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Niccolo James L.

Cuaresma 12-HUMSS-Piaget

One of the major worry that makes me support this petition is the financial
pressure on small operators and drivers. The strict rules about upgrading or getting
new vehicles are expensive and create a big problem for those who have put a lot
of money into their current vehicles.
The immediate transition to modernized vehicles may have a negative
impact on local businesses involved in the maintenance and repair of traditional
PUVs. This shift could lead to job losses and economic strain for these businesses,
affecting the local economy and the livelihoods of those employed in this sector.
If this petition where a success it could lead to a reevaluation of the financial
requirements for upgrading or replacing vehicles. This may result in a more
gradual and financially feasible transition for small-scale operators, alleviating the
immediate burden on their finances. And with enough reconsideration for the
program, there could be ways to prevent or limit fare increases. This would help
maintain affordable public transportation options, ensuring that low-income
commuters and students such as myself can continue to access transportation
services without facing a disproportionate economic burden.

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