Nurtixious & Co Buisness Overview

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& Co
1.0 Executive Summary
Healthy snacking is one of the best ways to have an appetizing treat, quality food experience
with incredible taste, which improves overall health and sustain growth. For the past few
years, the consumption of diets and snacks have extremely been on the rise in Kenya as
consumers now consider it a very good alternative to food. Nowadays, consumers either eat
snacks to satisfy hunger or replace a meal.

The healthy food distribution business has a huge opportunity as the global markets for
healthy foods is projected to exceed $630 U.S dollars in 2020, driven by robust demand for
functional healthy food, and the rising popularity of protein-fortified, organic and natural
ingredients-based healthy food.

Nutrixious & Co. will be a new Nairobi-based healthy food distribution company that will be
producing and selling healthy food that are gluten-free, dairy-free and raw. The business idea
emanated from the owner’s philosophy of “healthy organic food promotes growth and
sustain human health”.

We are aware that consumers, in a high number prefer food products that are organic and
natural, which has therefore heightened their demand for healthy food products. We will be
actively involved in and selling palitable, nutritious, gluten-free, diary-free and raw food to
people in Nairobi.

Our main goal for starting the business is to offer quality healthy food with exceptional taste
and abundance of health benefits. We have selected Nairobi because it is the capital city
and has high population, also, it will be easy to distribute our products to various markets.

We will operate from a carefully selected location in Nairobi with high footfall and basically
within a student-populated environment so as to enhance awareness, sales frequency and

The business is owned by Shivani Shah, an outstanding entrepreneur who has great
knowledge of business and is sensitive to opportunity. She aims at changing consumers’
perception about healthy foods through distributing healthy foods that are gluten-free, dairy-
free and raw.

Our competitors are various healthy food companies who are already in the business and
within our location. Though their existence is a threat to our business, however, we offer a
bright alternative to their products as we have exactly what people want (available, healthy,
organic foods free from gluten and diary and are affordable and tasty.)

We intend to complete effectively and claim the top spot in the community through creating
value for our products, extensive marketing and sales strategy to attract customers and retain
them. In addition, our foods are affordable having a price tag.

Nutrixious expects to generate a total of 2,700,000ksh in the first year as we aim that our
business will thrive from the first year.
We intend to serve a large market, that’s why we need to expand. As the business expands
and starts building image, we will extend to other parts of Nairobi and situate our kiosks to
strategic places where it will be easy for consumers and passers-by to locate us.

We pride ourselves in our creativity and expertise and our commitment to hire experienced
and hardworking staff who are ready to support our company to succeed.

1.1 Our Vision

To establish Nutrixious & Co as an important brand that denotes quality in healthy food
distribution services and overall provider of an excellent avenue for exceptional gluten-free,
dairy-free and raw. We will accomplish this using the idea of clients/customers’ needs
provision orientation, ensuring a conducive, healthy distribution environment and with
utmost customer care service delivery initiative.
1.2 Our Mission
We are out to bring the healthiest food to the table of people. We want to be at the forefront
of promoting healthy food, both in Nairobi, our immediate environment, and Kenya as a
whole. We want to ensure that people enjoy healthy food at all-time free from dairy and
gluten. This makes them lead healthy life due to low sugar and the tendency to consume more
food. If this could be considered an achievement, we want to be associated with it.
Our primary target is to be the top and best gluten-free, dairy-free and raw food provider
throughout the whole of Nairobi. We’ll accomplish this by offering a superb customer
experience, strongly supporting our community and become the best place to work, all while
working together as one which will be one stop healthy food provider for everybody. Our
target is to be the top and best in the area of our business.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

These aims and objectives provide the basic principles and guidelines by which we conduct
our business.
• To provide the best gluten-free, dairy-free and raw food for all
• To be at the forefront of providing quality and healthy food for the people no matter
their location
• To attain a sufficiently high level of profit that the Company will rise to the higher
ranks of companies in the healthy food industry in Kenya, recognizing that it can serve
the needs of our customers and society in general, only if it is financially healthy.
• To achieve corporate growth at a pace significantly faster than the economy as a
• To offer only the highest quality food to our customers at all times, being committed
to excellence in all parts of the organization.
• In order to achieve the above goals, to employ people of significantly higher than
average capacity, who are willing to devote their energies toward building an
organization we can all be proud of.
• To create an environment, both physical and mental, in which all employees are
enabled, encouraged and stimulated to perform at their highest potential of output in
creativity and to attain the greatest possible level of job satisfaction.
• To ensure a dynamic business structure by continuously seeking improvement, by
applying the most advanced technology available and by concentrating investment
where it will be the most profitable and enjoy the highest growth potential.
• To be a good corporate citizen, to contribute where possible to the welfare of society
in general, promoting environmental awareness in the workplace and with our work
associates, and to adhere to only the highest legal and ethical standards.

