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Fábián Karolina 1I/13.

6/A) Főnöke az egyik üzleti partnerével ebédel egy hagyományos magyar étteremben, ahová –
tolmácsolás miatt - Ön is elkíséri őket! Segítsen a vendégnek az ételválasztásban! Kínáljon az
üzleti partnernek magyar specialitást, pl. gulyáslevest! Segítsen a főétel kiválasztásában!
Próbálja lebeszélni a rántott húsról, mivel a magyar konyhára is jellemző ma már az
egészségesebb táplálkozás (pl. több zöldség, zsír helyett olaj használata stb.)! Érdeklődjön a
kedvenc étele iránt, és kísérelje meg ezt összehangolni a magyar konyha által nyújtott

Információtartalom vázlata

– Ajánlja fel segítségét, mivel az étlapon csak az ételek neve szerepel

– Leves választás (a leves magyar specialitás, pl.: gulyásleves)
– A főétel kiválasztása
– Érdeklődés a kedvenc étele iránt; ennek összehangolása a magyar konyha nyújtotta

 -Excuse me! I can see you have been turning the pages of the menu. Can I help you with understanding
the menu, as it is only in Hungarian.
o –It is very kind of you because I can’t speak Hungarian. It is my first visit in your country.
 -May I offer the Goulash soup as a starter, which is a typical Hungarian food/dish.
o -What are the main ingredients?
 -Well, it consists of beef, potato, onion, vegetables, oil, Hungarian red paprika and other different
o -That sounds great. I think I will try this soup. And what would you recommend as a main
course? I would like to eat deep-fried chicken. Would it be a good choice?
 -I don’t think that it would be the perfect choice, because healthier diet is typical in the Hungarian
cuisine nowadays, for example: eating more vegetables, and using oil instead of fat.
o -I see, and what could you recommend me?
 -How about salads with dressing?
o -Oh, My favourite one is Caesar salad!
 -I think you should eat it with dressing. And the Hungarian business lunch can’t be finished without
desserts. We have a great selection of cakes, pancakes, or strudels. You can try the Gundel pancake, or
strudel filled with poppy seed.
o -That sounds great. Thank you for your help.
 -Oh, it was a pleasure to help you. .
Kovács Angéla 1I/13.

Magyar újságban külföldi titkárnői munkára csábító hirdetést talál. Érdeklődjön telefonon
erről a munkáról! Mutassa be szakmai múltját, jelenlegi munkáját, szakmai tapasztalatát!
Szóljon nyelvismeretéről, családi állapotáról és referenciáiról is! Sorolja fel igényeit a
munkával és a juttatásokkal kapcsolatosan! Érdeklődjön egy személyes meghallgatás
lehetőségéről, illetve arról, hogy elküldje-e önéletrajzát!

Információtartalom vázlata

– Udvarias köszönés és bemutatkozás

– Hivatkozás, hogy hol és mikor talált a hirdetésre
– Saját szakmai múltjának kifejtése pár szóban. (Iskolai végzettség. Hány év szakmai
tapasztalattal rendelkezik. Mi a jelenlegi munkája. Milyen nyelveket beszél. Mi a családi
állapota. Referenciái.)
– Saját igényeinek kifejtése pár szóval. (A munka helye, ideje. Munkatársak. Munkahelyi
környezet. Fizetés. Egyéb juttatás: céges autó, mobiltelefon. Étkezési lehetőség.
Továbbképzési lehetőségek.)
– Érdeklődés, hogy az elhangzottak alapján számíthat-e személyes meghallgatásra, vagy
küldje-e el önéletrajzát
– Udvarias elköszönés annak reményében, hogy esetleg munkatársak lesznek

 Good morning! This is Mr. Blake from IKEA Ltd. How can I help you?
 Good morning! My name is [VIZSGÁZÓ] and I am just ringing because I saw your advertisement in
the Hungarian “HVG” business weekly magazine which aroused my interest immediately, so I would
like to apply for the job.
 Well, in that case I would like to ask you some questions. Can you tell me something about your
qualifications? ask you
 I am just finishing the post-secondary class of Business Administration at the Technical School of
Energetics. I hope my grade will be excellent, as I have been studying hard.
 Have you ever had any work experience abroad?
 Unfortunately, I haven’t, however I worked as a trainee last summer which I really enjoyed. I could try
typical administration work as I took a job at the personnel department of the Nuclear Power Plant, I
could do filing, receive phone calls, send e-mails, prepare and participate in negotiations, make
appointments and receive and accompany guests from abroad. The manager was satisfied with me, so I
can provide a good reference, as well.
 What foreign languages do you speak?
 Well, I speak English and German fluently, I have also taken language exams in intermediate level
from both.
 What other qualification or special skills do you have?
 I have PC skills as well as driving license.
 Can you tell me something about your marital status?
 I am single. I am not going to get married or get pregnant for a time.
 Do you smoke?
 No, I don’t.
Kovács Angéla 1I/13.
 Finally, why would you like to work for the IKEA Ltd.?
 As for my choice I think working for a multinational company like yours would mean a great
challenge. At a big company I could get promotions and better salary if I worked well. Last but not
least I would be able to learn a lot and get good working experience. In addition, I think I would be a
useful labour force, because I am ambitious and hard-working. So I can take the job with lower salary.
 Are you interested in anything else about the job?
 Yes, could you inform me about the chances of studies, working hours, working atmosphere as well as
the salary and other benefits? Furthermore, I would like to know whether the company can provide a
mobile, or a laptop for me?.
 Yes of course, we always have opportunities of different courses. Employees have to work from 8
am. to 4 pm. and our company have a friendly atmosphere. We can provide mobiles for our
employees if it is necessary. I think the salary is good, and if you work hard you have a chance to
get a better salary of course.
 Could you tell me something about the dining possibilities?
 We have got a buffet and there is a café, not far from the company.
 Thank you very much. Could I expect a personal interview or I just send my CV in soft-copy?
 I think the personal interview would be the best, but I would be grateful if you would send your
CV too. Could you give your phone number?
 Yes, of course. 30-123-45-67
 30-123-45-67 is right?
 Yes.
 My assistant is going to call you back to fix an appointment.
 Thank you again and I hope to be the most suitable applicant for the job. Goodbye.
 You are welcome. Goodbye.

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