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‘Because of you?” “He's convinced hime he cant go away and lave me hee ‘Ofcourse, can manage perfectly well But he ies to pretend rm quit helpless, likely to getup tal srs of mischien is absence? “IstheAtks Brookings olege faraway?” “Aday’s drive. Burdinanc is beside the pot. Hes convinced am hour i about as much athe can eave me on ny owa. Now how wile grow up and go out int the word if he ca’ leave sme for more than an hour atime?” ‘Outside, Rick boan t step down the boards towards the ass. He dds lowly, asif daydreaming, and 1 ould el fem the way he kept one arm stil to his ches that he was sill holding Jose's drawing, As his bead and shoulders descended ‘oat of view Miss Helen went on: “What Iily wished vo ae you, Klara The el request the deeper one, Would you ak Jove to try and persuade Rich? She's the one person who might change his tance. He's very stub- born, you see, and also =I suspect this rather afi And who. can blame him? He kaows the world out there wos be ery: Bat Jose's the one capable of geting him to see hie diferent. ill you speak to her? I know you have big nflence on het ‘Would you do thi forme? Mention to er not just the once, but ove and ove so shel exer a rel presse oa hina? "Of course Ti be pleased to do so. But I believe Josie has already spoken to Rick in jus chese tems. The curent ft ‘berween them may infact have to do with Josie expressing her self 0 foreflly on thi ery topic” "That intresting to know. If what you sy is corect, then ie more portant than eves, what Fen asking you, Josie ay ful she as to relent in order for them to make up. She may 153 ‘come to feel she was wrong ever to take the aad she di ‘Well, you must speak with her. Tel her she muse persevere, ‘ever mind wha temper tants he throws ssmething the mater dear?” ‘Tn sorry jot tha I'm ale surprised? “Ok? Why are you surprised, dear™ "Well... Frankly, mn surprised because Mise Helens request concerning Rick appears very sincere. I'm surprised Someone wou desire so much path that would eave her in loneliness ‘And that's wha suprises you? “Yes: Until rece, | dda’ think that humans could choose loneliness. That there were sometimes forces more powerful than the wish o avoid lonlnes” Mis Helen smiled. "You ely ae a sweet one: You don' say 1s much, but I can tll what you'e thinking. A mother’s love for her son. Such a noble thing, to overide the dread of lone lines And you mighe no be wrong. But let me ll you, there arcall kinds of other very good easos why, ina fe like ine, ‘one migh prefer loneliness I've often made such a choice in the pst Lids, for inane, rather than say with Rick’ father, Late father, very sadly, though Rick has no memory of him Even 50, he was for awhile my husband, and not an enely sles one atcha. Is thanks ro him we're abl o get by this say, even if we don't exactly ive in splendor. Here’ Rick com- ing back spun. Ob, he's not He wishes to nay out there and sulk futher? Indeed, Rick had come walking up the plank stepsand glanced towards the house, but had then sat down on the op stp, his ‘back tend ous once more "Lust een to oss Ts then. I was very kind of Mise Helen to take me into her confidence. I'l do as you atk and speak wih ose” “And speak with her repestely Titi Rick’ only chance. ‘And as Tsay, Fhave a secee weapon. A contact. Perhaps the next ime Chrisie takes Josie ito the city, peshaps when she next sits for her port, Rick and I could cde a ride. Then Rick could meet my secret weipon, hopefully impress him. (Chsie and I have already spoken about i. Bur ll of his is weless until Rick changes hisartiude” “Tundertand. Then goodbye. I must go now ‘When {stepped our ono the platform, I could fel the wind ‘lowing ehough the gaps of the planks mote strongly than before The ils were no longer divided ino bores, 50 I could se single clear pctre all the way othe horizon. Despite the sere angle, Me MeBain's bar was where Texpecte it tobe, ‘though now a slighty changed shape ro the one