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Computer science exam


1. Computer room should not be properly arranged. True/False

2. A computer room should be conducive for computer users. True/False
3. Computer users are permitted to install software in the computer room without permission.
4. Soft drink is allowed in the computer laboratory. True/False
5. Ventilation is necessary in a computer room. True/False
6. I.T means ________a. Information Teaching b. Information Training c. Information Technology d.
Information Thief
7. ___________is a set of rules and guidelines that teach computer users the proper way to use a
computer room a. Computer ethics b. Computer laboratory c. Computer room d. Computer
8. ____________ is use to communicate with friends and families a. Computer b. Television c.
Telephone d. Radio
9. What is the meaning of ATM a. Automated Tella Machine b. Automated Teller Money c.
Automated Teller Machine d. Automated Tella Machine
10. All the following are examples of I.T devices used for communication except a. Radio b.
Telephone c. Mobile phone d. Chatting
11. What is the full meaning of POS a. Point of sell b. Point of sale c. Point of seller d. Point on sale
12. Fire alarm is necessary in the computer room. True/False
13. Dust is good for system. True/False
14. What is the full meaning of ICT? a. Information Communication Technology b. Informative
Community Technology c. Information Common Technology d. Information Connection
15. How many types of compound we have a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 7 e. 5
16. How many generations of computer do we have a. 6 b. 7 c. 5 d. 9 e. 8
17. Sun and heat are good for computer. True/False
18. Safety measure is to make sure the computer is harmed. True/False
19. Computer should not be covered with dust covers. True/False
20. Laboratory is also known as ___________ a. Ethics b. Room c. Dust d. Cool

Section B ESSAY

1a. What is a computer laboratory?

b. List two rules guiding the use of a computer room

2a. What is a computer?

b. List 3 types of computer

3a. What is data processing?

b. State 7 examples of data processing

4a. Mention the mechanism or device that use to carry out the data processing

5. State 5 sources where data can be collected from

6a. State the data processing stages

b. What is the full name of your computer teacher

Computer science examination


1. The word BASIC stands for a. Business of All Student in Code b. Beginner's All Student
Information Code c. Beginner's All - Purpose Symbolic instruction Code d. Both Association of
Students in Code
2. A constant is a fixed quality that __________ a. Does not change b. Do not change c. Change d.
None of the above
3. A variable is a value that __________ a. Change b. Do not change c. Does not change d. All of
the above
4. BASIC expressions are formed from the combination of _________ a. Variables b. Constant c.
Variables and constants d. None of the above.
5. A variable name must start with a letter of the alphabet. True/False
6. String variable name must end with a __________ a. Digits b. Character c. Dollar sign d. Number
7. A variable name cannot contain more than 40 characters. True/False
8. One of these is an input device a. Monitor b. Keyboard c. Earphone d. Speaker
9. A basic program consist of a complete set of instructions called ___________ a. Instruction b.
Information c. Studies d. Statements
10. BASIC statements are made up of all these except a. Keywords b. Constants c. Variable d.
11. All of these are parts of the computer system except a. Hardware b. Software c. System wave d.
People ware
12. What is the full meaning of ICT? a. Information and Communication Technology b. Information
Communition Technical c. Internet Communication Technical d. Internet and Communication
13. Which of these is the example of input devices a. Keyboard b. ALU c. Monitor d. Speaker
14. One of these is the example of output devices a. Microphone b. Keyboard c. Mouse d. Speaker
15. ____________ is used for entering data into the computer a. Output b. Input c. Hardware d.
16. Safety measures is to make sure that the computer is harmed. True/False
17. Nibble has 4 bits. True/False
18. The following are abuse/misuse of computer except _________ a. Invasion of privacy b. Fraud c.
Cybercrime d. Cleaning dust from the computer
19. Keeping liquid away from computer is not bad. True/False
20. Sun and heat are good for computer. True/False

Section B( Answer 4 questions)

1a. What is computer ethics?

b. Mention 5 ways of abusing the computer system

2a. What is BASIC?

b. State 6 BASIC Statements

3a. List 5 proper ways of handling computer.

b. Safety can be considered from two angles. What are the two angles?

4a. What is constant?

b. Define variable?

5a. List three rules for naming variables in BASIC

b. What are the two types of constant

6. What is the full name of your computer teacher?



1. Culture is a distinctive manner of __________a. Life b. Goods c. Shirt

2. Culture involves the way the __________ a. Greet b. Fight c. Sorrowing
3. Material culture consists mainly the product of man's activities such as a. Shoe b. Eye c. Head
4. Non-material culture consists of things we cannot see nor touch but we can hear such as a.
Music b. House c. Door
5. Nigeria is a part of the world known as a _________ country a. Crazy b. Religious c. None
6. Religion has to do with how people relate to ___________ a. God b. Devil c. Animal
7. One of these is a cultural difference in Nigeria a. Language b. Cup c. Lock
8. Islamic religion encourage it's men to take as many as __________ a. 3 wives b. Wives c. 2 wives
9. Christianity preaches one man with one wife. True/False
10. Fulani is not known for cattle rearing. True/False
11. Nigerians use various music and dances in __________ a. Occasion b. Sleep c. Farm
12. There are two types of socialization process a. Position socialization and role socialization b.
Food c. Family
13. Religious institutions teach many aspects of ___________ a. Social behavior b. Singing c. Dance
14. These are the people who help the child to ___________ a. Learn b. Skill c. Domestic
15. The child's first socialising agent is the family. True/False
16. Music and dance is for entertainment. True/False
17. A person can contribute meaningfully to the development of his society. True/False
18. Social studies association of Nigeria True/False
19. All the ethnic groups in Nigeria speak different __________ a. Language b. Water c. Pidgin
20. The federal road safety corps is a government ____________ a. Law b. High rate c. Agency


1. Name four cultural similarities in Nigeria

2. List and explain the features of culture
3. List the cultural differences in Nigeria



1. When people come together to work for the good of their ___________ a. Dress b. Value c.
2. Group behavior that yields positive values and progress to the ___________ a. Form b. Pray c.
3. Members of a positive group soon begin to reap the benefit of __________ a. Friendship b.
Together c. None of the above
4. When drugs are used or sold without the doctor's prescription, the drugs has been
____________ a. Abused b. Overdose c. Good
5. Some of the security agents are ___________ a. Corrupt b. Money c. Drugs
6. ____________ some do not understand that certain drugs are illegal? a. Mother b. Aunty c.
7. Poor economic conditions have led people into the ____________ a. Cultivation b. Medical c.
8. _____________ Gay men and women, prostitutes, some athletes and musicians depend on
drugs to perform. a. Ignorance b. Demand c. Greed
9. Drug trafficking means ____________ a. Illegal trading of hard drugs b. Hard drugs c. Illegal
10. A group of people may voluntarily come together to protect government ______________ a.
Crime b. Property c. Fight
11. Group behavior refers to the way a group of persons respond or react to issues that concern
them. True/False
12. Another benefit of positive group behavior is that it brings satisfaction to it's members.
13. ____________ these are sleep inducing drugs a. Overdose b. Underdose c. Sedative drugs
14. Frustrated and dejected people sometimes seek solace in drugs. True/False
15. _____________ relief of anxiety, emotional tension and also to induce sleep a. Drugs b. Dosage
c. Tranquilizers
16. A popular dance group may become the stepping stone to stardom for some members.
17. ____________ Athletes use these sometimes to keep them agile and enhance their
performance a. Emotion b. Stimulants c. Narcotic
18. Illiterate people cannot read or interpret the dosage of the drugs. True/False
19. Poor people are unable to go to hospitals for proper medical care. True/False
20. What is the full name of your social studies teacher?


1. Enumerate the benefits of group behavior

2. Define drug abuse
3. List three ways by which people abuse drugs



1. Most of the people who are victims of human trafficking are people from ___________ a. Rich
families b. Love c. Poor family
2. Human trafficking is not a social problem. True/False
3. __________ is an unlawful transportation of people from one place to another. a. Human
trafficking b. Human tracking c. Human fighting
4. Corruption in our society has encouraged people to look for __________ a. Steal b. Moral c.
5. Illiterate parents and guardians give away their children to the rich people out of ___________
a. Dropout b. Deceit c. Ignorance
6. Harmful traditional practices are _____________ practices that are dangerous and evil
7. Children are used to carry out various works in the _________ a. Farm b. Born c. Married
8. Young girls who moved into marriage at an early age may face problems during _____________
a. Childbearing b. Begging c. Patronize
9. Peace is a situation free from war. True/False
10. The government should consider the feelings of her a. Work b. Subject c. Tolerance
11. Those at the top should not be selfish. True/False.
12. ___________ is a socially approved small group. a. Family b. Love c. Man
13. The marriage of a Yoruba and an igbo has made them become one social group. True/False
14. Government on her own side will have full support from their subject. True/False
15. Discrimination against a person based on both or gender is a social evil and is unprogressive.
16. The father is responsible for the education of the children. True/False
17. One of these is a consequence of human trafficking. a. Job opportunities b. Money life c. Life of
18. People are informed on activities on human trafficking through awareness campaign. True/False
19. The use of modern electronic devices to trail and locate an individual in a particular area is
known as a. Advocacy visit b. Machine c. Tracking network
20. Family empowerment is through the provision of good employment ____________ a.
Opportunities b. Loan c. Credit


Answer 3 questions

1. Discuss 2 importance of elections

2. Identify 2 negative behaviors in your immediate environment
3. Identify 3 types of electoral malpractice in Nigeria
4. State two effects of negative behavior on society



1. Self-reliance implies the _____________ of one to depend on oneself than relying. a. Ability b.
State c. Skill
2. Creativity involves the use of skill and imagination to produce something new. True/False
3. ___________ a self-reliant person must put a lot of effort into a job he is doing and should do it
very well. a. Hard work b. Self-reliant c. Plan
4. ___________ a self-reliant person continues doing a task even when it is difficult. a. Family b.
Determination c. Task
5. __________ a self reliant person may venture into a situation that could be dangerous but hope
to achieving good result at the end. a. Risk b. Hard work c. Poultry
6. A child develops his talent through formal learning. True/False
7. Family pedigree determines the life and future of a child? True/False
8. A self-reliant nation embarks on home grown economic policy. True/False
9. ___________ those who have potentials and skills excel a. Phone b. Survival c. Competition
10. Carnival talents are discovered during carnivals. True/False
11. Award will motivate talents to work harder.True/False
12. Citizenship means the __________ between a person and state or an association of state. a.
Value b. Link c. Government
13. Citizenship developed in the cities of ancient Greece and Rome about. a. 710 BC b. 204BC c.
14. People become citizens of a country simply by being born. True/False
15. ___________ at times a particular nation may be located in a fixed. a. Geography b. Origin c.
16. He/she must have resided in Nigeria for a minimum of 5 year. True/False
17. He/she must not be bankrupt. True or False
18. A self-reliant person requires vision to plan for the present and future. True/False
19. A self-reliant person can see himself or herself as capable of achieving goals. True/False
20. ___________ Employment offers development of talents and skills a. Government b. Senator c.


