IGCSE Human Biology Chapter-6 Summary Notes

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ABO BLOOD GR UPS AND ‘ Scanned with CamScanner ABO BLOOD GROUPS AND TRANSFUSIONS Beles Re ee Ree UR MRR MMU MSU Mec Lac eM) ele esl Mo lee antigen are important in blood grouping. They are called the A and B antigens. = The four possible blood groups, based on the presence of these antigens, are called A, B, AB and O. Each person also has antibodies in their plasma. These antibodies will destroy red eRe Nc necUe a OAL Ulett Niel Cmae eta featur SS ure ta stick together in clumps. Anti-A antibody agglutinates any red blood cells with the A antigen. PSU NVeTere Ma UNM R sees Ke RIUM I-Ul ee ‘anti-B anti-a neither anti-A and anti-8. SEM olme eM eR Ue a NN ROR oun UN Leder Ty el culg te al eo Reeser BeAr lel Stun UCM Se NureR Url anT ne es the red cells of the transfused blood agglutinate. Blood cells will clump inside the blood RS Ue SUR Oe RSS un scat k eit aE eu) array SH ee oe ee RW UC me eu hua dree MM Uee Sire Raits person receiving the blood. If the antigens and antibodies can react (e. VALI antibody), the transfusion will be unsafe. Scanned with CamScanner TABLE BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS AND BLOOD GROUPS (3= SAFE TRANSFUSION, 7 = UNSAFE TRANSFUSION). ENEMY cow EGS Ee A a Kea et * Blood group O is sometimes called the ‘universal donor’ because, in theory, it can be given to any other blood group. There are no antigens on the surface of the red blood cells, so there Uy pO RUN MRE emt oe Ruder (uty el lo * Similarly, blood group AB is called the ‘universal recipient’. Because there are no antibodies in Se Se eu euros ner Kea ge- SMe le MOM Ur NeeN Scucten Kt il) is blood group AB can receive any blood type. Scanned with CamScanner Ox g a Sioa nth BEER RC Dea R Cy rte » Ifa person has an advanced case of coronary heart disease, or has suffered from a heart attack, this can be treated by a medical procedure called an angioplasty. This widens the artery, so that normal blood flow is returned to the heart muscle. Scanned with CamScanner STATINS SST Ceres Md Carer MEM EA onaZval Melero Ko} CMCC NcoI BUN ZV Qt Caco eH CLASH CENCE as EEC UES Dy CK Coleco IENSC MEPL OUD SU) oN eal effective for treating people who have high levels oftblood cholesterol but no previous Rietosmenicruisteececn SUC VAMC Unch roost amt f Wrap en Cee M Aor} DAT OO CUM EER soap set eCne eee ob na CC yn iad peliaemiervnebiconioees cs SEER CCRC Mca ato achat smei anche Coat shA PLANT STEROL & STANOL ESTERS Byers ieee seas Mtr tos D ace ES SE MUS eu MUNI Tre ret Peete nen ean ea CmcinmnCr ose Cem rim tyrone teC ONY Soe etis + Stanol esters have a structure that is very similar to cholesterol. Certain foods such as Meet euel erst Pevsner hr uo emu ry Cs ney eeoneeraC me SECO mea eCneercocmcl erica crt entn) of cardiovascular diseaseiitself. Scanned with CamScanner HYPERTENSION POs ee ce ee eo CL eon the arteries is persistently higher than normal. Blood pressure is usually measured in mmHg. Se ene Ce ee ECC rennet oneal PORE ramen Ono OE Carn CaCO) Many factors contribute to hypertension, including: eee ee Conn co eee) Dee ee gested Past Eee encore eo Ve CER teers cigs * We can help yourself to avoid developing hypertension by avoiding the preventable risk factors. