Narrative Career

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao De Oro
Mawab District


S.Y. 2023-2024

The confluence of tradition and aspiration converged in a harmonious

celebration during the Filipino Values Month and Career Guidance Celebration held
November 30, 2023. It is in our spirits of honoring our rich cultural heritage and
nurturing the aspirations of our youth has been unfolded as a vibrant tapestry of
tradition and inspiration. This narrative report encapsulates the vibrancy of the event,
weaving together cultural appreciation and career exploration into a tapestry of
learning and inspiration.
Dressed in attire symbolizing their chosen professions, students paraded with
pride and determination, embodying the spirit of aspiration and ambition. From
traditional attire to modern uniforms, each ensemble reflected the diverse career
pathways available to the youth. The Parade of the Students' Chosen Profession
served as a visual representation of their dreams and aspirations, inspiring others to
pursue their passions with courage and determination.
The festivities commenced with reverence and harmony as students
showcased their musical talents in the Praise and Worship Contest. Through soul-
stirring melodies and heartfelt lyrics, participants paid homage to the values of faith,
unity, and compassion deeply rooted in Filipino culture. The contest served not only
as a platform for artistic expression but also as a moment of spiritual reflection,
fostering a sense of community and connection among attendees.
Followed by the Memory Verse Competition served as a testament to the
enduring wisdom and moral guidance found in Filipino literature and scripture.
Participants recited verses imbued with values such as integrity, resilience, and
empathy, showcasing their understanding of the ethical principles that underpin
Filipino society. The competition not only honed participants' memorization skills but
also deepened their appreciation for the moral compass that guides their actions and
Together with the Memory Verse Competition is the Filipino Values stage play
in where a celebration of creativity and storytelling, students brought to life the
essence of Filipino values through captivating stage plays. From narratives of
heroism and sacrifice to stories of family bonds and community solidarity, each
performance illuminated the timeless virtues that define the Filipino spirit. Through
drama, participants conveyed profound messages of hope, resilience, and
compassion, inspiring audiences to uphold and cherish their cultural heritage.
As some events took placed in the stage, artistic expression in the Poster
Making Competition commenced, where students translated the essence of Filipino
values into visually stunning artworks. With creativity as their tool and tradition as
their inspiration, participants depicted scenes of familial love, environmental
stewardship, and social responsibility. The competition not only showcased the
artistic talents of the participants but also served as a reminder of the importance of
preserving and promoting Filipino values in a rapidly changing world.
Then, Intellectual prowess was put to the test in the Tagis-Talino, a battle of
wits that challenged Grade 4, 5 and 6 participants' knowledge of Filipino history,
literature, and culture. Through rigorous quizzes students demonstrated their
intellectual agility and critical thinking skills. The competition fostered a spirit of
camaraderie and intellectual curiosity, encouraging participants to deepen their
understanding of their cultural heritage and the values that shape their identity.
As the festivities drew to a close, moments of celebration filled the air as
deserving participants were honored for their achievements. With pride and
admiration, awards were bestowed upon winners of the various competitions,
recognizing their talent, dedication, and commitment to excellence. Additionally,
certificates of participation were distributed to all attendees, serving as tangible
reminders of their active engagement in the celebration of Filipino values and the
exploration of career pathways.
In retrospect, the Filipino Values Month and Career Guidance Celebration
served as a testament to the enduring legacy of tradition and the boundless potential
of the youth. Through a tapestry of events including the Praise and Worship Contest,
Memory Verse Competition, Stage Play on Filipino Values, Poster Making
Competition, Tagis-Talino, Parade of the Students' Chosen Profession, and the
awarding and certificate giving, participants were inspired to honor their cultural
heritage while charting their course towards a future filled with promise and
possibility. As we bid farewell to this memorable occasion, let us carry forth the
values instilled and the aspirations ignited, embodying the spirit of resilience, unity,
and hope that define the Filipino spirit.

Prepared by: Noted by:


School ESP Coordinator TIII/TIC

District ESP Coordinator

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