PP II Expt 4

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Physical Pharmaceutics-II (13PH0403} Perens Aim: To determine the following property of powder: Fluff density, Bulk density, Tapped density, Carr's index, % porosity, Hausner’s ratio. Requirements: Measuring cylinder, Bulk density apparatus, MgCOs powder, Zn powder, Digital balance Theory Derived property is defined as the properties derived from fundamental property. Volume, density, porosity etc are derived property. However derived property can also be directly determined without the use of fundamental property. These derived properties are important in pharmacy, a few application are given below. Porosity: Influence the dissolution of drug. Bulk density Help on selecting container for packing dosage form. Flow property Help on maintain the information weight of tablets or capsules during production. True density Itis density of material it self, itis defined as True density = Weight of powder / True weight of powder Apart from the true density, powder can also characterized by granules density. Granules density: It is determined for granules that are employed in the manufacture of tablets Granules density = Granules weight / Granules volume Bulk density: Itis defined as mathematically as Bulk density = Mass of powder / Bulk volume Porosity: Itis important to recapitulate the following reaction in term of volume. If powder is non porous i.e. no internal process or capillary spaces, the volume consist of the volume puts the volume of space between the particles ip. void volume. Void volume = bulk volume ~ true volume V=Vb-Vp The porosity or void of powder is defined as £= void volume / bulk volume e= bulk volume = true volume / bulk volume Vo-Vp/ Vb 1-Vp/Vi] 100 Carr's index: Carr's index consolidation index is defined as Carr's index consolidation index = (Tapped density - Fluff density) / Tapped density FoP, Marwadi University, Rajkot | B. Pharm. Sem.-IV (2023-2024) Page | 22 Physical Pharmaceutics-II (13PH0403} This property is also known as compressibility. It is indirectly related to the relative flow-rate and particle size, Carr’s index_| Flow property <10 ellent 11-20 Good 21-25 Fair 26-31 Poor 32:37 Very poor, 338 Extream poor Housner’s ratio: Determination of the housner’s ratio using following formula: Housner’s ratio = T>/Bo Where, TD = tapped density Bo = bulk density Housner’s Flow property ratio 2125 Good S125 Poor Method ‘© Apowder is passed through the standard sieve no. 20. ‘© Aweighed amount is introduced into a 100 ml graduated cylinder. ‘+ The cylinder is fixed on the bulk density apparatus and the timer knob is set for 100 tapping + The volume occupied by the powder is noted, + For reproducible result, the process of tapping may be continued until concurrent volume is achieved. + This final volume is the bulk volume. ‘The bulk density is calculated using equation. Bulk density = Mass of powder / Bulk volume Procedure * Clean the reassuring cylinder & dry it. ‘Take known amount of sample and place it on measuring cylinder. Measure the height of powder by using graph paper. Determine the volume from the true density. Determine the % porosity by using following formula, Exot = [Vo = Ve /Vo] 100 Determine the hausner’s ratio using following formula Housner’s ratio = To/Bo Determine the carr’s index by using following formula Carr's index = [(To- Bp) / To] * 100 Clean the reassuring cylinder and repeat all the parameters. FoP, Marwadi University, Rajkot |B. Pharm. Sem-IV (2023-2024) Page | 23 Physical Pharmaceutics-II (13PH0403) Observation Table: Volume Density cars| 4% | Hausn Powder Tages | Pi er’s Fluff | Tapped | Bulk | Fluff | Tapped | Bulk | Index | Porosity | patio RESULT: MgCOs Zn0 Tapped density Fluff density Bulk density Carr's density % porosity Study question: 1. What is the impact of porosity on the rate of dissolutions? How size of capsule is determined by bulk volume for a given dose? What is hausner ratio? Enlist factor which affect the flow properties of powder. Give applications of flow properties of powder veeN Reference: 1. Shaikh T, Jain BV, Bendegumble B. A Practical boom of physical Pharmaceutics - Il, 1* edition; Nirali Prakashan; Pune; 2018; 1-58. 2. Gangadi JR; Physical Pharmaceutics-II: experimental lab manual; Ist edition; S Vikas and company; Jalandhar; 2019; 1-56. 3. Lachman L, Lieberman HA, The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy; Indian edition; CBS publishers; New Delhi; 2009; 564-576. 4. Martin's Physical Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Physical Chemical And Biopharmaceutical Principles In The Pharmaceutical Sciences; 6! Edition; Philadelphia; 2018;1-1231 FoP, Marwadi University, Rajkot |B. Pharm. Sem-IV (2023-2024) Page | 24

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