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Writing a thesis can be a daunting and overwhelming task, especially when it comes to a complex

and serious topic like leukemia. This type of cancer affects the blood and bone marrow, making it a
challenging topic to research and write about. As a student, you may find yourself struggling to
gather enough information, analyze it, and present it in a cohesive and well-written paper.

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your leukemia term paper.
It’s characterized by dramatic and abrupt onset and the uncontrolled proliferation of myoblasts.
Browse our recent articles or go back and try again. The first three all have specific cytogenetic
profiles that are important in predicting the leukemic process, especially with respect to response to
therapy and survival. However, despite advances in classifying leukemia subtypes, all acute
leukemias in children were grouped together until the late 1960s. Upon work up, it was evident that
patient was normal for other hepatocellular etiologies of jaundice. Moreover, less severe anemia was
associated with an increased survival rate in early childhood. Moreover, the attention concentrated on
AMKL has somewhat obscured the fact that ALL, and not AML, remains the most common form of
leukemia in children with Down’s syndrome. Nevertheless, there are five stages involved in
treatment of this type of leukemia: chemotherapy is one of them and it is used to kill leukemia cells,
which involves use of anti-cancer drugs (Swearingen 2008). Leukemia may be suspected in the event
that a person has notable danger variables or indications. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Two terms were used to describe this new disease: Virchow introduced
leukhemia (white blood) while Bennett preferred leucocythaemia or white cell blood. White blood
cells fall into five categories: Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil, Monocyte and Lymphocyte, shown in
the Table 1.2.Detection and Classification of Leukemia Cells Essay Paper These cells afford the
greatest defense against infections, and their discrete concentrations can help authorities to
distinguish between the presences or not of severe pathologies. Unfortunately, it took almost 20
years for these theories to be accepted. We will help with any writing, editing, formatting, revising,
or paraphrasing task in nursing. Prognosis of chronic leukemia depends upon the level of aggravation
of the disease. Detected and treated at an early stage of leukemia saves a lot of lives. The grains are
divided into primary, which appear at the promyelocyte stage, and secondary which perform at the
myelocyte stage. Works Cited: “Leukemia (Blood Cancer).” Illinois Department of Public Health.
n.d. Web. 31 May 2011.. MedicineNet. “Leukemia.” 2011. Web. 31 May 2011.. Pilgrim, Gray.
“Leukemia Prognosis.” 2011. Web. 31 May 2011. These include the use of monoclonal antibodies
against various cellular antigens and cytochemical, immunophenotypic, and cytogenetic tests to
further characterize the leukemic cells, to determine T and B cell monoclonality, and to detect
chromosomal abnormalities. Exposures acting before birth and early in life have long been thought to
be important determinants of the disease in children. Acute lymphocytic leukemia accounts for 20%
of acute leukemias in adults and is the most common form of leukemia in children. However, while
much progress has been made in the treatment of childhood leukemia, this has not been matched in
terms of delineating the underlying causes of the disease (Lightfoot and Roman, 2004). This is
estimated considering the historic medical data. It sometimes occurs in younger adults, but it almost
never affects children. Upon palpation, splenomegaly can be detected as well. This thesis focuses on
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Noonan syndrome are also
both related to leukemia in infants and young children, and they are particularly linked to juvenile
myelomonocytic leukemia and other types of myeloproliferative disorder. Prognosis for chronic
leukemia: Symptoms of chronic leukemia take quite some time to show up. However, clinical
outcome is not only dependent on the nature of the leukemic clone, but also on how far the disease
has progressed by the time the symptoms are recognized, the diagnosis made, and the treatment
implemented. The doctor asks the patient to get one or several of the tests discussed mentioned
below: 1.
With respect to childhood leukemia, it appears that the first recorded case was in 1850; interestingly,
it was not the acute form that is most commonly seen today, but chronic myeloid leukemia. Been
passionate and concern about not only her health but the health of her kids, my research will show
why it is important to me as well as others. When a nurse is providing care for a patient with
leukemia, both subjective and objective data are very important to obtain. It has an annual incidence
of two to three cases per 100 000 per year and a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. Fifty four year old
Regina was just diagnosed with leukemia. If the overproliferation of immature leukocyte is evident,
it is called acute leukemia, whereas well differentiated leukocytes are found in chronic leukemia.
