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Please keep in mind the following for future practical write-ups:

1) Layout
• Font Arial, font size 11, heading/sub-heading size 12/14, body of report must
be justified, line spacing 1.5.
• Captions on top for tables and bottom for figures, caption size 10.
• Pages must be numbered. And any section before the introduction page
(except title page) must be numbered in Roman numerals.
2) Table of Contents
• Ensure that the font case of the text is consistent throughout.
• All figures must be listed under “List of Figures”, and all tables under “List of
3) Synopsis (not more than 250 words!)
• Should contain a little bit of background to the topic, aim, specific objectives
towards the aim (methods used), major finding(s) (results), and a concluding
4) Introduction
• Should include a background to the topic under study or rationale, aim and
objectives, and in-text references where needed (Harvard referencing style).
5) Literature Review
• The theory needs to be relevant, meaning closely connected to your results
and discussion. In-text references must be included (Harvard referencing
6) Experimental Set-up
• Should comprise of apparatus diagram & description, materials, experimental
procedure (use the past tense), safety and precautions.
7) Results and discussion
• Only report the main results you intend to discuss. The rest goes to your
appendix, i.e., measured, calculated data and a neat sample calculation. The
literature review must back up your results and discussion.
8) Conclusion
• Your conclusion must be related to your aim.
9) Bibliography
• List of all the references used (Harvard referencing style). You can make use
of Mendeley (free download available online) for automated referencing.

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