1.4 Keys to Success

Our main target market includes all, they include everyone who have penchant for taking
snacks in Kenya, and of course, who does not? We have come to make this business a long-
term successful business as we plan to record a landmark success in this business within the
first two years of operation. The following are what we believe are keys to our success.
• Maintaining and expanding the current customer base
• Good customer service and value
• Our team of experienced professional nutritionists
• Securing an excellent location with many people who are our potential customers.
• Creating high morale by rewarding employee success with monetary compensations,
creating an environment and opportunity to learn and explore multiple technologies.
• Reaching the target market.
• Ensuring customer satisfaction by encouraging the three most important values –
quality of service, honor and honesty.
• Integrity in serving the customers which results in frequent patronization of such
• Friendly relationships with the customers.
• Maintaining a respectable and untarnished reputation in the community
• Competitive price
• Superior Customer Service.

1.5 Our Core Values

These core values are the pillars to support our mission statement. They create the solid
foundation, which helps our individual and collective actions.
Honesty - We uphold honesty in our service as well as integrity in our business with the
purpose to foster full commitment and growth of the business as well as improving the lives
of our customers through offering of quality healthy food according to their choices.
Continuous Development – Here at Nutrixious & Co, we are a dynamic company, which
continuously seeks areas of innovation and growth. This growth begins at the personal level
and sustains into all aspects of the business.
Integrity – We always strive to perform the right thing. Our dedication to the truth is solid,
both in words and in actions. Supplying the customers with quality healthy food of the value
of their money will go a long way in painting how they see us whether we stay true to our
words or not.
Accountability – A personal choice to escalate above one’s circumstances and perform the
ownership essential for achieving key results is to own it, solve it and do it. We will hold
ourselves accountable for this keen attention to detail in each of our duty.
Priority - We will treat every of our customer with dignity. We believe that when people have
feelings of being treated fairly and respected, they feel honored. The feeling helps to maintain
good relationship.
Trust - Our products and services will build the trust of our customers in us such that they will
have confidence in our words, we will ensure that we are known and trusted for our words.