from Josie ear ‘window: 1 walked past the cobweb efrgerstor tthe top plank where Rick was sated. I thought he might til be angry and ignore tne but he looked up with eal eyes “Ya sony ify vii ome fetiony Tid “Hardly your fle Toten gt like hat” ‘We both loked a the fis before us, nd I eliza ater 3 smoment that his gaze ike ning, was on Me McBia’s barn. "You were saying something’ he sid. “Before Mam came down, You wee saying how you wanted to go out wo that barn for some reason” “Yes And it wl have tobe inthe evening. He's even to tine sch trip aceuratly? “And you're sure you don't want me ogo with you?” “tes very kind of Rick Butif here are informal eis eng 155, to Me McBain’ ae, e's bert fg alone es important I don't ‘ake anything for granted” ‘Okay. If you say so” He was squinting up a me, pay 1 account ofthe Sen's paten on his fae, but also Treal= ize, because he was once again studying me catflly, perhaps assering my ability co make such & journey. ‘Look,’ he sad ‘eventually T dont relly understand what hiss about. Bu if its gong to help Josie o ge ber, thea, wel good luck" “Thank you. Now I must eur to the house “You know, 'vebeen thinking about esi. Perhaps you ould tel Josie I relly liked he picture. That Iwas grateful And thatif its okay with er, dik come over soon ad tll hee ha nse” ‘Jose will beso happy when she hears” “Maybe tomorrow even.” "Yes, of course, Wall then, goodbye. Iwas avery intersting ‘wip for me. Thankyou for your useful advice” “See you, Klas. Go carefully? “The timing of my journey to Me McBsin'sbar, 6 'told Rick, ‘was crucial and when I crossed the loose stones towards the picture frame gate forthe secon time cha day afar amet ‘ny nd that'd nae slated. The Sun wa alteady low before ‘me—and I could’ asume the second ad hid Fields would be as easy wo navigat asthe Set My journey began reassuring, she informal ei to Rick’ house similar to what i ad been in the morning. Thi time 1 ‘ad both hand to push away the gras, anda did so, evening inset flew up. saw more insecs hovering before me inthe ai, 186 nervously exchanging positions, bur unilingto abandon their friendly ster My fea of not reaching Mr McBain’ bar in tme caused me to give only brie lance at Rik’ house as passed it and then Twas further along the informal trl beyond any point 'd ‘been went through another picture fame gate, then the grass ‘cts too tall to ace the har anymore Te ld became pau- ‘iioned nto boxes, some larger than others, and T pressed 0, ‘coascous ofthe contrasting atmospheres berween one box and another One moment the grass would be soft and yelng the round exsy to ead then ' cross boundary and everything ‘would darken, the pase would resist my pushes, and there ‘would be srange noises around me, making me fearful hat Pd made a serious miscalculation, tha there was no justifiable ex so to disturb is pivay inthe manner wa hoping do, that my efforts would have gravely negative consequenes for Josie. ‘While crossing one pariculry unkind box, heard around me ‘he cries ofa anima in pin and picture came into my sind of Rosy, siting onthe rough ground somewhere outdoors ile pieces of meal catered around he, as she reached out both Jhands to grap one of her lege tetched ot ily before her “The image was in my mind for only «second, but the animal carried on making its nose, and I fel the ground collapsing ‘beneath me I remembered the terrible bal on the wall up to Morgans Falls and how in all probability i had emerged from ‘beneath the ground, and fora brief momen, eventhough the ‘Sun wasn't kind at al, and this wae the tue reson for Joi’ ‘worsening condition. Even inthis confeson, Iwas convinced tha if ould oaly poll myself chrough oto kinder bo, become sf. I'd alo ben aware of voice cling to me and 1 ‘ow spotted an abject shaped like one ofthe overhaul men's 197 traffic cones ~ placed in the gas alin ahead of me. The oie was coming from behind this cone, and when I wed 10 move towards it calcd it was in face two coves one inserted eto the othe allowing