1. Identify five benefits of self reliance

2. What is citizenship?
3. Identify 3 types of citizenship



1. Courage is the ability to carry out a task ____________ a. Successful b. Form c. Challenge
2. A courageous man will not be threatened by the _________ a. Dangerous b. Face c. Job
3. Moral courage implies the ability to choose to do what is ___________ a. Pressure b. Boldness c.
4. ____________ is the ability to demonstrate or exhibit one. a. Religious b. Spiritual courage c.
5. _____________is the major attribute of a courageous person. a. Patience b. Work c.
6. ______________ this means the bringing together or joining of small states into a single strong
state. a. Government b. Senator c. Federation
7. _____________ A courageous person exhibits strong will and power to stay on in order to
overcome all difficulties a. Endurance b. Power c. Attitude
8. ___________ A determined person is always hopeful a. Project b. Leader c. Determination
9. Boldness is the ability to overcome ____________ a. Duties b. Fear c. Laudable
10. ____________ is the ability to carry out a task efficiently. a. Diligence b. Courage c. Labour
11. Bravery is the willingness and ___________ to exhibit boldness and fearlessness in the the
handling of task. a. Energy b. Manual c. Ability
12. Nigeria practices federal system of government with ___________ a. 42 b. 36 c. 88
13. How many local government did we have in Nigeria? a. 36 b. 90 c. 774
14. The federal state and local government are called __________ a.power of government b. Tiers
of government c. System of government
15. __________ this contains the power exercised by the state and local government? a. Residual
list b. Current list c. State list
16. Small states may agree to be one and form a common front against the common enemy.
17. The country is inhabited by about two hundred and fifty different ethnic groups. True/False
18. State government approve estimate for ___________ a. State government b. Local government
c. Constitutional
19. The grant loans to the local government, approves bye-laws and important project of local
government. True/False
20. __________ This area is where both federal and state government have powers to legislate on
a. Concurrent power b. Unity c. Political power


1. List three types of relationship among federal, state and local government
2. State two characteristics of a federation
3. List the types of courage



1. ________ this involves somebody being truthful, transparent and sincere in all personal and
official? a. Corruption b. Honesty c. Country
2. _________ this value is also known as self-control a. Discipline b. Good c. Duties
3. _________ is a moral value which embodies truthfulness a. Society b. Moral c. Integrity
4. _________ this means an attitude of hard work and dedication to duty a. Diligence b. Loyalty c.
5. Transparency is the process of doing anything according to the rules and to the knowledge of
everybody. True/False
6. Lack of motivation is a follow-up to declining productivity. True/False
7. Indiscipline is another consequence for the wrong attitude to work. True/False
8. A dishonest person is not a good citizen of the country. True/False
9. __________ is a contempt on the Africans who have no regard for punctuality a. African time b.
Money c. Cheating
10. __________ are non conforming and undesirable attitudes attitudes in society. a. Negative
behaviors b. Truant c. Citizen
11. ___________ people engage in the movement and sale of hard drugs for various use a. Drug
trafficking b. Stealing c. Killing
12. __________ is a secret society whose activities are hidden from the general public. a. Cultism b.
Malpractice c. Textbook
13. __________ is the process of making choice through voting as there are options to make. a.
Leader b. Election c. Vote
14. Free and fair election is based on one man, one vote. True/False
15. Free and fair election is reduces crisis such as the destruction of lives and property and other
electoral violence. True/False
16. The second federal electoral commission (FEC) chairman and member were appointed in
_________ a. 1996 b. 1970 c. 1979
17. _________ negative behavior has been the bane of our school system a. Examination
malpractice b. Cultism c. Drug trafficking
18. Progress is the overall progress of the organization with the right number and quality of
workers. True/False
19. Voting is a democratic way through which people choose their leader. True/False
20. Voting begins as each voter is given a ballot paper. True/False.


1. Discuss two importance of elections

2. Enumerate three rewards of right attitude to work
3. Identify two electoral bodies in Nigeria



1. Repentance can be seen as an act of being _________ for ones wrong or bad a. Sorry b.
Happiness c. Joy
2. King David obeyed God's _______ to repent. a. Call b. Jesus c. Lord
3. King David sinned against God and _________ a. Unfaithful b. Humanity c. Fruit
4. King David committed adultery with Bathsheba. whose wife was she? a. Saul b. Uriah c. Nathan
5. Nathan announced God's punishment against _________ a. John b. David c. Mary
6. John the Baptist advised the multitude who came to him to bear fruit worthy of repentance.
7. Jesus was passing through Jericho he met a rich man named __________ a. Paul b. Peter c.
8. When the people saw Jesus with Zacchaeus, they complained that he was with a _________ a.
Rich man b. Poor man c. Sinner
9. When Jonah received a call from God to go to the city of __________ a. Canaan b. Jericho c.
10. Jonah was sent on a mission to go Nineveh and proclaim God's punishment for their wickedness.
11. Covenant is an agreement between two parties. True/False
12. The two parties must keep to the term of __________ a. Agreement b. Joy c. Love
13. Abraham was __________ years when God promised him a son. a. 88 b. 100 c. 99
14. The meaning of Isaac is __________ a. Laughter b. Happiness c. Love
15. God tested __________ obedience to him a. John b. Joshua c. Abraham
16. Abraham prepared __________ for sacrifice a. Isaiah b. Jacob c. Sarah
17. To respond faithfully to God's call, we must be obedient to God and man. True/False
18. We must trust God to fulfill his promises to us because in him all things are possible. True/False
19. __________ accepted his sin. a. Zacchaeus b. Paul c. Abraham
20. John the Baptist advised the multitude who came to him to bear fruit worthy of __________ a.
Faithful b. Repentance c. Cleanse


1. Explain the term obedience

2. What is a covenant?
3. Write down two occasions when Abraham showed total obedience to God?



1. The Samaritans had received the word of God through ________ a. Peter b. Paul c. Philip
2. One of the seven deacons who fled to Samaria after the death of __________ a. John b. Stephen
c. Matthew
3. Peter and John left Samaria and went to __________ a. Jerusalem b. Israel c. Joppa
4. There was a woman called Tabitha whose name meant __________ a. Mary b. Dorcas c. Ruth
5. Cornelius called three of his men and sent them to ___________ to fetch Peter. a. Joppa b.
Italian c. Roman
6. Jewish law did not allow Jews to eat the flesh of some __________ a. Goat b. Animals c. Cow
7. Peter preached the good news to _________ and all those present. a. Cornelius b. Caesarea c.
8. Holy Spirit fell upon all those who __________ to him. a. Fast b. Listening c. Pray
9. There was a divine release of __________ from prison a. John b. Peter c. Isaac
10. Christians were being persecuted because of their __________. a. Faith b. Baptist c. Member
11. ___________ studied the Jewish religion and law under the great teacher, Gamaliel. a. James b.
Philip c. Paul
12. Paul was present as Stephen was ___________ to death. a. Stone b. Kill c. Short
13. Saul fell from his horse as the bright light flashed upon him. True/False
14. __________ and __________ stayed for one year in Antioch teaching the new converts. a.
Barnabas and Paul b. James and Peter c. Mathew and John
15. It is good to support the church to win souls for Christ. True/False
16. Christians should endure __________ and difficult times a. Suffering b. Wealth c. Poor
17. Ananias was __________ because he had of the much evil about Paul. a. Happy b. Baptist c.
18. James was the brother of _________ a. Peter b. Paul c. John
19. __________ was appointed to represent the Roman ruler in Israel. a. King Saul b. King Herod c.
King Joshua
20. Who raised Dorcas from the dead? a. John b. Peter c. Caleb


Answer 3 question in this section

1. a. What was it God said about Paul and John?

b. What was the reaction of the people of Samaria when Peter and John arrived
2. a. Write a short note about the raising of Dorcas from the dead at Joppa
b. What made people to love Dorcas. Explain
3. a. Write a short note about Stephen
b. Write short note about James the brother and John
4. What happened when Peter was in prison?


1. An animal with four stomach compartments is known as a. Ruminant b. Non-ruminant c.

2. Diary cattle are kept primarily for __________ production a. Milk b. Meat c. Bone
3. Which of the following is a pet animal a. Cat b. Lion c. Cow
4. Farm animals are classified according to the following except a. Beauty b. Size c. Mode of
5. Farm animals that are used on the farm for work are large animals. True/False
6. Farm animals are used for several purposes by man. True/False
7. Ruminant animals are also known as a. Polygastric animals b. Rumen animal c. Omasum animals
8. Non-ruminant animals is also known as a. monogastric animals b. Compartments c. Animal
9. Large farm animals are very large in size. True/False
10. Farm animals are grouped based on where the live or stayed. True/False
11. The first stomach of the ruminant animals is called. a. Complex b. Rumen c. Omasum
12. The second stomach of the ruminant animals is called a. Forage b. Reticulum c. Rumen
13. The third stomach of the ruminant animals is called a. Rumen b. Omasum c. Stomach
14. The fourth stomach of a ruminant animals is called a. Pet b. Abomasum c. Omasum
15. Weed plants usually produce one seed. True/False
16. These seeds can be spread from place to place by machines. True/False
17. Many weeds can also serve as safe and nutritious forage for grazing man. True/False
18. Weeds must be removed between 2 to 3 years after crops are planted. True/False
19. Weed can be killed with chemical called water. True/False
20. What is the full name of your agricultural teacher?


