Group 7 World Religion

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Group 7: “Confucianism”


Denzel Cabiling: History

Carl Jairus Minimo: Holy Place

Yzaah Escober: Festival and Feast

Liezel Ann Tayag: Scripture

Rhiana Embat: Symbols, Belief, God

What is the brief history of confuciasm?
Confuciasm is a philosophy based on mutal respect and
kindness towards other. It was developed to bring peace and
stability in society. It was founded before the birth of confucius
during the zhou dynasty, developed through his later life and
was made popular soon after, during the han dynasty. Its
primary purpose is to achieve harmony, the most important
social value. It has 4 beginnings of confuciasm the feeling of
commiseration, the feeling of courtesy and the feeling of right
and wrong. Confuciasm is the way of life propagated by
confucius in the 6th- 5th century BCE and followed by the
chinese people for more than two milennia. It remains the social
code of the chinese and continues to influence other countries,
particularly korea, japan and vietnam. Leadership in
confucianism is built on a foundation of moral character and
excercised through virtuous examples. In confucian thought,
through self-cultivation all humans are able to become one with
the infinite reality, which they need not seek outside or postulate
through reasoning.
1.)What is the primary purpose of confucianism?
Ans:Its primary purpose is to achieve harmony, the most
important social value.

2.)When was the origin of confucianism?

Ans:The 6th- 5th century BCE and followed by the chinese
people for more than two millennia.

3.)What does confucianism tradition say about ultimate spiritual

Ans:In confucian thought, trhough self-cultivation all humans
are able to become one with the infinite reality , which they
need not seek outside or postulate through reasoning.

4.)What are the 4 beginnings of confucianism?

Ans:The feeling of commiseration, the feeling of courtesy and
the feeling of right and wrong.

5.)How leadership is organized in confucianism?

Ans:Leadership is built on a foundation of moral character and
exercised through virtuous examples.


1.)Temple Of Confucius

Also known as a confucian temple, a temple of confucius is a

temple that used for the worship of confucius as well as other
important figures in the religion. Initially, these temples have
also been described as temples of literature or temples of the
sage of literature in countries like vietnam, indonesia, and korea
and in japan, these temples are also known by other names such
as the halls of the sage or simply temples and inside the temple,
several structures existed such as the dachengmen or
dachengdian, which means the hall of great perfection, hall of
the great completion, or the hall of great achievement.
2.)Cemetary Of Confucius

The cemetery of confucius is a cemetary in the town of qufu in

china’s shandong province. Belonging to the kong clan, the
cemetery holds the remains of confucius , some of his disciples,
and plenty of his descendants. Since 1994 and it’s located north
of qufu, the cemetery sits on about 183.33 hectares of land and
has a perimeter wall with a length of about 18343.18 feet also
some of the oldest graves date as far back as the zhou dynasty.
(fun fact the first tomb to be build in honor of confucius had the
shape of an ax and is located on sishui river’s bank) aside from
an ax shape, the tomb also had an altar of sorts for sacrificial

3.)Kong Family Mansion

This house is also located in shandong province’s qufu, which

was the hometown of confucius himself. The mansion was the
place of residence confucius’s descendants. And the kong
family was tasked with a number of roles including taking
charge of ceremonies like honoring the dead and harvests. And
it’s located in the eastern side of the temple, the mansion has a
traditional chinese layout with a yamen (residence of the chinese
empire) for the separation of official spaces. Aside from yamen,
the mansion has a study on the east and the west as well as a
garden at the back. In line with the confucian belief or order, the
partitions were according to gender, seniority, and status.


1.)They describe the temple of confucius as what?

2.)Where is the cemetary of confucius located?

3.)Where is the hometown of the confucius itself himself?

4.)What is the shape of first bomb located in sishui river bank?

5.)What is Yamen?

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