who does not
want to incur the additional expenditure in buying newspapers or books for entertainment purpose. For
example, while preparing myself for IELTS exam, first I have looked for free study materials online rather
than going out in the market to buy IELTS books.

Furthermore, it is more convenient for people to read online because people can read anytime and
anywhere using their mobile phones or laptops with just having internet connection. Most people may
find it difficult to carry a newspaper or a book when they are traveling. Nowadays, almost 95% people
carry cell phones with an active internet connection. If the reading materials are available online and
does not require any charge to buy it makes it much easier for the people to read whenever they are
moving or traveling from one place to other. Moreover, it is also inconvenient for people visiting the
market or shops to buy newspaper or books for which if the readers get all the reading materials online
for free, no one would want to buy books or newspaper in future. For example, I have seen one of my
friend who is a hardcore reader used to go the market to buy just a book every weekend traveling
almost 3 miles away from his home. This certainly was very difficult for him to travel and the cost
traveling was higher than that of buying a single book. If he finds the same book online for free, he
would definitely prefer to read online staying at his comfort zone.

To conclude, I would say that if people get everything online which they want to read without spending
money, no one will buy printed reading materials in coming days.
Writing task 1

The picture describes the production process of sugar from sugar cane.

Overall, the production process shows all the stages of how sugar is manufactured from sugar canes
starting from growing to harvesting, crushing, and purifying to converting it to the final product.

The first stage of growing sugar cane plants is the major step which requires time and patience. It takes
up to 12 to 18 months to grow sugar canes. The farmers have to wait a long time to get into further
actions. Once the plant fully grows sugar can trees, the framers starts to cut the trees either by hand or
using harvesting machines. Harvesting becomes easier and efficient when technology is used rather than
using human labor.

The canes are then crushed to press the juice out of it using a huge juicer machine. Once the juice is
collected, it is poured into a limestone filter for purification. Afterwards, the sugar cane juice is heated
into the evaporator to turn it into sugar syrup. A centrifuge is used to remove sugar crystals from the
syrup. Finally, the sugar crystals are kept for drying and cooling.

Writing Task 2:

At present, it is seen that businesses tend to put more effort to present that their products are different
from their competitors through advertisement. This essay will talk about the positive development of
the advertising strategy because the growing competition in the market makes it utmost necessary to
showcase the uniqueness of their product.

To survive in this fast paced competitive world, it is crucial for the businesses to show how their product
is different that the once being offered by the competitors. Every items that the business will offer to
the customers must have a selling point to attract customers. People look for any kind of product that
will add more value. A variety of similar products are being sold by numerous number of companies.
However, if no new additions are made to the existing product, the product loses the value and
attractiveness. For example, we can see that every year Apple is offering something new to their iPhone
users and the latest features or upgrades are being advertised to the people. Through this
advertisement focusing on the new features in the latest iPhone models attracts the iphone users to
switch to the upgraded version rather than using the old models.

Advertising the product portraying how a product is adding value to the people will not only attract
customers but also help customers to make a decision to choose the best out of all other similar
products being offered by the rest of the businesses. The more customers are made aware of the
different features or benefits the customers can reap from the product, the better it is for the
companies to sell their products.

To conclude, I believe that companies should put more focus on advertising the latest features or
models that will add value to their customers since it will create a positive impact in their businesses.
Ielts 16 Test 3

Writing task 1

The diagrams portray the existing structure and the renovation plan of the Southwest Airport for next

Overall, the Southwest Airport will be reconstructed with more facilities than the existing one.

At present, the Southwest Airport consists of eight gates which leads to the Security Passport Control
and Passport Control Customs through a walkway. There is a café and a check-in point for the
departures. However, there is no other facilities available for the arrivals.

After development, the new Airport will consists of additional gates. The number of gates will be
increased to eighteen. A larger walkway will be developed. Shops will be available for the visitors for
shopping. After the Security Passport Control room, a Bag drop will be built for the departures in the
place of the existing check-in point. The check-in point will be moved to the opposite of the Bag drop.
Adjacent to the Bag drop, a café will be available. In addition, another café will be built for the arrivals as
well including an ATM. The new Southwest Airport will also have state-of-the-art Sky train and car hire
Writing Task 2

Most of the manufactured food and drink items consist of too much sugar that may lead to various
health issues. In my opinion, the price of sweet items should be increased to discourage people to buy
sugary foods and drinks because consuming excessive sugar affects people’s physical health as well as
mental health negatively.

People consuming sugary drinks and foods are becoming physically sick. Sugar does not contain any
nutrients that is good for human body. However, it is an ingredient that is very addictive. People who
eats or drinks sugary items continuously increases addiction toward sweetened products. Nowadays,
food and drink manufacturers use sugar in almost every items they sell since sugar enhances the taste
and it makes people to buy more and more of those products. The sugary products are also being widely
available to people in a very reasonable price. For example, the fast moving consumer goods
manufacturers are selling 250 ml soft drinks that contains high levels of sugar in only BDT 50 and a cup
cake which is being sold at only BDT 20 which makes it very affordable for people to buy it more. In this
way the health of the people are being compromised and people are being affected with diabetes,
obesity and various other health diseases. Therefore, increasing the prices of such products will
eventually decrease the demand of sugary items.

On the other hand, consuming

It is said that the average quality of human's health may decrease in the future compared to the present
health standard. I completely agree with this statement because the health standard is being negatively
affected these days due to poor quality of food and lack of physical activity.

The quality of life is deteriorating day by day. The food that we eat or the drinks that we have are of very
poor quality. It is becoming very challenging to find organic fruits and vegetables. Farmers are using
harmful chemicals to grow hybrid fruits and vegetables. The natural fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables
are gradually getting lost. It has been found that the sellers uses preservatives for example, formalin to
keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer period of time so that they can sell it in higher price. Various
research studies have found that due to consumption of these harmful chemicals and preservatives
through food and drinks are reducing the life span of humans.

Moreover, people nowadays are not involved in physical activities. People have fewer options to access
open fields or parks. Children does not have much opportunity to play outdoor or actively involved in
physical activities due to higher study pressure. On the other hand, people doing a 9 to 5 desk jobs or
involved in a job that requires to spend more than 8 hours are unable to maintain physical fitness. It has
been seen that people involved in regular physical activities are more likely to stay fit and healthy and
are able to live a long life. For example, Japanese people are more active and the average life span of
Japanese people are approximately 90 years.

To conclude, human's health condition are most likely to deteriorate in future due to less active lifestyle
and poor quality of food consumption.

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