Background of The Study

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Significance of the study

This study will determine the relationship between leadership style and academic

performance among student leaders in Pangasinan State University – Bayambang

Campus. The researcher believes that the result of this study will benefit the students,

student leaders, educators, schools, clubs/organizations, and future researchers.

Students. This study will provide information about the relationship between

leadership styles and the academic performance of student leaders. This study will

benefit the students by giving them a sense of how student leadership and leadership

styles affect their academic performance.

Student Leaders. This study primarily assisted student leaders and future student

leaders because this study can serve as a basis for what leadership style is effective

and fits their goals. This study could help them to know what leadership style is

appropriate to different kinds of situations and how it affects their academic

performances. We use collaboration as we help students to provide information about

their relationships.

Teacher. This study will assist teachers, especially club/organization advisers to

understand the impact of different leadership styles on the academic performance of

their student leaders. This study will help them develop ways to help and guide the

student leaders.

School. This study will benefit the school by using it as a guide to develop an

intervention for student leaders. They can provide support to the needs of student

leaders in response to promoting a leadership style that can be helpful to the students.
Clubs/Organization. This study will help the clubs and organizations to be aware

of the different leadership styles of student leaders. This study can provide support to

the needs of the students in response to leadership styles that fit their goals for the club

or organization. This study can help them to develop guidelines for student leaders.

Future Researchers. This study can be used as a basic guide of knowledge or a

reference for future studies. The study will benefit future researchers for further

research and investigation particularly related to student leadership and the academic

performance of student leaders.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operational as to how they will be specifically used

in this study

Leadership. It is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and

guide followers or members of an organization, society, or team.

Student Leadership. It refers to a student who has a position in any clubs/

organizations in Pangasinan State University – Bayambang Campus.

Academic Performance. It is the extent to which a student has attained their

educational goals. In this study, this will help the researchers to measure the academic

performance of the respondents. It is typically measured using GPA, class participation,

and academic role.

Leadership style. It is how a leader interacts with and motivates others to achieve

a goal. In this study, leadership style was used to define what method student leaders

use and how they lead.

Transformational leadership. This term refers to a leadership approach that

inspires and motivates team members to create a positive change within an

organization. In this research, this term refers to one of the possible leadership styles of

the respondents.

Transactional leadership. This term refers to a leadership style where leaders

rely on rewards and punishment to motivate their subordinates to achieve a certain

goal. In this study, this term refers to one of the possible leadership styles of student

leader respondents.

Laissez-faire leadership. This term refers to a type of leadership in which leaders

give their members the freedom and autonomy to make decisions on their own. In this

study, this term refers to one of the possible leadership styles of the respondents.

Authoritarian Leadership. This term refers to a leadership style in which the

leader has the full power to control the group. This leadership style makes decisions

without input from their subordinates and only expect the member to follow their

instructions without any question. In this study, this term refers to one of the possible

leadership styles of the respondents.

Participative leadership. This term refers to a leadership style in which

employees are involved in the decision-making process. In this study, this term refers to

one of the possible leadership styles of the respondents.

Situational leadership. This term refers to a leadership style in which a leader

uses a more dynamic approach to leadership instead of using one leadership style,

situational leaders can adjust their leadership style for a particular situation. In this

study, this term refers to one of the possible leadership styles of the respondents.

Class Participation. It refers to how student leaders participate inside the classroom. It

is the performance of student leaders in lectures and classes.

Academic Role. The role of student leaders academically. This refers to their role

inside the classroom.

GPA. It refers to the Grade Point Average of Student Leaders in every semester.

Profile. It refers to the personal information of student leaders.

Club/Organization. These are the clubs/organizations inside the Pangasinan State

University - Bayambang Campus. They are accredited organizations and clubs in the


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