1.6 Guiding Principles

Here at Nutrixious & Co, our guiding principles are the tenets of our organization. They are
the pillars upon which all our foundation is built. We so much cherish their relevance to our
operation as a company in the healthy food services industry. They are instrumental to how
we perform in offering our products and services as well as impacting the world. They are:
• Priority: As an organization, we have set the people first. We recognize that the needs
of the customers comes first, so all we do is set our priority right. Our individual needs
are often taken care of but not at the expense of our customers. Even times when
there is a clash of interest between our immediate need and that of the customers,
we ensure that the customers’ need is put first.
• Trust: The fundamental principle in any organization is trust. This is the ability of the
organization to gain the trust of potential investors and customers through various
products successfully introduced into the market. It is our belief that our successes
will speak for us. The success we record on our supplied healthy food will make us
stand a good ground of gaining the trust of our existing customers and potential
• Improvement: We will ensure a regular core safety audit, we also pledge ourselves to
continue to deliver selfless service to the community. We will not relent in our
industrious effort to help the Kenyan community have quality and healthy food free
from gluten and dairy.
• Honesty: Honesty is the rock on which we build the company. In all our dealings with
one another, we will be seen to put honesty at the fore front.
2.0 Market Analysis
The global gluten-free products market size was valued at USD 14.94 billion in 2016 and is
expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.3% from 2017 to 2025. Increasing incidences of celiac
diseases & heightened gluten-sensitivity in consumers has generated high demand for gluten-
free foods & products in recent years.
The growing prevalence of lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes & obesity has
encouraged consumers to adopt healthier diets in an attempt to regulate their fitness. This
has spurred the demand for natural foods and gluten-free products that minimize the risk of
excess weight and promote higher energy levels in consumers.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley or any of their crossbred varieties and
In baking, gluten is the binding agent within the flour that prevents the baked good from
crumbling. As such, gluten is found in many processed and packaged foods.
What is the Difference between Allergy and Intolerance?
Allergy: When referring to food, an allergy can be defined as affecting the immune system
and having an immediate reaction upon ingestion. The main step required to avoid this
reaction is to eliminate the offending food(s) completely. Common food allergens include:
eggs, milk, fish, peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat.
Intolerance: A food intolerance can be defined as affecting the digestive system and as such,
it typically takes longer for a reaction to occur. The main step required to avoid a reaction is
to eliminate the offending food(s), or to moderate one’s consumption of it. Common
offenders include lactose (from milk-based products).
Who is the Gluten-Free Consumer?
A few years ago, gluten-free products were virtually unheard of except in specialty health
food stores. Now, it’s become more difficult not to see some gluten-free product featured in
regular supermarkets and hypermarkets. In some cases whole aisles are dedicated to gluten-
free packaged foods, along with other specialty foods such as diabetic and lactose-intolerance
foods. Globally, around 20% of consumers in a Data monitor survey said that they avoid
certain foods due to an allergy or intolerance most or all the time. A further 22% claimed to
do this occasionally. This is a large worldwide market for many companies wishing to launch
intolerance and allergen-free products.
According to Data monitor, those who are influenced by gluten-free claims are healthier
eaters, more ethical, experimental and more influenced by natural and organic ingredients
than the average global consumer. Consumers in the 50-64 and 25-34 age ranges in North
America are also more likely to be influenced by gluten-free marketing. Males are also more
influenced by gluten-free marketing and claims than females, in Kenya.
The Consumer with Celiac Disease
A very diverse group of consumers purchase gluten-free products. The main group includes
those with celiac disease (CD), for whom a strict gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only treatment
for managing the disease and reducing the risk of other complications.
However, what is important to note is that gluten-free products may be purchased by those
with a wide variety of other conditions, including non-celiac gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy,
autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The following is a brief
review of the conditions for which gluten-free is applicable.

Others with Gluten Sensitivity

It is possible to be intolerant to gluten without having CD or a wheat allergy. Individuals may
have similar gastrointestinal symptoms as those with CD, but no damage to the intestinal tract
nor will they develop complications associated with CD. It is not known how many people
have gluten sensitivity, but a growing number of individuals are being identified.

Wheat Allergy
Eight major foods (including wheat) account for almost 90% of food allergies. It is estimated
that as many as 6% of young children and about 2% to 4% of adults suffer from food
allergies. According to a 2015 report from the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention food
allergies in children increased by 18% from 2007 to 2015.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

ASD is a group of developmental disabilities that includes autism and Asperger’s
syndrome. Individuals with ASD have problems with verbal and non-verbal communications,
difficulties with social interaction and have a tendency toward repetitive behaviors or narrow,
obsessive interests. Despite limited scientific studies, there are anecdotal reports from many
parents that a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet may help their child communicate more
effectively and improve overall wellbeing.

Shopping Behaviors of Gluten-Free Consumers

• 55% spend 30% or more on their grocery budget for gluten-free foods
• 68% shop at three or more stores per month to find gluten-free foods
• When asked if they could find the same products at all the following stores where
would they most prefer to shop for gluten-free foods:
§ 71% grocery store (where I shop for most of my family’s groceries)
§ 9% independent natural or health food store
§ 8% mass merchandiser
§ 7% natural food chain (e.g. Whole Foods)
§ 5% club store (i.e. Sam Club)
§ 0.1% drug store
• Product selection is the most important factor, followed by low price, convenience,
good service, close to where they live, knowledgeable staff to help, friendliness of
staff, and close to where they work
• The majority (77%) agreed it was hard to find good tasting gluten-free foods
• More than half (57%) have tried ten or more new gluten-free products in the last year.