the higher one to perform a rocking mation, perhaps to draw the atention of pasters-by. Klara! Come on! Over hee” "came else, shen eaized thee weren't cones a all, but Bick, holding back che grass with one hand and reaching the ther towards me. Now tha I'd recognized him, 1 had even ‘more incentive to move towards him, but my fet sank further, and Lkew if atempead another sp 18 lose balance and fll, deep into the ground. [knew too that despite Rick appearing 1 be within touching dance, he was noe in reality 50 neat because ofthe fierce border sepuratng our boxes. Even 4, he ‘continued to reach out towards me, and where his arm crossed into my bo, it appeared elongated and bent, “Klrscome oat” ‘Buc accepted now that I would soon fll into the ground, ‘tha the Son was angry with me, and perhaps unkind, snd hat Josie was diappointed with me. 1 began to lose orientation, ‘ven as Rick's arm gre longer and more crooked slit touched me, Iestopped me ling, and ny fee tad lie “Okey, Klar This wa. Hie wa guiding ~ almost earying = me across, and then ‘was in kind bos, the Sun's generous pattern over ms and my ‘thoughts found order ce more “Thank you. Thank you fr coming vo hel. “Tsaw you from my window: Are you okay?" "Ys, everything i fine again. The fel posed more problems than expected” “Isuppose these lin ditchescan gt icky. Thats, from 188 up ther, you looked like one of thos lies that buzz around blindly a the window pane: But thas unkind 'm sorry” eile and ss fel so foolish’ Then remembering, 1 looked upto check the Sun's postion. “This journey ssoimpor- nt Ts looking at him again “Bu eximated incorrectly and ow I wont get therein time” “The grat ws sill oo high to see Me McBain’ barn inthe istanes, but Rick was looking sagt ints direction, hand shielding his ees andi occurred to me he was tll enough to “shoul have lef the hows eae I a "egal ofthe owkwardnes when Irerarned. But I was waiting il Jose fll asleep, and oallow Melani Housekeeper to believe going, fom anther errand to Rick's hous. I though there'd be sul en ime, bathe fields were more complex than imagined’ Rick was sil looking towards Mr McBain’ bats. “You keep saying you wont ge therein ime he suid. But when exactly Ai you want tobe thee?” "Jos asthe Suns arriving at Me McBuin' barn. But belore be pps forks? "Look, I don't understand any ofthis. And appreciate you cant le me inom it for whatever reson. But if you want, I'l take you there "Thats very kind, Buc even with Rick guiding 1 bebe is ow too lt: woulda’ guide you. I'l cary you. Piggyback. We've gots ‘way to goyet, bu if we hur Think we can make it? "You'd do that?” "You keep saying it's important. Imporant for Josie. $0 yes, Tike wo help. This is over my head, but shen I'm used co that. we're going, we have to hurry” 159 He tuned and lowered hinsell into crouching poston. 1 ‘understood I was climb on his back, and immedistely id 50~clasping my arms and legs around him ~he began ro moe, [Now I was higher, I could se ewer che evening sky, andthe oof of Mr McBsia's barn ahead of us Rick moved confided, crashing trough the grass and since his arms were occupied holding me, most of the impact was taken by his head and shoulders. I elt srry about this and tha thee was so line could do myself psh ack the grass “Then Hooked p past Rick's head and saw chat the sky bad become divided into segmens of ieepular shape. Some s9- ments wer glowing orang or pink, while others showed pices ofthe night shy seston ofthe moon visible aa omer ore [As Rick moved forward the segments kept overlapping and spacing one another, even a we passed though another pi cure fame gate. After thar the grass, instead of being delicate snd waving, ame towards ura at shapes, possibly made from Ieary board auch a the sort ed for street advertising, and 1 feared they would cause Rick injury ashe plunged iato them ‘Then the sky and the field were no longer in segments, but one broad picture, nd Mr MeBains bara wat looming before os “Theuneasy though that had been