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A Introduction to Leadership and management

1. Differentiate between a management and a leader

mangement leader
Expertise builder visionary
Nuture org Set direction
Deliver mission statement Create a mission statement
Organize teams plan set timelines maintains Evaluate strengths needs marketplace
Develop talent/solve problems Inspire people
Manage projects Long reach goals and objectives

I. Leadership skills and Leadership skills

II. Autocratic and democratic styles

III. Authority-obedience management and team management

Authority-obedience management

Manager focuses on output production disregarding the workers well being

Manager gives orders and enforces them regardless of the works input

Orders must be followed

Workers treated as a resource

Concern is for task completion

Leader dictates in getting things done

Team mnx

Managers concerned with people and production

Achieve productivity as a team

Goal centred

Participation commitment involvement

IV. Describe three traits/skills that could facilitate effective leadership



Know you people

Effective communication

2. Describe the following managerial, decisional and Information roles

3. Discuss the importance of leadership on health care organizations through


4. Explain FOUR principles of management with their application to nursing.


Span of control

Division of work

Division of labour



Authority and responsibility


Unity of command

Unity of direction

Subordination of individual interest

5. a) Explain two styles of leadership which nurse manager can apply in a work


autocratic -individuals motivated by external forces with the leader making all decisions and directs
followers.Employee opinions not considered


new staff do not know which task to perform or procedure to follow

effective suo

individuals motivated by internal forces leader uses participation and majority to get the work done

employees have a voice.


The authority lies with the followers and leaders have a hands off approach to leadership individuals
motivated by internal forces and should be left alone to complete the work with the leader providing
no direction

Bureaucratic motivated by external forces leadere trusts neither the self or followers to make
decisions follow the company objectives and goals

b) List two strengths and weaknesses of each of the above styles.

6. Explain three main activities of human Resource Management

Hiring and firing



7. As a nurse manager, explain how you can apply the systems theory in an

Many parsts of a system work as a can be closed or open

Open:Organization input-throughput-output(feedback loop negative or positive

Closed-prevents movement in or out completely stsatic

Quality of patient care is determined by the hospital inputs (activities

Components patient health and environment

8. a) State TWO types of organization structures

Line structure-authority and structures clearly defined

Direct line of authority from the superior to subordinate levels


Clear allocation of responsibilities and tasks

Fosters effective communication

Adapt quickly to changing situations


Reduces the chain of command, and wider span of control improving communication,


Improves implementation

Reduce costs

Organization more responsive to change

Increased communication

b) Explain TWO advantages of each organizational structures stated in (a)

a bove

9. Explain four types of power that the nurse leader uses

Power potential ability to utilize

Reward-inducements offered

Punishment -penalties enforced by manager

Legitimate -authority of thew manager

Expert-unique skills

Referent -admiration and respect of an individual

Information-access to data

Connection-influential links



B) Principles/Functions of management

Planning ,organizing leading controlling staffing

Explain the significance of planning in nursing administration

Provides accountability&monitor performance

Improve knowledge and training

Focuses on analytical thinking

Cost effective
Prevent wastage

Forecast on the future

2. a) State three reasons why controlling is important

Adapt to change

Limit errors

Minimize costs

To avoid wastage

To promote good work ethics

To ensure org objectives are achieved

Means to measure performance

Setting standards

Provide feedback

b) Describe the elements of control.





3. a) State four main objectives of staffing

Ensure competent workforce

Improve morale and human relation

Ensure equal opportunity based on skills and experience

Ensure cooperation and sense of belonging to the staff

Determination of manpower

Maintain employee communication

Increase org workforce

b) Explain three main factors that affect staffing

skill mix



nurse to patient ratio

level of education


diversity and inclusion

c) Describe the staffing process in an organization.

Manpower planning





Training and development

Performance appraisal

Transfer promotion demotion

d) Discuss with relevant examples the role of a nurse manager in staffing


4. a) Describe effective delegation process

Define the task

Decide on delegate

Determine the task

Reach agreement

Monitor performance and give feedback

b) Explain three barriers to effective delegation

lack of trust/confidence

believe others are incapable

fear of competition


fear of failure

lack vof confidence

overdependence on others

c) Using examples explain the five rights of delegation

Right Task

Right Circumstance

Right Person

Right Direction / Communication

Right Supervision / Evaluation

C) Budget

1. Explain two types of budget capital /operational ,personnel cashflow

2. Explain the purpose of budgeting plan for expenses,control expenditure,make use of available
resources,gives a plan of achieving financial goals

3. Describe the budget process.assess diagnose ,plan implement,evaluate

D) Management of change & Conflict

As an in-charge of a Health Care Unit, you identify the need to change the current

methods of nursing care delivery.

1. Explain three reasons why the staff may resist change.fear of the unknown,fear of
failure ,poor communication,emotional responses,unrealistic timelines/deadlines

2. Discuss how you will assist the nurses to go through the change process to

overcome resistance.Employee training & education, provide adequate communication and

timelines about the change,employee involvement and participation,listen to employee
concerns,define and communicate the reasons for the change,implement change in phases,

3. Explain the role of a change agent.



4. You are the new county X director of Nursing. There is need to articulate nurses to

the new changes expected in the country in relation to nursing service delivery.

a)Explain the role of orientation (induction) as part of staffing


b)Explain change as a process


Indicate T (True) or F (False) for each of the following statements. (½ each)

1. McGregor’s theory "X and Y" focuses on the employee attitude to managers F

2. In delegation accountability is transferred while responsibility is shared. F

3. A source of concern is a factor to be considered when formulating standards of

practice. T

4. Collective bargaining assists both employees and employing organizations. T

5. Content theories seek to explain specific actions focusing on the thought process F

6. Operating decisions are concerned with major policy statements and organization

structure. T

7. Staffing is the process of balancing the quality and mix of staff needed T

by the organization.

Job description refers to the chain of command F

8. Goal setting and priority setting are techniques which a manger can utilize to deal

with time management T

9. Demand estimation and procurement are activities which pertain to materials

management T

According to Herzberg’s two factor theory, salary is considered a

motivational factor F

Laissez – faire style of leadership encourages enthusiasm and

high morale T

Match the statement

1. Motivation hygiene theory-herzberg

2. 14 principles of management

3. Theory X and Y

4. bureaucracy

Choose from the list below

i) Elton Mayo hawthorne effect

ii) Fredrick Taylor scientific mnx

iii) Max Weber 4

iv) Henri Fayol 2

v) Douglas McGregor3

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