1. List and explain five (5) types of farm animals that are reared by man
2. Give two characteristics each of the following
i) Sheep
ii) Goat
iii) Rabbit
iv) Cattle
v) Cow

3. List the four stomach of a ruminant animals

4. Define the following
i) Crop rotation
ii) Weed
5. Define and give example of the following
i) Large farm animals
ii) Small farm animals



1. The process by which water vapor is allowed to cool and then changed to liquid is known as
____ a. Freezing b. Boiling c. Condensation d. Evaporation
2. Water can be freezed at what temperature______ a. 100°c b. 72°c c. 37°c d. 0°c
3. Matter exist in these following states except _____ a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas d. Non-metals
4. The importance of plants and animals include the following except _____ a. Building materials b.
Malleability c. Medicinal materials d. Transportation
5. The process by which solid changes directly to gas is called ______ a. Sublimation b.
Vaporization c. Evaporation d. Condensation
6. All except one are not properties of metals a. Nutrition b. Excretion c. Sonorous d. Death
7. _______ is the ultimate source of energy on earth a. The sun b. Food c. Firewood d. Petroleum
8. Luminous objects are objects that cannot give out their own light. True/False
9. The process by which green plants produce their own food is called ____ a. Photosythesis b.
Photosythesis c. Fotosynthesis d. Potosynthesis
10. Energy gotten from the sun is known as _______ a. Light b. Solar c. Heat d. Electrical
11. The capacity to perform work is known as ______ a. Work b. Force c. Power d. Energy
12. The electrical iron converts electrical energy into ______ energy a. Mechanical b. Heat c. Kinetic
d. Sound
13. _________ is the use of fast flowing energy from water to produce electricity a. Hydroelectricity
b. Sound strip c. Biomass d. Turbine
14. The telephone transforms energy from sound to _____ type of energy to enable the receiver to
pick the message a. Mechanical b. Electrical c. Sound d. Light
15. The electrical door bell transforms electrical energy to ______ types of energy a. Light/Sound b.
Kinetic/Sound c. Chemical/Sound d. Electrical/Sound
16. The television transforms what types of energy to electrical energy a. Mechanical/sound b.
Electrical/sound c. Chemical/sound d. Light/sound
17. An energy source that is replaceable after a short period of time is known as a. Renewable b.
18. All except one are renewable sources of energy a. Biomass b. Geothermal c. Coal d. Wind
19. Energy sources irreplaceable after a short period of time is known as a. Renewable b. Non-
20. All except one are non-renewable sources of energy a. Natural gas b. Crude oil c. Coal d.


Answer question one and any other three from this section

1. List out all the characteristics of living things and explain any four
2. State three uses of metals and two uses of non metals
3. a. What is energy?
b. State and briefly explain the two sources of energy
4. State any five uses of energy
5. Explain the meaning of renewable and non-renewable energy and give three examples of each
6. State and explain any four effects of the misuse of non-renewable energy



1. Track and field events consists the game of athletics. Yes/No

2. Track events consists of the following except. a. 200 m race b. 110m hurdles race c. 50km
marathon race d. 4 x 400m relay race
3. The following consists of field events except a. Discus b. Shotput c. Pole vault d. Swimming
4. The following are skills in shotput except a. Swing b. Glide c. Release d. Hold
5. The following are skills in discus except a. Hold b. Recovery c. Stance d. Follow through
6. Safety of shot-put and discus includes all except a. Competition b. Playground c. Uniform d.
Teaching method
7. Facilities involved in pole vault include all but a. Box b. Runway c. Landing area d. None of the
8. Equipments used in pole vault include all but a. Long pole b. All of the above c. Crossbar d.
Supports bar
9. The following are skills in pole vault except a. Hang b. Landing c. Stance d. Grip
10. FIFA was formed in which country a. France b. Greece c. England d. England
11. FIFA was formed in the year a. 1930 b. 1904 c. 1945 d. 1949
12. What is the full meaning of the acronym FIFA in English?
13. CAF was founded in which country a. Egypt b. Cameroon c. Sudan d. Ghana
14. CAF was formed in what year a. 1960 b. 1959 c. 1958 d. 1957
15. What is the full meaning of the acronym CAF?
16. NFF is a football governing body of which nation a. Nigeria b. Niger Republic c. Namibia d.
17. NFF was found in what year a. 1959 b. 1949 c. 1945 d. 1957
18. NFF launched the first national football team in the year a. 1959 b. 1949 c. 1945 d. 1957
19. NFF joined FIFA and CAF in the year a. 1957 b. 1945 c. 1949 d. 1959
20. The Nigerian Men's Football team finished as _____ in the just concluded CAF 2023 Tournament
a. Runners up b. Winners c. Semi finalists d. Quarter finalists


Answer any four questions

1. List and explain any four skills in shotput

2. List and explain any four skills in discus
3. Outline any five benefits of athletics
4. List any four skills in pole vault
5. List any five equipments and five techniques involved in the game of soccer /football
6. List the five duties of a centre referee in the game of football



1. ________ is the product of applied force and displacement of a body in the direction of the
applied force. a. Work b. Energy c. Power d. Matter
2. Transfer of energy is said to be a. Power b. Work done c. Matter d. Energy
3. What work is done when a body is said not to be in motion of the applied force's direction?
4. The ability to perform work is ______ a. Matter b. Power c. Energy d. Force
5. Energy due in it's position is known as ________ a. Positional b. Displacement c. Velocity d.
6. An energy in motion is known as ______ a. Kinetic b. Mechanical c. Potential d. Induced
7. The rate of time at which work is done is known as a. Work b. Sound c. Nuclear d. Power
8. The following are types of energy except ________ a. Heat b. Sound c. Nuclear d. Power
9. The S.I unit for work done is _____
10. The S.I unit for power is _____
11. The kilowatt is equivalent to _____ a. 10 watts b. 100 watts c. 1000 watts d. 1 million watts
12. The kinetic energy of a bullet of mass 0.5kg fired from a gun moving with a velocity of 2m/s is
_____ a.1J b. 0.5J c. 1.5J d. 2J
13. Calculate the work done, if a force of 1.5N is applied to drag a box through a distance of 5m a.
7.5J b. 75J c. 0.75 J d. 750J
14. Calculate the potential energy possessed by a mango of mass 0.5kg hanging on a tree of height
of 10m (take g=10m/s). a. 0.5J b. 5J c. 50J d. 500J
15. Determine the power of a car in kilowatt travelling at 50m/s with a force of 200N. a. 1KW b.
1.5KW c. 10KW d. 100KW
16. In which state of matter do the particles move less freely? a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gases d. Both solid
and liquid
17. When matter changes from solid to liquid, it is called ______ a. Diffusion b. Osmosis c. Melting
d. Evaporation
18. The change of state from solid to gas is ____ a. Melting b. Evaporation c. Sublimation d. Cooling
19. Which of these changes of state occurs as a result of decrease in energy? a. Boiling b. Freezing c.
Evaporation d. Sublimation
20. Which of these statements about boiling point is not true? a. When liquid boils, it changes to gas
b. Boiling occurs at a specific temperature c. Boiling takes place throughout the liquid d. Boiling
occurs below the boiling point of the liquid


Answer question 3 and any other 3

1. Define the following terms and state their SI units:

i) Work
ii) Power
iii) Energy
2. Define the following terms and give three examples each for them
i) Potential energy
ii) Kinetic energy
3. A. Paul and Peter are weightlifters. Paul lifts 100kg barbell over his head 10 times in 1 minutes;
Peter lifts the 100kg barbell over his head 10 times in 10 seconds. Who has power? Give your
3B. Emma, a weightlifter lifts 42kg of barbell over a distance of 5m above the ground in 2
seconds. Determine the power
4. List the three states of matter and give two differences each between them
5. State and explain two factors that affect evaporation
6. Give three differences and two similarities between boiling and evaporation



1. Technical drawing that involves good draughting and understanding to produce clear drawing is
a universal language. True/False
2. A type of line that is used for hidden details of an object is known as a. Thin continuous lines b.
Thin short dash lines c. Thin long chain lines d. Thin continuous wavy lines
3. A type of line that is used for cutting planes and viewing planes is known as ______ a. Thick long
chain lines b. Thin continuous lines c. Thick continuous wavy lines d. Thin ruled with short zigzag
4. A type of line that is used at the end of dimensions is known as a. Thin ruled with short zigzag
lines b. Thick continuous lines d. Arrow heads
5. An angle lesser than 180° but greater than 90° is known as______ a. Acute b. Obtuse c. Reflex d.
6. When the sun of two angles, say  and B are equal to 180° is known as _______ a.
Supplementary b. Reflex c. Acute d. Complementary
7. The part of a circle bounded by an arc and a chord is called _____ a. Diameter b. Sector c.
Segment Quadrant
8. The part of a circle bounded by two radio at right angles and an arc is called _____ a. Chord b.
Tangent c. Arc d. Quadrant

9. Circles with different centers are known as a. Concentric b. Eccentric

10. A plane figure with three sides is called _____ a. Circle b. Triangle c. Polygon d. Quadrilaterals
11. The angle that is opposite the base is known as _____ a. Vertical angle b. Base angles c. Altitude
d. Vertex
12. The sun of angles is a triangle is _____ a. 60° b. 90° c. 120° d. 180°
13. A type of triangle that has one of it's angles as 90° is called a _____ triangle a. Right-angled b.
Acute-angled c. Obtuse-angled d. Base-angled
14. A type of triangle that has none of its sides equal to another side is known as a ______ triangle
a. Unequal b. Isosceles c. Scalene d. Equilateral
15. A plane figure bounded by four sides and angles is known as ______ a. Polygon b. Quadrilateral
c. Triangle d. Circle
16. Which of these statements best qualifies a Rhombus a. Opposite sides are parallel b. Opposite
angles are equal c. A pair of the opposite is parallel d. All angles are right angles
17. A nine sided polygon is known as _______ a. Hexagon b. Isosagon c. Decagon d. Nonagon
18. An irregular polygon is said to be one which has all its sides and angles _____ a. Equal b. Parallel
c. Unequal d. Less than four straight sides
19. A plane figure bounded by five or more sides is known as ____ a. Polygon b. Circle c.
Quadrilateral d. Triangle
20. A twenty sided polygon is known as a. Pentagon b. Isosagon c. Octagon d. Heptagon

Answer question two and any other 3

1. Draw and give uses of any five types of lines that you know
2. Carefully construct a well labelled diagram of a circle and explain any of its two parts
3. Carefully construct a well labelled diagram of a triangle and explain any of its three parts
4. Construct carefully a square and a Rhombus; giving at least two properties as well
5. Construct carefully and Hexagon and differentiate between a regular and an irregular polygon
6. Construct carefully a circle and divide it into eight equal parts and show an equivalent for each



