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Grade 8 – 2nd Midterm Examinations - SY 2023–2024

A. National Curriculum
Only selected National subjects will have semester exams. The midterm score
will be taken from the 50% of the best activities (classwork and quizzes) of the
National Subject.
B. Cambridge Curriculum
Time to be
Date Subject Coverage/Topics

February During ICT • Adobe Illustrator basic

19-23 respective • Pen tool
schedule • Shape tool
• Shape builder tools
Music • Compose a simple melody (8 bars) based on chosen
chord progression:
- I-IV-V-I
Religion ⮚ Agama Katolik:
• Materi Retret
• Sakramen Inisiasi (Baptis, Ekaristi, Krisma)

⮚ Agama Kristen:
• Allah Berkarya melalui IPTEK
- Arti IPTEK
- Perkembangan IPTEK
- Pandangan Alkitab terhadap IPTEK

⮚ Agama Buddha:
• Puja Bakti, Bab 5
• Mengunjungi Tempat Suci, Bab 6

⮚ Agama Islam:
• Macam-macam Sholat Sunnah
• Macam-macam sujud

• mempraktikan salah satu test untuk meningkatkan

kebugaran jasmani
• Dribble, chest pass, bounce pass dalam permainan
bola basket

• creates still life image (fruits)

Monday 08.00-10.00 Global • Analysis and Evaluation Skills

February 26 Perspectives • Digital World
• Fake News (Misinformation, Disinformation, and
Content Manipulation
• Digital Detectives
• Family as a Social Institution
• Five Categories of Family
Tuesday 08.00-10.00 Combined
February 27 Science • Chapter 1: Photosynthesis and Plant Growth
− 1.1.: Photosynthesis
− 1.2.: Water and Plant Growth
− 1.3: Mineral Salts and Plant Growth
• Chapter 2: Reproduction in Flowering Plants
− 2.1.: Flowers
− 2.2.: Pollination
− 2.3.: Fertilization and Seed Formation
− 2.4.: Seed Dispersal
• Chapter 3: Ecology
− 3.1.: Adaptations
− 3.2.: Food Chains and Food Webs
− 3.3.: Factors Affecting Population Size
− 3.4.: Decomposers
− 3.5.: Ecology
− 3.6.: Effects of Human Activities to
• Chapter 4: Variation and Inheritance
− 4.1.: How Can We Use Keys to Identify Plants
and Animals
− 4.2.: Variation
− 4.3.: Inheritance

Wednesday 08.00-10.00 Mandarin G8 Mandarin Advanced Mid Exam 中文期中考试

February 28 Advanced 第11课度假
1. 看句子选图片Choose the correct picture.
2. 写意思。Write the meaning of the given
图片 : picture
3. 拼词。Complete the words.
4. 阅读题。Reading comprehension.
5. 填词。Fill in the blanks (From the text 课文 of

Mandarin GRADE 8 Mandarin Intermediate: Chinese Made Easy 2

Intermediate • Lesson 10
− Vocabularies: 15 words
− Sentences from vocabularies (worksheet)
− Directions “是、有、在” (worksheet)
− Poem: Spring Dawn 春晓 (handout)
(The types of questions are discussed in detail in class)

Thursday 08.00-10.00 FLE Midterm 2 will cover Paper 1 (non-fiction) and Paper 2
February 29 (fiction)
• Reading Comprehension
− recognize how writers engage the readers
− determine the features of a discursive text and
a review
− identify explicit and implicit meaning
− cite textual evidence
− identify the writer’s effect and viewpoint
− recognize the purpose of a given text
− analyze the use of short and long sentences in the
− explain contrasting ideas
− identify the rhetoric and/or structural
techniques utilized in the text, e.g. rule of three,
rhetorical questions, short sentence, repetition,
− summarise a given text
• Vocabulary
− use context clues to identify the meaning
− identify synonyms of a given word
• Language Features
− Figurative Language/Literary Techniques (simile,
alliteration, metaphor, onomatopoeia, assonance)
− Punctuations and their uses
− Sentence Structures/Types
− Idiomatic expressions
• Writing
− Paper 1: Writing a discursive article
− Paper 2: Writing a story continuation
ESL • Reading Comprehension (Paper 1)
− Modals
• Writing (Papaer 2)
− Descriptive Language
− Idiomatic Expressions
− Higher Vocabulary
Friday 08.00-10.00 Mathematics
• Chapter 1: Number and Calculation
March 1
− Irrational Numbers
− Standard Form
• Chapter 12: Probability
- Mutually Exlcusive Events
- Independent Events
• Chapter 15: Interpreting and Discussing Results
- Frequency Polygons
- Scatter graphs
- Back-to-Back Stem-and-Leaf Diagram
- Calculating Statistics for Grouped Data
• Chapter 8: Fractions and Recurring Decimals
- Fractions and Recurring Decimals
- Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

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