Verb Gersonlintin Real

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Nama : Gerson Lintin

NIM : 223113006





I. Definition of verb (kata kerja)
Verb(kata kerja) is a word that carries out an activity or action (action word).
Verbs tell us what happened. Verbs can also tell us the situation, form (state). In a
sentence the verb functions as a predicate.
Verbs generally require an object (called transitive verbs), but there are also
some verbs that do not require an object (called intransitive verbs). Verbs are the
most important type of words in a sentence.
Even in spoken language, with just a verb we can express an idea that other
people can understand.
II. The kinds of Verbs ( Jenis - jenis kata kerja)
Verbs are divided into three general groups:
A) Trasitive verbs ( kata kerja transitif)
Transitive verbs are verbs that require an object or complement
Example :
- He killed a snake ( Ia membunuh seekor ular)
- She ate rice ( Ia makan nasi)
1) Froms of the object (Bentuk - Bentuk objek)
Most transitive verbs require only one object. The object of a verb can be
expressed in various different forms, including:
a) Noun ( kata benda)
- He Killed a snake. ( Ia membunuh seekor ular)
b) pronoun ( kata ganti)
- That snake bit her(Ular itu mengigigitnya)
c) Infinitive ( infinitif)
- He desires to succeed ( Ia menginginkan sukses).
d) Gerund ( kata kerja yang dibendakan)
- He disliked hunting ( Ia tak suka berburu)
e) Fhrase (ungkapan)
- She does not know how to make things go (Ia tidak tahu bagaimana
membuat segala sesuatu berjalan dengan baik)
f) Clause ( anak kalimat)

- We do not know what she wants ( kami Tidak tahu apa yang di
2) The Double Object (objek Ganda)
Some transitive words require two objects after the verb, one of which is
usually the name of a particular thing, and the other of which is a person or other
The thing said is called the direct object (pelengkap penderita langsung) the
person or other animal mentioned is called an indirect object (pelengkap penderita
tak langsung )
Examples :
- They gave the boy a book ( ia memberi anak laki - laki itu sebuah buku)
the boy : Indirect Object
a book : Direct Object
- They gave a book to the boy ( Ia memberi sebuah buku kepada anak laki- laki
a book : Direct Object
the boy : Indirect Object
3) Trasitive verbs with complement (kata kerja transitif dengan
Certain intransitive verbs that require not only an object but also a word or
other words to make complete predication are called Transitive Verbs of
Incomplete Predication.
Example :
Subject Verb Object Complement

They (mereka) made her (dia) quen (ratu) Verb(kata

(menjadikan) kerja)
That grief drove him (dia) mad (gila) Adjectives(
(kesedihan itu) (mendorong Kata sifat)
They(mereka) found(mendap the boy Still weeping Partisip
ati) (anak laki- (masih menangis)
laki itu)

They(mereka) filled the air With Prepositi
( mengisi) (suasana) screams.(dengan on with
jeritan - jeritan) its object
She (dia) Likes(menghe ascoundrel to be punished (di Infinitive
ndaki) (bajingan) hukum)
The boy (Anak Found The mand a sleep adverb
laki-laki itu) (mendapati) (pria itu) (tertidur)
We (kita) have made Pardi (pardi What he is (apa Clause(ana
(telah profesi/status k kalimat)
menjadikan) sosialnya ia

4) Trasitive verbs used Intransitively (kata kerja Transitif yang di pakai secara
There are two ways a transitive verb can be made intransitive:
a) when the verb is used in a general sense in such a way that there is no object:
Examples :
- New - born children see, but kittens are born blind ( anak yang baru lahir
melihat, tetapi anak kucing dilahirkan buta( sementara tidak melihat))
- Men eat to preverse life ( manusia makan untuk mempertahankan hidup)
b) If the reflexive pronoun is omitted(kata ganti refleksi di hilangkan) :
- Move yourself forward. ( Trasitif)
(Gerakan diri anda maju ke depan)
- Move forward. (Intransitif)
(Bergerak maju)
B) Intransitive Verbs ( kata kerja intransitif)
Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not require an object or pronoun
1) Intrasitive verbs of complete predication
An intransitive verb makes a complete sense by itself, and does not require any
words to be added
Example :