1. The Nigerian lawn tennis association (NLTA) was founded in ____ a. 1940 b. 1950 c. 1960 d.
2. The following are skills in the game of tennis except a. Lub b. Smash c. Grip d. Swing
3. The following are facilities in the game of tennis except a. Grass b. Racket c. Net d. Ball
4. Officials in the game of tennis except a. Recorder b. Linesmen c. Striker d. Umpire
5. A state of being free from injuries or death is ______ a. Harm b. Accident c. Injury d. Safety
6. ______ is an unplanned occurrence that may lead to loss of body parts or injury a. Accident b.
Safety education c. Safety d. Safety measures
7. Accidents are classified into the following except a. Domestic b. School c. Road d. Mountain
8. Home accidents include all but a. Electricution b. Bad roads c. Burns d. Cuts.
9. The following are causes of road accidents except a. Bad roads b. Over-speeding c. Dislocation d.
Drunk driving
10. School accidents occur in the following places except a. Farm b. Hostels c. Laboratories d.
11. One of the safety measures at home is ______ a. Negligence b. Lack of proper care to household
items c. Properly turn off gas cylinder when not in use d. Not mopping wet floor
12. One of the safety measures on the road is a. Inadequate driving skills b. Driving only when fully
alert c. Mechanical faults in vehicles d. Inability to read road signs
13. One of the safety measures at work is a. Use of adequate protective equipment b. Mishandling
of machines c. Improper maintenance of the machine d. Inadequate training of workers
14. ______ results from moist-heat on the body. a. Wound b. Sprain c. Scald d. Burn
15. Occurs when enough blood is not supplied to the brain a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Poisoning d.
16. _____ occurs as a result of a muscle tear a. Bleeding b. Sprain c. Wound d. Dislocation
17. When there is a break in bone, we say that ____ has occurred a. Fracture b. Burn c. Dislocation
d. Sprain
18. Excess loss of blood may result to ____ a. Wound b. Dislocation c. Bleeding d. Burns
19. The most common forms of poisoning are food and ______ a. Physical b. Chemical c. Biological
d. Extraterrestrial
20. Some of the areas most likely affected during a sprain are all but a. Wrist b. Knee c. Ankle d.


Answer any four questions

1. List any four basic skills/techniques in the game of tennis

2. List any four functions of an umpire in the game of tennis
3. State the classification of accidents and discuss any two
4. Give two causes each and three safety measures of domestic and road accidents
5. Differentiate between a fracture and a dislocation with their first aid treatments
6. Explain vividly the first aid treatment for any four of the following
i) Poisoning
ii) Burns/scalds
iii) Bleeding
iv) Sprains
v) Fainting
vi) Wound



1. One of the following is not an adverse effect of drug use a. Depression b. Psychiatric illness v.
Damaged nostrils d. Healthy lifestyle
2. All of the following drugs are likely to give adverse effects except a. Paracetamol b. Cannabis c.
Sedatives d. Heroin
3. One of the following is a drug controlling agency in Nigeria a. SON b. STAN c. NDLEA d. NMA
4. The following are ways of preventing drug abuse except a. Inculcating coping skills b. Taking
unprescribed drugs c. Positive social interactions d. Living a healthy lifestyle
5. Herbal medicine Shou not be taken with caution. True/False
6. Beneficial and useful things we get from plants and animals are called _____ a. Protein b.
Minerals c. Resources d. Food
7. ________ are plants grown mainly for food a. Cash crops b. Food crops c. Export crops d. All of
the above
8. The following are export crops except a. Cocoa b. Cotton c. Rubber d. Maize
9. The color pigments extracted from parts of plants are called _____ a. Dye b. Yeast c. Pigment d.
10. Livestock includes all except a. Pig b. Chicken c. Lion d. Goat
11. ______ is a valuable asset occuring in nature a. Mineral b. State c. Beverage d. Cash
12. The following are solid minerals except a. Petroleum b. Tin c. Gold d. Bauxite
13. Alloy of iron containing carbon, nickel and chromium is known as a. Bronze b. Solder c. Steel d.
14. All are minerals found in Oyo state except a. Gold b. Marble c. Zinc d. Kaolin
15. The following are alloys of solid minerals except a. Solder b. Steel c. Bronze d. Gold
16. The separation of white light into it's component colours caused by refraction by a prism is
called ____ a. Reflection b. Refraction c. Dispersion d. Interference
17. ______ color is least deviated and ______ color is most deviated as white light passes through a
prism a. Violet/red b. Red/violet c. Green/orange d. Indigo/yellow
18. An object which allows light to pass through it but the sources of light cannot be seen is called
______ a. Transparent object b. Opaque object c. Emulsifying object d. Translucent object
19. Which of the following statement is not true about reflection a. A line drawn to meet the mirror
at right angle where the incident ray and the reflected ray meets is called plane of the mirror b.
The angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection c. The angle between the reflected ray and
normal is the angle of reflection d. The incident ray, the normal and reflected ray at the point of
incidence all line the same plane
20. Which of these phenomena best explains why a spoon in a transparent glass cup appears bent a.
Reflection b. Refraction c. Dispersion d. Interference


Answer question 7 and any other 3

1. a. List and explain ways of preventing drug abuse

b. Explain the two dangers of using herbal medicine
2. State 5 functions of NAFDAC
3. List and explain two resources each from plants and animals
4. List four (4) economic importance of resources to human beings
5. In a tabular form, list any five (5) states in Nigeria with at least two (2) mineral resources found
6. Mention any five uses of mineral resources with the associating minerals
7. Write a short note on the reflection of light; stating it's laws
8. a. Briefly define the following with an example each:
i) Transparent objects
ii) Opaque objects
iii) Translucent objects
b. Outline the colors produced by white light from least deviated to most deviated


1. ____ Is an accurate representation of an object a. Scale drawing b. Blueprint c. Plan drawing d. 2

dimensional pictorial drawing
2. The following are ways of scale specification except a. Full size b. Enlarged c. Reduced d.
3. A paper showing a type of building to be erected on a piece of land is called ______ a. Survey b.
Scaling c. Plan d. Blueprint
4. A translucent paper mixed with some chemicals exposed to white light to form blue showing
drawings to be copied in a negative image is called a. Litmus paper b. Blueprint c. Plan d. Survey
5. ______ is the lowest part of a structure making direct contact with the soil a. Foundation b.
Door c. Wall d. Window
6. The following materials are used to construct walls except a. Bricks b. Glass c. Stone d. Concrete
7. The following are types of doors except a. Glazed b. Match-boarded c. Pivoted d. Flush
8. The following are types of windows except a. Hinged b. Casement c. Sliding d. Paralleled
9. A roof classified to be greater than 10° inclined to the horizontal is a ____ roof a. Flat b. Sloped
c. Pitched d. Longspan
10. The following are types of roofs except a. Full span b. Butterfly c. Lean-to d. Monopitch
11. The following scales are for location plot plans except a. 1:100 b. 1:50 c. 1:200 d. 1:500
12. The following scales are for survey maps except a. 1:100000 b. 1:25000 c. 1:10000 d. 1:2500
13. Tools to be used in constructing a wooden plate rack include all but a. Saw b. Jackplane c. Chisel
and mallet d. Raincoat
14. The following are non-woodwork materials except a. G-lamp b. Adhesives c. Abrasives d. Hinges
15. Any substance that can hold two materials together is called a. Super glue b. Adhesives c.
Evostik d. Cellotape
16. Animal glue is gotten from _____ a. Blood of slaughtered animals b. Skimmed milk c. Bones and
hides d. Remnants of extracted oil
17. An example of a contact adhesive is a. Polyvinyl acetate PVA b. Evostik c. Melamine
formaldehyde (MF) d. Epoxy resin
18. Grades of grits in abrasives are all but a. Emery b. Medium c. Fine d. Coarse
19. The. Following are types of nerds used for wood work construction except a. Clout b. Wiggle c.
Veneer pin d. Round head
20. The following are types of hinges used for wood construction except a. Tee b. Butt c. Counter
sunk d. Flat


Answer any four (4) questions

1. a. List two types of scale rules in drawing

b. List and explain the ways of specifying scales on a drawing
2. Drawing constructively the architectural symbols for any five (5) of the following:
i) Outer wall
ii) Partition wall
iii) Window
iv) True North
v) Manhole
vi) Rainwater pipe
vii) Existing and new tree
viii) Staircase
ix) Sliding door
3. List any four buildings components and give two functions each
4. Differentiate between the three (3) classes of adhesives and give an example each
5. Mention any four (4) tools used in wood work construction and their uses
6. Mention any four (4) non-woodwork materials and explain any four types of nails used in non-
woodwork construction



1. 'Deca' meaning 'ten' from a _____ a. Greek b. Latin c. Roman d. English

2. An athlete that competes in a ten test event is called a. Racer b. Spartan c. Decathlete d.
3. The ten test event tests the athletes in all except a. Perseverance b. Temper c. Strength d.
4. A pentathlete competes in the following except a. Discus b. Javelin c. Long jump d. Pole vault
5. On the second day, a woman decathlete may likely participate in all the following except a.
200m b. Shotput c. 1500m d. High jump
6. The following are officials in combined events except a. Recorder b. Starter c. Umpire d.
7. The following are career opportunities in PHE except a. Kinesiology b. Marketing c. Sports
psychology d. Sports sociology
8. The following are past Nigerian sport heroes except a. Isaac Akioye b. Abraham Ordin c.
Muhammad Ali d. Mary Onyali
9. Dick tiger was a famous ____ a. Footballer b. Tennis player c. Basketballer d. Boxer
10. Which of these pasts Nigerian sports heroes attained the heights of the vice president
international Olympic committee (IOC) a. Abraham Ordin b. Isaac Akioye c. Prof. M. O. Ajisafe d.
Harding Ekperigin
11. Which of these past Nigerian sports heroe is regarded as the father of PE in Nigeria a. Jerry
Enyeazu b. Dr. Awoture Eleyane c. M. T. Adiuku d. Harding Ekperigin
12. All of these are present Nigerian sports heroes except a. Victor Osimhen b. Haruna Quadri c.
Tobi Amusan d. Chimamanda Adochi
13. Taekwondo is a combination of three ____ words a. Chinese b. Japanese c. Korean d. Taiwanese
14. "Kwoom" in the word "Taekwondo" means what? a. Strike with foot b. Strike with hand c.
Method d. Strike with head
15. Some pioneer blackbelt champions of Taekwondo in Africa are all but a. Kofi Anani b. Dominic
Bassey c. Hogan Basset d. Emmanuel Ikpeme
16. _______ introduced Taekwondo to Nigeria a. Kim Moo Choen b. Kim Young Tae c. George Ashiru
d. Aikpa Aime
17. The ________ school pioneered by M. Deola Kumpayi sprung up in Western Nigeria a. Chung
Dope Kwan b. Moo Duk Kwan c. Jido Kwan d. Park Jung Tae
18. Boxing is also known as a. Pugilism b. Plagiarism c. Judo d. Martial arts
19. Professional boxing in Nigeria started in the year a. 1937 b. 1947 c. 1939 d. 1949
20. Nigeria has produced the following professional boxers except a. Dicta Tiger b. Samuel Peter c.
Anthony Joshua d. Hogan Basset