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, anddo notsmoke or drink. Scanned with CamScanner BETA BLOCKERS + Beta blockers (B-blockers) are mainly used to manage unusual heart rhythms and to protect against a second heart attack after a person has already had one attack. oT Wo) Colel ceo) ole ae Cel Reet CE Sibel oat R Cre oe id keld the body, including the heart. In doing this, they reduce heart rate and stroke volume, which means the heart has to work less hard and needs less oxygen. This is PONE Eee CeCe ec ce soatt TMCnet art mr) coronary heart disease. (Adrenaline is released mainly through the activation of nerves connected to the ETE Mei Cite males ere a ee CMEC COYNE be mesnicBraten Cem icy OTERO ET tc V OC Bim) cole} Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ANGIOPLASTY SPU Seeker Cm ner Vantec Eee Cas Ceci tg Pee Ce Dace ECE ete oo Re as oc Romi) guide wire, which the doctor uses to guide the catheter through blood vessels to the Pao ee Beets ORs a ee Cen en een kee END oc vais st oa Ct Cec en ocr Comes cu o cn ene cd astent around the balloon . Once the catheter has reached the blocked region of the artery, DCO srt Cea eer OE Menem SCC ir mana Mmya Catacts Mu cen Os Ciy Be On Cn Cro eet rece Chee cnet chara t Ce ee nC eu ran ee scree me ener sce kee tang normally again. Sometimes inflation of the balloon is‘enough to widen anartery, without the Peon ete ee meio reece emer meme bcs Casa UCR ce OP sees eR kere ceased ence? Cee nn Veer e Uae yN Scanned with CamScanner HEART TRANSPLANTS Pron ra ee OS MICE Mics orb sects ice estos Pel aaa b Cae Lear Ly CiMGocnee gee Ona onto se arb oMM CNT Roa ba Craig Greece CHOON CON EMCO CMNCS Mele Ay oC er res eps a zac ltaCcl replaced with the new heart. One ofthe problems that can happen with any transplantis organ rejection. Ifa heart or other organ PREP Coe Meco SEMEN EL OC sa eases NUDE R rls be M CLs PoteTe ECD Tops OP penis) iors ACN s I od celo ier deni olele ls lols (i jscoy mt Cos (eMC COM MTB ERT CBE eens geocer beat oe When looking for a donor organ, itis important to find one with antigens on the cells that match the FEMME Ue eee epee Moe UES coy aT uta lac esi MMS isbn Cey yee of identical twins are particularly closely matched. Lintner rT ae Mt emer ina vA NAA sre beth Nee TENSE eet Ops MWhe seo vera ree eke) yp pul Wore cL wel sek Cee ene Mente] Pitan syste cesta Scanned with CamScanner ARTIFICIAL HEARTS Be CTOs Cetoc Os oat ere ea Cnn) eon Cot as reasons that led to the development of artificial hearts. An artificial heart is a synthetic device, made mainly ofiplastics and'some metal alloys. Their main purpose A Sees nec eh a ees am hire een Eee ad De Rone Sn Ces acetate eee nicer EXERCISE AND THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM De COE Dstt Ree en roan eS Ricker acer a ee Cee eRe an eee tet ee Re to te eee eee sect ares o Rese eece emote tcc eee onc ECCnnl ee eee Oe eee en nen nn nce es etre Bee SCE Det con nn rs Mane EO a eee eer RG ee eee ee Cen ct eee nt eet oa eee eect ei Ne instead, they decrease gradually during this period. This is because, during exercise, lactate is formed in Pee ae ee ee te teen treet ned Pee ete ee SC nce eka an nce Re erm e ta must beat faster and with more force to deliver this extra oxygen. As the amount of lactate drops, so do the FE eet on tonto ema eee CnC PS crt creas return to pre- exercise levels. Scanned with CamScanner ecco ceo See thas alsobeen’ teeters ecu eaos Beeeiseecte wenn aoa eves auz aie yoorceoe en aectert a Rca oye aa Oo reepreteineerssc on ue Te secre T builds skelet .githe mass and tone’ ofmuscles: Ta vse ucs V. strengthens the diap! that Breathingis more efficient Sern Camus Fac Pertierra toner crunuoatc Natit sc Ech soso ccot Primera tice cai Crnte ecu Mn Ucn Non uous Scanned with CamScanner eels Chap ten $ 6 {Taare al transpnt) Drog vse fom CV DAtueabment of CVD. Causes of CVD: Wigh bleed pressure / Hypectension Chbelectte| Chelestno| Psat ot hen. ok Seuseala Chelestool is pasdced In the tivec. with thehelp of Cnzyme Clot rmat Wigh bleod paessuce/ | Hypertension Unsatorae) J | [ore fat(geed) , ok Acti hypertensive sista thd! TW ‘| g anit, NesPonsible ) Peitstrectune [a a tens cet. is Similan. as in theliven. ee es el seo