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Social Studies Name: _______________________

Directions: Complete the following questions using the link listed below.

1. What was the timeframe of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

From April 19 to May16,1943,During W W II

2. Shortly after the German invasion of Poland, in September 1939, more than
400,000 Jews in Warsaw, the capital, were confined to an area of the city
5 square miles
that was little more than _____________________.

3. What occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto in November 1940?

The ghetto was sealed off bybrick walls,barbed wire and armed guards and anyone
caught leaving was shot on sight.

4. Briefly describe the conditions created within the ghetto.

The Nazis controlled the amount of food that was brought into the ghetto and disease and
starvation killed thousands each month.

1 ©Copyright Brodie Millar 2014. (

5. Who was Heinrich Himmler? What was his role?

In July1942,Heinrich Himmler the head of the Nazi paramilitarycorps known as the SS

considered the Jewish population to be '
Resettled'to extermination camps

6. small
group of survivors formed underground defense units.
a. What was this underground defense group called?

Jewish Combat Organization or ZOB

b. Explain what this group did on January 18th, 1943.

when the Nazis entered the ghetto to prepare a group for transfer to a camp,a ZOB unit
ambushed them.

on April 19the, 1943.
Himmler sent in SS forces and their collaborators with tanks and heavyartilleryto liquidate the
W arsaw ghetto.
However,during that time,the Germans systematicallyrazed the ghetto buildings,block byblock,
destroying the bunkers where manyresidents had been hiding. In the process,the Germans killed
or captured thousands of Jews.

the area?

the Germans blew up W arsaw’

s Great Synagogue.

9. An estimated _________
7,000 Jews perished during the uprising, while nearly
50,000 others who survived were sent to extermination or labor camps. It is
believed that the Germans lost several hundred men in the uprising.

2 ©Copyright Brodie Millar 2014. (

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