Gluten-Free Market Size and Growth

Sales of gluten-free packaged foods have been increasing in both volume and value at a faster
rate than lactose-free and diabetic packaged foods. However, to make a fair comparison
between the growth in gluten-free versus diabetic foods, the low/no/reduced sugar and
low/no/reduced carb markets must also be included. Most diabetics do not purchase foods
labelled as simply “suitable for diabetics” and this market has subsequently not grown in
significance in the U.S. This is because the more popular packaged food markets for diabetics
are sugar-free products.
It is not very likely that the market sales for gluten-free packaged food will ever catch up to
sugar-free beverages, but it may in fact catch up to the lactose-free dairy market and has
actually surpassed the declining low/no/reduced-carb market. The sugar-free beverage
market in the U.S. will reach US $13.3 billion in 2011, and the sugar-free food market will
reach US$6.4 billion. The gluten-free market, by comparison is expected to have reached
US$1.3 billion in sales by 2011. However, the gluten-free market, which is still in its early
growth, is expected to achieve higher growth rates (31%) from 2011 to 2014.
Foods that are naturally free from gluten are not included in the Euromonitor gluten-free
sales data. Bakery products, which include cookies, crackers, cakes, cereal and other baked
goods, are the single highest grossing packaged good category in the gluten-free market.
However, the other gluten-free category, which includes a multitude of categories (including
snacks) had the largest retail value and volume sales in 2010. According to Mintel, there were
around 3,000 new gluten-free snack product introductions in the U.S. from 2008 to 2010.

Trends & Market Conditions Noted Recently in Media

Gluten-free has been described by consumers as: “a mainstream sensation, embraced by
both out of necessity and as a personal choice toward achieving a healthier way to live.”
Sales in the category have doubled in the last 5 years and are expected to double again in the
next 3 years to $5.5 billion by 2015
Well over 15% of consumers are eating gluten-free as part of a healthy lifestyle not just due
to dietary restrictions. Gluten-free, once thought a fad, is now a trend with more than 15% of
North American households using gluten-free products

• Perception by consumers that gluten-free foods are healthier

• 13% of consumers are eating/buying gluten-free to treat other heath
• Packaged Facts also found that food manufacturers are blending more ancient grains,
such as quinoa and amaranth into their gluten-free products, which increases
nutrition, and may enhance flavor but also brings new and interesting food products
to market
• Gluten-free products have improved in taste, quality and nutrition, consumers have
more options and are buying, both, base ingredients and ready-to-eat packaged goods
• Improved product labelling, enhanced trust and confidence in ready-to-eat foods
• Diagnosis of celiac disease and gluten-free sensitivity has grown with awareness of it
by both consumers and health professionals. It often used to take up to 8 years for a
diagnosis of celiac disease. Today with enhanced awareness and better diagnostic
tools this number is dropping
• Small niche gluten-free marketers have grown into national forces requiring
communication tools that go beyond word of mouth
• Internet has given a voice to a target group that relied on word of mouth and support
groups limited to local communities
• Smaller local communities that once did not have access to products from larger cities
now have access with the Internet and next-day delivery nationally
• The market for gluten-free products has grown to about 40 million consumers – up to
four million of whom suffer from celiac disease, a medical condition that requires that
they avoid eating gluten
• An additional 18 to 22 million eat gluten-free to manage gluten sensitivity. Add to that
about 12 million consumers who are classified as gluten-intolerant and experience GI
distress, but have not given up gluten completely. An additional three million purchase
gluten-free products for fad or non-medical reasons.

2.1 PEST Analysis

In order to analyze the macro environmental challenges that could influence the motivational
and mentoring industry, the research conducted by keynote will be applied.
Political Factors
The political factors effecting the healthy food industry cannot be overemphasized. The
government has not particularly shown any form of resentment to the introduction of gluten
and dairy free products in the market. However, the Ministry of Health seems to have been
in support of our healthy food over the years over other forms due to the viability, nutritious
and healthy nature of our products. It is obvious that most policies are adding “healthier
options” on the menus as public health policies are pushing for foods with lower sodium and
sugar intakes.
Current policies push for the public to be more conscious when buying healthy food. For
example, as part of the Health Menu Choices Act, companies that distribute healthy food must
now post the number of calories for food and drinks openly. A change like this could affect
purchases of foods (and the importing/exporting of ingredients) for Kenya.

Economic factors
The state of the country and unemployment rates is another factor that can affect the healthy
food industry. Healthier alternatives to sugary foods are pricier compared to dairy and gluten
free foods. An average healthy food consumer in Kenya can afford any snack, this is expected
to continue into the following year as prices of healthy foods are considered to be within the
confines of the most affordable products in Kenya. healthy food interest rates, taxation, and
consumer spending affect the options and opportunities presented in the dairy free food

Social factors
Healthy food trends shift based on what consumers want. As mentioned throughout this
analysis, healthiness is the focus in many countries, this applies to Kenya as well. This is not
only pushed by governmental authorities, but by consumers, as well. What we’re seeing is a
rise in nutritious gluten-free, dairy-free and raw foods as diets and lifestyle changes come into
play. Vegetarian, vegan and pescetarian eating are becoming less of a fad and more of a
lifestyle choice — particularly with the younger generation. How these foods appeal to people
is based on their branding look.

