Trabajo de Ingles

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Sahyana valderrama Guzman
6:30 PM




English work
Means of transport
Label the pictures. Then, listen and check your answers
3. read again and combine the words in the three columns below to form as many true
statements as you can.

- Joanna dosen´t like travelling by plane

-The travel agent suggests a coach tour
-The travel agent suggests a mediterranean cruise
-Joanna has always wnated to visitd morroco
-joanna has never travelled by plane
-jim doesn´t like travelling by ship

Pagine 95
2. complete the dialogues with then present perfect of the verbs in Brackets.
a. you know, ian has decided (decide) to have a party tomorrow. Are you free?
B. i am, but he has not invited (not invite) me.
c. have you ever thought (you/ever/think) of going to Canada on holiday?
d. actually, i have read (read) a lot of books about Canada, and i have always wanted
(always/want) to go there.

Ejercicios present perfect

Completen los siguientes ejercicios con el presente perfecto simple
1. Marty and Karen have lived (live) together for 3 years
2. I have just finished (finish) my homework
3. My boss has worked (work) too much this week
4. They have wanted (want) a new house for a long time
5. have you ever been (be) in London?
6. She hasn´t studied (not/study) for the exam
7. Where has he gone (go)?
8. We haven´t left (not/leave) yet
9. Has the bus arrived (arrive) yet?
10. They have brought (bring) their children with them.

Doctor, doctor
Lesson one 15
Words and phrases
2. read again and complete the form below with the missing information
Thursday 28 january
time: is 9:30ok name: Mrs Swan
symptoms: you have the flu
treatment: take some painkillers for your headache and some vitamins to help you get
better. You should also get some rest and drink lots of fluids, No Smoking

pag 101
2. read the situtions below and write what the following people should or shouldn´t do.

a. malcolm has an appoiuntment with his doctor at 6:00. It´s 5:45 and at home.
He should arrive early for the appointment.

b. Jason is havinga Paty tonight and he hasn´tcleaned the house or bought anything.
He should arrive early for the appointment.

c. Mary is chubby and she wants to lose abuot ten kilos

She should exercise

d. Mr and Mrs mann want to buy a birthday present for their sixteen-year -old son.
They shouldn't buy a gift for their big son.
Exercises con SHOUL-SHOULD´T

1. It´s could. You shouldn’t wear an overcoat (wear)

2. She’s always tired. She shouldn’t go to sleep late every night. (go)

3. We should leave for the party now? (we/leave)

4. You should have some fruit or vegetables every day (have)

5. The students shouldn´t use their mobile phones in the exam. (use)

6. You should ask the teacher to help you if you don´t understand the lesson (ask)

7. People shouldn’t drive fast in the town centre. (drive)

8. I should buy the dress or the skirt? (I/buy)

Pag 102
Words and phrases
Accidents and injuries
3. read again and write T for True or F for False
a. rick broke his ankle at the gym (T)
b. he went to the hospital alone (F)
c. he´s taking painkillers because his ankle hurts (T)
d. the doctor told Rick not to go to the gym for a week (T)
e. Rick has to stay in bed for a week (F)

Pag 103

a. Martín's mother asked him to please water the flowers.

b. Mr. Rogers told him to call Mars Roberts at his office.
C. Martha tells Jonathan to buy some bread on the way home
d. Harry's father can't use the computer.

completar esta frase cambiando de estilo directo a estilo indirecto ( reported speech)
Utilicen el verbo entre paréntesis.

1. Go to bed. (tell) she said to me

She told me to go to bed
2. Can I help you? (offer)
He offered to the help me
3. You should ask for help (advise)
She advised me to ask for help
4. Please don’t do that. (ask)
He asked me not to do that
5. Do you want to come to our house? (invite)
We invited me to come to their house

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