Answer all four (4) questions

1. Mention any five (5) safety rules in a group/combined events

2. List and briefly explain any four branches or career opportunities in PHE
3. Mention any 5 importance of Taekwondo
4. List any four officials in taekwondo and give their functions
5. Mention any five safety rules and regulations in boxing
6. List any four officials in boxing and give their functions


SS 1

1. The highest stage of socialism is _______ a. Racism b. Fascism c. Communism d. Nazism

2. Political power is concerned with the _________ a. allocation of resources and enforcement of
decision b. Use of force to ensure compliance c. Process of winning wars by the military d.
Formation of pressure groups
3. A federal constitution is usually a. Flexible b. Unwritten c. Written and flexible d. Written and
4. Which of the following controls government expenditures? a. The court b. The police c. The
treasury d. The public
5. In a democracy, which of the following can exert appreciable control on the activities of the
executive? a. Military b. Legislature c. Police d. Traditional rulers
6. Feudalism is politics in which a. The citizen have no political and social rights b. Political
leadership is based on force c. The social structure is stratified
7. A foreigner can become a citizen of another state by ______ a. Immigration b. Naturalisation c.
8. Local government laws are known as _______ a. Decrees b. Acts c. Orders d. Bye-laws
9. Political sovereignty in the state resides with the _______ a. Executive b. People c. National
10. A political system in which there is only one source of authority in a state is ________ a.
Confederate b. Parliamentary c. Presidential d. Unitary
11. The first agent of political socialisation is the ________ a. School b. Mass media c. Community d.
12. Which of the following is a method of acquiring political power in a democracy? a. Heredity b.
Election c. Imposition d. Selection
13. One of the important functions of political parties is ________ a. Educating the electoral through
rallies and campaigns b. Organizing international conferences c. Advising on the appointment of
judges d. Hiring personnel for political leaders.
14. A feature of democracy government is that it is _______ a. Authoritarian and totalitarian b.
Brutal and repressive c. Firm and disciplined d. Representative and accountable
15. In federation, concurrent list of power is usually given to the ________ a. Federal government b.
Regional units c. Central authority and regional units d. Regional units and local authorities
16. Judicial review means the process by which _______ a. Judges review past court decisions and
judgement b. The courts determine the constitutionality of actions of rulers c. Judicial precedent
are implemented d. The courts settle disputes between citizens and government
17. ________ is the capacity to affect anothers behavior by the threat of sanction. a. Democracy b.
Power c. Feudalism
18. All this are forms of power accept one _________ a. Political power b. Economic power c.
Physical power d. Political power
19. Sovereignty means the supreme power and authority of the state over the citizens. True/False
20. The arm of government in Nigeria are _________ a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5


1. a. Define democracy
b. Discuss the main features of democracy
2. a. Define political authority
b. Identify the source of political authority
3. a. Define power
b. List and explain the forms of power
4. List the types of authority


1. In a foreign trade which is also referred to as ________ a. Boundaries b. International trade c.

2. ________ is the process of creating awareness in the minds of the public about the existence of
product a. Warehouse b. Advertising c. Bank
3. _________ means is sending and recurring information from one place to another a. Insurance
b. Transportation c. Communication
4. _________ this refers to the place in the Internet where direct retail shopping is done a. E-
retailing b. Specialisation c. Entrepot
5. In utility of commerce creates place and time utilities to satisfy ________ needs
6. Marketing is done to create goods and satisfy customers. True/False
7. _________ motive of commerce is to earn good a. Profit b. Consumers c. Trade
8. Import is the act of buying of goods and services from ________ a. Country b. State c. Local
9. E- commerce means ________ a. Buying and selling online b. Selling and good c. Goods and
10. Consumers often expect better prices in an online store than they can get in a __________ a.
Retail store b. Customer c. Large product
11. __________ is a process which ensures that goods produced are stored until they are needed. a.
Insurance b. Warehousing c. Transport
12. __________ means of carrying raw materials and and finished goods and people from one place
to another a. Transportation b. Foreign trade c. Mass
13. Employment opportunities it offers a large number of people such as traders, bankers and
insurance brokers. True/False
14. Commerce developed as a result specialisation? True/False
15. Commerce means? a. Defined as all those activities involved in the distribution and exchange of
goods and services b. Is buying and selling c. Distribute goods and materials
16. __________ refers to the place in the Internet where direct retail shopping is information a. E-
retailing b. Customer c. Electronic
17. Production is the creation of goods which satisfy human wants. True/False
18. __________ as all forms of human efforts put into or utilized in production. a. Product b. Labour
c. Land
19. __________ is the process of giving out value in order to have something of value in return a.
Exchange b. Specialisation c. Money
20. Market trade is another method of retail trade in Africa. True/False


1. What is commerce?
2. Define E-commerce
3. List the types of commerce
4. List the characteristics of commerce


1. _________ is a general phrase use to describe the different kind of choices a. Marketing mix b.
Phrase c. Used
2. All the following are conditions to create right marketing mix except a. Right attitude b. The
price must be right c. The product has to have the feature
3. _________ is the item being sold to the customers a. Product b. Place c. Mix
4. _________ is the amount a customer pay for the product a. Price b. Money c. Amount
5. __________ is the amount a customer pay for the product a. Promotion b. Place c. Price
6. __________ is concerned with various methods of transporting and storing good a. The place b.
The environment c. The goods
7. All the following except one is not the factor of micro-environment a. Product factor b. Political
factor c. Social factor
8. Mobilisation of workforce is one of the action taken by the organization before marketing.
9. Marketing can be defined as a contribution of non-current and future individual. True/False
10. Consumer market is one among the types of market we have. True/False
11. All the following are types of market except a. Government market b. Reseller market c. Price
12. _________ is the study of individuals, group, or organization and the processes they select,
secure use and dispose of products, services experience a. Consumer b. Behavior c. Consumer
13. One of these is the factors that influencing consumer behaviors except. a. Cultural factors b.
Social factors c. Family factors
14. The problem recognition is one of the stages of the consumer buying process. True/False
15. External environmental factor is one of the factors that influence organisational buying
behaviors. True/False
16. All the following are key element in marketing planning except. a. Goals b. Situation analysis c.
17. Development marketing objective is one of the stages in marketing planning. True/False
18. One of the importance of marketing plan is to help define specific tasks. True/False
19. One of the uses of feedback in marketing research, is that it can be used to change product
features. True/False
20. What is the full name of your proprietress?


1. List six importance of marketing plans

2. List and explain four stages of consumer buying behaviors
3. a. What is the term market?
b. List all the types of market we have
4. Explain the following terms:
i) Marketing mix
ii) Macro- environment
iii) Micro-environment
iv) Mobilisation of workforce
5. List and clearly explain the 4ps of marketing



1. All the following are factors of production except a. School b. Land c. Capital
2. One of this is not a feature of land a. Is a free gift of nature b. Is perishable c. Is fixed in supply
3. One of the importance of land is that land can be hired out to regenerate income. True/False
4. ________ is defined as any human efforts a. Labour b. Land c. Capital
5. ________ is the wealth set aside for the creation of further wealth a. Land b. Labour c. Capital
6. All the following are the features of labour except a. Wages and salary b. It gives room to
specialisation c. It can be hired
7. __________ is a person who co-ordinates, directs, controls and manages the other productive
resources in order to create utility a. Enterprise b. Entrepreneur c. Capital
8. An entrepreneur goes into business and takes ________ for production purpose. a. Business b.
Risk c. Income
9. All the following are features of entrepreneur except a. He takes business risks b. He is a human
being c. It is man-made
10. Entrepreneur is in all links of production chains. True/False
11. How many types of occupation do we have? a. 3 b. 4 c. 1
12. Industrial occupation is divided into how many a. 2 b. 3 c. 4
13. __________ is the person enjoying the service and does not pay for the service directly but by
government. a. Direct service b. Service c. Indirect service
14. Direct service is the type of service the person entering the service receives his income directly
from the person enjoying it. True/False
15. Services are divided into two. True/False
16. Honesty they said is the bedrock of all business success. True/False
17. ________ can be seen as an in-build quality that makes somebody to be upright a. Honesty b.
Business c. Truthfulness
18. All the following are characteristics of truthfulness except a. A truthful person is straight forward
b. He or she is is dependable c. He or she is bad upbringing
19. An enterprise is the acceptance of risk for the production of goods and services with
uncertainty. True/False
20. We have _____ types of enterprise a. 2 b. 4 c. 3


1. a. What is Enterprise?
b. List and explain the types of enterprise
2. a. What is fair play?
b. List and explain five 5 qualities of fair play
3. a. What is truthfulness?
b. List six factors that makes people to lie
4. Explain the following:
i) Direct service
ii) Indirect service
iii) Occupation
iv) Services
5. Explain the following and give at least one feature of all of them
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Entrepreneur



Brilliant son

1. Mr. Owen is a ________ teacher a. English language b. Mathematics c. History

2. The brilliant son is an example of a ________ a. Poem b. Novel c. Short story
3. Mr. Owen possesses the quality of teaching and _______ a. Singing b. Acting c. Running
4. Paul is a _________ a. Drunkard b. Thief c. Dancer
5. The name of the boy that was beaten by a scorpion is called ________ a. Cletus b. Chukwuma c.
6. Paul is a dullard and could recite the ________ a. Five times table b. Six times table c. Eight
times table
7. Who cautions pascal for helping Paul a. Chukwuma b. Paul c. Ijeoma
8. A protagonist of a play is also known as a ________ a. Clown b. Hero c. Author
9. A play that makes people laugh and ends happily is called __________ a. Tragedy b. Comedy c.
10. A story that ends with dead is called ________ a. Tragedy b. Melodrama c. Comedy
11. Who is Kelechi MBA? a. The senior prefect b. Social prefect c. Health
12. Chukwuma is in ________ class. a. JSS 2 b. JSS1 c. SSS1
13. Okechukwu smokes _______ a. Cigarettes b. Marijuana c. Agbo