bod wal} absonh = blocker ACE, eed rarer 8 blocker. (nhibiton, indeed of e hole tte tH (ing the ACE) Seep Semeess e CV Boot e ctivity peat Rentnelh ne frei tens SE Thug bleed tate (enzyme) Cepermedie Sn teul ed ACE ¥ # Ao jo tensinag ene Angiotensin-L Angiotensin TD Celasmaptotein cdastyiet vii idaminonctd) contaitg & amino bles 3 vs ist ihe (an he, add ) Bey Scanned with CamScanner PowerPoint INSERT DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS — SUIDESHOW REVIEW — VIEW A DG Qystoperil- Find oO 0 [Z.smape Outline ie Replace ~ Shapes Arrange Quick “— + + Styles Eltayout- Pai ere ‘Reset BU Sse A = Effects Section Font Paragraph Drawing 2) eéting MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES VOCE CEE ROR CCT OCT Ms in eerste rceys copies of one type of antibody. Serer R ues sec De My eC Ee| CONES Bo Con Ur oC peice ton ti eienecee ReGen rt eee sei pathogen infects the body, the lymphocytes recognise these antigens as foreign and attack Pipa g crane TT Cee BROT CEM le CMe e pee ee ity OS sami gabe Bue Tod a large scale and used for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and for medical research. BYES CTO Eire Kel Totes LL etary ard BS soi G olan cravat oom Fee a a ECS ace baroc kool Coles b nsec Ont kesl ee cree tent cells are made by fusing (joining) antibody-producing Vt ai CoR UU Ke vactite ited cells, The lymphocytes make antibodies but cannot divide, while the cancer Reet te) CUM OMANLB slur Reece CeEnt Burl cient sect eee Click to add notes Scanned with CamScanner internal transport - PowerPoint 7m - 0 x T DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SLIDESHOW REVIEW VIEW -/ ro Gh Find ® a Bc Replace ~ Shapes Arrange ou Uy Select= Font orasraph Drawing ting a METHOD OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY SP CENCE cbr Butt cy SEE IRIs Bsc Dy eters roc B ols er rat tete onto sceetiCay Pisteetasteseny Seen TSMC soe notaries EERO cttod SS eRe creek ie muerencre ney esl ete ts bays Cray PONE OeB yy et ue R Ria Mowe Cb ie Sing * These hybridoma cells divide and produce millions of monoclonal antibodies specific to the original antigen. Scanned with CamScanner {intemal transport PowerPoint DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SLIDE SHOW REVIEW view Ae Orshape in Shane PATS 2 Ih OO » shape Fill ateFing in [Zoshape outtine- ae Replace ~ Saha alae Shapes Arrange Quick BTU Sa Mone An = zy | Supe Ame Ouok stone By selec fox racoaph or eating roomy Pd osrer icy Cee ey start the formation [MM collocted from the of antibodies mouse in an operation co Trg COUN ric) Pierre per e) orga eee) Sock peu aces A mouse is injected with a vaccine containing an antigen to start the formation of antibodies Scanned with CamScanner : intemal transport - PowerPoint s INSERT DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SLIDESHOW REVIEW VIEW F | s Shape il Fi 3) Dts RK fee: ae te lil () Op shape ril~ Find a) 0 Zshope ousine Replace + foo A : Shapes Arang® QUick O shape eects” fy Select~ 3 Ee aaa poragraph raving tag USES OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES » Cancer diagnosis and treatment ee Se rte oto en te eo t ke Ce cet eina ty these antigens. When injected into a person's body, the monoclonal antibodies will bind with these Prec tet ae tera cette er tt ates Peete taser! RCO are econo kao Ce ee oo amor EES UTC Con Groa got eg + Pregnancy test kits Be Oss ree ot Se ite CC ance ener ocr korn en pregnancy test stick onto which a woman urinates. If she is pregnant, HCG will be present in her urine and will bind to the monoclonal antibodies on the test stick. This will cause a change in colour or pattern which will indicate pregnancy. These specific monoclonal antibodies in the pregnancy test will only bind with HCG, te a) a ih Ci teva noting