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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate form (Will, going to, present continuous). Use the verbs in brackets.

1. You must take an umbrella. It ................................................................ (rain)

2. I ..................................... to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)
3. Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I .................................. at home. (stay)
4. You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I .......................................................... a rest. (have)
5. Betty is going to driving lessons, because she ....................................................... a car. (buy)
6. I've just missed my train! - No problem. I ......................................... you there. (drive)
7. I can't eat anything today. I ............................................... an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have)
8. The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they .................................................. the Dolphins today! (beat)
9. What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he ......................................... a dentist. (become)
10. Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We ................................................ Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet)
11. Please, buy some eggs. I ............................................................ a cake. (make)
12. My dad has already booked the holiday. We ................................................... to France on 2 July. (fly)

EXERCISE 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in brackets.
1.- When we get home, we ___________ (have) dinner.
2.- I know they ___________ (feel) very happy if they win the match.
3.- They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They ____________ (do) a tour of Norway.
4.- She thinks that the Take That concert __________ (be) really exciting.
5.- “What are your plans for this evening?” I ________ (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party.
6.- If you revise for the exam , I’m sure you ________ (get) a good result.
7.- The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It _________ (be) very sunny.
8.- I can’t come on the march tomorrow. I ___________ (look after) my cousins.
9.- In the future, I think humans ___________ (wipe out) many different species.
10.-He is buying some butter and eggs because he _________ (make) a cake later.
11.- This homework is very easy. I know we __________ (do) it very quickly.
12.- In five years time, I _____________ (be) at university.
13.- She wants to get her mum a birthday present. But she _____________ (not buy) it today.
14.- Their suitcases are packed. They ______________ (go) on holiday.
15.- If we go to Paris, we ____________ (take) lots of pictures.
16.- My brother thinks it ______________ (snow) tomorrow.
17.- It’s very late! Hurry up or we ___________ (be) late for work.
18.- Look at that boy at the top of that tree! He ___________ (fall).
19.- When we go home, we ____________ (watch) TV.
We don’t want to miss our favourite programme.
20.- I’m sure they ___________ (lose) the match.
21.- It’s very hot in here. I ___________ (open) the window.
22.- It’s a secret! OK I ___________ (not tell) anyone.
23.- My cousin ___________ (work) in the UK for a year.
24.- I ___________ (love) you forever.
25.- I’m thirsty. I ____________ (get) you a glass of water.

EXERCISE 3. Complete the following texts with the appropriate verb tense.
1. Choose the correct options (a-c) to complete the text.
If you’re thinking of volunteering abroad, why not join us on one of our conservation trip to Costa Rica this year? We take care of
all your travel arrangements, so as soon as 1……. , one of our group leaders will meet you at the airport. Then, once 2……. time
to relax, and after 3……. everyone else in the group, we take you on the four-hour bus journey to the coast. You’ll be working in
the Tortuguero National Park on one of our conservation projects – but when 4……. , there’s plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful

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beaches, and while 5……. here you could even learn a new language. We’re sure that by the time 6……. you’ll have had an
amazing experience!

1 a you’re arriving b you arrive c you’ll be arriving

2 a you’ve had b you’re having c you’ll be having
3 a you’ll have met b you’ve met c you’ll be meeting
4 a you don’t work b you aren’t working c you haven’t worked
5 a you’re staying b you’ll be staying c you’ll have stayed
6 a you’ll have left b you’ll be leaving c you leave

2. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Hi Otto

I can’t wait to see you – I can’t believe that by the time I 1……………………… (see) you, I 2……………………… (be) France
for a month! As soon as you 3……………………… (arrive), we’ll plan where to go, but can you bring a sleeping bag in case we
4……………………… (decide) to go camping? Tomorrow, I 5……………………… (visit) my cousins in Paris, so it’s a shame
we’ll have to wait until Saturday to meet, but I should be there the minute your train 6……………………… (get) in. Just think:
this time on Saturday, we 7……………………… (talk) to each other face to face! Lots of love until then.


EXERCISE 4. Mixed Future Tenses (Intermediate level)

Fill in the correct form of the Future Tense. In some sentences several forms are possible.
1. They __________________________ driving to New York tomorrow evening. (DRIVE)
2. I offered him a job last week and I think he __________________________ it. (TAKE)
3. I hope the weather __________________________ nice when you get to Sardinia. (BE)
4. We __________________________ married on June 25th. (GET)
5. I suppose real estate prices __________________________ up again next year. (GO)
6. What __________________________ when you grow up? – I __________________________ a pilot. (YOU DO, BE)
7. I am __________________________ football this afternoon so I can't make it to the party. (PLAY)
8. Put your wallet away. I __________________________ for the tickets. (PAY)
9. I _____________________________ John at the airport tomorrow at 5.30. (MEET)
10.Take the umbrella with you. I think it __________________________ in the afternoon. (RAIN)
11.I think I __________________________ a cup of tea after all. (HAVE)
12.Ask Mary. She __________________________ the answer (PROBABLY KNOW)
13.Which car __________________________ to buy? (YOU PLAN)
14.Jack missed the train. He __________________________ late again. (BE)
15.All our stores __________________________ next Monday at 10.00 a.m. (OPEN)
16.We __________________________ our holidays in France next year. (SPEND)
17.What do you want to eat? – I think I __________________________ a sandwich. (HAVE)
18.We have to go now. It __________________________ late. (GET)
19.I can't talk about it now, but I __________________________ you a mail next week. (SEND)
20.The Jacksons __________________________ a party tomorrow afternoon, but they haven't invited us. (HAVE)

EXERCISE 5. (Advanced level) Complete the sentences using a form of the future, future progressive or future perfect.
1. We _________________________ the room by the time you get back. (FINISH)
2. The phone is ringing. – I _________________________ and answer it. (GO)
3. I _________________________ tomorrow so we can go to the beach. (NOT WORK)
4. If you touch the stove, you _________________________ yourself. (BURN)
5. She _________________________ for the job that was advertised in the newspaper. (APPLY)
6. Next week at this time we _________________________ in the sun in Spain (LIE)

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7. My sister _________________________ in the USA next year. (STUDY)

8. The Pope _________________________ Turkey in November. (VISIT)
9. I _________________________ lunch with Mary at 12. (HAVE)
10.I don't think the exam _________________________ very difficult. (BE)
11.Jane _________________________ on her thesis for the next three months. (WORK)
12.By the time I arrive home, the workers _________________________ repairing my TV set. (FINISH)
13.During the next century the climate _________________________ (GET)
14.The guided tour _________________________ the hotel at 8.25 tomorrow morning. (LEAVE)
15.I think I _________________________ to bed early tonight. - I’m tired. (GO)
16.At this time next year, we _________________________ in our new house (LIVE)
17.What _________________________ if the firm gets reorganised? (HAPPEN)
18.We _________________________ to her whenever we get a chance (SPEAK).
19.They _________________________ married in June. (GET)
20.The headmaster _________________________ a new classroom next term. (OPEN)

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