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Plaqiarism cleclaration


Name and Student oumber Rofiiwe Malakoone

24 360384

Assgnment Topic:Wirtinq Skills in Workpla ce Corespondence

Lde dare that this assiqn met G my orignal work.

Where Secondaru material has been used (ether trom
a printe d cource or fromthe internet),this has been
Carefully acKnowledqed and referencedin accor donce
with departmental requirement&. I uderstand what
plaqroarigm is and am auOre of the departments
poli cy in this ceqard. have not allowed angone
else to borrow or copy my work

Signature : RM
Date O2 March 2024
AniverSity of South Afica
Refilwe Nalakoane
20 March 2014
Cuestion 1 ; Minutes'n o Meetng

MrDulce eported that our Gtudents

uiversiby due to the
dropout from the
addiction thothas become a
nour univereitu MDube lca netoned hat ou oegecuring
Ghools also experience qangstenem, po performance
gSop Out onnetition
ates,as wehae to ntervene
and cSSiGt Our students.
ormer drua adchct, Ms Botro, averu respected quest o* oucs,
hs agreed to host dru addics withoes rangingrom
3 to s uears for fsee. Ms Botra,has theefore tuned
for oOics
er nree bedroonotoo cehoblttation cetre
who cnnot afford to au fotheir ecovery. t the
if the addiction
acldic ts have their l4 or 2i clays Stay and
\S wor Se,the Stas ls extended.
Of how
Me Oriel of the GRC ashed a mid openigqestion
the university ad suaent bods assist our students?
Can we as
| ç Dube Guaqested that we come up with wareness
s Mooty
Campans and fundrasqide as for the Cente.
with he
memoer of Gtuent apport Departnent came up
all relevent
hdea ot holding GeminarG anoualls to engege wrth
Gtudent bout
ideas. Drua aclclctS Gurvvors Can address
therexperiences.Nr be Guqqest that all memoers think of
Fundraising ideas to assist wrth buldinq a biggerfacility
No obect1ons were made.
Next meeting : he folleig month

MaluG, Unvereity
Studert Support OfRce beretary
Potilwe Molanoane Dato: O2 March 2024

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