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English 6

I-Identify the sources of the relevant information below. Write A for Almanac, B for
Encyclopedia and C for Dictionary.
1. You are eager to know about the first dog in space.
2. You want to research about the culture of Vietnam.
3. You want to know more about the Summer Olympic 2012.
4. You need to understand the meaning of the word famine.
5. You wish to know the correct pronunciation of the word bouquet.
6. You want to satisfy knowledge about England, it’s history and people.
7. You want to know the Miss Universe 1988, top five (5) finalist.
8. You wish to know the typhoons name landed in the Philippines in 2012.

II- Determine the mood, tone and purpose of the author for each passage. Write only the letter
of your answer.
(9-11) The sun just set. I was walking alone along the wide, grassy road in the midst of the
sugarcane field where the sugar cane plants are as tall as me. I heard a harsh voice
somewhere. I stopped to listen, but this time, I hear no one. Suddenly, a hand touched my

What is the mode of the passage?

A. sorrowful B. suspenseful C. exciting D. romantic
10. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Candid B. fearful C. playful D. formal
11. What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?

(12-14) Guintubdan is a beautiful place with amazing waterfalls. A spring awaits to those
who wish to enjoy swimming in an ice cold fresh water. Come and enjoy Guintubdan!

A. to instruct B. to persuade C. to entertain D. to criticize

12. What is the mood of the paragraph?
A. joyful B. gloomy C. sorrowful D. frustrating
13. What is the tone of the passage?
A. cheerful C. thoughtful C. pessimistic D. sentimental
14. What is the purpose of the author?
A. to criticize B. to instruct C. to persuade D. to inform
(15-16) It was Thursday, the oval was filled with athletes excitedly waiting for their event.
You can hear the lively drum and the energetic event host. It was the opening of the area meet.
From afar, Raine can see athletes paving way for the one who is coming. He saw that it its
headed to his direction. He turned around and pushed himself to the crowd to give way too. In
a little while, he felt a heavy hand on his shoulders. He looked back to see who was it. He told
Raine, “Give your best, Win the game.” It was the governor. Rain can’t explain how he felt that
15. What is the mood of the passage?
A. sorrowful B. gloomy C. exciting D. romantic
16. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Cheerful B. thoughtful C. pessimistic D. sentimental
17. What is the mood of the passage?
A. exciting B. anxious C. fanciful D. romantic

(17-19) Father usually arrives home from work at 5:30 in the afternoon. However, today, is
different. It’s almost 8:00 in the evening but father is not yet home. Mother keeps on calling
him only to find out that father forgot to bring his cellphone. Mother keeps looking at the clock
and into the door.

18. What is the tone of the passage?

A. furious B. cheerful C. pessimistic D. nervous
19. What is the purpose of the author?
A. to criticize B. to inform C. to persuade D. to entertain

Animals eat from different sources. Herbivores are animals whose primary food source is
plant-based just like carabao, goat and horse. Carnivores are animals that eat other animals
like snakes, lions and tigers while Omnivores are animals that eat both plant- and animal-
derived food like ca, rat and dog.

20. What is the purpose of the author?

A. to criticize B. to inform C. to persuade D. to entertain

III. Identify the structure of the given informational text. Choose your answer from the

A. description B. sequence C. cause and effect

D. compare and contrast E. problem and solution
21. The man wanted to reach the top of the mountain. So, he decided to explore it with other
22. Lina is my best friend. She is charming and petite. She has a long straight hair. She also has
a fair skin and a brown eyes and a sweet singing voice. I love Lina because she is thoughtful and
loving. She loves to wear jeans, sneaker and t- shirt. She is jolly and loving too
23. My favorite volleyball player Alyssa Valdez was born on June 29, 1993. She is the only girl
among four siblings. First, she in played at University of Santo Tomas (UST) high school varsity
volleyball team in 2010. Next, she enrolled in Ateneo and graduated by 2015. Then, she played
for Balipure in 2016 and became an import in Thailand 2016. Finally, in 2017 up to the present
she is the team Captain of the Creamline Cool Smashers and a member of the Philippine
National Volleyball Team.
24. I have a vegetable garden in our backyard. A few months ago, I started seeing yellow leaves
and poor plant growth. So, I spent hours pulling weeds, cultivating the area around the plant,
watering it every day, and fertilizing it. The plant's leaves started to grow larger and 25. It was
raining very hard that you could hardly see the road. Strong wind blew, thunder clapped, and
lighting keeps on flashing. Water rose up, roads are covered with water, flood entered houses.
Some of the live stocks and poultry animals drowned too.
26. I want to bake a cake. First, I will prepare all the baking materials. Next, I will measure the
things that I’ll be needing like flour and sugar. Then, I will mix all the ingredients. Finally put it
on the oven and wait until cook.
27. Shiela and Shin are twins. The look identical but their skills and talents are not. Shiela can
sing well. She can also dance. She loves to go outdoor and be with friends. On the other hand,
Shin is not a good singer nor a dancer but he can do exemplary painting. He can play musical
instruments too and loves to be alone in his room.

IV. What factual types are the given situation below? Identify them. Write the letter of the
correct answer. Choose your answer from the box.

A. Procedural B. Discussion/Argument C. Description

D. Recount E. Persuasion

28. Noynoy Aquino was born as Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III on February 8, 1960, at
Far Eastern University Hospital in Sampaloc, Manila. He was a successful politician. Aquino
finished his Bachelor of Arts, major in economics degree from the Ateneo in 1981. On June 9,
2010, at the Batasang Pambansa Complex, in Quezon City, the Congress of the Philippines
proclaimed Aquino as the president-elect of the Philippines.
29. “Want to have a clearer, smoother and younger looking skin? Use Zena facial cream. Made
from natural extract of nature’s wonder. Try it now!’’
30. It was 6:30 in the morning when we started our journey to the beach. At the beach we
enjoyed playing sand castle while our parents had fun in karaoke. At noon, everybody treat
themselves with a large meal. We made our way home at 3:30 in the afternoon.