Technological factors
Technology has come to stay and has come to increasingly impact the way companies conduct
their programs. For a company like ours, having a good internet connection which will aid the
updating of our website, our social media handles as well as making and uploading of our
videos, advertisement of our healthy food and others is paramount to what we do.
Technology has come to shape this and we will be at the helm of utilizing technology to the
fullest to aid our services.

2.2 Porters’ Five Forces Analysis

Threat of New Entry

As a company in the healthy food industry, we are a startup company but we are ready to
stage a coup in the industry and turn the table in our favor. The experience and popularity of
the director, Shivani Shah, gives us an edge as a company and any other company that will
serve as a competitor will at least, need to have a huge number of years as experience in the
industry. We have the technical know-how and the will to succeed which will combine with
all other internal and external factors to our favor.
Competitive Rivalry
It is pertinent and apposite to express that we are not the only company offering our kind of
services. We have some notable companies who are either serving as a direct competitor to
us due to proximity or the indirectness of their competitions due to the same reasons. As a
matter of fact, we have found out that there is nothing our rivals in the business do that we
do not do. It plays down to the choice of the customers to buy or not to buy our products.
The competition with our rivals in the industry is healthy as we all deploy strategies to outdo
one another which only makes us better.

Buyer Power
Our prices are reasonably structured to be within the confines of fair prices chargeable in the
industry. We have no plan to increase these charges but rather to promote the sales of our
healthy foods to our esteemed customers and ensure that they always seek to buy their
healthy food from us. When they choose to buy from us in large quantity and as a group, they
have a huge influence on our services as we might need to bend our prices to accommodate
them if they are many individuals or corporate entities in demand of huge volume of food.
However, the buyer power of an individual is low as our prices are fixed. It does not really
affect us if a customer refuses not to buy our products due to our prices which we consider
fair enough.

Supplier Power
Our suppliers could be taken to be companies that produce the raw materials that we need
in providing our nutritious and healthy foods. When our suppliers hike their charges, we
remain undaunted as they also have competitors from whom we can buy the same quality
and quantity for a lesser price. We will ensure that we cut down the cost of distribution to
the barest minimum while not compromising our determination to reel out the best products.

Threat of Substitution
Our products face competitions from fast food restaurants. While this may be considered as
an indirect competition, customers may choose to buy from the fast food restaurant instead
of spending their money on snacks. We however believe that if we are able to constantly
produce the best healthy gluten and dairy free foods, our customers will always look to buy
from us over the fast food restaurants.

2.3 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis stands for Strength of the company, its Weakness that needs to be worked
on, Opportunities opened to the company as it starts operation and the Threat against its
The Company strength includes:
• Clear vision of the market need
• Large potential Market
• Highly experienced management
• Professional knowledge of the market
• Affordable price
• Management development required Finance and Administration
• Business growth may be slow within the first few months of operation
• Future plans for expansion into more business
• Partnership with popular businesses which will in turn lead to the popularity of our
• Opportunity to meet market demand for quality gluten-free, dairy-free and raw
healthy food in Nairobi
• Investment of additional Capital into the business as each year goes by
• Possibility of business imitation
• Need to grow rapidly over next 3-5 years.
• Necessity to secure substantial capital injections to fund the expansion
• Competitions from existing organizations offering similar services

2.4 Competitor Analysis

We have conducted our researches and found out that other gluten-free, dairy-free and raw
snacks businesses are our major competitors. All these companies are involved in providing
quality gluten-free, dairy-free and raw snacks for customers as well and may affect our target
market. Some of these companies and individuals are:
• Healhty-U
• Salads in a Jar
• The Good Foods Company Kenya
These companies and individuals have established a reputation and positive service
representation over the years. Some have been in the industry before us and may be regarded
as some of the leading companies in our line of operation. However, we have been able to
identify that to choose between competitors, factors considered by customers include:
• Reputation of the owners
• Quality of the food
• Customer service
• Recommendation
• Social experience
• Testimonials
• Price (often low on the list of considerations, as long as price is not exorbitantly high)
We have then taken all of these into proper consideration and have observed that the
individual’s satisfaction with his/her decision and with the products they enjoy with us itself
is largely a function of their interaction with the staff, and the quality of each product they
purchase during their patronage. Everyone associated with our company will do everything
possible to ensure that all our customers get satisfactory and healthy snacks with us, so that
future business and future referrals are not at risk. Marketing strategies will build on this
model, taking advantage of precipitating events, fostering word-of-mouth recommendations,
and creating satisfaction through interacting with the future and present customers.