Zumji and Uchenna

14. What is the name of Uchenna's mother? a. Neze b. Nneka c. Chinyelu

15. How many people died in the play? a. 2 b. 3 c. 5
16. Zumji's ________ attracted Uchenna a. Integrity b. Fame c. Tribe
17. Emma is a _______ a. Goodman b. Criminal c. Kirid
18. Who introduced the major incident in the play? a. The playwright b. The lady introducer c. The
19. Zumji is from _______ state a. Imo b. Kano c. Plateau
20. According to the playwright marriage should be conducted out of _________ a. Tradition b. Love
c. Hatred
21. This type of play is a ________ a. Comedy b. Tragedy c. Melodrama
22. Mr. Okparah has _______ daughters. a. 3 b. 5 c. 6
23. The setting of this play is in _________ a. Eke b. Jos c. Angas
24. "Monkey and Donkey" are symbols of a. Inferiority complex b. Royalty c. Friendship
25. Zumji loves ______ a. Nneka b. Uchenna c. Winika
26. Neze is a grandmother to _______ a. Uchenna b. Winika c. Nwalike
27. Who is father Paul? a. He is a priest b. Uchenna's father c. Zumji father
28. Nwalike is ________ sister a. Jurbe's b. Zumji's c. Uchenna's
29. Tradition is linked with _________ a. Education b. Ancestral values c. Migration
30. Who is called "baboon" in the play? a. Zumji b. Uchenna c. Good luck


1. a. Write and explain the themes of Zumji's and Uchenna

b. Write and explain the themes in the brilliant son
2. Explain briefly the following:
i) Comedy
ii) Hero
iii) Heroine
iv) Villain



1. _____ is the study of the relationship between living and non-living organisms a. Agro-chemi b.
Agricultural ecology c. Human relation
2. Climatic factor includes the following except one a. Humidity b. Pressure c. Electricity
3. One of the following is a biotic component a. Marble b. Autotrophic c. Plants
4. This is the process by which green plants use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide a.
Plartoaynthesis b. Photosythesis c. Factosis
5. The mode of nutrition that involves feeding on solid organic materials obtained from bodies of
other organism. a. Holozoic nutrition b. Food nutrition c. Water nutrition
6. _________ are animals that feed on flesh a. Carnivore b. Omnivores c. Herbivores
7. _________ are plant eaters, they feed on plants only as their ultimate source of energy. a.
Omnivores b. Herbivores c. Carnivals
8. The following are the characteristics of land except one a. It is a free gift of nature b. It is not
wasted c. It can be moved
9. Land are used for the following except _______ a. Eating b. Planting c. Fisheries
10. Land is the solid part of the Earth surface. True/False
11. ________ can be defined as the study of the planting and management of forest tree a. Fishery
b. Forestry c. Capitalization
12. _________ are the importance of wildlife to man a. Provide job b. Sunshine c. Grazing
13. The following are importance of fish to man a. Provide tree b. Provides food c. Provide manure
for plant
14. Wildlife can be described as __________ a. Animals and birds that live on land b. Animals and
birds that lives on the tree c. Animals and birds that live in the bush
15. The following are factors that affect the land availability except ________ a. Land tenure system
b. Population c. Grazing
16. ________ are examples of soil except one a. Sandy soil b. Glowing soil c. Loamy soil
17. Land tenure system is the process of acquiring is one of the major factors limiting the availability
of land for agricultural purpose. True/False
18. Climate plays an important role in making a land suitable for agricultural purpose. True/False
19. __________ are the material used in flour mill industries a. Wheat Cereal grains b. Cassava c.
Palm oil
20. Material used in groundnut oil/palm oil processing industries are called _________ a.
Groundnut, soya bean seed, oil palm b. Rubber latex tobacco leaves



1. a. State five relationship that exist between agriculture and industries

b. Mention eight (8) industrial farm products in Nigeria
2. a. Define land
b. List out four characteristics of land
c. List four agricultural land uses and four non-agricultural land uses
3. a. Explain briefly four importance of forestry and four importance of fishery
b. Explain briefly the following terms in forestry
i) Aforestation
ii) Deforestation
iii) Reforestation
iv) Regeneration
v) Silviculture

c. List out the uses of forest and it's resources

4. Define the following

i) Fishery
ii) Forestry
iii) Wildlife

b. List out all the game reserve in Nigeria


JSS 2 & 3


1. A play comes to life when it is _______ a. Studied b. Memorized c. Acted

2. A poem of fourteen lines of ten syllable in each line is known as ________ a. Octave b. Sonnet c.
3. A novel is a work of fiction called ________ a. Drama b. Prose c. Discourse
4. The three genres of literature are a. Comedy, play and novel b. Comedy play and song c. Drama,
prose and poetry
5. A play that makes people laugh and ends happily is called _______ a. Tragedy b. Comedy c.
6. A lullaby is used to lull a/an ______ to sleep a. Adult b. Child c. Driver
7. The central male character in a novel is called a/an ________ a. Actor b. Actress c. Hero
8. Cast, acts and scene are usually found in _______ a. Narrative b. Plays c. Poems
9. The concluding part of a play where conflict is resolved is the _________ a. Denouncement b.
Enjambment c. Resolution
10. An account of a person's life written person is known as _________ a. Documentary b.
Biography c. Epistolary
11. Who is the author of the investigation a. Prince Ifeanyi Uzochukwu b. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
c.Mohammed Buhari
12. Bright hope comprehensive secondary school is located in _________ a. Umueri b. Umuoda c.
13. The student fear "power" because _________ a. He teaches mathematics b. His strokes of canes
are painful c. He collect school fees
14. Sebastian travels to ________ during holiday a. America b. Lagos c. Logos
15. Who is the class teacher of S.S 3b? a. Mr. Onyemaechi b. Mrs. Ijeoma c. Madam singer
16. Nneka is in _______ class a. JSS 3 b. SSS1 c. SSS2
17. Chijioke will receive a yearly allowance of a. N 20,000 b. N 30,000 c. N 50,000
18. The best things to be done to Sebastian is _______ a. Rehabilitation b. Punishment c. Expulsion
19. Regina is the mother of _________ a. Chijioke b. Nduka c. Sebastian
20. Who exposes Nduka and Sebastian? a. Chijioke b. Nneka c. The principal
21. Who is the author of the misunderstanding a. Chinue Achebe b. Amaechi c. Bola Tinubu
22. Mis understanding is a _______ poem a. Dramatic b. Narrative c. Argumentative
23. "My old man" as seen in the poem is the speaker's ______ a. Friend b. Father c. Teacher
24. In the poem, the dispute is between _________ and _________ a. Father and son b. Father and
mother c. Husband and wife
25. The speaker's and reacted to the saying a. Father b. Friends c. Wife
26. What is misunderstanding in the poem a. The speaker did not know the meaning of his father's
words b. The mother did not recognize the face he saw c. The wife of the speaker thought he
had a mistress
27. At the end of the poem, the speaker call his _______ to hear him a. Neighbors b. Children c.
28. The expression "wherever something stand he'd say, here also something else will stand
29. One of the following are the "themes" of misunderstanding. a. Disobedience is not good b.
Hardwork pays c. Reality
30. The writer of the poem misunderstanding dies in ________ year


1. a. List and explain 5 types of poetry

b. Give and explain the themes of misunderstanding and the themes in investigation
2. a. List out five characterisations in the investigation and explain their roles
b. Briefly explain the following
(a) Villain
(b) Comic-character
(c) Hero/Heroine
(d) Clown
3. a. Define drama
b. List and explain any four types of drama


1. Data that has been processed is called ________ a. Program b. Input c. Flow chart d. Information
2. The world wide connectivity of computer is referred to as ________ a. LAN b. WAN c. FAX d.
3. ICT stands for a. Internet Computer Teacher b. Interaction Communication Technologies c.
Information Computer Technology d. Information and Communication Technology
4. ________ is the smallest type of computer. a. Mainframe b. Mini c. Micro d. Super
5. All components of computer must be connected to ________ a. Monitor b. Mouse c. Printer d.
6. One of these is regarded as the brain of the computer a. Keyboard b. Printer c. System unit d.
7. Output display on monitors is referred to a ________ a. Hardcopy b. Soft copy c. Mainframe d.
8. Digital machines were not available then. This made work ________ a. Easy b. Hard c. Slower d.
9. In the new economy _______ capital is needed to start a business a. Law b. Low c. High d. None
of the above
10. _______ is a single piece of information a. File b. Field c. Record d. All of the above
11. Record is a complete set of __________ a. File b. Field c. Fill d. Record
12. File is a collection of ________ a. Record b. File c. All of the above d. None of the above
13. What is the full meaning of DBMS a. Data business management studies b. Database manager
system c. Database management studies d. Database management studies
14. The smallest unit of data a computer can handle is _______ a. Byte b. Bit c. Field d. Record
15. The table below shows the example of _______


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a. File b. Record c. Field d. None of the above

16. _______ refers to the developmental stages in computer a. Generation b. Evolution c. History d.
17. The full meaning of E-mail is ________ a. Electrical mail b. Electrical master c. Electronic mail d.
None of the above
18. Feature of the mouse include these except _________ a. Clicking b. Dragging c. Reading d.
Double clicking
19. The software for clearing virus attack off is called ________ a. Package b. Software eraser c.
Antivirus d. Software
20. The Enter key on the keyboard of the computer is also called ________ a. Return key b. Send
key c. Okay key d. Accept key
1. a. What is database?
b. List three areas where database is useful
2. a. What is DBMS?
b. What are the functions of DBMS
3. With example, explain the following
(1) Fields
(2) Files
(3) Records
(4) Key field
(5) Bit
4. State the difference between the old economy and the new economy
5. What are the limitations of the old economy



1. On interesting this in ________ is the use of of certain factors a. Pattern drafting b. Goods
finished c. Effects
2. From the basic pattern _________ can be made with proper use of dress form a. Styles b.
Cloth c. Dress
3. __________ refers to the paper or cardboard templates a. Pattern drafting b. Paper c.
4. Drafted patterns are made to fit a particular ________ a. Person b. Body c. Outfit
5. A person's body measurements are used to draft _________ a. Pattern b. Pieces c.
6. The following are tools for pattern drafting except a. Pencil b. Tape measure c. Eraser
7. Block patterns are also referred to as a. Paper pattern b. Basic pattern c. Original pattern
8. Which of the following is not a guidelines for taking body measurements a. Measurements
should be taken by a friend to avoid lagging of tape at any point b. Body measurements
should be taking while setting c. Measure and record accurately
9. To achieve success in making a garment, the ________ body measurement have to be taken
a. Measure b. Correct c. Full
10. The following are the equipment use in taken body measurement except ________ a. Brown
b. Pencil c. Book
11. All the following are parts of body to be measured except _________ a. Bust b. Head c.
12. Cloths should be washed before the become too a. Clean b. Dry c. Dirty
13. Cloths should be aired before they are ________ a. Ironed b. Washed c. Stored
14. Garment repairs sewing at split seams or tears. True/False
15. The two types of patching is _______ and _______ a. Pen and pencil b. Print and cut c. Print
and calico
16. Good quality will make the household linen lasts long. True/False
17. In drafting a skirt the required measurement is hips, waist and length. True/False
18. One of the procedures in taking body measurements is to measure the eye. True/False
19. Drafting a bodice block requires back, end and bust. True/False
20. To measure hips is to place the tape round the fullest part of the hips. True/False