Many risk factors are involved and can be detected during a routine blood test. Furthermore,
topoisomerase II inhibitors have been found in specific fruits, tea, coffee, wine, soy, and cocoa and it
is quite likely that many other chemicals that have the ability to inhibit this enzyme have yet to be
identified. However, several exposures are widely accepted as known risk factors for leukemia.
However, the list of topoisomerase inhibitors is extensive and includes specific chemotherapeutic
agents such as etoposide but also benzene metabolites (derived from cigarette smoke and pollution
for instance), bioflavonoids, herbal medicines, anthraquinone laxatives, podophyllin resin, quinolone
antibiotics, pesticides, and most phenolic chemicals and their metabolites. People exposed to very
high levels of radiation are more likely to get leukemia. Other rarer forms include hairy cell leukemia
and prolymphocytic leukemia. This type of leukemia commonly occurs in adults. 20 to 40 per cent of
the patients of acute leukemia continue to live up to a minimum of 60 months if the disease gets
detected at an early stage (Pilgrim). Development of new treatments for CML has also been focused
on the presence of the t(9;22) translocation: Chemical agents have been generated that block the
tyrosine kinase activity of the abnormal BCR-ABL protein. Leukemia Description: Leukemia is a
type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow. However, with the dedication of nurses and
adherence to treatment from patients, becoming a functional member of society and leading a full
life is more than an achievable goal. Patients may have comorbid conditions that affect treatment
decisions. In the scientific language, the leukemia cells are known as the blast cells. Platelets are
another kind of blood cells that help control bleeding by forming blood clots. These types are Acute
Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Myelogenous
Leukemia (CML), and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). The most pertinent issue for AML is
that the time interval between exposure and development of the disease is typically only a few years.
White blood cell arrangement and concentration in the blood gives appreciated information and
plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of different diseases. In real life leukaemia means that the life of
an individual is transformed into the constant and tiring fight with nature and surroundings. Report
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document useful (0 votes) 99 views 7 pages Leukemia Uploaded by Hilda Hall AI-enhanced title
and description Leukemias are grouped by how quickly the disease develops (acute or chronic)
people with leukemia are at significantly increased risk for developing infections, anemia, and
bleeding. The association of both germ-line and somatic mutations in the FA pathway with AML
susceptibility has been considered. For example, the process of obtaining a suntan is a result of
sunlight, waves or non-ionizing radiation passing through the skin. Recent advances include the
increasing popularity of gene expression microarrays for both diagnostic and prognostic purposes.
The pathological condition affects the males more commonly. If the overproliferation of immature
leukocyte is evident, it is called acute leukemia, whereas well differentiated leukocytes are found in
chronic leukemia (Dorantes-Acosta et al. Biologically, blood is vital for preserving homeostasis that is
keeping the body’s position stable.
The patient may be asked about the medical history of the family. About 80% of adults less than 60
years of age go into remission (“Leukemia”, US NIHS) Laboratory features and diagnosis of AML:
Bone marrow samples have to be studied for cytology, cytogenetics and phenotyping. Many of these
tend to occur in younger patients and are generally associated with a good response to therapy, often
a high rate of complete remission and a favorable outcome. It is a product of incomplete hydrocarbon
combustion and is present in traffic exhaust fumes as well as in tobacco smoke. Although these tests
can be done as initial work up, bone marrow biopsy remains a gold standard procedure to confirm
the diagnosis (Simon, 2012). The lifespan of neutrophils in the blood is only about 10h.Detection and
Classification of Leukemia Cells Essay Paper. The incidence in women is lower (9.7 per 100 000).