3.0 Implementation and Strategy Plan

3.1 Competitive Strategy

We will ensure that all our customers, to a reasonable degree, are satisfied with all our
products. We will also gather information from them in order to serve them better. This type
of first-hand market research will prove invaluable in attracting more customers and retaining
existing ones. We will supplement this marketing with announcements, advertisements in the
local newspapers and our website. Our marketing channels include:
Social media advertisement; we will create pages on some popular social media platforms like
Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., where regular info are made available to customers on our snacks.
Print Advertising: We will feature daily ads 2 weeks prior to grand opening and weekly ones
Signage: The neighboring communities market could be substantial. Roadside billboards on
highways would be implemented.
- Local advertisement channel
- Distribution of flyers
- Word-of-mouth

3.2 Ps’ of Marketing

The Ps’ of marketing are basically four, they are product, price, placement and promotions.
The Ps’ of marketing are the pointer to the necessary ingredients, structure and strategy put
together by the company to enable and enhance its continuous growth as against stagnation.
We have examined them in relation to our company:
In furtherance of our determination to promote our business and expand the scope of our
present customer base, we intend to explore the following options:
• Launching of Facebook ads: Facebook is regarded as the biggest social media in the
world. We will utilize the ads option available on Facebook to reach out to our
customers. Our strategic posting of our ads will be timely and constant. This would
avail prospective customers who are oblivious of our existence to have an idea of the
services we offer and subsequently patronize us.
• Affiliate programs with complimentary healthy food businesses: Affiliations with
major brands such as Planet Organic is one of our marketing strategies. It is believed
that an affiliation with an established brands increases our chances of gaining more
ground in the market as it has the potential of positively affecting our income.
• Search Engine Optimization on key search terms: In a bid to strengthen our popularity
with our targeted market, we shall employ the use of SEO which in turn helps us
generate more traffic and customers who choose to search on the internet for the
best gluten and dairy free snack company in Kenya, we will always come first.

The prices are considered fair as we have made our researches and found out that companies
in a business like ours even charge more than that per piece or per product. Our prices have
been designed to be within the confines of the cheapest prices in the industry. This is
expected to allow our customers patronize us more and even bring their friends, families and
businesses to patronize our services. (NB: awaiting planet organic’s price list to confirm

We have been strategically placed in Nairobi to serve the people of Kenya entirely and not
necessarily Nairobi, our immediate environment. Nairobi is big enough to accommodate a
company like ours and we will always make ourselves available to serve our customers in all
parts of Kenya that our products may be needed.

3.3 Growth Strategy

Based on the aggressiveness of our media campaigns as well as local advertisements, our
business is poised to experience unprecedented growth, especially, from the first six months
from which the awareness kicked off. Again, the reviews gathered by our company from our
customers who have enjoyed our snacks will greatly contribute to the growth of our company.
As the popularity of our company grows, so does the need to have a larger office where all
products as well as administrative duties and other functions can be executed.
3.4 Expansion Strategy
Through periodic upgrades on existing services and options available to our customers, we
hope to expand our services by conducting extensive researches on our line of business and
how much our snacks could be improved. The expansion will largely be due to the successes
recorded on the initial snacks introduced into the market.
If tremendous successes are recorded with this businesses, we have the dream of establishing
more service centers in and around Nairobi and other parts of Kenya where our customers
can easily reach us, place an order and engage our services or lodge a complaint or general

4.0 Management Summary

Shivani Shah is the founder and owner of the business. She will be saddled with the
responsibility of making executive and administrative decisions as regard the operations and
functionality of the company. She is very creative, forward thinking and strong, hands-on
team leader, highly efficient and results oriented with exceptional management and
organizational skills. She also has exceptional interpersonal skills combined with proven
ability to drive profitability, manage and nurture talent, deliver sales growth, form strategic
partnerships and successfully implement challenging projects. She is an expert in executing
team driven process improvements to increase revenue growth, operational efficiency and
excellent stewardship of revenue. She also have strong customer service orientation to work
effectively with employees, leadership, volunteers and donors.
Her responsibility is to oversee and decide what goes on in the business, which is in line with
the stated goals and objectives. She will be in full operation devising all means and strategies,
putting her entrepreneurship skills and experience in the business world to help Nutrixious
Co. achieve its best standard and become people’s first choice.