- cows walk ( sapi - sapi berjalan)
- Horses run ( kuda berlari)
2) intrasitive verbs with complement (kata kerja intransitif dengan komplemen)
Intransitive verbs that do not have a full meaning, but require a complement
Example :
Subjek Verb Complement
Cows (sapi) are ( adalah) four - legged Verb (Kata benda)
animals (hewan
berkaki empat
The Has fallen ( telah Sick Adjective (Kata
women( wanita itu) jatuh) sifat)
The horse( kuda Continued (terus) Running (berlari) Partisip
That book( buku Profeded (terbukti) Of use (berguna) Preposition with
itu) object
This flower Seems(tampaknya) To be fading (akan Infinitive
( bunga ini) layu)
The boy (anak laki Has fallen (telah Asleep( tertidur) Adverb
- laki itu) ter-
The good results Are(merupakan) What we expected Clause(anak
(hasil-hasil yang (Apa yang kita kalimat)
baik itu) harapkan)

3) The cognate Object ( objek yang tidak sama asalnya, sifatnya atau artinya)
Cognate objects have five different forms:
a) congnate noun which is formed directly from the verb
- I slept a happy life
= Ia telah menempuh hidup yang bahagia
= Ia hidup Bahagia
b) congnate noun which is similar/same in meaning
- She went a long way
= ia pergi jauh

= Ia menempuh jalan yang jauh
c) delineation noun of congnate noun :
- The man ran a great risk
= The man ran a course of great risk
= pria itu menghadapi risiko yang besar
d) Adjectives that give characteristics congnate noun :
- He breathed his last. = He breathed his last breat
= Ia menarik napasnya yang penghabisan
e) cognate noun expressed by "it"
- We must fight it (=the fight) out to the end
= Kita harus berjuang mati - matian sampai akhir
4) Intrasitive verbs in causal sence (kata kerja intransitif dalam pengertian sebab-
If an intransitive verb is used in the sense of causing something to be done, it
becomes a transitive verb
Intransitif Transitif atau sebab - Musabab

Water boils (air mendidih) He boils the water (=causes it to boil)

= Ia memasak air itu

(=menyebabkannya mendidih)

Rice grows in the rice field He grows rice in the rice field.
( padi tumbuh di sawah) ( =cause it to grow)
= ia menanam padi di sawah
(=menyebabkan tumbuh)
The kite flew into the air. (layang-layang The boy flew the kite (=caused to fly)
itu terbang ke udara) = anak laki-laki itu menerbangkan
layang-layang itu (menyebabkannya

5) prepositional verbs ( kata kerja yang berposisi)

Intransitive verbs can be changed to transitive by adding a preposition to the

Such verbs can be considered transitive verbs only because they can be used in
passive sentences.
Example :
- She checks on baby every day (ia memeriksa bayi itu setiap hari) (Aktif)
- The baby is checked on by her every day (bayi itu diperiksa olehnya setiap
hari (pasif)
C) Auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu)
Auxiliary verbs are auxiliary verbs that are placed in front of the main verb to
form tense, grammatical form and mode.
Examples :can,could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would. Be (be, am,
is,are, was, were, been) do(do , did,does), have (have, has, had)
1) Can (dapat)
- can you spin a top ( Dapatkah anda bermain gasing)
- he can speak English ( ia dapat berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris)
2) May ( boleh;mungkin ;semoga)
- May i go now? (Bolehkah saya pergi sekarang? )
- Imay be late ( Mungkin saya terlambat)
3) Is
As an auxiliary verb it is used in passive sentences and present continuous
- I is admired by his friends ( Ia dikagumi teman-temannya)
4) Did
As an auxiliary verb it is used to form the past tense
-What movie did 't you see?( film apakah yang anda tonton)
5) Had
As an auxiliary verb it is used to form the past perfect tense and past perfect
- He had been watching television before i came (ia telah menonton televisi
sebelum saya datang)
6) Need
As an auxiliary verb it is used in denial sentences and interrogative sentence
- He needn't go (anda tak usah pergi)

- You needn't come at present (Ia tak perlu datang sekarang)
III. Usage Of Verbs (Penggunaan kata kerja)
1) Invinitive verbs( kata kerja asal /kata kerja bentuk I)
This verb is used in habitual sentences (simple present tense)
Example :
- He always sleeps late to finish is job ( Dia selalu tidur larut malam untuk
menyelesaikan pekerjaannya)
2)Preterite verbs (kata kerja bentuk ke II)
This second form of the verb is specifically used in sentences in the past (simple past
tense )
Example :
- She drank a glass of milk this morning (dia minum segelas susu pagi ini)
3) Past participle (kata kerja bentuk III)
This verb has 2 scopes of use, namely in the form (perfect tense) and also
(passive voice)
Example :
- I have finished my project this is afternoon (Saya telah menyelesaikan
proyek saya sore ini)
- She has cleaned her room(dia telah membersihkan kamarnya)

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