So, Leukemia is a kind of cancer, in which the number of white blood cells in the body is constantly
growing. Last but not least, charge nurses should coordinate care to prevent these patients from
coming into contact with staff and other nurses who render care for other patients with infectious
diseases or any infection at all. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is the most well-known type of
leukemia in kids (WebMd). It was evident in the results that most patients had overexpression of
Notch 1 gene that contributed to overproliferation of T cells in ALL (Lin et al., 2012). Subtypes It is
important to remember that there is no single cause of cancerous growth of cells in ALL, but various
factors unite together and lead to this abnormal proliferation. Less is known about the AML not
otherwise classified group, which includes acute myeloblastic leukemia minimally differentiated,
acute myeloblastic leukemia with and without maturation, acute myelomonocytic leukemia, acute
monoblastic and acute monocytic leukemia, and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. This explains that
various subtypes have different impacts on the hematopoietic system and, therefore, variable survival
rate. They must closely monitor the temperature and note any correlation between temperature
elevations and chemotherapy treatments. These cells spread across the blood and the lymph nodes. It
was only the observation that acute myeloid and acute lymphoid leukemias responded differently to
treatment that enforced the use of the new technologies to distinguish between them. The remaining
cases of CML either have variant translocations involving a third or even a fourth chromosome, in
addition to chromosomes 9 and 22, or cryptic translocations involving 9q34 and 22q11. Details of
the common genetic alterations seen in B-ALL along with the associated prognosis are given in
Table 3. The immunological subtypes include common, pre-B-ALL, null, and B and T phenotypes.
As soon as the Leukemia cells get into the bloodstream they can travel throughout your organs,
multiplying and infecting everything they come in contact with. Risk Factors Few risk factors have
been isolated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The pathological condition affects the males more
commonly. It is characterized by the accumulation and production of functionally inactive, mature
lymphocytes. Some subtypes have such characteristic immunophenotypic features that diagnoses can
often be suggested or excluded based purely on these results. Post induction therapy is needed after
a patient is in remission. These lesions are produced by cutaneous infiltration of malignant cells.
Doctors recommend patients with large spleen to undergo the surgery. He also proposed his cellular
theory of the origin of leukemia, which has been fundamental to present-day understanding of the
condition. It results in the production of a chimeric protein with increased tyrosine kinase activity.
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Many of these tend to occur in younger patients and are generally associated with a good response to
therapy, often a high rate of complete remission and a favorable outcome. Treatment There are four
phases of ALL treatment: induction, consolidation, maintenance and prevention. Cancer copyright
2012 kiara pronovost used by 93, an expression within replicating human b examples and public
health care professionals like alex ligas professional resume service determined to 3. Mortality rates
for leukemia are slightly higher in men (8.2 per 100 000 per year) than in women (7.2). During the
last decade in the UK, there has been a small decrease in the European age-standardized mortality
rate for leukemia in women; by contrast, there has been a small increase in the rate for men. Both
genetic and environmental factors are considered causes of the majority of leukemia types. We will
help with any writing, editing, formatting, revising, or paraphrasing task in nursing. Since the
underlying biological pathways involved in the initiation and progression are likely to be different
for each of the distinct disease subtypes, it is important to classify them as individual disease entities
when designing new investigative studies. Leukemia can not be completely analyzed by physical
exam. The disease may decrease the number of platelets and level of hemoglobin in the red blood
cells. 3. Biopsy: In this, the tissue is removed by the doctor in search of cancer cells. Abnormal
karyotypes are associated with 80% of cases, with 13q14 deletions observed in up to 50% of cases.
Lymph node enlargement is present due to the lymphocytes infiltrating the bone marrow, which then
causes pulmonary symptoms. Most adults in the early stages of CLL require no treatment, but others
need to be closely monitored for the progression and aggression of the disease. The cells are larger
than in the L1 and often heterogeneous in size. In the UK, for example, leukemia is responsible for
just under 3% of all cancer-related deaths, and it ranks as the 11th most common cause of death
from cancer. The terminology acute and chronic refer to the nature of disease onset and the maturity
of the affected cell. If the person has leukemia, the number of white blood cells would be found far
in excess of other kinds of cells. A decrease in the number and maturation of white blood cells is an
expected result of leukemia treatment. About 80% of adults less than 60 years of age go into
remission (“Leukemia”, US NIHS) Laboratory features and diagnosis of AML: Bone marrow
samples have to be studied for cytology, cytogenetics and phenotyping. Upon diagnosis of the
disease, the doctor tends to identify the root cause of the problem. Generally, the process of
detection and classification is done manually taking up to five days. Therefore, in those patients that
present with jaundice and have inconclusive initial work up, ALL should be considered (Siddique et
al., 2011). Although rarely, ALL can present with cutaneous involvement evident as red indurated
nodules (Bay et al, 2004). For a patient requiring maintenance or long-term therapy, extreme fatigue
is expected. Works Cited: “Leukemia (Blood Cancer).” Illinois Department of Public Health. n.d.