Starting Phase Requirement of Human Resources

At the initial stage of the development of our company, the Human Resources needed will be
the Chief Executive Officer of the company, Shivani Shah. She will provide the logistics to drive
this company forward and other administrative duties that may be relevant and involve her
expertise as and skills. Shivani Shah, as explained before will be actively involved in the
distribution of the snacks for the company.

Moderate Phase Requirement of Human Resources

The next phase of our development will be about networking with businesses and forming
necessary partnerships. It is obvious that the owner cannot handle all these alone due to the
need for advert experts who are better skilled and experienced in the field. All jobs that could
be outsourced will be awarded out to freelance professionals who are willing to execute the
company’s need perfectly. In this sense, a freelance advert professional or two may be
contracted to complement the efforts of the founder.
The Final Stage Requirement of Human Resources
Once all administrative machineries to propel the effectiveness of the company have been
put in place, there is the need to hire more hands in responding to customers as well as
building other centers to cater for our business needs. They will be employed so as to expand
the scope of our service and give our customers a wide range of option to choose from as well
as be strategically positioned to serve them the best snacks based on our closeness to them.
It is projected that at the end of five years of operation, the company will be able to boast of
staff strength which will be around fifteen.
4.1 Contingency Plan
The CEO, has full confidence in the business and believe that it will be profitable and
successful based on the substantial market need for the business. However, if the business
fails, she will take the following measures:
• Sell the business out to a company or individual interested in buying
• Get help from family and friends to repay all outstanding debts
• Re-strategize, analyze the reason for the initial failure and preparedly venture into it

Marketing Objectives
• To reach out to customers who are in need of quality and healthy gluten and dairy
free snacks
• To increase our income and revenue within the first few months of our existence
• To positively impact the world through quality and healthy snacks
• To establish a stable and constant customer base all over Kenya
• To partner with relevant businesses who would allow us to work with them and
become their official partner
• To become the flag bearer in our line of business
5.0 Sustainability Plan

Project Design and Implementation

Plan Action Steps Timeline
Develop Vision, Mission, Create internal staff team to guide planning 1-3months
Case for Support process
Discuss with staff and community members why
this program is needed, who will benefit, why our
organization is the best organization to
undertake it.
Identify and talk with other community leaders
who might share common or similar
Develop Goals and Develop a logic model to clarify sustainability Months 1-
Objectives goals, create specific program objectives, and 3
identify measures to track progress and

Research and identify Identify priorities such as community 1-5

potential stakeholders engagement, strategic communication, months
leadership development, governance and
Solicit ideas from other agencies, schools, and
faith communities who might share interests
with your program.
Talk to local businesses about how your program
can benefit their interests.
Analyze Program Cost Clarify financing for services and outcomes. Month 5
Map current spending and analyze funding gaps.
With staff and advisory committee, develop
financing strategies, evaluate options, and
develop recommendations.
Create and Execute Identify any products or services of your program Month 5
Fundraising Plan that are valued in the community and could and more
produce income to offset project expenses.
• Create a team and marketing plan to develop
and market business.
• Identify budget items that could be provided in-
kind by partners, other stakeholders. • Select
methods and teams for fundraising and resource
gathering for the year.
• Use more than one fundraising method (grant
writing, direct mail, special event, major donor
clubs, in-kind resource gathering, phone-a-thon,
personal solicitation).
• Select team members from your advisory
committee, board, and other community leaders
to act as fundraising committee.
• Formulate strategies for meeting with
prospects individually.
• Prepare a fundraising plan with objectives and
• Launch and execute fundraising efforts.

5.1 Future Goals

• To become a leading company in the gluten-free, dairy-free and raw food industry
• To have a reliable and strong customer base all over Kenya.
• To be financially sufficient
• To have many other similar products from our company making waves in the market.

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