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A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2

Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

LEARNING EPISODE 9: Creating Classroom/Remote

Learning management Plan
Participate and Assist:
My Classroom Management Plan
Philosophical Statement:
This classroom operates under the belief that time is precious,
honesty is fundamental, and independence in learning empowers
students. I value active engagement, critical thinking, and a collaborative
environment where everyone feels safe to explore, question , and grow.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:

 Be courteous and considerate towards everyone in the classroom

 Arrive on time, be prepared with materials, and complete tasks
 Ask questions, participate in discussions, and contribute to group
 Be truthful in all your work and interactions
Teacher-Student Relationships:
I aim to be a guide and facilitator, fostering open communication and a
positive learning environment.
All of my students will be treated fairly and receive consistent
expectations and feedback.
I will acknowledge and celebrate effort, curiosity, and growth.
Schedules and Timeframes:
A clear schedule will be posted and adhered to, with dedicated time for
instruction, lab activities, independent work, and group discussions.
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

The schedule may be adjusted to accommodate unforeseen circumstances

or learning opportunities.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements:
Desks and chairs are arranged to facilitate individual work, group
collaboration, and demonstrations.
There will be specific spaces for materials, experiments, and individual
Charts, diagrams, and scientific models will be displayed to support
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures:
Lab Safety: Clear procedures will be outlined for handling equipment,
chemicals, ad waste.
Hygiene and Cleanliness: maintaining a clean and organized classroom is
everyone’s responsibility.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences:
Verbal praise, stickers, certificates, and points for positive behaviors and
academic achievements.
Encourage discussions and apologies to resolve conflicts and repair
I will allow students to experience the natural consequences of their
choices like missing deadlines, and incomplete work. There will be a
deducted points.
After reading and reviewing the classroom/remote learning
management plan from different sources and creating your own plan,
answer the following questions.
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

1. What salient components have you noted?

Classroom remote plan prioritizes transparency and structure
through clear schedules, rules, and expectations. It recognizes the
unique challenges of remote learning, embracing open
communication and flexibility to adapt. Engagement tactics like
discussions and activities combat screen fatigue while fostering
collaboration and student ownership. Differentiated instruction and
support cater to diverse needs, and the emphasis on independence
and responsibility empowers students to manage their learning
Overall, this classroom/remote plan seeks to create a safe,
structured, and engaging remote learning environment that
promotes ownership, collaboration, and individualized growth.
2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your
classroom management plan?
It’s because it empowers you to understand student needs and optimize
learning, reduce confusion and manage behavior effectively, anticipate
issues and implement solutions, and of course, to ensure that the routines
serve everyone’s needs.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were
implementing your plan?
Two things struck me: unexpected resistance from some students to the
initial structure, and the power of flexibility in overcoming it. Open
communication and slight adjustments to routines, like offering choice in
activities, built trust and fostered buy-in, leading to a positive and
productive learning community.
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management

plan which were not tailored to the needs of your students? How
will you improve on these?
Yes, like accommodating students through flexibility and
communication. In order to improve this, I should understand specific
reasons for resistance through individual conversations. I will also offer
additional support or modify expectations for struggling students. And of
course, address any underlying concerns or anxieties openly.


1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan

were mostly followed/compiled with?

The students readily embraced the classroom rules and procedures,

particularly those related to activities and arrival times.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement?


Implementing the classroom safety rules and procedures has been the
most challenging aspect of my plan, it’s because students underestimate the
importance of safety rules and view them as restrictive, and also it takes
time and consistent practice to really establish safety habits.


What were your realizations after creating and implementing your

classroom/remote learning management plan?

Creating an implementing my classroom management plan

brought two key realizations. First, structure matters, but flexibility
matters more. Clear routines and expectations provided a foundation for
focus and predictability, but the ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges or
individual needs proved crucial in building trust and engagement. Second
building a positive learning community is an ongoing process. Effective
communication, mutual respect, and shared responsibility formed the
backbone of a supportive environment where students felt comfortable to
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

learn, explore, and make mistakes. It’s not just about the plan itself, but the
continuous cycle of reflection, adjustment, and collaboration that makes it
truly successful.

Write Action Research prompts:


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my classroom

management Plan are creating a dynamic and interactive plan that
maintains focus and motivation in a virtual setting, balancing
clarity and formality with a tone that resonates with my students
and fosters communication, and finding the sweet spot between
clear expectations and adaptability to unforeseen situations or
individual needs.


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

reflecting on my own experience, identifying what worked and
what didn’t, and seeking support and suggestions from colleagues
and my Resource Teacher.


3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these

situations/problems is to find a balance that works for my students,
my teaching style, and the specific context of my classroom.
Experiment, gather feedback, and I’ll refine my approach ad I go. I
know that by embracing creativity, flexibility, and a student-
centered mindset, I can create a dynamic and engaging virtual
learning experience that fosters both focus and motivation.


4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action

research on this episode is Enhancing Student Engagement and
Focus in a Virtual Science Classroom: Implementing Interactive
Strategies and Adapting Routines.
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/remote

management plan, whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are
some of the online resources which will help me in these activities (include
books, websites, YouTube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Edutopia: Features articles and resources on classroom management for

various grade levels and subjects. Check out their "Classroom Management:
Resource Roundup" for a comprehensive list:

The Cult of Pedagogy: Jennifer Gonzalez's blog offers practical tips and
strategies for classroom management, including setting routines, managing
behavior, and creating a positive learning environment:

The Art of Building Classroom Community: This video by educator and

author Angela Watson offers practical strategies for building a positive and
supportive classroom community:

Paste your Classroom/Remote Management Plan

Philosophical Statement:
This classroom operates under the belief that time is precious, honesty is
fundamental, and independence in learning empowers students. I value active
engagement, critical thinking, and a collaborative environment where everyone
feels safe to explore, question , and grow.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
 Be courteous and considerate towards everyone in the classroom
 Arrive on time, be prepared with materials, and complete tasks
 Ask questions, participate in discussions, and contribute to group
 Be truthful in all your work and interactions

Teacher-Student Relationships:
I aim to be a guide and facilitator, fostering open communication and a positive
learning environment.
All of my students will be treated fairly and receive consistent expectations and
A.Y. 2023 - 2024 FS 2
Jea Rose D. Alba BSED SCIENCE 3

I will acknowledge and celebrate effort, curiosity, and growth.

Schedules and Timeframes:

A clear schedule will be posted and adhered to, with dedicated time for
instruction, lab activities, independent work, and group discussions.
The schedule may be adjusted to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or
learning opportunities.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements:
Desks and chairs are arranged to facilitate individual work, group collaboration,
and demonstrations.
There will be specific spaces for materials, experiments, and individual projects.
Charts, diagrams, and scientific models will be displayed to support learning.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures:
Lab Safety: Clear procedures will be outlined for handling equipment,
chemicals, ad waste.
Hygiene and Cleanliness: maintaining a clean and organized classroom is
everyone’s responsibility.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences:
Verbal praise, stickers, certificates, and points for positive behaviors and
academic achievements.
Encourage discussions and apologies to resolve conflicts and repair
I will allow students to experience the natural consequences of their choices like
missing deadlines, and incomplete work. There will be a deducted points.

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