Web. 31 May 2011.. MedicineNet. “Leukemia.” 2011. Web. 31 May 2011.. Pilgrim, Gray.
“Leukemia Prognosis.” 2011. Web. 31 May 2011. Rather, specialists will perform various blood tests,
biopsies, and imaging studies to check whether a patient has this malignancy. The blastic phase
eventually transforms into an accelerated acute phase and then requires treatment akin to acute
leukemia—swiftly and aggressively. All informations are useful for doctors, lab technicians, nurses,
and paramedical staff. Table 2 Different clustering methods used in the analysis of microarray data
Clustering Method Information about method Hierarchical clustering: agglomerative Each object is
considered a cluster. Arising from B-cell origin, the bone marrow is proliferated with immature
lymphocytes. However, like most other malignancies, the pathogenesis of leukemia is likely to be a
multistep process influenced by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Infection with
the human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV1) has been associated with risk of adult T cell
leukemia. Blood cells generally form from the cells that are contained in the bone marrow, which is a
soft material inside the bones.
The cells are morphologically identical to the cells in Burkitt’s lymphoma. Many of these tend to
occur in younger patients and are generally associated with a good response to therapy, often a high
rate of complete remission and a favorable outcome. Two unique features characteristic of the
immune system are the ability to generate antigenic specificity and the phenomenon of
immunological recall. It has an annual incidence of two to three cases per 100 000 per year and a
male-to-female ratio of 2:1. In a vast majority of cases, chronic leukemia gets diagnosed by the
doctor in a routine checkup without the indication of any symptoms. As some time passes, leukemia
gets worse. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) happens more gradually than AML and has less
impact on the advancement of other cell sorts (WebMd). Current therapy of pediatric cancer cases,
for instance Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, have revealed a 5 year survival rate of children; as
compared to adults who have the same condition to have a lower than 5 years survival rate. The
motivation behind this research is to improve the diagnostic process by automating it and reducing
its time span to five days to few hours. Moreover, less severe anemia was associated with an
increased survival rate in early childhood. As soon as the Leukemia cells get into the bloodstream
they can travel throughout your organs, multiplying and infecting everything they come in contact
with. Biologically, blood is vital for preserving homeostasis that is keeping the body’s position stable.
Risk Factors Few risk factors have been isolated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To verify the
extent of this abnormal expression, real time PCR was used to detect the gene and its mutation.
Browse our recent articles or go back and try again. AML is commonly seen in people who have
received high-dose spinal radiation for ankylosing spondylitis. The nurse should monitor for
complications of chemotherapy affecting the gastrointestinal system, skin mucosa, nutritional status,
kidneys, liver, neurologic system, and cardiopulmonary status. Some studies have shown that
exposure to high-energy radiation increases chances of contracting leukemia. Show answer Sudan
black stain is negative in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A team of healthcare specialists, including
hematologists and radiation oncologists, will diagnose the issue and suggest the most accurate
treatment. However, advances in the molecular understanding of this form of leukemia have not
been matched by basic epidemiological information about its incidence. In order to comprehend the
development of this cancer, it is customary to analyze the process of normal blood cell formation.
They have many dark cytoplasmic granules, which overlie the nucleus and contain heparin and
histamine. Even when it is not required they multiply causing a tumor. Chronic leukemia is the type
of leukemia that takes some time to get worse whereas the acute leukemia is that sort of leukemia
that worsens quite quickly. This is very important because of the response of all these three types of
leukemias. If the overproliferation of immature leukocyte is evident, it is called acute leukemia,
whereas well differentiated leukocytes are found in chronic leukemia. They enter inflammatory
exudates and have a special role in allergic responses. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Some subtypes have such characteristic
immunophenotypic features that diagnoses can often be suggested or excluded based purely on these
results. Even when we are feeling well, they are working together in a carefully orchestrated manner
to target and destroy dangerous substances in our body.

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