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EIA Assignment 1

Code: MNG 202

Dr. samah abdelmonem

Group 35

Name: heba allah hesham farouck

ID: 20200019

1) Classify the air pollutants?
1. Primary pollutant
a. Oxides of Sulphur
b. Oxides of nitrogen
c. Hydrocarbons
d. Oxides of carbon
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon dioxide
e. Particulate pollutants
2. Secondary air pollutant
a. Acid rain

2) Mention sources of soil pollutants?

- Industrial and urban wastes
- Agriculture waste chemicals
- Household or domestic or municipal waste
- Mining areas
- Petroleum refineries

3) How is water quality measured?

- Dissolved oxygen (DO), the amount of oxygen dissolved in water at a
particular pressure and temp.
- Bio chemical oxygen demand (BOD), oxygen required for biological
decomposition of organic matter.
- Chemical oxygen demand (COD), oxygen required for chemical
oxidation of organic matter.

4) What is AQI?
- Air quality is measured with the Air Quality Index ( AQI). The AQI
works like a thermometer that runs from 0 to 500 degrees

5) How to control soil pollution?
- Effluents should be properly treated before discharging on the soil.
- Solid waste should be properly collected and disposed off by appropriate
- Use of pesticides should be minimized.
- Use of fertilizers should be controlled.

6) Define pollution and mention its type?

- Pollution: is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that cause adverse changes or harm to the environment.
- Its type:
1. Air Pollution
2. Water Pollution
3. Soil Pollution
4. Marine Pollution
5. Noise Pollution
6. Thermal Pollution
7. Nuclear Hazards

7)What are the causes of soil and water pollution?

• soil
- Industrial and urban wastes
- Agriculture waste chemicals
- Household or domestic or municipal waste
- Mining areas
- Petroleum refineries
• water
- Urban run-off of untreated or poorly treated wastewater and garbage.
- Industrial waste storage located above or near aquifers.
- Agricultural practices include applying large amounts of fertilizers and
pesticides, and animal feeding operations.
- Leakage from underground storage tanks containing gasoline and other
hazardous substances.
- Mining wastes.

8) What are sources of water pollution?
- Point Sources of Pollution e.g., municipal and industrial discharge pipes
- Non-Point Sources of Pollution e.g., agricultural runoff, acid rain

9) Explain this sentence “putting a greater emphasis on air pollution

prevention rather than control”
- If we need to control air pollution we will
1. Control gaseous emitted from motor vehicles
2. Control air pollution at the source by using filters and dry or wet
3. Install proper controlling devices and equipment for the removal of
pollutants from the flue gases through scrubbers
4. Control of gas construct a high stack to discharge the pollutants at a
higher altitude
- If we need to prevention air pollution we will
1. Reducing the use of fossil fuels
2. Improving the quality of vehicles fuel
3. Increasing the use of renewable energy
• We prefer to prevent air pollution rather than control as keep ozone layer
and prevent global warming and keep the climate not change

10) What are the types of pollutants?

1. Degradable pollutants: these can be rapidly broken down by natural
2. Non-degraded pollutants: these cannot be degraded by natural processes.
Once they are released into the environment, they are difficult to
eradicate and continue to accumulate

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