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Writing a term paper on any topic can be a daunting task, but when it comes to a sensitive and

complex topic like anorexia nervosa, it can be even more challenging. Anorexia nervosa is a serious
eating disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, and delving into its causes, symptoms, and
treatments can be overwhelming.

As a student, you may have to write a term paper on anorexia nervosa as part of your coursework.
However, with the pressure of other assignments and exams, finding the time and resources to
thoroughly research and write about this topic can be difficult. Not to mention, the emotional toll it
can take to read about the struggles of those affected by this disorder.

That's why we recommend seeking help from a professional writing service like ⇒
⇔. Our team of experienced writers can assist you in crafting a well-researched and well-written
term paper on anorexia nervosa. With their expertise in the subject matter, they can provide a unique
perspective and insights that will make your paper stand out.

Moreover, our writers understand the sensitivity of this topic and will handle it with care and
empathy. They will ensure that the content of your paper is accurate, respectful, and free from any
biases or stigmas. This is crucial when discussing a disorder that affects individuals and their families.

By ordering your term paper on anorexia nervosa from ⇒ ⇔, you can save time
and alleviate the stress of writing about such a complex and sensitive topic. Our writers will work
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Don't let the difficulty of writing a term paper on anorexia nervosa hinder your academic success.
Trust ⇒ ⇔ to provide you with a well-written and thoroughly researched paper
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about our services and how we can assist you with your term paper on anorexia nervosa.
Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) are clickable links to these studies. Binge eating
disorder generally leads to obesity even though it has been observed in individuals with normal body
weight. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter
medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle
program. The history of anorexia nervosa begins with the Hellenistic era and continues to the
medieval period. Close cooperation among all medical, nutritional and psychological health
professionals involved is important. A number of anorexia nervosa affected individuals tends to go to
the bathroom just after the meals have taken. Most researchers and physicians agreethat the number
of patients with this life threatening disease is increasing atan alarming rate. Dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance: Anorexics can develop imbalances in blood salts like sodium can cause cardiac
arrhythmias and death. There are often a lot of pressures such as exams when the illness starts and
stresses arising from difficulties in relationships with friends are also common. (Claude-Pierre, 102)
How does it develop. This happens so the sufferer can continuethe exhausting anorexic behaviors.
Methods can include fasting, low food intake, excessive exercise, diuretic medicines (medicines that
make you urinate more) laxatives, diet pills or vomiting. I also agree with her on the issues to do with
the Western body practices that may sometimes trigger this particular ideology. Individual
psychotherapy isalso necessary in the treatment of anorexia to help the patient understand thedisease
process and its effects. When people see models, or anyone who is famous and their skinny, they
feel they need to portray that same image in order to be praised like they are. According to
Bernstein, it is a developmental disorder rather than a mental problem, and therefore it is
recommendable to manage its actual causes instead of researching its perpetuating and precipitating
factors. Some mayeven feel they do not deserve pleasure out of life and will deprive themselvesof
situations offering pleasure, including eating. To evaluate the merits of this hypothesis, the current
literature on feeding depression by estrogens in anorexic patients and possible genetic or
developmental mechanisms that could alter brain responsiveness to estrogens are reviewed. Ikept
journals and in one pathetic passage I described how I went for sixteendays on water, and only about
two glasses a day (1998). International Journal of Eating Disorders. 35(2), 155-160. Mitochondria:
10 Ways to Boost the Powerhouse of Your Cells. The occurrence of the disorder condition affects all
aspects of a person's life ranging from their, physical orientations to the psychotic conditions. The
disease is mainly encountered in the western world and is more. Weight loss: Significant loss of
weight without any associated medical reason is one of the primary indicators of Anorexia Nervosa.
According to the eating disorder hope website Anorexia has the highest mobility rate out of all
mental disorders, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms (Hamilton, 2018) so these girls
can get the treatment they need. The external changes includeobviously dramatic weight loss but
also can include rotting teeth, recedinggums, dry skin, fainting spells, hair loss, and growth of fine
body hair on faceand back. Usually, when a person starts to loose weight, physiological mechanisms
conserve energy and increase the desire for food. There are many things that can influence anorexia,
such as bullying, social media, stress, traumatic life events, and even low self-esteem. These
observations support the hypothesis that an inherited, abnormal response of the brain to rising levels
of estrogens at puberty may contribute to the symptoms of weight loss in anorexia. This finding
reveals that adults who seek treatment for the disease have usually struggled with this disorder much
earlier in their life. In a study of semistarvation in maleconscientious objectors, Franklin et al. (1948),
noted that all the men became obsessedwith food and displayed higher than normal levels of fatigue,
irritability and moodiness,they also had poor concentration levels and reported a loss of interest in
Individuals who are affected by this condition also constantly relate their self-esteem concerns to
gaining an appealing body image. These diseases not only effect the patient, but also their friends
and family. The difference between dieting and anorexia Healthy Dieting Anorexia Healthy dieting
is. As mentioned above, body dysmorphic disorder, binging, bulimia and anorexia can all coexist.
Anorexia nervosa is associated with a distorted self-image which may be maintained by various
cognitive biases that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about her or his body,
food and eating. According to Strober, Freeman, Lampert, and Diamond (2007), the onset of the
disorder is often associated with a stressful life event and its course and outcome may highly vary.
Osteoporosis is a “”disease which results in the density of bone reducing, and can become a problem
because their bones are in need of the certain nutrients in order for them to still grow. Patient can
also experience physical changes as well as in their appearance with skin breakdown and poor
