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Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Transforming

Services, Managing Risks, and Navigating Adoption

Yesset Yedres
School of Engineering and Digital Sciences
Nazarbayev University
Astana, Kazakhstan

Abstract—Through this article the adoption of AI in financial within the financial field. It will also touch upon prospective
sectors is investigated in terms of its contribution in operational of AI to transform the financial domain in the same time as
efficiencies, customer service and risk management. In close it will demonstrate problems that occur.
connection with the trendy financial framework, AI technologies
are given as an effective answer to the problems including the Putting all in all the cruise of this investigation lays to
prevention of fraud, the generalization of the approaches to emphasize the urgent need to explain AI in the context of
financial services and market forecasting. The study hopes to a new financial world of which future remains unknown.
fill that hole of knowledge resulting from AI mechanisms and Previous studies have already done the donkey work by telling
using behavioral finance in finance as the conventional research, us about the role of AI in fraud detection, lending decisions,
stand out by undertaking a literature review to bring together
fresh thoughts. The study involves with whether the Artificial In- and supplying the most accurate forecasts around. Therefore, a
telligence(AI) innovations influence the manner financial services synopsis that binds the individual strategies to the general the-
operates and the effects it may have on the operating procedures ories of behavioural finance in a comprehensive way is an issue
and regulations of the industry of a matter. With the scarcity of clear writing on this subject
This research scrutinizing studies in key financial and technical it is very obvious that the purpose of this research is to focus
journals shows that AI makes banking and management of risk
easier, and provides us with the derivation of behavioral finance. the particulars of AI effect on finance industry, investigate the
Research shows that AI increases financial services offerings, ethical and practical problems technology could give rise to,
learning capacities for risk assessment and market efficiency. and summarize the more comprehensive consequences of these
However, its introduction into the new era is conjunction with changes. This research paper based on comprehensive litera-
challenges, which include ethics consideration and creation of a ture review of the current literature together with analysis of
robust regulatory response. This work considers the implications
of AI in financial sphere and provides a comprehensive discussion important cases, significantly contributes not only to academic
of AI potential impact. Also, the paper underlines that further interchange but also to the practice of this digitalization front.
research has to be interdisciplinary in order for efficient handling Through this identification, we intend to confirm our place in
of AI integration and obtaining the benefits it will bring to the the academic arena, which does not only provides an overview
industry, to regulators, and to consumers. on the impact of automation in the financial sector but also
Index Terms—artificial intelligence, financial sector, opera-
tional efficiency, risk management, behavioral finance, fraud gives a detailed manifestation of the behavioral finance, risk
detection, market forecasting, technology adoption, regulatory regulated, and regulatory policy.
frameworks, ethical considerations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) that ushers in the banking sector
stands above the rest as it offers unique services like speed,
less errors, higher risk management capabilities and better
customer service. This prolonged process results in a mixed
realilty of opportunities and challenges which can’t be evenly
separated and are interlinked with the behavioural basis of
financial management and the wide-scale implications for
regulatory frameworks. In the case of the financial industry,
the AI market is faced with a problem of the ethic issue
of use, the issues of privacy concerns and the limitations
in the widespread adaptation. Therefore this paper aimed at
examining which multifaceted influence the AI can provide

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