growingin my snd could ‘now no longer be set aside. Even before Rick had come to my sid, Y'd saree to wonder if the Sun's resting place really wat inside the barn itself. OF course, I'd been the on, not Josie, who'd ft soggeted sich a thing, tha ime we'd ged cat together from the rear window, so any such eror was ety ‘my own, Certily, there was no question of Jose having misled 160 sme at any age, Even soit was a dicouraging thought thatthe Sua was about to descend not into the place Iwas making sh aneffort wo eeach, but somewhere farther wa sill ‘What [now observed obliged me to accept that my fr was justified Me McBai’s barn was ule any building see, I resembled the outer shell of house the men hada yee she. ‘There war a gray roof witha facing angen the usual manner, supported tothe left and righ by all ofa darker shade But par from the setons enclosing the oof, the structure had no walls font of tear The win, I knew, was even then blowing sight che way through with barely any obstruction. And the Sun, sa; had now fallen behind he bar's structure, and was seoding his ays through the rear opening bck out ous a5 we sppreahed ‘Wed meanwhile come into a ceaing aot unlike the one ‘upon which Rick’s house was but, There was grass her, but Jirhad been et, perhaps by Mr McBain himself, co just above feet evel. The carting had been performed skilfully, that 2 pater could be sen weaving towards she barn entrance and ‘because the Sun was now shining straight through the bara is shadow was spreading cross the grass towards us “Though i seemed dacourcous, I signaled urgently to Rick ‘by Sihtening my arms and les Please stp!" whispered into his ee ‘Seop! Pease let me down” He lowered me caeflly, and we both gazed atthe scene before us. Although I now had to acept the barn coulda be ‘he S's actual esting place, allowed myself an encouraging posit: chat regudlss of whee the Sun ulimatly stl, Mr MeBuins bum was 2 place be made a point of calling at Lae hing each evening, js as Josie always visited er ensuite tefonereiing to bed. “Vm so grateful’ 1 sid, keping my voice low, despite the ‘outdoor aovstis. "But from her, it’s best Rick leaves me and Igo alone? "Whatever you ty. If you like, Pl wait hee for you. How long da you suppose you'l be? “Tes best Rick returns to his house, Miss Helen will worry otherwise” "Mum wl be fine. I chink Td beter wat. Remember how it vib ging before Tene on the soem? Aad or oor beck. will probably ben the dark” "TH have to manage. Rick has been t00 kind already. And its best emer alone. As iti, standing here ike his i might already be tang to much privacy” Rick looked again at Mr McBain's barn, then shrugged. “Otay. eave you tot: Whatever this it you have odo." “Thank you? "Good luck, Klara. 1 mean it? He eurned and walked back ito the tll rss and soon 1 «ould no longer shim, (ace sone, | began to place my thoughts ally on dhe ask before me. Iv occured to me tha if passerby had stood det before the barn even five minutes eal, they would have been able to sce not only the evening sky through the ‘eae, and the contouaion ofthe ld, bt also oe more ofthe bur’ shadowy interioe But now, wich the Suns rays coming straight towards me, could make out only some blurted box- like shapes stacked one ontop ofthe other. And the thought retard tome with more certsinty than eve thit,even a6c00n- ing fo the Sts ret gmeroitywht Iwas uot odo cased ris, and would requte all my conceneation. I heard behind ime the breeze inthe grass and the ries of ditane birds, and 92 ‘ordering my thoughts I walked across theca geass towards Me ‘Msn’ bar, “The inerior was filed with orange light. There were pares of hay drifting in the ae ike evening insets, and his patterns ‘were fling ll across the barns wooden floor. Whea I glanced lbhind me my own shadow looked like ll shin re ready t0 ‘break inthe wind, ‘There were some trou estar abou my surroundings. On fi enerng the barn, I'd encountered sch sharply conrasing

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