31.How to bake a cake.

1. On medium heat melt the butter and sautee the
onion and bell peppers.
2. Add the hamburger meat and cook until meat is
well done.
3. Add the tomato sauce, salt, pepper and garlic
1small onion (chopped)
1bell pepper (chopped)
2tablespoons garlic powder
3tablespoons butter
1teaspoon salt
1teaspoon pepper
2(15 ounce) cans tomato sauce
1(16 ounce) box spaghetti noodles
1 - 1 1⁄2lb hamburger meat

V. Recognize the propaganda propaganda device used based from each statement. Write
the letter of the correct answer.

A. Testimonial B. Bandwagon C. Card Stacking

D. Plain Folks E. Glittering Generalities.
32. “Everyone is going crazy with Burger B. Grannies are buying it, kids are crazy about it,
adults too. Be one of us! Burger B. Take a bite!’’
33. “A few months ago, I don’t have the energy to do my daily task, I looked pale and easily get
tired. I felt trapped. But that was before. Now I came back to life since I take my daily dose of
Vita Essentials. A multi vitamins that restored my youthful energy. If it works for me, it will
work for you too. Take Vita Essentials.”
34. “The newest mouth wash is out. Smile confidently, talk confidently with Explode
mouthwash. Kills 99.9% bacteria from your mouth.”
35. I’m a tricycle driver and I love to use Camphor oil.” I’m a construction worker and I
massage my body with Camphor Oil.” “I’m a teacher and I use Camphor oil”
36. “Zane toothpaste, cleans our teeth like no other. Got whiter teeth and fresher breath. Zane
toothpaste, the best in the world.”
37. “Dream Silk gives you perfectly smooth and silky hair. Try it now.” A famous actress said
in a shampoo commercial.

VI.A. Read the carefully the sentences below. Identify whether the words written in bold is a
print or viewing materials. Write P for print and V for viewing materials.

38. Lito and Myrna watched a movie yesterday.

39. Eat Bulaga is a television show that makes most of every Filipino family noon time
40. Books can be anyone’s best friend.
41. Reading newspaper daily makes you aware of the latest happenings around you.
42. Videos as instructional resources can help make learning fun and meaningful.
VI.B. Read the carefully the sentences below. Identify whether the words written in bold is for
broadcast media or print media. Write BM for broadcast media and PM for print media.

43. I read a pamphlet regarding a city ordinance on the use of plastic.

44. Most Filipino children love to watch television.
45. Some famous sports personality appeared in the cover of People Asia magazine.
46. Father always listens to radio all day long.
47. A newspapers and cup of hot coffee are the early buddies of Mr. Jose.

VII. Guess me. Guess what online sources or viewing materials is being describe in the
riddle. Write the letter of your best choice.

A. vlog B. internet C. podcast

D. blog E. video streaming

48. I start with a v and viewers like me. I am in a video format can you see? A vlogger is the one
that manages me. A vlogger talks on a particular subject, from product to life daily through me.

49. I am a website. I sound like vlog. I contain personal reflections, comments and hyperlinks.
What’s better? There are videos and photographs provided by writer.
50. I am a series of spoken word and audio episodes. You can be my subscriber, my listener.
Through an app on your phone, whenever, wherever you can listen to me all along.

Prepared: Noted:


Nagasi Elementary School Principal I

Checked and Verified: Attested:


EPS I, English Chief Education Supervisor-CID

Address: Locsin Ledesma St., Brgy. I Poblacion, La Carlota City

Telephone/Fax No: (034) 735-1931
Email Address:
Workplace by Facebook: RO6 SDO La Carlota City Non-Teaching
Official Website:
Key Answer

1. E
2. E 26. B
3. A 27. D
4. D 28. C
5. D 29. E
6. E 30. D
7. A 31. A
8. A 32. B
9. B 33. A
10. B 34. C
11. C 35. D
12. A 36. E
13. A 37. A
14. C 38. V
15. C 39. V
16. A 40. P
17. B 41. P
18. B 42. V
19. D 43. PM
20. B 44. BM
21. E 45. PM
22. A 46. BM
23. B 47. PM
24. E 48. A
25. A 49. D
50. C
SY 2023-2024
English 6
Table of Specification
Contents/Objectives No. of Items % Item Placement
1. Identify the purpose, key structural and 8 16 1-8
language features of various types of
informational/factual text
A. Gathering Relevant Information from
Various Sources

B. Determining the Tone, Mood, and 12 24 9-20

Purpose of the Author
C. Identifying the Purpose and the 7 14 21-27
Structural and Language Features of
Informational text.
D. Identifying the Purpose and the 4 8 28-31
Structural and Language Features of
factual text.
2. Recognize evaluative word choices to 6 12 32-37
detect biases and propaganda devices used
by speakers

3. Compare and contrast content of 5 10 38-42

materials viewed to other sources of
information (print, online and broadcast)
A. Distinguishing Print Media from
Viewing Materials
B. Distinguishing Broadcast Media from 5 10 43-47
Printed Sources of Information
C. Distinguishing Online Sources from 3 6 48-50
Viewing Materials
Total 50 100 50

Address: Locsin Ledesma St., Brgy. I Poblacion, La Carlota City

Telephone/Fax No: (034) 735-1931
Email Address:
Workplace by Facebook: RO6 SDO La Carlota City Non-Teaching
Official Website:

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