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Jazmine C.

Antonio BS Biology 4-2MB

Module 1 Assessment

1. What is your complete title?

 Implications of Covid-19 to the Global and Philippine Food Safety: A Scoping Review
2. What is the type of your thesis according to:
a. Purpose?
o To find out if the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Food Safety both locally and globally.
b. Sources of information?
o Diverse sources such as scholarly journals, research articles, and data articles published
in respected databases.
c. Degree of manipulation of variables?
o Data from diverse sources were compiled, tabulated, graphed, and summarized. No
further in-depth manipulation of data and information was made.
d. Depth?
o The compiled data was compiled and summarized in order to form a conclusion. To
further clarify the data, charts, tables are graphs are made.
3. Identify your primary sources and secondary sources.
 Both primary and secondary sources were utilized. Secondary sources are review articles of
topics about food safety during the Covid-19 pandemic. Total primary and secondary sources s
4. In your own words, do you think you have followed the scientific method in your research? Why or
why not?
 The scientific method is generally followed. Since the research is non-experimental but
descriptive and review in nature, the strict flow of the scientific method is not applicable.
However, the parts of the research effort such as statement of the problem, review of related
literature, goals and objectives, methodology, expected results; and conclusions were strictly

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