Skeletal System

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THE SKELETAL SYSTEM • Costal Cartilage – connects the sternum and • Attached to them are the wrist bones (8

the ribs carpals)

• Includes: Bones, Cartilages, Joints (where
1. Trapezium
two bones meet), and Ligaments (Bones to 3. SPINAL COLUMN (VERTEBRAL)
2. Trapezoid
• Composed of 26 Vertebrae and an 3. Lunate
• Divided into 2 major sections: Axial Skeleton 4. Scaphoid
Intervertebral disk between each vertebrae.
and Appendicular Skeleton 5. Pisiform
• Vertebrae: protects the spinal cord
• Axial Skeleton – Skull, Vertebral • Invertebral Disk: act as a shock absorber 6. Capitate
Column, thoracic cage (sternum, ribs, between each vertebra. 7. Hamate
costal cartilage). 8. Triquetrum
4. RIBS (COSTAE) • Attach to wrist bones are Hand bones
• Appendicular Skeleton – Arm and legs, - composed of 5 Metacarpals (palm)
pelvis, shoulders • Composed of 24 ribs or 12 pairs of ribs.
- 14 Phalanges (fingers and thumbs)
• 7 pair of true ribs and 5 pairs of false pair.
FUNCTIONS OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEN • The last 2 pairs are called the floating ribs. 3. PELVIC GIRDLE
• Protects vital organs such as the heart, major
• Support • Structure to which leg bones are attached.
blood vessels, and the lungs.
• Protection • Made up of 2 os coxae (Hip bones)
• Movements *These bones are responsible for HEMATOPOESIS – - divided into 3 sections: Ilium, Ischium,
• Storage production or creation of blood which takes place in Symphysis (pubis).
• Blood Cell Production the bone marrow
• Acetabulum (pelvic sockets) – where the leg
• Forms the main trunk of the body • Forms the extremities of the body bone joins the pelvis.
• Each leg consists of Femur (thigh bone)
- In the upper leg and categorized as long
• 2 sets of skull bones: Cranium (brain case) • Composed of 4 bones bone.
and Facial Bone • 2 Clavicals (Collar Bones) • Pattela (knee cap) – between the upper and
• Cranium (brain case) • 2 Scapulas (Shoulder Bones) lower leg
- Composed of 8 bones • Where the arm bones are attached to • Lower leg composed of: Tibia (Shin Bone)
- Protects the brain and Fibula (runs parallel to tibia).
2. ARM BONES • Attached to the lower leg are the 7 tarsals
• Facial bone
- Composed of 14 bones • Composed of 3 bones (Ankle bones)
- give structure to the face • Humerus – upper bone 1. Calcaneus – ankle bone
• Categorized as long bone. 2. Talus – heel bone
2. STERNUM 3. Cuboid
• Radius and Ulna – lower bone
• Breast Bone 4. Navicular
- Connected by interosseous membrane.
5. Medial Cuneiform
6. Lateral Cuneiform
7. Intermediate Cuneiform Classification of Bones
- Attached to them are the 5 metatarsals
1. Long Bones – Femuar, Tibula, Fibula
- 14 Phalanges (Toes)
• Heel (Calcaneus) 2. Short Bones – Carpals, Tarsals
LONG BONES 3. Flat Bones – Cranial Bone, Scapulae
• Are hard dense bones that provide strength, 4. Sesamoid Bones - Patella
structure, and mobility (Ex. Femur)
5. Irregular Bones -Vetebrae
• Long bone has a shaft (diaphysis) and 2 ends
called Proximal Epiphysis and Distal
• Medullary Canal – in the diaphysis which is
filled with yellow marrow
- Endosteum – lines with medullary canal
and keeps the yellow marrow in tact.
• Periosteum – a tough membrane that covers
outside of the bone

• Joints are formed where two bones join

• Divided into 3 major categories defined by
as how these joints move:
1. Diarthrosis (Synovial) – freely movable
- Ex. arm sockets and ball sockets of
hip and shoulders.
2. Amphiarthrosis – slightly movable
- Ex. vertebrae.
3. Synarthrosis – immovable
- Ex. sutures or joints in the cranium
Ligaments and Cartilage - Supportive structures
for the joint.

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