1. a. Give seven (7) procedure for taking body measurement

b. List five parts of the body to be measured before making garment
2. a. What is pattern drafting?
b. List three tools and equipment in pattern drafting
3. a. What is patching?
b. List and explain the two types of patching
4. State four guideline for taking body measurements
5. List two each required measurements for drafting the following:
i) Bodice
ii) Skirt



1. Crop plants require ________ conditions for optimal growth and yield a. Plants b. Food c.
2. The ________ of site depends mainly on the type of farming one wants to do. a. Choose b.
Growth c. Choice
3. When a person wants to start a farm, the first thing he has to do is to obtain _________ a.
Cutlass b. Hoe c. Piece of land
4. The procedures for obtaining a land from kings change from ________ when a land use decree
was made a. 1988 b. 1999 c. 1978
5. Land preparation starts with a. Planting b. Tilling c. Clearing
6. Bush burning also exposes the ________ soil a. Layer b. Inside c. Top
7. The heaps are left to dry and are later set on _________ a. Road b. House c. Fire
8. The River basin development authorities was created in _______ a. 1984 b. 1977 c. 1976
9. The removal of roots and other underground plants parts is called a. Operating b. Clearing c.
10. In the selection of seed, only ______ seed are selected a. Planted b. Maize c. Good
11. Tomatoes is one of the plant they nutured before replanting. True/False
12. Planting seasons of crops varies from crops to crops in Nigeria. True/False
13. Timely harvesting rather than late harvesting is very important. True/False
14. Timely harvesting is the process of removing ripe fruits from getting over ripe. True/False
15. Birds and monkeys will attract over ripe fruits and eat a lot of them. True/False
16. The food given to livestock is known as a. Food b. Weed c. Feed
17. Viral diseases are diseases called by corona virus. True/False
18. Fungal disease are diseases caused by HIV. True/False
19. Pests are also known as parasites. True/False
20. Contact between infected and non-infected animals is one of the mode of transmission of farm
animal diseases. True/false


1. List and explain seven (7) effects of diseases on farm animals

2. List eight symptoms of farm animals disease
3. a. What is a pest?
b. List five (5) classification of livestock diseases
4. a. What is a feeding tool?
b. List seven (7) feeding tools
5. a. What is feed?
b. List all the types of feedstuffs we have



1. A _________ is something you must have and cannot do without a. Family b. Need c. Love
2. All these are types of family needs except one a. Shelter b. Need c. Food
3. ______ is something you would like to have a. Like b. Want c. Water
4. All the following are types of family wants except a. Car b. Love c. Big house
5. Dining out or eating out is one of humanly wants. True/False
6. An example of family wants is a. Water b. Music c. Bank
7. Family goals are things or objectives. True/False
8. Family goals can be centered on education of children. True/False
9. Long-term goals are regarded as permanent goals. True/False
10. Going on vacation to another country is a characteristic of goals. True/False
11. Intermediate goals are also known as long term goals. True/False
12. Ultimate goal is also known as short term goals. True/False
13. Long-term goal is one of the type of want. True/False
14. Family needs, goals and standard are not connected together. True/False
15. Needs are tools and talents with which people build their lifestyles. True/False
16. Human resources are the classification of family standards. True/False
17. We have two classification of family standards which is a. Human resources b. Human and Non-
human c. Human and family
18. One of the tools use in measuring is a. Car b. Tape c. Book
19. ________ is what people wear to protect their bodies a. Food b. Cloths c. Cap
20. Clothing also includes the making of household articles. True/False


1. a. What is family need?

b. List and explain five (5) types of family needs
2. a. What is family want?
b. Give four types of family want
3. Define the following
i) Family goals
ii) Family standards
iii) Long term goals
iv) Short-term goals
4. a. List and explain the four (4) types of family standards
b. Family resources are classified into two; list them
5. Tools and equipment for making simple articles and crafts are grouped according to their uses.
List them



1. A substance farmer grows food for his ________ with little or none left for sale. a. Family b.
Home c. Aunties
2. _______ is a form of business a. Farming b. Clearing c. Season
3. Good farm record also enable the farmer to control his ________ plans. a. Production b. Record
c. Goods
4. The farmer with good record will be able to compare his _______ with those of other neighbors
a. Yield b. Crops c. House
5. Land clearing is completed in _______ a. February b. January c. March
6. Land clearing continues in a. January b. March c. April
7. The harvesting of early maize is in a. June b. May c. July
8. The maintenance of late crops in the field is ________ mouth a. September b. October c. June
9. Ten weeks after planting early crops weeds are removed. True/False
10. In northern Nigeria first and second ploughing and harrowing completed in April. True/False
11. ________ is a detailed list of all items on the farm including household goods, furniture. a. Farm
b. Inventory c. Farm inventory
12. _________ is the book that should have a separate page for every plot. a. Inventory b. Farm c.
Input record
13. _________ is the art of recording cash and credit transactions systematically in different books
of account a. Choice b. Bookkeepers c. Bookkeeping
14. There are two bookkeeping system. True/False
15. _______ is a document produced or generated each time a transaction occurs a. Source account
b. Source book c. Source documents
16. Bookkeeping covers all areas of livelihood. True/False
17. Bookkeeping provides employment opportunities for job seekers. True/False
18. All the following are examples of source documents except one a. Receipts b. Sales order c.
19. __________ is a commercial document issues showing the details of exchange of goods and
services a. Sales account b. Sales book c. Sale invoice
20. What is the complete name of your proprietress?


1. a. What is bookkeeping?
b. List and explain the two bookkeeping system
2. Explain the following in details:
i) Sales journal
ii) Purchase journal
iii) Source documents
iv) Farm inventory
3. List and explain the types of uses of source document we have in our books
4. List 10 examples of source documents
5. List and explain the types of farm record we have



1. ________ is one of the factors that makes trade possible on a large scale a. Business b.
Organization c. Insurance
2. ________ are risks whose future losses can be monetarily and easily determined for the purpose
of fixing the premium a. Insurance risk b. Insurance c. Insured
3. A property or life can be _______ against a loss or damage associated with the business that
may happen in the future a. Insurance b. Assured c. Insured
4. The insurance company is called a. Assured b. Insured c. Insured
5. All the following are types of insurance policies except a. Fire b. Vehicle c. House
6. __________ covers all risk and losses associated with conveyance of goods and services on the
water a. Fire insurance b. Life insurance c. Marine insurance
7. _________ is a policy that provides compensation for loss resulting from goods stolen or
damage through breaking into the premises a. Health insurance b. Vehicle insurance c. Burglary
8. All the following are principle of insurance except a. Pooling of risk b. Indemnity c. Whole life
9. _________ is also called contributory pension scheme a. Life assurance b. Endowment c.
Pension insurance
10. _________ is also known as UBERRIMAE FIDEL a. Contribution b. Proximate c. Utmost good faith
11. Entrepreneurs are goals oriented. True/False.
12. Business __________ are favorable conditions or qualities of an external environment which can
be exploited by an entrepreneur a. Opportunities b. Right c. Conditions
13. Generations and supply of uninterrupted supply of electricity to Nigeria is one of business
opportunities in Nigeria. True/False
14. The origin of consumerism is traceable to ancient Egypt, Babylon and Ancient Rome. True/False
15. __________ are privileges that end users have for committing their resources for the purchase
of a product a. Consumer right b. Consumers c. Consumer end users
16. All the following are right of the consumer except a. Right to honesty b. Right to make a choice
c. Right to health environment
17. All the following are responsibilities of consumers a. Customer b. Awareness c. Complaint
18. Needs could be defined as the state of felt deprivation. True/False
19. Wants are human desires. True/False
20. Impulse buying are purchases that are not budgeted or planned for. True/False


1. List seven (7) right of a consumer

2. a. What are 3 responsibilities of a consumer
b. List five (5) responsibilities of consumers
3. List seven (7) personal qualities of an entrepreneur
4. a. What is pension insurance?
b. List six (6) principle of insurance
5. a. What is insurance?
b. List seven (7) types of insurance or insurance policies



1. A thread made by twisting or spinning fibres is called a. Yarn b. Fabrics c. Mat

2. The cloth constructed from fibres is called a. Garment b. Fabric c. Fibre cloth
3. Laundering is the process of a. washing clothes only b. Washing and drying clothes c. Washing
and ironing clothes
4. The following are laundry processes except a. Designing b. Sorting c. Washing
5. _______ are types of materials composed of natural and synthetic fibres a. Cotton b. Textile c.
6. __________ is the thread that runs across the warp threads a. Warp b. Fibre c. Weft
7. All the following are natural fibres except a. Cotton b. Wool c. Arnel
8. All the following are modern fibres except a. Rayon b. Wool c. Nylon
9. Polyester is one of the properties of national fibres. True/False
10. Viscose rayon fibres is one of the properties of man-made fibres. True/False
11. The following are laundry agent except a. Drying b. Soaps c. Water
12. All the following are types of sewing machines except a. Hand sewing machine b. Spool pin
machine c. Electrical sewing machine
13. All the following are parts of sewing machine except a. Bobbin winder b. Stop motion screw c.
Foot machine
14. __________ is use to prevent difficulties in the tension of the machine a. Foot b. Electric c.
Presser screw
15. Choose a sewing machine that the spare part and regular maintenance are available is one of
the factors that influence sewing machine. True/False
16. Which of the statement is true about how to use a sewing machine a. Place the machine in a
convenient position b. The needle should be at it's highest point c. Lower the needle into
17. _________ can be made on the right or wrong side of the garment using the same material a.
Facing b. Shaped c. Straight
18. Shaped facings are cut in the same shape as the edge to be faced . True/False
19. Straight facing are cut on the straight line of the fabric with the edge to be quite straight.
20. Hem is the process of nitting the lower edges of skirts. True/False


