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Clearwater High School Baseball resumption of play guidelines

Clearwater High School Baseball resumption of play guidelines

Clearwater High School Baseball has created a plan of action to resume playing baseball after the
temporary shutdown and return to high school athletics, due to Covid-19. Our staff, with the approval
from the City of Clearwater has created guidelines and a plan of action to enforce the social distancing
guidelines and recommendations from the CDC and our local and state governments. Below you will find
a set of rules, guidelines, and cleaning/sanitation processes pertaining to Clearwater High School
Baseball and the usage of set fields granted from City of Clearwater.

These rules, guidelines, and cleaning procedures will be strictly enforced and there will be zero tolerance
for anyone not following the procedures and guidelines set forth. We will have an organization
member(s) on the premises always monitoring all activities; also with guidance and support for
monitoring from the city of Clearwater over facilities. Any person caught violating any of the rules or
guidelines will be asked to leave the premises immediately, if said person is a manager/coach they will
face consequences from within the organization and possibly forfeit future opportunities of
managing/coaching within our program.


 All visitors entering the complex will be required to enter through “Set” entrance. All visitors
leaving the complex will be required to leave through “Set” exit.
 An organization member will be present with hand sanitizer; all visitors will be required to apply
hand sanitizer before heading to field or designated seating areas. Please adhere to the 6-ft.
social distance rule if a line or group begins to form during this procedure.
 Any bathroom available will be disinfected before and after each day of use. Along with the
Cleaning already provided by the City of Clearwater
 A manager/coach will be required to disinfect all team equipment prior to each practice
 No borrowing of personal helmets or bats allowed. If a player is to use the team issued helmet
they will be designated to that helmet for the remainder of that day’s practice. If the team bat is
used, it will need to be disinfected before next use by another player.
 We will keep extra Personal protection equipment (PPE) stored with our first aid kits which will
be on site for all activities. We will also have extra hand sanitizer and disinfect sprays for
continued use throughout any practice, scrimmages, or games.


 All managers and/or coaches will be required to take attendance at each practice. You will
email your attendance record to the organizations player agent within 24 hours of your
 If a player, manager or coach does not feel well, please stay home. We ask that you allow
for 72 hours of no symptoms, before returning.
 Now, we are only allowing parents of player to attend practice.
 Each parent will be asked to adhere to the social distance recommendation from the CDC.
 All players and coaches entering the complex will be required to enter through “Set”
entrance. All players and coaches leaving the complex will be required to leave through
“Set” exit.
Clearwater High School Baseball resumption of play guidelines

 No handshakes, high fives, fist pumps, or team breakdown celebrations can take place.
 Please maintain 6 ft. social distance guidelines for any team/coaching instruction.
 Complex fountains and concession stands if applicable will be closed. Please be sure to
bring your own drink
 Manager/Coach will keep Monitoring log before every practice, scrimmage, game. This
form will be attached in email
 Manager/Coach will administer daily Workout Questionnaire to all athletes at any practice,
scrimmage, game daily. This document will be attached to email.
 Assumption of Risk Waiver Release and Hold Harmless form must be completed and
returned to board member prior to any participation. This document will be attached to
 These forms will be kept in our organizational files and copies will be made to place in each
individual athlete file folder.

Please adhere to all the new guidelines, rules, and procedures. As the local and state guidelines change,
these guidelines might as well, that information will be relayed to you as it happens. Remember these
rules are for the safety and health of everyone with Florida Baseball Heaven.

Thank you,

Clearwater High School Baseball

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