Scanned with CamScanner ve internal transport «PowerPoint 2 B= INSERT DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SUDESHOW REVIEW VIEW. layout = te [oy Orshape Fit AAbFina Bayon SRK MIE q y 7 DReset A Zope ostine- eReplce - Bsecion- FU Soe N-ma- A - Sapes Arange OWE O shape tects~ | ly Select~ + Styles stoes Fort arageaph raving sing USES OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES » Cancer diagnosis and treatment _ ‘ ee EOE OCS neue Cetob Cot tke aet es teeter these antigens. When injected into a person's body, the monoclonal antibodies will bind with these See OL OM eE ore Coa og tet te eee CS eer ted cre BCC Con neo e cht casa ole Se Econ MOR Cn ind Ee ECS Oo Wnt aeons ete * Pregnancy test kits * Pregnancy test kits use monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are attached to the end of a thd ieee Aide Ae CRU OR esc tt erent epee ena urine and will bind to the monoclonal antibodies on the test stick. This will cause a change in colour oF pattern which will indicate pregnancy. These specific monoclonal antibodies in the pregnancy test will only bind with HCG, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner internal transport - PowerPoint ? RANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SLIDESHOW — REVIEW VIEW a , i s Sern & na Sy 2 Shape Fill dt Find [7 Shape Outline~ ae Replace ~ mae Shi k ‘ Soe Mena A apes Arrange QUIck © shape Effects~ | [y Select . + Styles Font ‘ ___ Paragraph 5 Drawing Editing part of 2. partof blood —_capillary network 3. some tissue plasma leaks out of fluid re-enters capillary, forming capillaries 5. blood from capillaries 1, blood from passes artery enters to vein capillary valves to prevent backflow fluid drains into lymph vessels Scanned with CamScanner Internal anspor - owetRoint 70 INSERT DESIGN TRANSITIONS ANIMATIONS SUDESHOW REVIEW IEW ‘ ) » Shape Hering AR\ PEE: eet Y r 7 U Ls Zsnopeowtine- aeReplace ~ BTU Salle pari A Soap Brame Ok spe Hoc | Select” fort aragraeh Drawing ting Between the capillaries and the cells is a watery liquid called tissue fluid. The squamous (flattened) epithelium cells of the capillary wall are leaky, so the blood pressure causes fluid to leak out of the rice Tissue fluid is similar in composition to blood plasma, except that it lacks proteins. These are too large to pass through the capillary cells. Tissue fluid forms a pathway for diffusion of substances Dea econ ees Most of the water from tissue fluid re-enters capillaries by osmosis, and some tissue fluid passes into another system of vessels called the lymphatic system .The lymphatic system consists of vessels similar to blood capillaries, which are sometimes called lymphatic capillaries. Thoy transport the uid, called lymph, back to the blood .The lacteals of the small intestine are part of the lymphatic Da LsiAehiide ene OO Co et Cee tee place in swellings called lymph nodes. lymph nodes contain white blood cells that are important in destroying harmful bacteria When a person gets an infection, one of the first signs may be a swelling of the lymph nodes, often referred to as ‘swollen glands Scanned with CamScanner INTERNAL TRANSPORT QUESTION FROM BIOLOGY Pe tg ett eb ee CAC oO TC ey oe oc nT! retro eS OC ae bye ey bu CE SCE Co Cen On NS Lotto ett OMe Ce Comoe CEC Brg cd poe TE te CBSE Roe E Cee tse ne To saad The role of white blood cells including phagocytosis and antibody production Pee CE a Sets str Coch et rR CoCr twee Reco rong Ey act Compare the structures of artories, veins and capillaries, and understand their roles including the poner BT OOP SC Ct Orn sao Cron CME a RCE En Ecsite coca is POT OR CE ECE SC ht ry Pe ero og hcg bt afore niece ston nem koto om Scanned with CamScanner

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