1. List and explain seven (7) parts of a sewing machine

2. List and explain the three (3) types of sewing machine
3. a. What is laundry process?
b. List and explain five (5) laundry agents
4. a. Define the term textile?
b. List and explain five (5) basic textile terms
5. Explain the following:
i) Wool fibres
ii) Silk fibres
iii) Cotton fibres
iv) Line fibres



1. How many forms of trial balance do we have a. 3 b. 4 c. 2

2. The full meaning of SON is _______ a. Standard organization of Nigeria b. South office Nation c.
Service organization of North
3. The full meaning of CPU a. Consumer protection council b. Council profit comes c. Consumer
profit council
4. All the following are consumer protection agencies except a. APC b. CPU c. NERC
5. One of these is a role of national communication commission a. Promoting cultural diversity b.
Justified c. Unjustified action
6. The national communication was set up by the _________ government of Nigeria a. Federal b.
State government c. Local government
7. _________ is defined as the formal notification of the customer to manufacturer or suppliers
stating the dissatisfaction experienced a. Complain b. Situation c. Product
8. How many types of complaints do we have? a. II b. III c. IV
9. Identification of the core issue is one of the steps in lodging complain. True/False
10. To ensure that methods of production and the products manufacture is the one of the role of
11. _________ is the act of seeking monetary compensation by customers a. Right b. Customers
right c. Redress
12. ________ are privilege that the end users have for committing their resources to purchase a
13. One of this is the ways of seeking redress a. Fight b. Redress c. Dialogue
14. Confrontation is the way of seeking financial compensation. True/False
15. One of the uses of personal budget is it gives an individual a sense of directions and focus.
16. Choice is commitment of financial resources to execute a project. True/False
17. Consumption is the picking or selecting an item out of several alternatives. True/False
18. Lack of self control is one of the effect of living modest life. True/False
19. Prudence is one of the attribute of modesty. True/False
20. Trial balance is a book of all balances appearing in the list of account. True/False


1. a. What is trial balance?

b. List and explain the forms of trial balance
2. a. What is modesty?
b. List six (6) attributes of modesty
3. a. What is personal finance?
b. List five uses of personal budget
4. a. What is a complain?
b. List and explain the types of complaints
c. List three steps in lodging complain
5. Write out the full meaning of the following:
i) SON
iii) CPU
iv) NCC


1. Jesus sent 70 disciples to ______ a. Pray b. Build c. Win souls

2. Many soul to be ________ but few disciples to the work a. Receive the word b. Saved c. Mission
3. God's love for mankind was fulfilled by sending his ________ a. Only person b. Only man c. Only
4. All these are temptation in Nigeria today except a. Love b. Immoral life c. Dishonesty
5. God said this is my beloved son with whom I am not pleased with. True/False
6. Jesus said to his disciples, go into the world and make disciples of all nations. True/False
7. God appeared to the disciples and gave them the great _________ a. Commission b. Mission c.
8. If a girl keeps herself as a virgin before marriage it shows _________ and __________ a.
Faithfulness and discipline b. Pain and suffering c. Sadness and happiness
9. The outcome of the mission of the __________ was also successful a. 12 b. 70 c. 10
10. Jesus gave the 70 disciples more powers. True/False
11. The apostle Paul was later converted to ________ a. Christianity b. Pastor c. Muslim
12. The church divided into two a. Roman Catholic and protestant church b. Cocin and Roman
Catholic c. Living faith and protestant
13. European missionaries were used to the temperate climate in Europe and found the tropical
climate in Nigeria too hot. True/False
14. Catholic means a. Universal b. Univerb c. Samaria
15. European missionaries carried the gospel to all parts of the world including Nigeria in Africa.
16. Jesus said it would be most tolerable for __________ than any town that rejected them a.
Sodom and Gomorrah b. Paul and Peter c. Mathew and Joel
17. ___________ was open after Jesus was baptized. a. The water b. The sun c. The heaven
18. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal savior is one of the ways of overcoming temptation.
19. How old was Jesus when he followed his parent for the Passover? a. 11 b. 12 c. 13
20. What is the full name of your CRS teacher? a. Bahago Blessing Ishaku b. Bago Blessing Ishaku c.
Bago Blessing Isahaya

Answer 4 questions

1. Why did Jesus call his disciples?

2. What is the great commission?
3. Outline the outcomes of the missions of the 12 and 70 disciples
4. Why did Jesus out the 12 disciples?
5. How did the gospel come to Nigeria?
6. Mention some of the problems faced by the early missionaries in Nigeria



1. HIV means a. Human investment venture b. Human immune deficiency virus c. Health immune
2. Youths empowerment create _______ for other youths a. Training b. Lifestyle c. Mentors
3. All but one of these is the type of skills the youth can enrolled in a. Tailoring b. Budgeting c.
Creating skills
4. One of the examples of youth empowerment skill is a. Reading skills b. Writing skills c.
Manipulative skills d. Business skills
5. AIDS means a. Advance immune service b. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome c. All acquired
disease syndrome
6. HIV/AIDS can be diagnosed through one of these ways a. Laboratory test b. Loss of weight c.
Looking at the patient
7. Major signs and symptoms of AIDS include the following a. Severe fever, diarrhea, cough and
red eyes b. Bow legs, weightloss, lungs damage c. Brain damage, cancer and slitter, stomach
8. HIV/AIDS can be prevented through all but one of the following ways a. None sharing of needles
and syringes b. Razor blades and other skin cutting c. Non tested blood transfusion d. None
shaking of hands, eating with the affected person
9. The following are examples of youth empowerment except. a. Expansion of economic activities
b. Reduction of crime c. Create job opportunities d. Expansion of warehouse
10. Youth empowerment is manipulative when the youths become ________ in the area they have
been trained a. Masters b. Skills c. Empowered
11. Democracy sprang up in which country and in what year? a. Ancient Greece and 3000 years b.
United Kingdom, 3,500 years c. Ancient Greece, 13111 years
12. One of the forms of democracy is? a. Constitutional democracy and direct democracy b. Indirect
and centralized democracy c. Direct democracy and centralized
13. Which of these is a principle which is based on the rule of law according to Dicey? a. The right of
the individual under the law b. Partiality c. Illegality d. Justice
14. Job creation creates jobs for youths that are unemployed to become self employed and
employers. TRUE/FALSE
15. Values are maintained to ensure ________ in every community. a. Orderly living b. Dispute living
c. Disorderly living
16. A person who will not put in any effort in doing something is called a. An indisciplined person b.
A bad person c. A dishonest person
17. For every society to be developed, that society must be free from ________. a. Dubbing b.
Cultism c. Corruption
18. AIDS is a group of signs and symptoms that develop towards the end of the life of a person that
is infected with HIV. True/False
19. One of these is an example of the dangers of dishonesty. a. Loss of value b. Contentment c.
20. What is the full name of your civic education teacher? a. Bako Blessing Ishaya b. Bago Blessing
Ishaya c. Bagu Blessing Ishaya


1. Identify the symptoms of and effects of HIV/AIDS

2. a. List the importance and benefits of the different skills
b. State the different youths empowerment skills
3. a. Explain the rule of majority with adequate safeguard to the minorities
b. Explain the meaning of representative democracy



1. Joseph was the son of ________ a. Benjamin b. Ruben c. Jacob

2. Reuben advised his brothers not to kill Joseph but cast him into a pit because he _________ a.
Did not want them to shed blood of an innocent person b. Wanted them to sell Joseph to the
Ishmaelites c. Wanted to buy him alive in the pit
3. Moses was the son _______ a. Amram and Rachael b. Amram and Jochebed c. Abraham and
4. Fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord. This statement was made by Moses at
_________ a. Wilderness of zin b. Meribah c. Pihahiroth
5. The Lord will sell sisera into the hand of a woman. This statement was made by Deborah, the
wife of _________ a. Barak b. Lappidoth c. Jael
6. One of the following was rewarded for his obedience. a. Joseph b. John c. Saul
7. Who was the first king in Israel's war with the _________ a. David b. Jeroboam c. Saul
8. David was from _________ a. Samaria b. Arabia c. Bethlehem
9. __________ wanted to kill David a. Joab b. Jesse c. Saul
10. Martha and Mary were _______ a. Cousins b. Sisters c. Friends
11. Lazarus was in the ________ for four days a. Home b. Tomb c. Earth
12. _________ friends always look for what to gain from their friends. a. Opportunist b. Committed
c. Platonic
13. _________ followed David to Saul's cap a. Abishai b. Abigail c. Jonathan
14. _________ challenged Jonah for sleeping during the storm a. The ship captain b. Passengers c.
The waitress
15. __________ is someone who directs, guides, teaches and controls others with the aim of
achieving some goals a. Friend b. Leader c. Intelligence
16. Joseph took care of his father's ________ a. Flock b. Car c. Robe
17. Joseph's brothers hated him because of his _________ a. Dream b. Father c. Mother
18. Jacob's family came to ________ a. Israel b. Egypt c. Canaan
19. _________ leads her people to victory a. Martha b. Deborah c. Esther
20. God instructed Moses to strike the rock at ________ a. Horeb b. Egypt c. Jericho


1. a. Discuss why Deborah was chosen as a leader

b. Identify her leadership qualities and discuss how she used them
2. a. Define friendship and narrate examples of friendships from the bible
3. a. List and explain the types of friendships
b. List characteristics of the types of friendship



Choose the right word to fill in the gaps among the option given at the end of each sentence

1. Segun _______ at Akodu village (live/lives/living)

2. We _______ everyday in the club (meets/meeting/meet)
3. I ________ my mother (loving/love/loves)
4. Oye and Chukwu often _______ to Ado (writes/write/writing)
5. I _______ not __________ a lie
(Is/am/are), (tells/telling/tell)

Rail Transport

Complete the sentences using the appropriate words from the list below


The train left the __________ three hours ago. Before it left, all the passengers besieged the ________
to collect _______ which they needed before they could be allowed on the train. A _________ just came
that the train has _________ at Dunseh. The rear ________ got pulled away from the train. This caused
the derailment from the ________. The ________ and the _________ have since been facing the anger
of the passenger who are demanding the refund of their ________

Write out five sentences from the table below

Ibrahim Needs A little Wine Now

A few Boots




Underline the noun phrases in the sentence below

Example: The boy said it

1. Those old ladies wrote it

2. Our new teacher said it
3. The little boy lost it
4. Ten new officers did it
5. All the students killed it

Write down the plural of the following word

Singular Plural





Write out 30 four letter words

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