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what do you do for fun in your free time?Hmm..

reading,playing game on the

What�s your bad experience in meeting a man on the Internet?
Well am new to this i don't think i have one are my first woman online,
Are you considerate and thoughtful of others? Very much so,
Do you treat others as you would like to be treated? Absolutely,
Have you ever gotten into a fight with someone? Yes,
Not very often; rarely,
What do you do when you're alone? Read, listen to music, or watch a movie,
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Key West, Florida,
What are your three favorite states? Florida, New York and California,
Do you have any pets? Had dog,
Do you enjoy cooking? no,
Are you patient? Extremely patient.yes,
Are you romantic? Very romantic. Heart on shirtsleeve,
Do you love unconditionally? There's no other way,
What's more important to you, love or money? Love, but money makes it easier,
Have you ever been unfaithful to your mate? Once, but before marriage,
When you go anywhere are you usually on time? Almost always,
How often do you like to go out? Maybe once a week,
When dining out what food do you enjoy? Chinese, Italian, and of course KFC,
Do you enjoy going to the movies? sometime,
How much do you enjoy going to live theatre? It's okay.
How much do you enjoy a walk in the park? I enjoy it a lot,
How much do you enjoy a walk on the beach? Very much,
How much do you like reading? I enjoy reading a good book,
Which sports do you most enjoy watching? College football.,
What's your favorite car? A 2008 Chevrolet Bel-Air Convertible,
What type of music do you prefer? 1950s-60s Oldie-Goldies,
What are your three favorite movies? Gone With The Wind, Ten Commandments, and the
Wizard of Oz,
Who is your favorite actor? Spencer Tracey,
Who is your favorite actress? Katherine Hepburn,
Who is your favorite singer? Sam Cooke,
If you had a Time Machine, where would you go? 1957-58 small-town America,
If you were granted one wish, what would you ask for? Happiness for my family,
friends and myself...So pretty are you okay with this let me know hope to read from
you again

What is the one thing you DO NOT tolerate in a relationship? (88 answers) Does
being in love inspire you to want to be a better person? (49 answers) Can you love
and be in love with someone you don't find physically attractive? (89 answers)

What's holding you back from opening your heart more fully? (42 answers) Do you
have someone that you just can't stop thinking about throughout your days? Always
on your mind no matter what you do? I do... :o) (44 answers) When was the last time
someone held you tight and told you, "Everything is going to be all right"? Who was
it and why? (33 answers) How far are you willing to go to prove your love? (44
answers) If you felt like you were falling in love with someone, would you tell
them, or would you hold back your feelings for fear of rejection? (39 answers) If
love was a flavor, what would it taste like? (145 answers) What was the sweetest
thing a guy ever said to you? (102 answers) When was the last time you kissed
someone who was asleep? (33 answers) What three words do you want your lover to say
to you? (70 answers) you think its possible, to really fall in love with
someone you meet online? (85 answers) Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant
it? (31 answers) Do you think you can love someone, without trusting them? (29
answers) How many times would you say that you have been in love? (24 answers)
Would you be willing to move to a distant country for someone you love? (61
answers) Who has hurt you the most? What did they do? (18 answers) Who have you
given your heart to? (27 answers) What one word describes the person you love the
most. (31 answers) How long has it been since you�ve received a love letter? (21
answers) When was the last time you said i love you and really felt it? (29
answers) Is loving someone a decision or an honest feeling? (68 answers) Were you
expecting to find love when you found it? (19 answers) Can you tell me how love
found you? (26 answers) What's the most important question that you've ever been
asked by a loved one? (11 answers)

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