healing. AN would have functioned more effectively in ancestral conditions yet outside the
ecological setting in that it evolved in, it can be deadly. If a woman stops having periods for a long
time, it will effect her ability to conceive. Bordo affirms that the Western Society is still being
consumed by the ideology of separation of the mind and the body. This happens so the sufferer can
continuethe exhausting anorexic behaviors. However, this behavior only gives the anorexics an
illusion of control and directs them to a life that is greatly out of control. Although no medications
have been approved yet for treating this disorder, clinical psychologists often prescribe
antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Rather, anorexia nervosa appears to be a
reflection of the female ability to alter maturation rates and reproductive function in response to.
Children and adolescents who are at risk of suffering from irreversible developmental damage due to
malnourishment are also recommended inpatient treatment even if they have not reached the 15%
weight-loss criteria (Harvard Medical School, 2009). Clinical characteristics include; a body weight
less than 85% of the expected weight and a BMI of less than 17.5, also a denial of the illness, and
amenorrhea in females. As a woman grows into an adolescent,comments such as fat, ugly, dumb
tend to take greater effect and when she looksin the mirror she begins to see only what others tell
her to see, at fat, ugly,dumb girl. Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy treatments are used to change the
distorted thinking of patients about themselves and prevent relapse. Helping the victim understand
the source of the pain can help with eating disorder recovery. Although psychological researchers
opine that this condition may affect men and women irrespective of age, culture, race, and
socioeconomic background, recent experience indicates that anorexia nervosa is prevalent among
females 10 times more than in males. Zinc deficiencies are also a common feature of
anorexicpatients, and it has been suggested that symptoms of anorexia, such as weight loss
anddepression, could be due to a low level of zinc in the body (Bakan et al., 1993). Someresearch
suggests that endogenous opioids are also released during periods of starvation.The release of opioid
chemicals may produce a feeling of elation and act as a biological. On the basis of reported cases of
anorexia nervosa, the prevalence rate of this disorder is calculated to be 0.3%. Studies reflect that
cultural variance can have a strong influence on the manifestations of the disorder. It is concluded
that a number of specific biochemical or developmental pathways-abnormalities in the classical or
membrane-bound forms of estrogen receptors, in co-activators for estrogen, in thyroxine receptors, in
steroid metabolizing enzymes, in quantitative trait loci, in perinatal androgenization, and in processes
of puberty-could converge to produce an abnormal response to estrogen and the onset of anorexia
nervosa. Cyberbullying, which is a form of bullying that takes place online, can happen on social
media. In addition; serotonin dysregulation, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, leptin and ghrelin,
and cerebral blood flow are other biological contributory factors to anorexia nervosa. The term
“anorexia nervosa”literally means nervous lose of appetite. Most people suffering from an eating
disorder reported a history of trauma. This study looks into Anorexia Nervosa: A Childhood or Early
Adolescent Disorder. The explanation that women are highly influenced by this ideology of
separation of the mind and body is considered to be serious, and it is faced by the increased belief of
body devaluation.
An obsession with diet and exercise are two early signs that a person is becoming anorexic. Our team
aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Anorexia,
scientifically referred to as anorexia nervosa is a disorder that affects the eating habits of a person.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Recent statistical data show that
almost 50-70% individuals with anorexia nervosa fully recover from their disorder. Because many
persons with anorexia nervosa never seek medical treatment, the exact prevalence of the condition is
unknown. It is most common in teenage girls and young women. Although a number of stories of
young women who refused to eat were reported by American media, no one could explain the
seriousness or psychological causes of this condition. A pre- occupation with weight and body image
develops, and the anorexic will frequently check their weight on a scale or examine their body in a
mirror. Attempting to follow rigid dietary rules is common among anorexics. If you know of someone
with it or if you just have suspicions pleasetry to get them some help through one of the many
organizations out their. After recovery, you can still experience effects from anorexia. In order to
stimulate ovulation, you need a hormone called estrogen. Although anorexia nervosa generally
appears in adolescents, recent studies show that the age of onset of the disorder has decreased from
an average of 13 to 17 years of age to 9 to 12. Mostly women, but men too, feel they need to be thin
to fit in; this causes them to not want to eat. Allowing them use of their personal devices or time
outside of their room for weight gain. Identity conflicts are the root causes of the emergence of
precipitating factors in individuals aged between 17 and 18 years. Gastrointestinal complications:
Since anorexics starve themselves, it slows down the gastrointestinal movements causing the
digestive system to take longer to empty. ASPEN Consensus Recommendations for Refeeding
Syndrome. According to the eating disorder hope website Anorexia has the highest mobility rate out
of all mental disorders, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms (Hamilton, 2018) so
these girls can get the treatment they need. Os doentes apresentam um IMC surpreendentemente
baixo e diversas complicacoes fisiologicas e psicologicas. This proposes that the typical AN
symptoms of food restriction, hyperactivity and the denial of starvation, reflect the operation of
adaptive mechanisms that once caused migrated because of local famine conditions. However, as
Frudepoints out, what is ultimately being reinforced, either through the behaviour of others, or. First
and of lecturer March 26, Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a multifaceted psychiatric disorder
which centers on regulating food intake and controlling weight in order to look perfect. She asserts
that a real individual can ideally be identified by his or her mind and as a body from an accidental
point of view. Water intoxication: Anorexics drink a significant amount of water which can lead to
water intoxication. Depriving parents withhold attention and encouragement from their children. The
patient is going to need support from family and friends during this time, as well as all the nursing
and medical staff. A characteristic often noticed of AN is a struggle for control between those with
AN and those who want them to recover. A team made up ofpediatricians, psychiatrists, social
workers administers treatment.

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